Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 230 Massacre at an altitude of 10,000 meters

"Has the person been found?"

When he hurried over, he found that Olson had been rescued by the ghost spiders.

Seeing his little friend who was tortured to the point of being transformed into a human being, Fang Bo immediately activated his recovery technique.

[The recovery skill is used successfully. You consume 80 health points and successfully restore the target's 216 health points. 】

It's a pity that he couldn't learn experience from the reincarnation, otherwise he would have maxed out all the basic skills long ago.

The body structure of the reincarnation is special, and digitization curbs the possibility of "exploding seeds", while also giving very good special effects.

For example, at this moment, Olson stood up from the ground immediately after recovering his health.

Apart from the mental exhaustion, it seems to be no different from the normal state.

"It came too slowly." This was the first sentence the little friend said.

Seeing that he could still be tough, Fang Bo was completely relieved.

While walking outside, the two exchanged information about the world of this plot.

Hearing that he had found the team, Olson curiously asked the team members.

When he heard that Iori and Kyo Kusanagi were on the same team, this guy could hardly control his aloof and taciturn persona.

"You are awesome." He gave the highest rating among men.

As for Olson, until now he still doesn't know why his and others' actions were noticed by the enemy.

"None of this matters anymore. Anyway, the cards have been revealed, and then it depends on each other's methods."

Speaking of the God's Chosen One, Olson's face couldn't help but reveal a slight solemnity: "I know you killed him once, but don't underestimate her because of this. This guy's talents are indeed worthy of the Myth II. Character."

"How to say?"

"The information I know so far is that Constantine can plant slave marks in other people's bodies, and these branded guys will become scapegoats."

After hearing this, Fang Bo probably understood something: "In other words, all the slaves must be killed to truly kill the opponent."

"That's probably it. I killed one of his slave bodies. I thought the battle was over, but I didn't expect it."

As if thinking of the scene at that time, Olson's face became gloomier.

If he didn't understand the enemy's abilities, how could he be defeated so easily?

On the contrary, the Chosen One has all his information, so this is an unfair battle.

Looking his friend up and down with suspicious eyes, Fang Bo asked: "Isn't this guy already in the trap? Wait until I relax my vigilance and then attack secretly?"

".You have such a rich imagination, it would be a pity not to be a writer."

"If I were a writer, I would probably have starved to death over the years."

Fang Bo's teammates have been successfully assembled, and Olson also needs to find a suitable team again.

"You can go to Team Fury and give it a try. Vip has been killed, and you can just take her place."

Having just helped Team Nu find the traitor, Hadilan probably wouldn't refuse his request.

As for whether he can pass the test, I believe Olson's ability will not disgrace him.

[No. 13810 (The Shining)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit, strength]

[Characteristics: Blood of the Orochi (Legendary), Genetic Modification]

[Threat assessment: slightly inferior]

After immersing himself in two worlds, Olson's gains are astonishing.

As the most outstanding super newcomer in the orphanage, he is now a super master with three extreme attributes.

Well, Fang Bo has killed a lot of similar beings, so he can probably guess the specific strength level of his friends.

If the blood of the serpent is activated, the combat power that can be exerted should be very close to the "ability user Chi Zhuo" who was killed by him.

If there were no special means, in Fang Bo's opinion, Olson would actually be a little inferior, but who knows if there is a real fight, maybe this guy has hidden some kind of secret weapon.

The two chatted all the way and wandered to the entrance of the base.

This place has long been turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with a large number of clone corpses scattered on the ground.

It’s hard to estimate the exact number. Fang Bo only saw that the ghost spiders seemed like they couldn’t finish eating.

"Be careful not to overeat."

After saying that, he saw the figure floating in the sky.

Without Goenitz's support, how could he capture the base so easily? This group of clone soldiers alone would be enough to give Fang Bo a headache.

He finally discovered that Goenitz's storm power was really suitable for mowing grass.

Those who lack strength will find it difficult to fight effectively when facing her. They just don't know whether controlling the strong wind will be very expensive.

Seeing the female pastor's "only seeking defeat" look, Fang Bo was too lazy to go over and talk to her.

The reason why the other party came to help him was because there was likely to be the blood of the serpent here.

Seeing that she didn't say much, Fang Bo guessed that Goenitz must have found a satisfactory harvest.

Quietly activating the Dou Qi Sense, he could clearly feel that this guy's strength was even more terrifying, probably because he had swallowed the blood of the big snake.

"The stronger Lao Gao is, the better. At least he will be more confident when dealing with Ignis in the end."

As for the next step, just wait quietly.

The masters from the orphanage jumped into the air and must be rushing here quickly.

In addition to them, the mercenaries from the Nu team have also set off.

When the time comes, we can cooperate inside and outside, and maybe we can annihilate the strong men in the orphanage here.

"It's rising, it's rising."

Feeling the bride's joy, Fang Bo turned his head silently and saw the newly born third-order ghost spider at a glance.

Relying on the "help" of a large number of clone soldiers, he currently has five powerful Killing Spider Guards.

"Very good, I am more certain of winning."

[If you give me that bottle of blood just now, I can give birth to a brand new ghost spider. 】

The online bride continued to complain, saying that the woman didn't know how to share the spoils.

Fang Bo could only pretend not to hear this.

There are still several battles in the future. Isn’t it easy to get some serpent blood?

Just as he was thinking quietly, Goenitz, who had already fallen to the ground, instantly rose into the sky.

Everyone looked up and found a small black spot on the horizon approaching quickly.

[No. 9930 (Mechanic)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendency: perception, spirit]

[Feature: Flying Champion]

[Threat Assessment: Meeting an Enemy]

"People from the orphanage." Fang Bo said simply, and immediately activated the suspension acceleration.

The distance between him and the enemy was too far, beyond the limit range of the Noble Phantasms.

Under normal conditions, Fang Bo's range is about three hundred meters, and when the nightmare power is activated, it will increase to four hundred meters.

It seems far away, but the enemy is currently at least 1,700 meters away from him, and it will take at least a few seconds to enter the effective range.

"After all, they are masters of the second level of difficulty. It's not like they can't hold on for a few seconds."

Facts have proved that Fang Bo did overestimate the other party.

Even with a full set of weapons loaded, the user named Xiao Fei was unable to launch them.

The strong wind lingering around him had already completely blocked his flight route.

He tried to fire a heat-sensitive bomb, but was guided by the wind and almost accidentally injured himself.

After such a delay, Goenitz had already reached the range where he could take action.

Standing proudly in the air, the female priest raised one hand, and the infinite wind blade immediately enveloped Xiao Fei.

Special move·Night Wind!

"Ah!!!" The reincarnator screamed miserably, feeling as if he was undergoing Lingchi's torture.

If this continues, Fang Bo will be killed instantly before he arrives at the scene.

Seeing that the wind and blades were rolling without stopping, Xiao Fei endured the severe pain and took out a high-quality magic scroll from his pocket.

"Don't think you can do whatever you want."

Green light lit up, and a different kind of wind power spread, finally releasing the terrible restraints around him.

Wind Blessing, from the plot world "From Scratch", can make the target immune to 80% wind damage for a short period of time.

Even someone as strong as Goenitz would not be able to abuse the opponent so leisurely.

"It's interesting." The corners of the woman's mouth raised slightly, her smile full of bloodthirsty madness.

He turned around and glanced at Fang Bo, who was approaching rapidly. After saying "You are not allowed to interfere," he took the initiative and rushed towards the enemy.

"Uh." Fang Bo stopped helplessly and watched helplessly as the two of them began to chase each other.

Lao Gao said that, and it was clear that he wanted to deal with the enemy alone.

If you step forward to grab someone's head at this time, you will definitely offend the woman completely. It's not worth it for a mere one or two thousand plot points.

"Forget it, just observe her fighting mode."

After extinguishing his desire to take action, Fang Bo began to focus on observation and learning.

The day is not far away when he will master the art of Flying Thunder God. Once he has the ability to move in space, he will inevitably increase the number of close combats.

In this regard, there are few people in the entire King of Fighters who can compare with Goenitz.

When he was a boy without the power of the Orochi, Goenitz relied on pure fighting skills to defeat Lukar in his prime within a few rounds, and cruelly took away one of the opponent's eyes.

From here you can see how terrifying Goenitz's mastery of techniques is.

In other words, she has a super understanding of fighting, which is absolutely superior to all human fighters.

Adhering to the idea that I will imitate whoever is stronger, Fang Bo began to carefully observe Goenitz's fighting posture.

He soon discovered that it was okay to maintain the consumption of medium and long distances. If he was approached by this killing god, he would basically end up dead.

The reincarnations flying around are an example.

When he landed on the ground, the body of the reincarnator fell down almost at the same time.

"Poor guy." Fang Bo shook his head, regretting that he could not get the other party's box.

But it doesn't matter. A large number of people have entered the orphanage, so he doesn't have to worry about not having a suitable target for him to choose.

On the one hand, the harvest of items is on the one hand, and on the other hand, Goenitz can take the opportunity to absorb more of the serpent's blood.

When he first arrived, he noticed that this guy glanced at his friend several times, probably sensing the serpent's blood in Olson's body.

If it wasn't for his sake, Lao Gao would have forcibly recycled it.

"Many of the reincarnations in the orphanage have the blood of the serpent in their bodies."

"After this battle, Lao Gao's strength will definitely reach a higher level."

At this time, Goenitz is already a top-notch fighter. If he takes one step forward again, he will basically have the power of the BOSS.

At first glance, it is at least comparable to the berserk Iori Yagami.

Of course, it may not be enough to deal with Ignis, he must find a way to get Goenitz to get more of the serpent's blood.

The orphanage has been preparing for so many years, and God knows how many trump cards it has. It would definitely be better if it could be more fully prepared.

While he was meditating, the ghost spiders had devoured the body of the reincarnator Xiao Fei.

Soon, the sixth level three ghost spider was born.

He still chose the evolution route of the Killing Spider Guard. He wanted to pursue the most extreme lethality because there were too many enemy clones.

No matter how resistant he was to damage, he would be instantly killed if so many fists hit him.


The unique roar of transport planes came from the horizon.

When everyone looked up, the unique logo of the Sound Nest organization came into view instantly.

The main force of the orphanage has finally returned.

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