Chapter 465: Kunxu Secret Realm Killing Wasteland

“elder brother!”

I felt that the protective shield was familiar before the mess, and it was even more familiar to see the figure coming out of the protective shield.

However, in order to live up to own’s high-cold personality, she was afraid of admitting the wrong person, so she still did not go directly, but tentatively shouted.

It wasn’t until the figure turned her head that she dared to be sure that she was right!

Isn’t this my own Big Brother!

After confirming his identity, the nonsense immediately rushed over and got into Hu You’s arms: “Brother! I thought you lied to me before!”


Hu You was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that what he said was his last promise…the two would definitely come to the same area randomly.

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence. The first day did not come together randomly, and the second day we arrived at the Kunxu secret realm.

“How can this happen!”

Naturally, Hu Youyou would not admit that he had hit the big luck, but rubbed his head of mischief: “When did I lie to you, your brother?”


I hesitated for a while, and really started to forget: “When you were seven, you wanted to go to the women’s bathhouse and lied to me to take you in. When you were twelve, you lied to me and your stomach hurts. Take you to the school infirmary to talk to the school doctor Big sis. , When I was fifteen years old…”

“Enough is enough.”

Hu You immediately covered his nonsense mouth.

There are a lot of melon-eating crowds around now. If we continue, I don’t need the fame of Hu You!


Shang Yun also walked out at this time and looked at Hu You with a smile but a smile: “I still want to enter the women’s bath at the age of seven. I don’t think you are quite precocious!”


Hu You rolled his eyes, thinking about it, or explaining: “When I was a kid, I asked my mother when I could grow up, and whether I can enter the women’s locker room or the women’s bathhouse.

She told me when, ‘when you want to enter, you will grow up’.

At the age of seven, I naturally have to prove that I am a man~”

“…As expected of you, Mr. Hu.”

Another familiar voice sounded.

Hu You turned his head and saw that another acquaintance came from not far away… Charming!

“President Mei, it’s a coincidence.”

If this is the first day of this dimension, he and Gu Weiwei can be said to have arrived at a random place for three days.

This probability is really small.

“Hello President!”

Seeing Mei Mei’s face in the black armor, he immediately stands at attention and salutes!


After hearing this, Gu Weiwei deliberately turned her head and said hello to that Lin Xiaowu.

Then she walked in front of Hu You, looked at the nonsense around him and Shang Yun nodded to say hello, and then looked at Hu You: “Mr. Hu, do you know if you have time to talk?”


I heard from Shang Yun last night that if Tianen City is the site of Ling Sisi, then at least half of the Kunxu secret realm is owned by the Mercenary Association, and more than half of the Mercenary Association is Gu Wei. Wei’s.

Hu You naturally understands the relationship here.

“Then please…”

After Mei said, she walked forward on her own, led the way for a few people, and left here without participating in any ‘side-by-side game’.


The middle-aged bald head looked at Hu You’s leaving back, and even the light refracted above his head was full of curiosity: “Who is this? And Chairman Mei personally leads the way? Isn’t it just a little Mengxin from an F-level base area?”

“Then who knows.”

Lin Xiaowu shrugged and looked at the nine remaining people: “There are only nine left, and I don’t know if the frontline can withstand it.

But there is a guild leader here, so these three days should be fine, right? Three days later…

correct! ”

Lin Xiaowu seemed to have thought of something, raised his head and looked in the direction Mei was leaving, but then looked at the other nine people who were in line…

“Xiaowu, what’s the matter?”

Ji surnamed bald head and asked: “Why don’t I bring a message to the chairman, you will continue to hand over, anyway, I know what’s next.”

“Good too!”

Lin Xiaowu was not polite. After all, Uncle Ji was also a member of the Mercenary Association, so naturally he wouldn’t doubt anything.

But others…

Lin Xiaowu turned his eyes and immediately called up the chat channel and sent him the specific things: “Go and go, I will send you a private chat about the specifics!

Take a look on your way, and while they shouldn’t be far away by now, hurry up!

Come see me after the report! ”

Uncle Ji took out his notebook and glanced at him. He was visibly stunned and frowned soon: “How could this be…

Xiaowu, you really forgot a big event! ”

Just after complaining about Xiao Wu, Uncle Ji turned around and ran in the direction where the four of them were leaving, a trace of surprise and surprise flashed in his eyes.

That is to say, Hu You is not here, otherwise, seeing the look in his eyes just now, he will definitely think of another person.

Because of the same look, he saw it once last night, or from another person’s eyes.

Hu Yougang, led by Gu Weiwei, left the base area group and officially came to the only gathering place in the Kunxu secret realm-Killing Wilderness Pass.

The name is very vulgar, but very meaningful.

Because of the particularity of the Kunxu secret realm, all the survivors who are randomized here will be uniformly randomized to the same location.

Before the establishment of the Mercenary Association, this place was already a gathering place for survivors.

It’s just that the role at that time was very monotonous. It was nothing more than some old people in the Kunxu secret realm coaxing newcomers to spend, buying some expensive but useless garbage, or some weak people seeking warmth and grouping, or some aborigines who wanted to leave. Observing those survivors is good for bullying, forcibly occupying the base area and then going out with them.

But since the Mercenary Association took over here five years ago, things have changed differently.

The gathering place expanded from a few tents to a city gate, which not only expanded the scope of the gathering place dozens of times, but also standardized and unified the specific business.

It can be said to maximize the benefits of this Kunxu secret realm to the survivors.

After all, those who do logistics now didn’t really dare to go out and kill wild beasts before. Now they can earn resources as long as they do logistics, so why not do it?

But this Slaying Pass is not without its shortcomings…


Even if Mei took the three of them all the way, she would receive a lot of whistles.

Although this place was established by the Mercenary Association alone, how could the survivors be so peaceful?

Don’t look at just whistling.

Those who dare to whistle to Mei must dare to do anything to other people.

Hu You glanced around and found that apart from a few shops selling weapons, props, and daily necessities, there were only pubs in the building.

All kinds of pubs filled the streets, even in broad daylight, the air was full of alcohol!

As if worried about Hanyun City’s plan, Gu Weiwei took the initiative to get to Hu You: “Don’t worry, Mr. Hu, Kunxu secret realm is a bit special, Hanyun City will not become like this.”

“I know.”

Hu You was not surprised, just nodded: “The survivors have to stay for three days when they come to Kunxu secret realm, and there is no beast attack from 0 to 10 every day. This is also their rest time.

Just like it is now.

In two more hours, they won’t be so leisurely. ”

“It’s good for Mr. Hu to understand.” Gu Weiwei smiled.

She thought that this newcomer who had just come to Kunxu didn’t understand anything, but it seemed that she had done so.


He has only been here for three days, why did he start to understand the Kunxu secret realm?

A trace of doubt arose in Gu Weiwei’s mind, but it quickly disappeared.

Who can stop the curiosity of others?


Uncle Ji’s voice was not small, and it soon reached Gu Weiwei’s ears, as if there was something urgent to report: “President!

Wait for me! Xiaowu asked me to report to you! ”

Gu Weiwei stopped, but Hu You naturally didn’t continue walking.

“Old Ji, don’t be so anxious, say something slowly.”

Taking advantage of Gu Weiwei’s time to speak, that Uncle Ji ran right in front of him and spit out a name to Gu Weiwei who turned around…

“Luo Jin…”

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