Looking at the smoke filling the front, the three reincarnations slowly gathered together.

Without receiving a prompt from the space, Emiya Shido knew that the detonating talisman trap failed to kill the opponent.

"Life is so tough." He sneered in his heart, but looked at the middle-aged woman beside him.

He was okay against women, but not so effective against men.

Of course, occasionally a few men will be captured by "love", but the number is relatively rare.

If you want to kill Uchiha Sasuke, you have to rely on the old woman next to you in the end.

"Leave it to me." The eyes of her beloved little one filled her with energy.

Pulling out a long knife from the space, dark purple energy began to gradually surround the blade.

A slash was thrown out, cutting through the smoke in an instant, and the sharp blade went straight towards Sasuke.

However, at this moment, Erzhuzi is no longer what he used to be, and it is impossible to look at him with the same eyes as before.

Mastering Locke Li's regular speed means that he has agility attributes that surpass all reincarnations.

Although the slash was fast, it was not as fast as his movement speed.

By the time the three of them recovered from their surprise, Sasuke had already placed the unconscious Haruno Sakura in his arms far away.

After a few simple seals, a harsh chirping sound suddenly echoed through the sky.

Looking at the real Thunder Chakra, Shidao Emiya's heart sank, and he suddenly realized the danger of today's action.

The other two reincarnations were waiting, but he moved towards the rear without leaving a trace.

To be able to live freely in the reincarnation space for so long, talent and thick skin are the same thing, and his cautious character also helps him avoid a lot of risks.

Recalling the opponent's performance in the play-offs, he knew that Uchiha Sasuke had not yet shown his full strength.

The normal state is so powerful. If the strange amplification ability is activated later, even if the three of them join forces, they may not be able to defeat each other.

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time." Emiya Shidao retreated faster.

But no matter how fast he steps, he can't match the speed of Chidori's sprint.

The two reincarnations tried their best to block it, but the enemy had very powerful insight and managed to avoid all the oncoming attacks.

Accompanied by the piercing chirping of birds, Sasuke's palm penetrated the enemy's heart.

[You are attacked by Sasuke's Chidori, causing 286 points of critical damage. 】

The heart suffered nearly 300 points of fatal damage, and reincarnators who were not top-level MTs would almost die instantly.

The man didn't look like a defensive warrior, so his only end was to be killed instantly by Sasuke.

Dodging the slashes swung by the woman, Sasuke did some flexible backflips to widen the distance between them.

The familiar chirping of thousands of birds came again, and he had no intention of showing mercy to the enemy in front of him.

If it hadn't been for the huge increase in speed, neither he nor Sakura could have escaped from the detonating talisman trap just now.

The enemy has strong killing intent, so Sasuke will naturally attack with all his strength.

"Awaken!" He started sprinting again.

The woman holding the knife was very nervous, as if she had a premonition of her end.

At this critical moment of life and death, what she was thinking about was not how to escape, but how to buy time for her beloved man to escape.

Purple-black lightning surrounded the blade, and the woman slashed the strongest sword at the enemy without fear.

Earthquake God Thunder Fang!

"I will never let him hurt you."

Continuously sliding down the steep cliff, Emiya Shidou walked away without looking back.

There were many women who died for him, and that old woman was not the first and she would not be the last.

At first he was a little moved, but as time went by he gradually became numb. Now nothing matters more than his own life.

However, life is not something you can keep just by thinking about it.

Uchiha Sasuke's threat is gone, but it doesn't mean that he can sit back and relax from now on.

As a small dot on the horizon continued to enlarge, Emiya Shido's expression gradually became serious.

The worst thing happened, he met a reincarnation who was not from his own camp.

When the Samsara flying in the air appeared in front of him, Shidao Emiya's heart suddenly became much heavier, because he recognized the other person's appearance.

The scene of violently killing Victor is still vivid in my mind. I am not even as good as a mechanically modified human being. Once I do it, I will probably not be able to last for more than a minute.

Thinking of this, Shidou Emiya suddenly exuded a charming charm. If he were a woman, he would probably be confused on the spot.

It's a pity that the man in the sky has no mood swings from beginning to end.

It wasn't that his talent failed, but that Fang Bo's attention was not on this person at all.

Despite the confrontation, his attention was entirely focused on Sasuke.

Because the memory armor is copying the opponent's Chidori.




When the copying progress reached 100%, Fang Bo finally withdrew his gaze and looked at the posing male reincarnator in front of him.

Golden ripples rippled, and five weapons were launched at the same time, making it impossible for the opponent to resist at such a close distance.

[Your Noble Phantasm caused 28 points of damage to No. 10947]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 34 points of damage to number 10947]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 22 points of damage to number 10947]

Three Noble Phantasms hit, causing a total of 84 points of damage.

The man's roar came from the smoke, and the other person seemed to be extremely excited.

Vaguely, Fang Bo seemed to hear some strange words.

Words like dominance, unworthiness, women and men.

"Weird guy."

The five-second cooling period passed in an instant, and the King's Treasure House appeared around Fang Bo again.

He liked the feeling of being able to kill enemies without using his hands more and more.

Once you learn how to control the rosary beads, you don't even have to control the puppets yourself.

Just stand there with your hands in your pockets and you can defeat all enemies.

Whether you are strong or not is a temporary matter, but whether you are cool or not is a lifelong belief.

"No, you can't kill me, I want to dominate reincarnation."

Before he could finish his sentence, Emiya Shidou received the second round of Noble Phantasm salvo.

The two rounds combined knocked out more than 200 drops of his blood, but in the end, this guy had no idea of ​​dying.

"The strength is very good, and the health value is quite generous."

Just as he was sighing, a pink chain suddenly pierced through the thick smoke, binding Fang Bo in the air as if alive.

[You are subject to the restraint effect of the anode lock, and the strength attribute is being judged and the characteristics and abilities are being judged]

[You are restrained for ten seconds and cannot move, use equipment, or use props]

"Huh?" Fang Bo was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the enemy would still retain such a skill.

If it had been used right from the beginning, well, the man would still be unable to escape the blow of the Noble Phantasm.

Bound by the anode lock, Fang Bo could not move or use equipment, but it did not mean that his skills would be affected.

Emiya Shidou had just run out not far when golden ripples appeared again above his head.

"Wait!" He yelled hastily, trying to use information to save his life.

In order to pursue the Sharingan, several people used their merit points to extend their stay on the space battlefield.

Even if they fail to advance to the third round, they can still move freely in the Naruto world.

This is an incidental ability that comes with advancing to a certain level in the military rank.

It's okay if I don't get the things now, but I can't lose my life here.

Emiya Shido wanted to use the intelligence of Kumogakure's camp to buy his life, but unfortunately he misjudged the other party's murderous intention.

At this point, the information in the man's mouth was no longer valuable.

What's more, Fang Bo still has unfinished work and has no time to listen to the other party's nonsense.

He wanted to inform Sasuke about Uchiha Itachi before Kakashi appeared, otherwise there would be no way to lead to what happened next.

Compared to the work at hand, the information Emiya Shidou said was not worth mentioning at all.

Soon, the Noble Phantasms fell one after another, completely nailing the enemy to the ground.

"Die with your secret, bastard."

[You kill the enemy space reincarnation and get a personal killing treasure chest]

[You get 3 battlefield points]

With another three points gained, Fang Bo's personal points have reached ninety-six points, currently ranking second in the battlefield rankings.

Number one on the list is still Akazo, the Konoha camp reincarnator with devil fruit abilities.

This guy's points are as high as 109 points, which shows how many reincarnations have died in his hands.

If you want to reach the top, you must find an opportunity to kill the opponent.

After killing so many reincarnations, the opponent's pockets must be extremely rich.

After leaving the space battlefield, there will no longer be such a good opportunity to obtain large plot points and meritorious deeds.

As long as he meets the reincarnation, Fang Bo will never let anyone go, except of course his own members.

After taking a look at the situation over there, Fang Bo decided to open the man's box first.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 10947]

[You get 1550 plot points]

[You get 6 Yang-tonifying, Kidney-tonifying and Tooth-Gutting Pills]

[You get an anode lock]

Yang-tonifying, kidney-tonifying and tooth-strengthening pills: Double the vitality of your kidney organs.

"What a mess, so boring."

After putting the things in his pockets, Fang Bo looked at the real harvest of this treasure chest.

Name: Anode lock

Level: Epic

Category: Off-hand weapons

Durability: 190/190

Attribute enhancement: Strength +2, Constitution +2

Conditions of use: Strength 18, Constitution 16

Equipment effect: restraint

Place of Origin: Saiyouji

Equipment evaluation: Don't try to tie up Hercules, curiosity will kill you.

Binding (active skill): Based on the strength attributes of both parties, a binding restriction of up to ten seconds can be given.

See epic weapons and equipment again.

Ever since I stepped into the space battlefield, it feels like these things have started to appear all over the place.

But it's not surprising if you think about it carefully. Every reincarnation that Fang Bo killed was a strong man who came out of many difficulties step by step.

After countless missions and accumulation, it is normal to have one or two good pieces of equipment on hand.

Everyone who has survived till now has a way to deal with danger, but unfortunately, they encountered a more powerful reincarnation.

Taking the anode lock in his hand, Fang Bo transformed it into a Noble Phantasm.

From this moment on, the King's Treasure is not just an offensive skill. If the opportunity is right, it can completely restrain the enemy.

The premise is that his strength attribute must be improved, otherwise the restraint time will be ridiculously low.

Plot points: 18284 (3000 foreign debt)

After looking at the current plot point, Fang Bo smiled brightly and climbed to the top of the cliff happily.

There, Uchiha Sasuke had killed the enemy and was taking care of Sakura, who was seriously injured.

Seeing him approaching, Erzhu stared at him for a moment and then asked: "Why are you here? Don't say that you met him by chance."

"Of course I'm here to find you."

Ignoring the young man's wariness, Fang Bo continued to explain yesterday's experience.

"I heard that you and that person are brothers. I wonder if you would like to join hands with me for revenge." This was the excuse Fang Bo found.

Because he was not angry at Uchiha Itachi's oppression, he found Sasuke, who was also from the Uchiha clan, to join forces for revenge.

It sounds very reasonable, at least it makes sense logically.


"Itachi!!!" Sasuke's eyes widened, his face filled with unforgettable hatred.

There is also a trace of undetectable fear.

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