Opening his personal panel, Fang Bo prepared for a wave of skill enhancements.

A space war made him rich instantly. After strengthening his skills, his personal combat power will be further improved.

"The first is the Yin Seal. This thing needs to be strengthened by at least two levels."

[Successfully upgraded skills, Yin Seal LV1-LV2, consuming 2000 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, Yin Seal LV2-LV3, consuming 3000 plot points. 】

As soon as I clicked to confirm the upgrade, the plot points disappeared like water.

Passive skill: Yin Seal LV3 (storage 20 points of mental power)

Plot points: 23384

"Can you increase 5 points for each level?"

For reincarnations who take the spiritual route, the Yin Seal is the ultimate temptation.

If his control wasn't strong enough, Fang Bo would have wanted to invest all the plot points in one go.

Fortunately, he was sober enough and finally resisted the temptation to achieve mental freedom.

Other skills are still waiting to be upgraded, not to mention that even if all the remaining plot points are invested, they will not be able to upgrade a few levels.

In terms of cost performance, it is better to improve other skills. For example, first highlight the two skill entries of King's Treasure.

[Successfully upgraded skills, King's Treasure LV1-LV2, consuming 800 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, King's Treasure LV2-LV3, consuming 1200 plot points. 】

Level 3 effect: In the same frequency, one point of mental power can summon two Noble Phantasms at the same time.

"Huh?" Fang Bo was more or less surprised when he looked at the effect given by the third level.

He thought it was an effect that increased damage, but he didn't expect it to be a skill entry that reduced mental energy consumption.

After thinking for a while, he found that the "same frequency" effect was very good.

There are currently eight treasure phantoms in the treasure house, and each use consumes a full eight points of spiritual power.

If the special effects of the equipment are activated, such as Yanyue Qinglong's "Sword Qi Dragon Slash", there will be an additional four points of mental power consumption.

It is equivalent to saying that one round is a full twelve points of mental power, and it only takes three rounds of attacks to completely hollow out Fang Bo.

In the future, he will continue to obtain Noble Phantasms, and the skill consumption will definitely be further enhanced. No matter how much mental power he has, it will not be enough.

It can be said that the same frequency effect comes at the right time. With its existence, the cost of using the Noble Phantasm will be directly reduced by half.

It only takes four points of spiritual power to complete a volley of eight Noble Phantasms.

Greatly enhanced his sustained combat capabilities.

With the good harvest, Fang Bo is even more looking forward to the next upgrade.

[Successfully upgraded skills, King's Treasure LV3-LV4, consuming 1600 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, King's Treasure LV4-LV5, consuming 2000 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, King's Treasure LV5-LV6, consuming 2400 plot points. 】

Level 6 effect: King's Power, enhances the final damage effect of the Noble Phantasm (10 points).

Plot points: 15384

The final damage of each weapon will be increased by ten points, which means that his current seven offensive Noble Phantasms can increase the strike damage by a total of seventy points.

In a world of difficulty one, most of the reincarnations without physical specialties would not have more than two hundred health points.

The additional damage alone is enough to take away a third of their lives.

Even though the improvement of a single Noble Phantasm is very small, it is actually enough to allow them to instantly kill the enemy in one round.

Especially for the mythical Kusanagi Sword, a single basic attack will cause more than 80 points of damage. If it triggers a critical hit, it can almost kill someone instantly.

Name: King's Treasure


Grade: A

Weapon storage capacity: 8 (Great Sword "Ximena", Yanyue Qinglong, Element Shattering Hammer, Shadow Moon Fork, Thunder God's Sword, Anode Lock, Blood Moon Battle Ax, Kusanagi Sword)

Effect: Transform weapons above the epic level into treasure, driving them to attack enemies.

Conditions of use: 1 point of mental power is consumed each time it is opened.

Learning conditions: Spirit 30, Perception 25

Place of Origin: Fate/Stay Night

Skill evaluation: You have unparalleled suppression ability. Whether your skills are strong or not has a lot to do with your financial resources.

Level 3 effect: On the same frequency, one point of mental power can summon two treasures at the same time.

Level 6 effect: King's Power, enhances the final damage effect of the Noble Phantasm (10 points)

After admiring the current skill effects, to be honest, if Yaoyao and the others hadn't left, Fang Bo would have wanted to find a real person to try out the current damage output.

Looking at the remaining fifteen thousand plot points, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to upgrade, and turned his attention to the skill recovery technique that had been with him for a long time.

The success of this space war is absolutely inseparable from its silent contribution.

It is inconspicuous at ordinary times, but at critical moments it can be used to save lives.

I originally wanted to upgrade it to the full level as soon as I came back, but now that there are two more big consumers, I can only temporarily upgrade it to level nine to see what changes can be derived.

[Successfully upgraded skills, recovery skill LV6-LV7, consuming 2800 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, recovery skill LV7-LV8, consuming 3200 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, recovery skills LV8-LV9, consuming 3600 plot points. 】

Name: Heal


Grade: B

Effect: Help the target recover 170% of its health by burning its own life.

Conditions of use: consume 2 points of mental power

Learning conditions: Spirit 15

Place of Origin: Restoration Warlock’s Restart Life

Skill evaluation: The pain of the restored object will be completely instilled in the caster in an instant, with unimaginable pain.

Level 3 effect: plunder, consume 3 points of mental power, and absorb the target's health through continuous touch. (7 points per second)

Level 6 effect: Deterioration, consumes 3 points of mental power, ignores the target's resistance, and imparts the negative status of broken tendons, burning, and vulnerability.

Level 9 effect: Absorb, by experiencing the target's pain, you can continue to gain experience in a certain basic skill.

After reaching level nine, it undergoes the following changes:

The mental consumption is reduced to 2 points, and the effect of helping others to restore life is increased by 30%.

The number of plundered health points has been increased from 4 to 7 points per second. Counting the blessing of the wrist guard skill, he can absorb 14 points of health points per second.

Deterioration skills have a new "vulnerable" status, and targets affected by the skills will suffer 20% additional damage.

A new "absorption" effect is added, which can obtain the experience of a certain basic skill of the target when healing the target's health. The upper limit of absorption must not exceed the experience of the treatment target.

You can absorb it even if you don't master this skill yourself.

For example, if he keeps treating Kimimaro, he can gain the opponent's fighting experience.

Keep upgrading your "Basic Melee LV5", and even if you reach the MAX state, you can continue to acquire the skill of "Melee Mastery".

As long as the target is strong enough, continuous treatment will allow him to continuously learn from the opponent's experience.

This B-level skill recovery technique is to use your own life to fill the target. In the process, you will feel the pain of the treatment target.

Regardless of the pain caused by injury or the illness caused by cultivation, it can actually be cured through the effects of recovery techniques.

This is where the "suck" effect comes from.

"It's a pity that it can only absorb the experience of basic skills and cannot learn the 'stunts' together."

It's not bad if you think about it carefully. If conditions permit, maybe Fang Bo can become a sharpshooter who is always on target.

If the strength attribute is improved, he can even pick up the noble phantom and step forward to fight the enemy in close combat.

Just like the King of Fighters world that he is about to go to, Fang Bo can try to absorb basic melee skills.

Without consuming plot points, maybe he can get into the ring and compete with martial artists in a physical fight.

"In the next world, if I can increase my power to full value, maybe I can really change my fighting style a little bit."

However, considering that the puppet would occupy the equipment slot, he felt that he might not be able to change the mode for a while.

"Unless we can get the rosary control from Yaoyao."

Learning how to control the rosary beads means that you can completely liberate the puppets.

You don't even need to equip them, just throw them to the King's Treasure to devour them.

When necessary, the puppets can be released from the treasure house to participate in the battle on their own, and Fang Bo himself does not have to worry about it at all.

When the time is up, the puppet attacking as a Noble Phantasm will return to the treasure house on its own.

By then, Fang Bo will be able to completely free his hands, and maybe many interesting battle modes can be derived.

Plot points: 5784

The remaining plot points were no longer enough to reach the full level, so Fang Bo simply stopped the upgrade work temporarily.

Don't forget, he also needs to fill in the necessary puppet repair materials, which is another huge expense.

If the money is lost, you can't worry about other people borrowing money, right?

"It is said that some reincarnation teams will provide enhanced loans?"

A contract must be signed for the loan, and it will be automatically deducted after a certain period of time. Otherwise, the equipment will be used to offset the price.

Generally speaking, only large teams can do this to provide convenience for those reincarnations who are in urgent need of plot points.

The returns are not small, but the risks are also high.

The reincarnation space is full of crises, and you may face death threats anytime and anywhere.

As the saying goes, debts disappear after death, but they have no way to contact the families of the victims to collect debts.

"If we knew about the conflicts between the Sound Nest team, no one would be willing to lend me a loan." Fang Bo walked out of the house with a smile.

Soon, he purchased more than a thousand points of repair materials, which was almost enough for the next plot world.

Total cost of 1240 plot points.

"It's so dark." Fang Bo cursed secretly in his mind.

There are only two puppets on hand now. It would be okay if the number increases in the future.

"It's more cost-effective to put them into Noble Phantasms. At least you don't have to worry about durability."

Plot points: 4544

"We have to find a way." After handling the material supplies, Fang Bo thought about improving other skills a few levels.

Perception has always been an attribute that he values ​​extremely highly.

Searching for targets, avoiding attacks, blind combat in the dark, long-distance locking, etc. are all inseparable from the blessing of perception attributes.

Considering the characteristics of the King of Fighters world, he believed that it was necessary to improve the perception of fighting spirit.

Previously in the world of Naruto, he learned from chatting with other masters that passive skills can be gradually improved.

Although it is unique, after high-level skills of the same type are replaced, some skills and experience can be integrated according to the situation.

For example, if Fang Bo learns "Seeing and Hearing Color Haki", it will cover up the perception of fighting spirit.

The principles of both sides are the same, so you can accept part of your skills and experience.

This is also one of Fang Bo's goals. He really wants to find the skill book of Jian Wen Se Haki, but he has never seen anyone selling it.

Of course, he wants a lot of things, so if he doesn't show up, he won't show up.

When you go to the pirate world again, you can trouble those strong men, and maybe you can find relevant skill books.

Under the temptation of seeing and hearing, Fang Bo returned to the hut and began to upgrade.

[Successfully upgraded skills, fighting spirit perception LV1-LV2, consuming 240 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, fighting spirit perception LV2-LV3, consuming 360 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, Fighting Spirit Sense LV3-LV4, consuming 480 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, fighting spirit perception LV4-LV5, consuming 600 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, Dou Qi Perception LV5-LV6, consuming 720 plot points. 】

Plot points: 2144

"Back before liberation." Xiao Fang smiled bitterly, lay on the sofa and began to lift his body.

[Number 17200 applies to enter your private space! 】

"Who is this?"

In his shocked eyes, an unexpected guest appeared.

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