Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 228 MAX’s super sure-kill Shinpachi girl!

Chapter 228 MAX Super Kill·The True Eight Girl!

South Coast, somewhere.

"Don't think you can still do whatever you want!!!"

The man roared and launched his attack, his fist almost leaving only an afterimage.

Looking from the side, it looks like a black venomous snake is constantly biting.

Yamazaki Ryuuji was very angry. He didn't expect that even a bitch like Mai Shiranui would dare to cause trouble for him.

Do you think I won’t recognize you if I change my clothes?

Yamazaki Ryuji, who felt insulted, immediately launched a series of fierce attacks on the woman.

Facts have proved that he does have the absolute upper hand in a competition of hard power.

When a punch knocked the opponent back several meters, Yamazaki Ryuji seemed to see himself trampling the woman under his feet.

But what happened next was far beyond expectations.

I saw that "Mai Shiranui" suddenly changed her attack style, from the agile Shiranui style to a weird and vicious close-quarters attack.

Without paying attention, Yamazaki Ryuuji's chest was suddenly torn with several blood stains.

In terms of fighting skills, he was no match for women.

How can this be?

Is the guy in front of me with a sneer on his face still the weakling who was at the bottom of the King of Fighters competition? !

At first, Yamazaki Ryuji was puzzled, until he finally seized the opportunity, but the woman used the strong wind to interfere with his vision.

At this time, he finally understood the identity of the other party.

"Uh." He groaned in pain while covering his head, and he felt the blood of the big snake in his body began to boil violently.

As if urging him to fulfill the mission of the Eight Great Masters.

"It's you, it turns out it's really you!" Yamazaki Ryuji took out his dagger and continued to use his special skill Snake to attack.

Seeing this, Goenitz used his flexible movements to avoid constantly, his eyes always staring at the sturdy man opposite.

"Are you still resisting your mission?" she asked.

"Of course." As a member of the Eight Elites, Yamazaki Ryuji rarely chose to resist fate.

Not even the blood of the serpent can control him.

Just like the man once said, even if he dies, he will never succumb to the power of the big snake.

Goenitz was once very angry, thinking that the other party had desecrated the sacred mission of the Gathering of Eight Masters.

But when she was defeated by the three artifacts, some of her thoughts quietly changed.

Seeing Yamazaki Ryuji with an unyielding face at this moment, she thought she would be very angry, but her heart seemed unusually calm.


Goenitz can understand the man's thoughts, but as a leader, she cannot let him go so easily.

Dodging the enemy's snake shadow fist, Goenitz turned his right hand into a claw and raised it above his head, as if he was holding up the endless sky with one hand.

MAX's super sure kill·Shen Hachi Girl!

"If you don't die, I will spare your life."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sharp claws tore a wound on Yamazaki Ryuuji's chest.

Along with the surging wind, Goenitz's attacks became more and more violent, as if he wanted to tear apart everything in front of him with his hands.

When she grabbed Yamazaki Ryuji's neck, this first-class fighter was already dying.

"." In the end, Goenitz did not kill him.

Looking at her fellow tribesmen who were unable to resist, she slowly raised her hand and placed it three inches away from the man's forehead.

"I declare that from now on you will be deprived of your status as a member of the Celestial Clan of Heaven."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yamazaki Ryuji felt the blood in his body begin to boil, and then slowly left his body.

From then on, he was completely freed from his innate destiny.

"You" Yamazaki Ryuji got up from the ground in embarrassment and stepped back cautiously.

This leader of the Celestial Clan is moody, and he is worried that the other party will kill him.

If that's the case, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get through this today.

Fortunately, what he was most worried about did not happen. Goenitz, who had recovered the blood of the serpent, did not have any thoughts of murder.

Staring at the faces of his fellow tribesmen, Goenitz said calmly: "Go to the Seven Shackles Society and participate in this King of Fighters tournament with him. If you complete this matter, I will spare your life."

People have given him such shame. If Yamazaki Ryuuji still doesn't know how to look, then he is simply seeking death.

After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but nodded gently and said: "Okay, I hope you can keep your word when the time comes."

The strong wind suddenly surged, and Goenitz's figure quickly disappeared from sight.

Yamazaki Ryuji, who had saved his life, was silent for a moment. He picked up his mobile phone and made a call, and soon found the venue where the Hell Band was performing.

He didn't understand Goenitz's intention, let alone why that guy came to him suddenly.

As a former member of the Celestial Clan, Yamazaki Ryuuji knew very well that Orochi was far from ready to be resurrected.

Without the help of that "father", the gods of heaven can only be human beings with their tail between their legs.

He smiled disdainfully and quickly left his residence.

"The King of Fighters Tournament is a long-awaited event."

Riding the strong wind and rising to an altitude of 10,000 meters, Goenitz unleashed his power.

As her power surged, a violent storm suddenly set off in the sky, as if the gods were showing their wrath to the world.

This is the power of wind that Xichui Zhilan possesses.

Breathing Arashi (Legendary): The blood of the Orochi gives you the power to control wind, with +10 mental attributes and +20% final damage of wind attribute skills.

After absorbing the blood of the Orochi from Yamazaki Ryuji, Goenitz finally recovered some of his strength.

Although he is still far from his prime, he can still be called a top-notch fighter.


At this moment, a strange electronic sound came into my ears.

The strong wind roared at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and only Goenitz, who had mastered the power of the wind, could detect such a small sound.

Taking Mai Shiranui's body away, she inherited his memories and certain habits.

Previously, as a man, she had no idea how to use modern equipment.

It's different now. Before leaving, she even left her phone number for Qilongshe and others.

This is a change, and Goenitz herself doesn't know whether it is good or bad. At least for now, she has no particular objection to it.

Opening the text messages on her phone, she found that the message she received was from an unknown number.

[It’s me, everything over there has been dealt with, it’s time to teach the Sound Nest organization some lessons. 】

From this tone, she knew who the other party was, the guy who successfully unblocked her.

For this person, Goenitz has always been a little confused about him.

It's not about personality or behavior, but something deeper hidden.

The other party's choice to resurrect himself must have some strong purpose. Dealing with the Sound Nest Organization is just a necessary condition for him to achieve his purpose.

If he couldn't even see through this, Goenitz would have lived these thousands of years in vain.

"I look forward to the moment when the mystery is revealed more and more."

After asking for the opponent's location, she immediately turned around and prepared for a head-on confrontation with the Sound Nest Organization.

After flying for about half a day, Goenitz finally found the small town where his target was located.

When she landed on the ground, she caught sight of her teammates who were eating roasted whole lamb.

"Hey, you came very quickly." Fang Bo waved his hand.

"." Seeing the other party enjoying the meal, Goenitz couldn't help but recall the hard work of the past half day.

If her temper and personality hadn't improved, she would definitely have given him a taste of what it's like to be a real eight-year-old girl.

He sat down unceremoniously, ignored the man's prying eyes, picked up a leg of lamb and started to chew on it.

She was so hungry that she completely forgot to maintain the so-called dining etiquette of the gods.

As for Fang Bo, he used information perception to check the situation of the last teammate.

【Gonnitz (Four Heavenly Kings)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: spirit, agility, strength, perception]

[Characteristics: Breathing Arashi (Legendary), Heavenly Gods]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

"The threat assessment is improved, and the attribute tendency has an additional perception."

"It seems that she has not been idle during this period."

However, Fang Bo knew very well that Storm Gornitz was not in its heyday yet.

Just like what the Seven Shackles Club described, if it can continue to absorb the power of the members of the God Clan, then Goenitz's strength will increase by leaps and bounds.

"It seems that your harvest is not small." He said.

After hearing this, Goenitz wiped the corners of his mouth calmly and inadvertently exposed his white and tender thighs under the priest's robe.

"Your strength has also become stronger." She could feel the changes in her teammates.

That weird aura was very similar to the power of the serpent, similar to a special variant of the power of God. The well-informed Goenitz could not accurately distinguish it for a while.

Fang Bo understood that this guy was talking about the power of nightmare.

The treasure chest reward from Geese instantly increased his output ability by several levels.

Even a top-notch fighter can easily be seriously injured by one of his ultimate moves if he is not careful.

Next, neither of them continued talking, but concentrated on dealing with the poor little lamb.

After eating and drinking, he took out his communicator and sent a message.

"The operation can begin."

Somewhere in South Africa, Sound Nest Organization G5 base.

In the magnificent bedroom, a blond woman with blue eyes was gently shaking the wine glass.

The thin shirt she wore on her body could not hide her hot figure at all.

On the big bed next to them, three strong men were getting dressed. It was obvious that something indescribable had just happened here.

She likes to use this method to relieve stress after stressful tasks.

It can be done by men or women, anyway, she just enjoys the process.

It's a pity that the man she wants the most has always refused to give in, which can't help but make the woman feel a little annoyed.

"Be prepared, the bait is on." The blonde walked out without hesitation, and soon arrived at the innermost cell.

Here, a man's hands were pierced by iron nails, and he was hanging on a stone pillar in the air.

"Are you still unwilling to accept your fate?" The woman's body floated slowly, and her cold and arrogant eyes looked directly at the man's face: "Or are you still lucky and think that little white mouse can defeat us."

"I have to admit that No. 7 is really great. He can actually kill one of my clones, but his strength is at best like this."

As she spoke, the woman suddenly laughed, stretched out her snow-white arm, and drew a long blood mark on her arm with her nails.

In just two seconds, the wound miraculously recovered. This recovery ability is already very good.

"Do you understand what this means?"

Seeing this, Olson, who had always lowered his head and remained silent, suddenly raised his head, his determined eyes wavering slightly.

Shaking her head with a sarcastic expression, the woman turned around and flew towards the entrance: "Your little friend has fallen into the trap and will soon step into the trap we carefully prepared."

"At that time, Jason will personally take action to remind him of the fear of being dominated physically and mentally."

"." Olson lowered his head again, seemingly indifferent to this.

He knew that the guy would definitely come to save him, and that was why he was used by the enemy.

Now I just hope that Fang Bo can detect it early and never fall into the enemy's trick.

This plan must have failed. Olson only asked the two of them not to die in the King of Fighters world.

Save your life and you will have a chance to make a comeback in the future.

That guy is very talented and grows very fast. Maybe one day he can really fight against the entire orphanage.

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