Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 226 The Hidden Mission of Team Fury

"Routine inspection!"

Naturally, Fang Bo would not choose to believe those words that sounded like a fool.

How could a descendant of the majestic Eight Heroes, the inheritor of the serpent's blood, become a little policeman setting up obstacles along the way?

[Lyanna Hardylan (Mercenary)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength]

[Characteristics: Blood of the Orochi, Weapon Master]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

As the two most famous violent fighters in the 1997s, Lianna's reputation is obviously not as famous as Yagami'an.

However, in the eyes of the audience at the King of Fighters Tournament, her beautiful face is really unforgettable.

If she hadn't been wearing sunglasses, she might have been recognized by passers-by.

Since Lianna is there, the rest of the "Wrath Team" will definitely not be absent either.

With a quick glance, Fang Bo quickly found the second member of Team Nu.

[Clark Steele (Mercenary)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, constitution]

[Feature: Joint Strangler]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Clark is a top grappler, and it is difficult to escape as long as he is close to him.

To be honest, Fang Bo hates this type of enemy and has suffered losses from the same type of masters several times.

Of course, if the two sides fight fairly, he is very confident that he can kill the man head-on.

It's a pity that other members of the Nu team will not sit idly by and ignore him, such as the turbaned man who stared at him from a distance.

【Ralph Jones (Mercenary)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, constitution, agility]

[Feature: Heavy Artillery Iron Fist]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Extremely violent offensive players can often cause terrible attack effects.

If Fang Bo had to choose, he would rather be hit by the sun than hit by Ralph's cosmic phantom.

All three generals of the Nu team were present, indicating that the task that needed to be carried out was not a trivial matter.

In a flash of thought, Fang Bo probably understood what they were looking for.

The sound nest made such a big noise, it would be strange if General Hadiran didn't send someone to investigate.

Kagura Chizuru was not an ordinary person, and the three members of the Nu team did not dare to harass him easily, so they had to find a way to attack him.

After opening the car door and sitting in the passenger seat, Liana warned in a low voice: "Don't make unnecessary moves, we are not your enemies."

Hearing this, he responded with a smile: "Of course, Team Fury's name is so famous that you naturally won't play for the Sound Nest organization."

You guys don't know how, but it's not certain whether your BOSS knows how to do it.

"Zero", the commander of the mercenary army, is actually a clone of the Sound Nest organization.

To be precise, they killed the original commander and replaced him with an identical bionic clone.

This android General Zero is the clone of "Zero", the organizer of this King of Fighters tournament.

And this Zero is a clone of the "True Zero", the second-in-command of the Voice Nest organization.

It sounds a bit messy, but for a sound nest that has mastered cloning technology, there is no better way to rule than using clones.

It's just that they forgot one thing, clones are also human beings. They have unique selves and emotions, and they will not be at the mercy of a man who calls himself a god.

For example, this fake Zero's purpose is to destroy the Voice Nest and use the power he possesses to rule the world.

It is indeed a very typical villain's behavior, and in the end it was not surprising that he was stopped by the protagonist of the plot.

In deep thought, the car quickly drove to the small temporary camp.

Following the three mercenaries into a tent, Fang Bo quickly saw the familiar figure on the screen.

"I am General Hadiran."

After a brief self-introduction, the other party directly pointed out the main purpose of calling him over for investigation.

"Look, have you seen this person before?"

The photo on the screen is none other than Constantine, the Chosen One.

Fang Bo didn't know that the other party actually wanted to use the help of the mercenary army to investigate the traitors, so he joined the Nu team after killing Wei Pu.

I thought that the previous actions were successful, but I didn't expect that in the end, they fell short, and they couldn't even maintain their identity on the surface.

When the mercenaries learned the news, they naturally understood that they and others had been deceived, so they called witnesses to compare the photos.

"Yes, that's him."

Fang Bo has never liked that pretentious guy.

The previous battle was a good opportunity, but unfortunately the other party used some unknown means to escape.

Considering that they would have to fight each other in the future, he would definitely say whatever he wanted, and it would be best if he could create some trouble for the other party.

With this state of mind, Fang Bo couldn't wait to put all the shit basins on Constantine's head.

The mastermind behind the Sound Nest Organization and the mastermind of many kidnapping incidents.

Who snatched the homeless man's wallet? Why did the stray dog ​​on the street scream in the middle of the night?

"I heard about the old lady next door."

Seeing that he was getting more and more outrageous, Hadilan could only interrupt him helplessly: "Okay, we will further investigate what you said. Thank you for your cooperation and support."

"You're welcome."

After staring at each other for a long time, Liana couldn't help but sigh and said, "You can go."


Fang Bo shook his head and said solemnly: "The Sound Nest organization is gradually beginning to surface, indicating that their plan has reached a critical moment. At this time, we must unite."

"Well, what do you mean?"

"The mercenary organization was infiltrated by members of the Sound Nest and climbed to a high position very smoothly. You don't think that the other party relied on their own abilities, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the camp immediately fell into silence.

The meaning he expressed was very clear, except that there is a traitor among your mercenaries, and this person's status is probably not low.

"I have fought against the Sound Nest many times and destroyed several bases one after another. I may be able to help you find some clues."

Through the high-definition camera, General Hadiran clearly saw the confidence on the man's face.

Obviously, the other party was not out of touch. Maybe he was really sure that he could find out the traitor.

With the idea that it would be okay to give it a try, Hadiran nodded and agreed: "Thank you for your help. If you find anything, please contact me as soon as possible."

After saying that, Liana handed over a communicator.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission: Hidden traitor! 】

[Mission Introduction: General Hadiran entrusts you to investigate the traitors within the mercenary army. Remember, you must obtain tangible evidence]

[Task requirement: Lock the identity of the traitor before the end of the King of Fighters Tournament]

[Special tip: Maybe you can get information from the enemy’s high-level officials]

This matter seems easy to handle, but it is still quite difficult to find evidence.

Because it was impossible for Hadilan to turn against the commander of the mercenary army just because of his accusation.

Even if he is willing, other cadres of the legion will not accept it, and they may face the risk of being beaten down.

"This matter is not urgent. There is still half a month until the King of Fighters Tournament is held."

In fact, he already had a vague idea that maybe this matter could be combined with the action of saving Olsen.

How to do it specifically requires some careful consideration. Anyway, he can contact Hadilan at any time if he has ideas.

"Tsk, I'm lucky today. I picked up a hidden mission for nothing."

Returning to his car, Fang Bo happily hummed a ditty.

Goenitz's traces are easy to find, just look where the band Inferno played a concert recently.

Maybe, he can also listen to music for free.

However, Fang Bo seemed to have forgotten one thing. He had many enemies in Nan Town.

The consequence of being too complacent is to attract followers lurking in the dark.

When he realized something was wrong, a motorcycle was approaching him at high speed from the rearview mirror.

"Again?" Fang Bo frowned and stepped on the accelerator with his right foot.

Just a roar was heard, and the car roared towards the street.

With his super sense and agility far beyond that of ordinary people, Fang Bo's car seemed to instantly transform into a tofu shop 86, the kind that didn't even use a drainage ditch when turning.

Even so, he still couldn't get rid of the other party. Mary's motorcycle was more suitable for traveling in the city.

[Task requirement: Defeat the Hungry Wolves]

To complete the mission, there is a high probability that you need to complete a battle with the Hungry Wolves.

Only by defeating them can these guys give up the pursuit.

This is easy to say, but you can imagine how difficult it is to actually do it.

Apart from anything else, Terri the Wolf is a master that even Gith can't do anything about. There is no way he can win on his own.

Not to mention there are three first-class fighters, Mary, Dongzhang, and Andy, so escaping becomes his only option.

As for this side mission, you can wait until the King of Fighters Tournament to complete it.

If you encounter the Hungry Wolves, you can complete the side mission by defeating them.

With the three teammates he had worked so hard to recruit, Fang Bo felt like he could win the King of Fighters Tournament with his eyes closed.

The only thing that needs attention may be the team where the plot protagonist K' is.

As the protagonist of the Sound Nest chapter, K''s strength is immeasurable, and with the blessing of the power of fate, he can explode into terrifying combat power.

An accident

Well, even if someone is not careful, it is impossible for each of his three powerful teammates to be careless and miss.

Even with the blessing of plot power, K' would not be able to defeat the super combination of Kusanagi Kyo, Iori Yagami, and Konitz.

"No need to worry."

Turning the steering wheel quickly, the car drifted to the extreme against the flow of people.

Fang Bo, who had had enough fun, calmly took out the Wind Shadow Puppet and activated its magnetic escape ability.

You can even control a missile, not to mention a motorcycle?

"These guys really care about eating rather than fighting."

As soon as he finished speaking, passers-by saw Mary's motorcycle making a three and a half circle.

Fortunately, the two people in the car were quick to reach out, otherwise it would have been another traffic accident that could have made it onto the evening news.

In the rearview mirror, Terry and Mary's figures gradually faded away. Fang Bo smiled slightly and focused on the driveway in front of him again.

However, at the end of the road, there stood a blond man with an angry face.

【Andy (Master of Bone Art)】

[Attack tendency: strong]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit, strength]

[Characteristics: Qigong Baduanjin]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Qigong Baduanjin: Your use of qi has reached a high level, which greatly reduces energy consumption and increases the lethality of qigong by 20%.

Facing the speeding car, An Ding took a deep breath and assumed the classic posture of Turtle Style Qigong.

"Are you so brave?" Fang Bo raised his eyebrows and stepped on the car's accelerator to the bottom.

Almost at the same moment, the sand iron gradually spread to the entire body, giving the car a black sand iron suit.

The hardness instantly increased by several levels, the kind that would make a woman scream when she saw it.

Even so, Andy still didn't hide, and made it clear that he wanted to fight him hard.

On the other side, several figures appeared on the street, and they seemed to be heading for the car.

"Hehe, I found you." The girl's laughter sounded like a silver bell.

Although he seemed to be walking leisurely, he was actually moving very fast, and in the blink of an eye he collided with the chasing wolf.

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