"very curious?"

The man leaning against the wall suddenly turned his head and looked at him with a playful look: "You also have the same talent, so you want to know my abilities, right?"

He didn't show any anger, and it was hard for Fang Bo to continue causing trouble.

Compared with this kind of polite response, he preferred the kind that was instantly furious and vowed to kill him in the second assessment.

In this case, there will be another income coming in. Now Fang Bo is not afraid of fighting, but he is afraid that he can't find anyone when he wants to fight.

The violent soldier flow has been developed, and the confidence is so strong.

Seeing that he didn't want to speak, the man continued with an undiminished smile: "I think it's better for us to show each other our talents. To be honest, I'm quite curious about what your talents are."

"Okay." Fang Bo smiled like a flower and nodded excitedly in agreement: "Then let's start with you."

However, the other party did not do as he wished, and even offered to let Fang Bo demonstrate his talent first.

It's a pity that Xiao Fang is not stupid, how could he fall into such an idiotic trick.

Oh, if Ali were here, he might be really gullible.

The two old silver coins looked at each other, with tacit smiles on their faces.

The other party is not an easy person, so there is no need to fight to the death at this time. If you have that time, it is better to deal with other weak reincarnations.

Even if we really want to fight, we can wait until everything is settled.

The third game is the real collision between strong players. Now, every top player is thinking about how to score points.

Others don't know, but at least Fang Bo already has some ideas.

When the second test begins, he will go to the center as quickly as possible, then summon the shikigami and use the army of ghost spiders to set up a blockade.

You don't need them to kill the enemy, you just need to delay them until you get there.

At that time, all reincarnations blocked by him will not escape death.

This is Fang Bo's plan, simple and direct, with high feasibility.

Others can do the same, but it is very difficult to block the road, and it may not be easy to do without a large group of summons.

Another important point is that you must have very strong strength.

Otherwise, after successive fierce battles, it is not certain whether one's own safety can be guaranteed.

In this regard, Fang Bo has an advantage that no one can match.

The first is his army of ghost spiders.

Even if Fang Bo doesn't take action, Luo Xinfu has the ability to kill the reincarnation, and the ghost mother Yin Ji's combat power is also very excellent.

Second, Fang Bo's recovery technique can greatly enhance battery life.

Now he doesn't even need the giant brother Gui. He can just bring a ghost spider and restore his health continuously.

Third, Xiaofang's perception advantage is very strong, and the perception attribute of Shishenluo Bride is very high.

Each side occupies a corner and quietly waits for the prey to take the bait, so as to ensure that no enemy can quickly break through the defense zone.

Fourth, the children of the ghost mother Yin Ji can continue to evolve.

So far, the ghost spiders have only given birth to three second-level spider soldiers, and they are still far from being able to evolve all of them.

Not to mention, there are third-level troops with more powerful attributes. In other words, Fang Bo is a model of getting stronger with war.

As long as he doesn't meet that kind of unrivaled strong man, he has the capital to fight with anyone.

There are many factors that contribute to all this, among which the ghost mother Yin Ji plays a very important role.

Sometimes Fang Bo wonders, if she can obtain a more advanced evolution and become an SP-level shikigami, then whether she can breed more and stronger high-level soldiers.

For example, the fourth-level ghost spider, the fifth-level ghost spider, etc.

Perhaps by then, a single ghost spider will have terrifying properties that rival those of the reincarnator.

"Ascension of flesh and blood, it seems that we need to complete this destiny mission as soon as possible."

Hunting down nine ghost kings is easy to say, but you can imagine how difficult it is to actually do it.

Regardless of whether you can beat it or not, even if you simply look for it, you won't be able to find it in a short time.

"Unless I can enter the world of Onmyoji, I haven't seen Ryuno for a long time. I must have a good time with her when I go back."

There is no way, Fang Bo is such a reality.

Take the initiative to find someone, either to borrow money, or to hang out in the Onmyoji world.

Normally, I probably wouldn't even remember that I knew such a person.

Of course, the places you can go to are not just the Onmyoji world, but you can also choose from Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho.

He seriously doubted that he could fulfill his destiny even if he went to the Pokémon world.

As long as it is an "evil/ghost" Pokémon with a higher level, it is estimated that it can meet the mission standards of Flesh Ascension.

"If you put it that way, maybe the Digimon world is also good, and Vampire Monster can be regarded as the King of Ghosts."

Fang Bo sat there and began to think wildly.

On the other side, other examination rooms have ended their written tests one after another, and candidates who have passed the written test gradually begin to gather in the room.

It is worth mentioning that the previous mass fear technique eliminated more than 20 people. It is definitely an outstanding effect, but I don’t know which master is the mastermind.

As for whether these reincarnations were wronged, the examiners did not care.

Is it possible that when it comes to missions, you still expect the enemy to adhere to principles?

How to become a chuunin who can lead a team if he is unable to deal with emergencies.

Therefore, these reincarnators can only roll back to space in despair.

This mass fear technique is very strong, but the weight of mental judgment is very low.

According to the explanation of a certain reincarnation, during the previous riot, reincarnations with a spiritual attribute of ten points were basically immune to fear.

Maybe it was because he had to deal with too many people at the same time that his power dropped sharply, but the only way to win was to be surprised.

If they had been prepared in advance, I believe the reincarnators would never have eliminated so many people.

Points: 5

Looking at his poor points, Fang Bo wanted to drag that man out and beat him up.

There are more than 20 people missing at once. Do you know how many points you will lose invisibly?

One point is one merit point. Just thinking about Fang Bo makes me feel heartbroken.

"I hope no more accidents will happen." Xiao Fang began to pray silently.

Hearing his thoughts, Yaoyao came over at some point, tried her best to reach out and patted his arm and said: "Brother, if you are afraid, we can act together."

The little girl looks like I can cover you.

".You should take care of yourself first."

Fang Bo smiled helplessly, then turned his head and looked at the other candidates in the classroom.

Not only the reincarnations, but also the plot characters began to arrive one after another.

Nazuo, Rock Lee, Hyuga Neji, Sunagakure, the three siblings, and Kabuto Yakushi, who wears glasses and has a kind face.

Of course, the key figure in this plot is absolutely indispensable, Orochimaru who turned into a candidate for Kusagakure.

Looking around slowly, he found that the average age of the candidates was definitely 25+. Here, the Konoha youngsters were as childish and ridiculous as a group of babies.

After all, Konoha cannot replace everything. In the entire ninja world, chunin is the real mainstream.

Being able to become a chuunin means that you are a big shot who can stand alone.


It is the most precious treasure of every village, a real strategic weapon. If the plot does not always follow the protagonist, ordinary people may never see a few living jounin in their lifetime.


The sound of broken glass was heard, and the examiner of the second session, Anko Mitarashi, appeared.

As a student of Orochimaru, she looks different from normal people, which can be seen from the unique way she appears.

However, the reincarnations present have all seen the big world, and they have never seen any kind of mental illness. Hongdou can only be regarded as average.

The only bright spots are probably the two tumors on the chest and the bold and hot fishnet outfit.

"It must be very enjoyable to do it." The reincarnator couldn't help but lick the corner of his mouth.

The next second, Anko instantly flashed behind the opponent, inheriting Orochimaru's teleportation technique, which was very effective.

Several gray pythons crawled out from the cuffs and slowly wrapped themselves around the stiff man.

Anko Mitarashi in the plot is indeed not very good, but she is also a special jonin, and she is by no means comparable to a reincarnation whose single attribute has not reached the extreme value.

She was completely subdued without even reacting, which is enough to show how powerful she is.

"I'm curious, how enjoyable can you be?" Her tone was a little ambiguous.

But faced with the sharp teeth of the venomous snake, the man who had been so excited before was speechless and couldn't say a word.

"Hmph, you useless thing." Hongdou kicked the opponent into a corner, turned around and said coldly: "Follow me, now go to the new assessment location."

After saying that, she jumped out of the window. Others followed suit and even broke other windows and jumped outside.

"." Yamanaka Haiichi sighed and looked at each other with the other examiners and smiled bitterly.

"There's no other way, let's find someone to fix it."


On the way, Fang Bo would observe Orochimaru from time to time.

He found that the Sannin's mood was slightly elevated, and he didn't seem to care about his former disciple at all.

If you really want to say it, the plan for Konoha's collapse this time is actually quite sloppy.

If Fang Bo is allowed to plan, he can definitely bring in more combat power, at least he can't let the other four hidden villages take the blame for the whole process.

If more forces can be gathered, or information can be prevented from being leaked in advance, the final probability of success can be increased.

Speaking of which, Mitarai Anko's survival was actually the main reason for the leak of the plan.

Orochimaru temporarily softened his heart and let her go, but Fang Bo would not allow such a thing to happen.

In order to increase the success rate of the mission, he gave away epic weapons as soon as he said so. How could he allow someone to betray the plan in advance?

If Orochimaru can't do it, then let him handle Anko's affairs.

Just in time to use her for another war mission.

[War Mission 3: Kill 3 Jonin]

So far, he hasn't seen any success, but it doesn't matter, let Mitarai Anko be the first victim.

Everyone ran all the way and soon arrived at the location of the second exam, the Forest of Death.

Then Hongdou, as the examiner, told the rules about the second exam.

To put it simply, it is a match. Each team will be assigned a Sky Scroll or an Earth Scroll. Only when they collect them all and reach the central tower can they pass the level.

This process will test the ninja's intelligence gathering ability, tracking ability, combat ability, etc.

But for reincarnators, what everyone enjoys more is fighting.

Just hunt down a few people, and the treasure chests you harvest will be enough to complete a main quest.

For experts, the Death Forest is an excellent hunting ground.

In a word, don't let go of any enemy you encounter.

Even if a mouse passes by, it has to rush up and stomp on it hard.

"Then, I wish you all a happy journey." Hongdou smiled and announced the start of the assessment.

Entering a closed tent, Fang Bo received his Earth Scroll.

According to the assigned number, he and his teammates came to the "84" entrance to stand by.

There is a three-minute countdown. Once the time is up, you can enter the Death Forest.

Looking at the two plot characters beside him, Fang Bo said in a deep voice: "According to the prior plan, we will rush directly to the central tower."


"no problem."

The most brutal war is about to begin!

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