"what happened?!"

Orochimaru became unusually nervous.

In his mind, Senju Hashirama is the most powerful existence in the world, and he should have overthrown Konoha Village.

But who can tell him why he can't sense the existence of the first generation of dirt now?

He raised his head as hard as he could and let the Kusanagi sword slowly come out of his throat. With the artifact in hand, he finally calmed down completely.

"The old man must have done something."

In a matter of moments, his connection with the Second Hokage was also severed.

But it doesn't matter, he still has many, many dirty earth bodies, and he can summon as many as he wants.

"You are the one who is going to lose after all!"

Orochimaru and Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was holding the Vajra Rod, began a close-range fight.

On the other side, Jiraiya finally completed his immortal transformation.

He first seriously injured the one-tailed jinchūriki, successfully re-sealed Shukaku, and then chased the ghost king Kimimaro for a crazy output.

Even though Kimimaro is very powerful, no matter how strong he is, he can't be stronger than Jiraiya in the form of a sage.

He was originally one of the three ninjas and was at the top of the ninja world. Coupled with the help of senjutsu chakra, his true combat power has reached the peak of the shadow level.

What is this concept?

An ordinary Kage-level warrior would not be able to last for more than a few rounds in front of the immortal Jiraiya.

As strong as the Ghost King Kimimaro, he only relies on his recovery ability to deal with the enemy.

"Kimimaro, let me help you!"

As a familiar voice sounded, Zhongwu landed between the two of them with a bang.

As he entered the second stage of the Curse Seal, Jonggo released all his murderous intent, and his whole person changed drastically from his appearance to his personality.

"Kill you, I will kill you now!!!"

With 100% of his murderous intent released, Jugo has a combat power comparable to that of a Kage.

In the face of such terrifying strength, he has the confidence to completely crush everything.

However, Jiraiya soon proved with his actions that it is okay to be confident, but don't be blind.

One shot of the super-large Jade Rasengan immediately knocked down the killing intent Chongwu, and even his body, which was said to be able to repair itself, was somewhat unable to withstand it.

If Kimimaro hadn't taken action in time, it's still unclear what consequences he would have faced.

"Be careful, the enemy's strength is very difficult." Kimimaro originally wanted his friend to act cautiously and calmly analyze the enemy's weaknesses.

But when he noticed Orochimaru's situation, all his bullshit calmness was instantly thrown out of his mind.

Kimimaro wanted to rush over to rescue him, but unfortunately he couldn't break through Sage Jiraiya's blockade.

Even if two people join forces, it won't work.

"Get out of here!" Kimimaro was angry.

The source of his anger was because the situation with Orochimaru was already very bad.

It is true that the Kusanagi sword is unparalleled in its sharpness, and even the wish-fulfilling stick, which is said to be indestructible, can withstand damage.

But Orochimaru ignored Sarutobi Hiruzen's determination.

Even as the sharp blade penetrated his body, he reached out and grabbed his disciple's arm.

"It's over, Orochimaru."

Sealing Technique·Ghoul Seal!

The God of Death appeared behind him, his hand passed through Sarutobi Hiruzen's body, and slowly reached into Orochimaru's body.

The kind of coldness that penetrated into the bone marrow made the usually calm Orochimaru panic.

Under normal circumstances, Sarutobi Hiruzen could quickly seal the enemy's soul, but the two sides were uncharacteristically in a stalemate.

After a long time, only a sigh was heard, and the dying Sandai changed the target of the seal.

"Orochimaru, I take away your hands. From now on, you will not be able to use ninjutsu."

"For you who are determined to learn all ninjutsu, this may be the best punishment."

As soon as he finished speaking, the God of Death's dagger suddenly swung down.

seal up!

"Ah, what have you done?!" Orochimaru roared angrily.

Unfortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen was no longer able to answer him.

After standing in silence for a long time, Orochimaru regained his composure and suddenly sneered: "Teacher, it seems that I have let you down again."

As he spoke, he took out the Death Mask from the Uzumaki Shrine.

His eyes looked around at the people around him, and finally locked on Kimimaro's perfect body.

"Very well, now is the time I need your sacrifice."

He lost the ability to perform ninjutsu, but he could still control the Kusanagi sword.

When Jiraiya was unprepared, Orochimaru scratched his former teammate's arm and came to stand behind Kimimaro.

"I'm going to unseal my hands, and then it's your turn to fulfill your duties as a container."

Hearing this, even the murderous Jugo couldn't help but fell silent. Only Kimimaro showed an unusually fanatical attitude.

Seeing this, Orochimaru smiled and put the mask on his face, and then cut open his abdomen with a skillful knife.

Under Jiraiya's silent gaze, the teacher's hands sealed with life were taken back by Orochimaru.

"You have really fallen to this level."

Ignoring the murmur at the end of the crane, Orochimaru was seriously injured at the moment. If he didn't think of a way to escape, he would be killed by the God of Death.

"Kimimaro!" The big white phosphorus snake came out of its mouth.

"Come on, I'm ready." The young man opened his arms like a pilgrim.

Even though he was very uncomfortable, even if he still had a slight nostalgia for the world, he unswervingly chose to hand over his body to Lord Orochimaru.

Because in the hearts of young people, only that person in the world understands and identifies with himself.

The meaning of his existence is also to make that adult happy.

Just like what Gaara said, people will fight for the important people, even if to themselves, the important people are not all kind-hearted existences.

Even if you know the other person is evil, sometimes you can't change that.

People cannot defeat loneliness.

Just two minutes, to some people, seems like a lifetime.

The same is true for Jilai, and the same is true for Chongwu.

Both of them accepted the death of their best friend and teacher, and just waited for Orochimaru to recover before starting a new round of fighting.

However, something unexpected happened.

Kimimaro, who was waiting to die, suddenly felt the unprecedented joy of the cells in his body.

He didn't understand what was going on, but he instinctively felt a sense of fear.

"No, what are you doing, stop it!!!" Orochimaru's voice rang in his mind.

But Kimimaro didn't understand what was happening at all. He only felt warm and comfortable all over his body, making him want to sleep peacefully.

This was the first time since he became a demon that he felt "warmth".

By accident, he became completely addicted to it. When the young man regained consciousness, he found that the cells in his body were already full of energy.

The feeling as if the whole world could be crushed with just a little force made Kimimaro feel extremely uneasy.

"Lord Orochimaru?"

There was no response, as if the big white phosphorus snake didn't exist in his body at all.

After reacting, Kimimaro was completely panicked. A guess arose in his mind, but the young man was a little reluctant to accept it.

"I, am I"

At this time, the two people beside him also noticed something unusual.

Jugo, who had returned to his normal state, looked at him carefully, a strong joy flashed in his eyes: "You are still Kimimaro, right?"

However, what answered him was a roar.


He looked at his hands in disbelief.

He thought he could become a container for adults, but he was horrified to find that he seemed to have underestimated the evil ghost cells in his body.

To him, the White Phosphorus Snake is like a personal ginseng fruit, and he simply cannot control his instinctive urge to eat.

To put it simply, Kimimaro in turn swallowed Orochimaru whole.

Body, flesh and blood, chakra, everything was completely swallowed up by the cells.

Because the energy expanded so much, even his strong body like a ghost king was unable to bear it.

Kimimaro needed to release, not just the surge of chakra, but he also needed to vent the anger in his heart.


As the ground exploded, Kimimaro suddenly arrived in front of the enemy.

A punch wrapped in hard bones was thrown out, and Sage Jiraiya instinctively raised his arms to defend himself.

When the two parties came into contact, Fukasaku Sennin's reminder finally sounded: "Little Jiraiya, be careful, this guy is very strong."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was punched away by his opponent.

The dignified descendant of Miaomu Mountain was unable to withstand the enemy's punch.

After flying two kilometers away, Jiraiya finally fell to the ground.

The immortal transformation was lifted, and he was seriously injured by Kimimaro's angry blow.

"Boy, get up quickly." Shima Sennin's tone revealed panic, and his frog hand pointed into the distance: "If you don't leave, it will be too late."

One person and one frog turned their heads and discovered that countless bone forests were frantically emerging from the ground.

Corpse Veins·Super Early Fern Dance!

This is Kimimaro's unique move full of anger, and it is also the best expression of his strength.

In just three minutes, the Bone Forest covered most of Konoha Village, causing countless casualties, including many extremely powerful ninjas.

Some people wanted to stop them, but they couldn't find any trace of the enemy.

In the end, I could only watch the Leaf Village being destroyed.

[You have greatly changed the fate of Konoha Village]

[You get a destiny token]

With another fate token in hand, Fang Bo knew that Kimimaro had succeeded after all.

He also received a reminder that the continuous hidden mission was completed.

But now there is a problem. The Bone Forest has not stopped growing, and he has also fallen into the range of indiscriminate attacks.

As a last resort, Fang Bo could only activate the suspension acceleration effect and run away first.

After running all the way for a long time, the space judged that he successfully escaped from the battle and found the prompt to leave the plot world.

[This space war is over and we will return to the reincarnation space in three minutes! 】

【Countdown 02:59】

【Countdown 02:58】

【Countdown 02:57】

There is no so-called task settlement in space war, and the points he obtains are all rewards.

Of course, more things actually lie in the personal imprint.

When you go back and sell the things, you will earn a lot of plot points.

“Applications come back immediately.”

Along with the faint white light, Fang Bo's figure gradually disappeared into the world of Naruto.

Shortly after he left, Sunagakure Village, which suffered heavy losses, also retreated.

It was impossible not to leave, because members of the root began to dominate the battle.

Both sides suffered heavy losses in this battle. Since they failed to destroy Konoha, Sunagakure turned all the blame on Orochimaru.

Saying that he attacked the Kazekage and planned the attack, Sunagakure expressed his condolences to the members of both sides who died in the battle.

In response, Konoha behaved like the strongest hidden village and sent representatives to hold peace talks with Sunagakure.

During the dinner, both parties strongly condemned Otogakure's actions and promised to pursue subsequent war compensation.

Under the watchful eye of countless forces, Sunagakure and Konoha signed a peace treaty, and the two sides have since become loyal allies moving forward side by side.

Soon after, Scorpion, who had repeatedly made military exploits, became the fifth generation Kazekage.

In Konoha, Shimura Danzo, who successfully saved the crisis, gained the trust of the daimyo and villagers and became the legitimate fifth generation Hokage.

The villagers angrily criticized the Third Hokage for his inaction, and even proposed that he be completely removed.

However, this proposal was ultimately rejected by the Fifth Hokage personally.

As for Kimimaro's whereabouts, many people are secretly investigating.

Some people want to kill him for revenge, and some careerists are eyeing his terrifying strength.

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