Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 214 The Arrogance of the Second Difficulty Reincarnator

Hearing the man's words, Fang Bo's face immediately sank.

It was obvious that this guy was a reincarnator, otherwise how could he call out his stage name.

"Sure enough, the enemy has noticed our little move."

After a moment of silence, Fang Bo threw his hand and threw an investigative skill.

[No. 8562 (Blue Fist Holy Envoy)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit, strength]

[Characteristics: Gathering Qi into One]

[Threat Assessment: Meeting an Enemy]

Gathering Qi into One: +20% spiritual attribute damage for bare fists.

Staring at the opponent's number starting with No. 8, the bad feeling in his heart became stronger.

Could this guy dressed as a priest be a reincarnation from the second difficulty world?

"Investigation skills?" The priest smiled lightly and gave an elegant gentlemanly courtesy: "You can call me 'Yi Lijiang'. It is not convenient to reveal my specific position."

"As for your speculation, I can answer you very clearly, yes."

Gently turning his palm, the man took the huge cross behind his back in his hand.

"You are so brave. Before we could find you, you rushed to the King of Fighters world to die."

He hammered the cross on the ground so hard that spider web-like cracks appeared on the cement floor.

Driven by thoughts, open!

An invisible wave passed by, and Fang Bo suddenly felt a slight stiffness in his body.

Driven by thoughts: Enemies within a certain range will become stiff.

LevelMAX effect: With the power of giant soldiers, if you are within the range driven by your thoughts, your own movement speed, attack speed, and jumping power will increase significantly.

In order to enter the low-difficulty King of Fighters world, Yi Lijiang suffered a lot of space punishment.

First, his naked attributes are all reduced proportionally.

He was originally promoted in several attributes, but after the reduction, only those attributes will remain in the naked state of "19" points.

Second, you will not be able to open the space mark when you come to a low-difficulty world.

In other words, Yi Lijiang cannot use the props in the mark.

Third, equipment that was originally worn normally will become unwearable due to reduced attributes.

For this purpose, a suitable set of replacement items must be prepared.

Fortunately, the orphanage family has a big business and doesn't care about the so-called equipment.

If you were replaced by other reincarnations and lost the attribute blessing of the equipment, your combat power may not be as good as yourself in the world of difficulty one.

These are the disadvantages of lowering the difficulty. The advantage is that the skills of these second-difficulty experts will not be weakened.

With his hard-earned abilities, Yi Lijiang is confident that he can suppress his opponents forcefully.

Thought-driven skills are just one of his many means.

"Since you want to die, I'll just grant it to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Lijiang's figure appeared in front of him.

Instant punch!

This punch was so close that it was almost invisible to the naked eye. The Yuan-Zero who was blocking the front had no time to swing his sword, and was directly blown away seven or eight meters by the enemy's punch.

Then Yi Lijiang's body kept swinging from side to side, like an experienced boxer, calmly dodging the sand iron spikes falling from above.

Without using any perception skills, the enemy only relied on experience and solid basic skills to fight.

"Your attacks are so easy to understand, No. 7." While dodging, Yi Lijiang did not forget to engage in psychological warfare: "If I guessed correctly, you should have put all the plot points into your skills."

After the covering blow of sand iron ended, he immediately stepped forward and rained fists on the Feng Ying puppet.

Jab slam!

A total of seven punches were fired in one second, a powerful continuous attack, and even interrupted the Feng Ying Puppet's magnetic escape skill.

"Today I will teach you how the strong men in the second difficulty world fight."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the puppet directly in his palm.

[Activate the skill Tiger Attack and capture successfully! 】

[Our own strength is 33, the opponent's strength is 28, and the grabbing effect is being determined]

[The strength determination is passed, the target is in a state of stress, cannot break free, and cannot use drugs]

Taking advantage of the forward momentum, the man hit him like a cannonball.

If nothing unexpected happens, the puppet will be thrown hard on him in the next second.

Once attacked by the enemy, you will face the extremely violent and high-frequency combos of the Blue Fist Holy Envoy.


"Is this what you want me to see?"

The blade of the Kusanagi sword was extended crazily, directly penetrating the Kazekage puppet from behind, along with the enemy's muscular body.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 41 points of penetrating damage to the enemy]

"Huh?" Fang Bo frowned subconsciously and looked at the damage caused by the Kusanagi sword.

This not only reduced the damage, but also cut him in half.

This is true for the Kusanagi Sword, which is a primary artifact, let alone other types of weapons.

The enemy must have some kind of damage reduction skill, or some equipment with similar effects.

But it doesn't matter, even if the damage is halved, it's enough to seriously injure the enemy in one round.

"It's interesting." Yi Lijiang, who had suffered a loss, did not panic and forcibly interrupted the original release of skills.

Using a small range of sensitive movement, he managed to avoid the golden streams of light coming from all directions.

Every time it's just a hair's breadth, but it's impossible to capture the enemy's figure.

From the beginning of the battle to now, Yi Lijiang has not shown any crushing ability.

He just relied on his skillful positioning and prediction to make more than half of Fang Bo's skills fall into the empty space.

"This guy"

Before he could think clearly about the reason, he saw that the enemy in front of him was divided into three, attacking him from different directions.

Phantom incarnation!

The enemy's figure twists strangely and moves irregularly along the diagonal.

Even though the two puppets used all their strength, they were unable to capture the man's figure.

Seeing one of the phantoms rushing in front of him, Fang Bo immediately set up the energy shield attached to the cloak.

As a result, the enemy just made a feint shot and came behind him with a simple sliding step.

The left fist hit the ribs and the right fist exploded to the liver. Yi Lijiang, who was supposed to pursue the victory, chose to retreat at the critical moment.

Because he suddenly saw that the appearance of his opponent had changed greatly.

Moving his wrist slightly, Yi Lijiang asked calmly: "Is this how you dare to challenge the organization?"

After drinking a bottle of essence and mysterious medicine, Fang Bo, who activated the curse sealing state, has already entered a full-scale fighting state.

At this time, he didn't care for any nonsense.

He saw the enemy's skills. If nothing else, he should be the kind of reincarnation who has upgraded his basic skills to an extremely high level.

The gap in this aspect is indeed irreparable, but it doesn't matter. He can let the opponent have a taste of what is called attribute crushing fighting style.

His pupils shrank slightly, and his mental power condensed into a needle, which pierced the opponent's forehead fiercely.

[Your mental shock causes 38 points of damage to the enemy]

"What?!" From the beginning of the battle to now, Yi Lijiang's expression changed significantly for the first time: "Why is your mental impact so powerful? How high is your mental attribute?"

What responded to him was the Sand Iron Knot attack released by the Wind Shadow Puppet, as well as the Yuan-Zero Puppet watching eagerly from the side.

As for Fang Bo himself, he had already waved his wings and flew into the sky.

Although the height of the factory building is limited, not everyone can touch him casually.

After five seconds of reloading the weapon, golden ripples slowly emerged around him, and the nine treasures revealed parts of his body in no particular order.

Yi Lijiang below was still trying his best to dodge, but the enemy was not as calm as he seemed.

You know, he is a well-known strong man in the second difficulty world.

Even if the attributes are suppressed, it should be easy to deal with the reincarnations in the world of difficulty one.

Don't forget, behind him is the high-quality equipment provided by the orphanage.

All three main attributes have reached a level of 30+, and the highest agility attribute has even exceeded 36 points.

This is equipment provided by a large force. Every time someone needs to perform a task, they will choose a part to wear.

It’s almost impossible to imagine what kind of convenience they can get for those who are not in the top team.

Coupled with his far superior skill level, Yi Lijiang didn't think anyone could beat him, at least No. 7 definitely didn't have this strength.

Before today, he would never have imagined that he would be crushed by No. 7 in terms of attributes.

With the help of the phantom, the man barely managed to avoid the second round of covering blows.

Looking at Number Seven flying above him, he concluded that the other party's mental power was running low.

By activating skills so frequently, even the spiritual masters in the second difficulty world would not be able to sustain it for long.

Of course, his current state is equally difficult.

Three attacks from the enemy directly knocked out half of his health.

If the equipment was not powerful enough, he would probably capsize in the gutter.

He reached out and made a cross on his chest. As soft white light emerged, Yi Lijiang's blood volume began to gradually increase.

Slow healing is a necessary professional skill for the Paladin. He finally mastered it through arduous self-study.

The healer will not follow you all the time. The ability to actively restore blood is extremely important for Yi Lijiang, who likes to walk alone.

He came to the huge cross and pulled the weapon out from the ground.

After fighting with the puppet that rushed in front of him, Yi Lijiang suddenly jumped into the air, and then threw the cross like a dart.

At the same moment, the wind shadow puppet's energy was exhausted, and Fang Bo could only flap his wings to try to avoid the attack.

At this moment, a huge purple-black hand appeared out of thin air and tightly grasped his body in its palm.

The hand of the devil!

"You can't run away this time."

Pulling No. 7 in front of him, Yi Lijiang waved his arm in mid-air, and a dazzling blue light group condensed on the surface of his fist.

One punch, two punches, three punches.

In just two seconds, Yi Lijiang punched the opponent twelve times, each time a violent punch with enough strength.

Even if his attributes are not high now, each punch can only cause about 30 points of damage, which is enough for him to kill the enemy on the spot.

Yi Lijiang, who was in an extremely excited state, did not realize that No. 7 was hugging him tightly with his palms "before he died".

When he felt the pain of a dull knife cutting flesh, he realized something in hindsight.

Plunder skills, activate!

Two seconds of wild bombing probably took away less than 200 points of Fang Bo's health.

There was no way, who could make his Heart Steel powerful enough? What's more, he also took the opportunity to make up for 28 points of health.

"You dare to jump to conclusions when you don't know the enemy's capabilities clearly."

"The reason for your failure is the arrogance from the second difficulty world."

After speaking, Fang Bo clasped his hands and restrained the enemy's body in front of him.

The anode lock swam like a spiritual snake, directly binding the two people together like rice dumplings.

At first, Yi Lijiang didn't understand what he was going to do.

He could break free of chains of this level as soon as he landed on the ground.

You don’t think you can defeat yourself with this method, do you?

But when he saw the golden ripples appearing around him, a touching thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

"You guy, are you going to do it?!"

As the shadow of death approached, Yi Lijiang's tone began to tremble: "Calm down, brother, do you really want to die together?"

Die together?

Fang Bo sneered and said nothing, and the next second the golden stream of light in the sky suddenly engulfed the two of them.

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