The atmosphere between the two was somewhat tense.

Perhaps feeling his vigilance, Uchiha Itachi suddenly took a step back and seemed to have given up on the interrogation.

Fang Bo breathed a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to leave, the unique croak of a crow rang in his ears.

Huo Ran looked up and saw that a large group of crows had gathered above, and everything around him began to twist irregularly.

In an instant, the sky fell and the earth fell.


He just swallowed the question "when". The top priority was to figure out the other party's intention.

After traveling thousands of miles back to Konoha Village, you can't just come here for yourself. It depends on what Uchiha Itachi wants to ask.

Soon, an unexpected figure appeared in front of him. It was Xie hiding in Fei Liuhu.

"Have you seen this person in Sunagakure's team?"

After hearing this, he finally understood Uchiha Itachi's purpose.

It turns out that this guy came to hunt down the traitors of the Akatsuki organization, but why did he find Konoha instead of going to Sunagakure Village?

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something.

After a long silence, Fang Bo slowly shook his head and said, "We don't have such a person in our team."

I don’t know if the other party believes it, but the surrounding scene has not changed at all.

Seeing this, Fang Bo tried to break the illusion himself.

He has also done some research on this aspect, at least he is not as helpless as others.

With a thought, the power of the curse seal began to spread throughout his body.

Then his mental power began to pour out in large quantities, and the illusion space around him began to tremble violently.


The crows seemed to be frightened and began to circle and dance in the sky, as if the whole world would completely collapse in the next second.

However, when Fang Bo's mental power was more than half consumed, he still failed to break Uchiha Itachi's illusion.

"Is the difference in strength too big?" He was silent for a moment, making a decision in his heart.

Golden lightning pierced the night sky, and the three giant brothers made a shining appearance.

Just because you are under an illusion does not mean that summoned beasts will also be affected. The enemy should be clearly visible in their eyes.

Of course, Fang Bo never counted on the three of them. Not being killed instantly would be regarded as a giant's outstanding performance.

What he really wanted was that golden lightning.

This thing is so conspicuous, it's impossible for the hidden ANBU members not to notice it.

When Konoha's official ninjas arrive, Uchiha Itachi, who is unwilling to harm the village, will naturally withdraw.

This means that the safety of Fangbo will also be guaranteed.

He sat alone in the illusion space, his face slightly solemn.

Since entering the world of Naruto, he has accomplished many incredible feats.

Under Fang Bo's control, even shadow-level experts were like puppets on strings and allowed to do whatever he wanted.

Although there is no pampering mentality, it can't help but relax a bit, and there is no longer the caution when entering at the beginning.

The appearance of Uchiha Itachi was completely unexpected. Facing the powerful Akatsuki Suzaku, he didn't even have a chance to fight with him.

The huge gap in strength made Fang Bo re-examine his plan.

After an unknown amount of time, the illusion world around him was shattered, and his consciousness returned to the real world.

But at this time, Fang Bo was no longer on the original street, but was carried directly to the ANBU interrogation room.

Standing in front of him was a man in a trench coat wearing a ninja hat and his face covered with scars.

This person is none other than the captain of the Konoha Torture Department, Morino Ihiki.

"Now I'm asking you questions, do you understand?" he said.

The cold murderous aura on the man's body, as well as the ominous-looking Xing Jue around him, can instantly scare some timid people out of their wits.

However, Fang Bo would not have what he wished for.

Just as he was about to mention the name of Otoyin Village, he suddenly thought of something and nodded silently to express his understanding.

"Who did you just meet?"

Hearing this, Fang Bo described the matter completely, but concealed some key information.

He revealed the existence of Uchiha Itachi, but concealed the true purpose of this traitorous ninja coming to Konoha Village.

The reason for taking action against him became to find out information about Uzumaki Naruto.

"Maybe he saw that I was a candidate and guessed that I might know the kid who used the clone technique." Fang Bo started to grin.

The key to the credibility of these words is very high. During this period, Jiraiya had already noticed the existence of the Akatsuki organization.

These guys are naturally here to capture the tailed beasts, which is a perfect reason.

Next, the strong men on Konoha's side will definitely focus their attention on this S-class rebellious ninja, and their defenses against Sunagakure and Otogakure will be greatly reduced.

The truth about Uchiha Itachi is only known to a few high-ranking officials. To most Konoha ninjas, this person is a butcher who kills human desires.

If left alone, God knows what kind of disaster it will bring to the village.

After a few simple questions and answers, Morino Ihiki confirmed the identity of the intruder.

He winked, and then he suddenly lowered his upper body and moved in front of Fang Bo. His eyes were as sharp as knives: "Tell me, is Anko Mitarashi the killer?"

Without answering the other party's question, Fang Bo raised his head with a smile and looked directly into the other party's eyes: "If I remember correctly, I am the victim. Is your current attitude to protect the rebellious people in this village?"

"What I'm asking you now is another thing!" Morino Ibixi's tone became more and more fierce.

It's a pity that Fang Bo, who has been interacting with people on the Internet all year round, has already mastered several key essences of quarrels.

First, you must never follow the rhythm of others.

If you say I killed Hongdou, then just show me the evidence and beat me to death.

You must not explain blindly, otherwise you will fall into other people's traps.

Second, if you realize that the topic is not good for you, you will immediately seize a certain point of the other party and attack it desperately.

It doesn't matter even if it's a little messy, you just want to "label" the other party's behavior.

Just like he insisted, as long as you interrogate me, you just want to obscure the previous attack, and even shirk the responsibility of your ANBU.

If it still doesn't work, then you can only use your ultimate move.

"Are you specifically targeting candidates from other villages?" Fang Bo said in a faint tone: "I will publicize this matter. Konoha specifically targets candidates from other villages for the sake of results."

"Perhaps, you Konoha want to use this method to cover up the decline. If the news spreads, maybe all the forces will have a new view of you."

As the saying goes, everyone speaks louder than others, no matter whether something is true or false, when everyone agrees on an answer, the false will become true.

This is what Konoha is most afraid of now. If the war restarts, it is still unknown whether they can defeat a strong village like Kumogakure.

Putting aside everything else, two perfect Jinchuuriki are enough for Konoha to drink a pot.

Fang Bo's words hit the mark. If he were allowed to cause trouble, the harm to Konoha might be more serious than imagined.

The most important thing is that Morino Ihiki doesn't dare to do anything to others.

The governing style of the three generations was too weak.

In order to maintain peace, even the head of the Hyuga clan is willing to sacrifice, let alone a mere special jounin.

Since everyone is dead, don't bring any negative impact to the village.

As the leader of the Dove Faction, the Third Hokage seeks stability in everything, and he will never take the lead in taking action even if he knows that Sunagakure Village has bad intentions.

When you hit me, I will fight back with a gentlemanly attitude.

The interrogator, who understood this, changed his attitude after a moment of silence, gave him a few words of comfort and then let him go.

When Fang Bo was sent away, he suddenly looked back at Morino Ihiki with a serious look on his face.

"We'll see you again."

He was caught for no reason, and Fang Bo would definitely let him know if there was a chance.

How did Mitarashi Anko die in her own hands?


A lot of things happened tonight, and Fang Bo was ready to pack up and go to bed.

But when he opened the door, he immediately discovered the "body" lying on the ground.

"Chiyo-sama, please stop making trouble." Xiao Fang was a little helpless. It seemed that he was destined to have a bad rest tonight.

The person lying on the ground was the old woman Chiyo.

"Hey, you've discovered all this. The young man has a future." Chiyo stood up tremblingly and sat down on the chair.

After struggling for a long time, she finally expressed her thoughts.

"I want Scorpion to become the fifth Kazekage." The old woman said astonishingly.

"Oh." Fang Bo didn't have any surprises. Judging from the current situation, there seems to be no better candidate than the Red Sand Scorpion.

Regarding the experience of the Akatsuki organization, one can completely cover up the past with the behavior of a "spy", and maybe even become a hero worshiped by others.

No way, sometimes reality is so ridiculous.

After a moment of silence, Fang Bo asked with common sense: "Has he figured it out yet?"

"That's right." He nodded happily, and Chiyo stretched out, but his eyes were always fixed on him: "So I was thinking that I would take this opportunity to bring Scorpion back to the public eye. .”

Use his achievements in destroying Konoha to help him rise to power?

The old woman's wishful thinking was loud and clear.

"You are now the liaison between Sunagakure and Otogakure. I hope you can help him a little." Chiyo finally expressed his thoughts.

However, she still didn't know that the pursuers of the Akatsuki organization had already arrived in Konoha Village.

Although Uchiha Itachi couldn't bear to attack Konoha, but try changing the target to other hidden villages?

One Amaterasu can make the red sand scorpion rise to the sky.

Without the Third Kazekage in hand, Scorpion's combat effectiveness dropped by half, not to mention that even the hundred-machine drill was completely lost.

In this case, it is impossible to defeat Uchiha Itachi with just the combat power of his body.

Interrupting the old woman's excitement, Fang Bo explained everything before.

When he heard that a pursuer was coming, but the other party single-handedly slaughtered a ruthless member of the Uchiha clan, Chiyo immediately lost his composure.

As a result, before she could express her thoughts, the second uninvited guest reached out and pushed open the window.

Under the bright moonlight, the man with short red hair was the Red Sand Scorpion.

"I didn't expect it would be Itachi, I thought"

As he spoke, he paused for a moment, then turned over from the window and said in a slightly serious tone: "Before the operation begins, we must deal with the pursuers."

"Help me."

[No. 14552 triggers a hidden mission, the pursuer of the Akatsuki organization! 】

[Mission introduction: Payne will not let go of Scorpion as a traitor, you must help him. 】

[Task requirement: Defeat two members of the Akatsuki organization. 】

[Tip: Never doubt the strength of the S-class rebel ninja, try to use all the help you can get. 】

"Good guy." Fang Bo secretly rejoiced, but on the surface he seemed a little embarrassed: "I don't have enough strength, so I can only think of a solution from the side."

The hidden mission came to him. Although the risk was high, he was willing to give it a try.

After all, Uchiha Itachi is not Uchiha Madara, and there are many people in Konoha who can deal with him now.

If you're lucky, you might even be able to kill it.

Just as he was trying to figure out how to divert the trouble to the east, he saw the Red Sand Scorpion extending his hand in front of him.

"I need a puppet suitable for control. Let me borrow your puppet first."

[The plot character Scorpion asks you for the equipment "Yuan 10 Type". Do you accept the request? 】

Is this the hand-in-hand party?

Xiao Fang was shocked.

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