Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 239 Ambush, see Seraph again!

On the south balcony on the second floor of the hotel, Fang Bo and Lukar were looking at the night in South Town.

"Nice scenery, no wonder this place is gradually developing." He said words of praise, but the man's eyes were full of destructive desire.

Rather than admiring the beautiful night, he wished he could destroy the city with his own hands.

Facing the bright moonlight, Lukar clenched his palms hard, then turned his head and looked at the young man: "How are you thinking?"

He came here with the intention of temporarily joining forces with the ruthless team so that they could destroy the base camp of the Sound Nest Organization together after the game.

It's the space station floating in the universe, where the mastermind behind the Sound Nest organization lives.

Anyone else might have rejected this proposal. Those hypocritical righteous people like to show themselves off this way.

But he had a hunch that the young man in front of him would definitely not disappoint him.

Under Lukar's expectant gaze, Fang Bo slowly spoke: "It's not impossible to cooperate."

The man didn't answer the question because he knew it would be followed by a "but".

As expected, Fang Bo quickly raised his own question: "But you have to tell me who the rival team is playing for. The three of you alone would never dare to provoke the entire Sound Nest organization."

These words can be regarded as saving face for the other party.

Not only do they not dare, they don't even have the ability to go to space.

It would be strange if there was no support behind him.

The possibility of reincarnation is unlikely. Those guys will never dig their own graves, so the only people who can help Lukar and others are plot characters.

A master messenger with the ability to log into the Helicarrier.

Without thinking too much, the name of Clone Zero appeared in my mind. Only this guy has such courage.

Seeing that he seemed to be moving, Lukar did not hesitate to betray the name of the person behind the scenes.

Hearing the name "Zero", Fang Bo on the one hand verified his conjecture, and on the other hand he understood Lukar's character better.

Cooperating with this guy is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, and you must be prepared to be betrayed by the other party at any time.

Perhaps seeing what he was thinking, Lukar slowly turned around and looked at the bustling night sky of South Town: "The fittest will survive, and the unfit will be eliminated. That guy has no ability to complete the plan."

One sentence explains why he is looking for another collaborator, but this guy has not yet clarified the most critical issue, which is the motivation for doing so.

"Don't tell me that you dealt with Yinchao to help justice."

"Hahaha, I found that you have a talent for telling jokes."

After the laughter, Lukar revealed the reason why he dealt with the sound nest: "I can already perfectly control the blood of the serpent, and now I need more blood to increase my strength."

"That guy promised me that he would find enough blood of the serpent, but I think it's better to be prepared with both hands."

As he said that, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of Lukar's mouth: "At the venue of the King of Fighters Tournament, aren't there exactly three carriers of the blood of the Orochi?"

Due to the psychological shadow caused by that year, he didn't dare to trouble Storm Konitz even if he was beaten to death.

For this reason, we can only focus on the trio of hell bands who came to compete.

As the Four Heavenly Kings of the Celestial Clan, the three of them possess a lot of serpent blood, which can definitely meet Omega Lucal's strengthening needs.

"When I do it, you help me lure Goenitz away. After it's done, let's go and make a fool of ourselves together."

What seems like a normal transaction actually has no guarantee at all.

Even if he really slaughters the Hell Band and even kills the big boss Igniz, will Lukar live in harmony with the ruthless team?

The answer is of course no.

Fang Bo was very sure that the guy in front of him would fall out with them, it was just a matter of time.

"Let me think about it for a few days." Fang Bo did not refuse, but gave a somewhat ambiguous answer.

Anyway, the choice is in his hands, and whether he is willing to cooperate or not depends on his personal wishes.

Even if he really refused, Lukar would have no choice but to stare.

Take action?

If there was a big commotion and the three evil stars were attracted, he would probably die here again today.

"Okay, don't make me wait too long." After saying that, Lukar left alone.

Facing the cool night breeze, Fang Bo quietly fell into thinking.

Speaking of which, this operation was really complicated.

The plot side of Sound Nest is divided into two factions: Clone Zero and Igniz.

Lukar wants to deal with the sound nest, and by the way, he wants to trap the clone zero, and he also wants to extend his evil hands to the members of the hell band.

As for the reincarnators, the orphanage and the sound nest seem to be the same ship. Only God knows what the actual relationship is.

These are just the relationships between background forces. The fighters in the King of Fighters competition also have different ideas.

Some people are lurking inside the enemy with the intention of sabotage, some are ready to betray him at any time, and some are bent on teaching his ruthless team a lesson.

"It's a complete mess."

At this moment, Fang Bo suddenly heard the commotion at the entrance of the hotel.

Looking over, he quickly spotted a familiar figure.

"Kyo Kusanagi is finally here."

Amid the exclamations of the service staff, Fang Bo jumped directly from the fence on the second floor.

When he arrived at the gate, Kusanagi Kyo had already gone through the check-in procedures.

Just as he was about to say hello, he immediately noticed something was wrong with this guy.

I saw that Kusanagi Kyo's face was ashen, and he would always reach out to cover his abdomen from time to time. At a glance, he knew that there must be some kind of injury there.

"Are you injured?" As he said that, Fang Bo pressed his palm on his teammate's shoulder.

Such a good opportunity to monetize, how can I not be worthy of myself if I don't earn hundreds of experience points?

[Basic melee experience value +594]

[Your basic melee is upgraded to LV9]

He spent 220 health points and successfully recovered Kusanagi Kyo's injuries.

The experience gained was just enough to upgrade basic melee combat to level nine. At this time, he could already be considered a master of combat combat.

While he was delighted with his harvest, he looked at the other party with doubts.

Suffering such horrific injuries shows how difficult and dangerous Kusanagi Kyo's battle was. If it had been any more serious, he would have died in the underworld.

"Who did it?" he asked.

Seeing his companion grimacing in pain, Kusanagi Kyo spoke in a deep voice about what happened tonight.

After repelling the first wave of attacks, he thought he was completely safe, but he didn't expect that the second wave of killers would ambush in the dark.

"The enemy is a woman who can use the power of ice. Her methods are particularly weird. I accidentally got hurt."

To put it simply, the actual situation must be extremely dangerous, otherwise Kusanagi Kyo would not be injured like this with his current combat power.

【Kyo Kusanagi (Clone Zero)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, agility, constitution]

[Characteristics: Immortal Red Flame (Legendary), Demonization (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

In half a month, Kusanagi Kyo's strength has reached a higher level.

Originally, his attribute tendency also included "Spirit", but the reason for its disappearance now can only be due to the substantial increase in other attributes.

Excluding the blessing of the artifact, Kusanagi Zero's combat effectiveness is no weaker than that of the 97 version.

Fang Bo even suspected that this guy could defeat Igniz alone. Even if his combat power was slightly lower, it probably wouldn't be much different.

At least both sides should be on the same level.

There are three ruthless squads with high-end combat capabilities like this.

As for Fang Bo, he now has a clear positioning of himself.

"I'm just a healer. I heal whoever is injured. Fighting is too bloody and violent for me."

Don't be too aggressive if you have a strong support. The Sound Nest Organization is not the enemy that should be faced at this stage.

Without the joining of three powerful teammates, Fang Bo would have run away with his friends long ago.

According to the development of the plot, the real destruction of Sound Nest should be in 2001.

At this time, K', the protagonist of the plot, has not yet reached the peak of strength. These guys alone cannot defeat Igniz.

Because of this, Fang Bo was confident that he could trigger the world mission.

Eliminate the Sound Nest organization and let the guys in the orphanage know what's going on.

After continuing the conversation for a few words, Kusanagi Kyo showed a strong desire to win. He wanted the world to know that he was the true strongest fist.

Fang Bo naturally expressed strong support for this. Don't forget that he still has a hidden mission that he has not yet completed.

When Kyo Kusanagi ascends to the throne of the King of Fighters, he will receive a large amount of rewards.

For Fang Bo today, unless it is a reward for consecutive hidden tasks, ordinary hidden tasks can only be described as "okay".

There is no way, who has asked him to complete too many similar tasks.

Watching Kusanagi Kyo go back to rest, Fang Bo was wondering when another teammate would arrive.

The three teammates are all problem children, no one can take care of them, especially Iori Yagami, this guy's own way of doing things is simply engraved in his bones.

If you don't keep an eye on it, God knows what kind of trouble it could cause.


Just as he sighed, a purple flame appeared on the horizon.

Iori Yagami is here, and judging from the situation, he seems to be fighting someone.

"Kusanagi Kyoto was attacked, and this guy must have become a target of the enemy."

Thinking of this, Fang Bo immediately activated the jet of his shoes and rushed to the battle site like a meteor.

At the moment of setting off, Fang Bo clearly felt many eyes falling on him, including many with strong murderous intent.

"Damn, none of these guys are good." He couldn't help but cursed secretly.

That feeling of hair standing on end was really uncomfortable, but fortunately, he quickly flew out of the sight of these people.

The cool night breeze blew against my face, and Fang Bo felt an indescribable sense of joy while flying.

With the continuous improvement of agility attributes, the effect of suspension acceleration has become very terrifying.

It was about five kilometers away, and he managed to reach his destination in no more than twenty seconds at most.

Seeing the fighting figure from a distance, he raised his hand and threw an information perception.

【Iori Yagami (Eight-foot Magatama)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit, strength]

[Characteristics: Destroying Blue Flame (Legendary), Blood of the Orochi (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

"Iori's strength has not changed in particular."

It looked like that on the outside, but he didn't know what the actual situation was.

As for Yagami'an's opponent, he was moving quickly at the moment, and Fang Bo had not yet been able to lock onto the opponent's figure.

However, being able to fight until now, even injuring the proud Yagami, shows that the enemy's strength is definitely extraordinary.

When Fang Bo arrived directly above the battle site and saw the figure holding a long knife, his heart suddenly sank.

The black wings and the tough body that can withstand special attacks all illustrate the boy's true identity, Seraph.

[S-Big Dog (Beta Seraph)]

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength, spirit]

[Characteristics: Body of Steel, Green Blood (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

"Big dog." Staring at the other person's name, Fang Bo was trying to identify this guy's identity.

Once he figured out the enemy's clone target, he would naturally know how to fight.

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