Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 241 Crazy treatment, soaring experience!

With the host's enthusiastic explanation, the King of Fighters 2000 competition officially kicked off.

On the rostrum, Clone Zero hid behind the glass mirror and stared at the heated scene below with a smile on his face.

Next to him was a huge device that clearly showed the force field energy being absorbed from the ring.

"Fight with all your heart, let everything out of you."

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the previous King of Fighters K' took the lead.

The cool sunglasses style immediately aroused the screams of the women present.

"Ah, his chest muscles are so strong."

"Oh my God, should I choose him or Andy? I'm so worried."

"What should I do? He seems to be looking at me."

"K', I am willing to marry you!"

There was even a small group of women in white wedding dresses in the stands, looking at K' with some kind of fanaticism.

Of course, none of this matters to K'. He just wants to end the battle as soon as possible so that he can personally uncover the cadres of the Sound Nest hidden behind them.

【K'(The Strongest Transformed Warrior)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength, spirit]

[Characteristics: Violent instinct, unstable red flames]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Violent Instinct: Greatly improves combat intuition and enhances the impact of emotional changes on strength.

Unstable Red Flame: Can control unstable Red Flame, and its power will change with the ups and downs of emotions.

This level of strength is already so strong that even if all three members of the Korean team played together, they would not be able to win.

However, K' is still far away from being a real top fighter. He is still far from being a match for those top fighters.

As for how much strength bonus "violent instinct" can provide, to be honest, Fang Bo doesn't know very well.

"Let's take a look first and then talk."

Soon, K's first opponent appeared on the stage. This person was Cai Baoqi, the shortest fighter in the King of Fighters competition.

Fast speed and dexterity have always been Cai Baoqi's special skills. The sharp claws on his hands have won him many battles.

But today he encountered K' with an even more astonishing speed.

Seeing that the man could easily keep up with his pace, Cai Baoqi broke out in a cold sweat. He always felt that this guy's strength was even more terrifying than last year.

"Hey, long time no see." He seemed to use words to disturb the other person.

"." K' kept moving forward in silence, his slightly arched body putting great psychological pressure on his opponent.

Without paying attention, Cai Baoqi was the first to be affected.

Seizing the rare opportunity, K' exploded in front of his opponent at full speed, and the flames condensed in his palm completely engulfed him.

Special move: Crow bite!

Aiming at the injured enemy in the air, K' flew up and kicked Cai Baoqi out of the field like a ball.


K' proved himself with absolute dominance.

After shaking off the flames on his hands, he put one hand in his pocket and said to the host in a very cool manner: "Next one."

On the field, Chen Guohan held a big iron ball and angrily wanted to avenge his companions.

Off the field, Fang Bo in disguise was acting secretly.

In the infirmary, he slowly came to the side of several doctors, raised the ring in his hand and slowly shook it from side to side.

"While I'm here, just leave all the treatment work to me."

Under the influence of hypnosis, several medical staff could no longer tell the person's true identity.

They looked at each other and nodded in agreement with his request for treatment.

After these quack doctors walked out, Fang Bo came to Cai Baoqi's bedside.

Putting his hand on "Little Skinny Monkey", the recovery technique immediately healed his injuries, and at the same time absorbed the experience of a certain basic skill.

[Basic melee experience value +322]

[Your basic melee is upgraded to LV10]

In fact, he was defeated unfairly, with only about half of his health remaining.

While secretly cursing K' for being opportunistic, he waved his hand to signal Cai Baoqi to get out.

"Thank you very much."

After watching him leave, Fang Bo thought for a while and then turned around and got into the office inside.

Using the giant summoning technique, three mobile blood packs were quickly summoned.

"It's all up to you today." As he said that, he absorbed back the little bit of health he had just lost.

In less than two minutes, a group of staff carried Chen Guohan in, groaning and deflated.

"Doctor, please help him, he is seriously injured."

Compared with the guy who was kicked off the ring, Chen Guohan who was carried in was already in a coma.

Suppressing his inner joy, Fang Bo showed very exaggerated acting skills: "Oh, my God, look at this poor child, lift him to the bed quickly."

Touching the hideous scar on the patient's chest, his eyes seemed to be looking at a fragrant Michelin five-star dessert.

"K', this stupid mad dog, it's unbelievable that he behaved like this in the ring."

Several porters who were extremely tired were looking at him with strange eyes at this moment.

There was nothing wrong with the doctor's words, but the smile at the corner of his mouth seemed a little inappropriate.

"I always feel like something is weird."

After the others left, Fang Bo immediately stretched out his sinful hands: "May God bless you, my child."

[Basic melee experience value +616]

If it weren't for the extraordinary effect of the recovery spell, Chen Guohan would wake up in an instant, and Fang Bo would have wanted to take out the chef's sword and give him a few more severe blows.

This guy really lives up to his size, and his health is definitely at the forefront of fighters.

If he could win a few more games, Fang Bo's basic melee combat would definitely be able to reach the full level.

"Get lost."

After blowing Chen Guohan away, he continued to wait for the next guest to arrive.

When the three giants were completely reduced to bones, they saw the Korean team's leader Jin Jiafan officially debut.

Of course, this guy was also carried in.

"Oh, God, please punish that executioner severely."

[Basic melee experience value +523]

[Your basic melee is upgraded to LV11]

"Okay, you can get out of here."

In the first game, King of Fighters K' completed an astonishing three-match series and powerfully defeated the South Korean team, which no one was optimistic about.

After ten minutes of rest, the second game started soon.

This time in the arena battle, it will not be so easy to decide the winner.

Without any intention of leaving the infirmary, Fang Bo came to the office and raised his hand to draw a beautiful six-pointed star.

The shikigami summons, the new bride!

In order to gain prostitution experience for free, Fang Bo even summoned his shikigami.

Otherwise, where would he get the blood to continue using the recovery technique?

"Help me."


Summoning a second-level ghost spider, he began to absorb the little guy's health.

About seven minutes later, the first defeated contestant was carried in.

This person is Ryo Sakazaki's sister Yuri Sakazaki, the weakest female fighter in the King of Fighters competition.

"Poor girl, lie down quickly and uncle will check your body."

[Basic melee experience value +485]

"Yeah, my injuries are all healed." Yuri Sakazaki hugged him and jumped up and down.

In desperation, Fang Bo could only reach out and hug her tightly, letting the girl keep rubbing up and down in his arms.

Before he could get enough of it, the second defeated person was quickly carried in.

Shingo Yabuki, a strong contender for the weakest male fighter.

He let go of the girl with some regret and watched the blushing Yuri Sakazaki leave. Then he put his palm on Yabuki Shingo's shoulder.


[Basic melee experience value +525]

"Look at your body. It's in terrible shape. It's worse than Grandpa Benjamin's old tires next door."

The third person who came in was Seth, a little-known weak fighter. At least Fang Bo's understanding of him was limited to the fact that this guy was a nigger.

"That seems to be enough explanation."

[Basic melee experience value +497]

[Upgrade your basic melee to MAX]

After a not too difficult process, Fang Bo finally upgraded his basic melee skills to the full level.

This is a very general ability. It can be widely used in swords, guns, clubs, axes, hooks and forks. As long as you have "experience" related to melee combat, you can gain benefits.

The next "Mastery Level" basic skill upgrade is more targeted.

Taking out his treasured "unarmed combat proficiency", Fang Bo immediately chose to learn it.

[Consumption of 200 plot points, you successfully mastered unarmed combat proficiency LV1]

If the plot points consumed are doubled, the experience points for upgrading will naturally increase accordingly.

But it doesn't matter, the most indispensable thing at the King of Fighters venue is treatment objects.

While he was studying new skills, the fourth unlucky guy was carried in.

Lin, a member of the Snitch Clan, is no worse than a top-notch player like Benimaru.

There was only one reason why he lost so quickly. Kagura Chizuru was dominating the situation on the court.

[Unarmed combat proficiency experience value +607]

[Your unarmed combat proficiency is upgraded to LV3]

One treatment directly upgraded his unarmed combat to level three. This rich experience simply made Fang Bo want to stop.

"This trip has saved thousands of plot points." Xiao Fang was so moved that he almost cried.

All he wants now is that Nikaidou Benimaru can give him some strength to knock that bitch Kagura Chizuru off the stage. In that case, he can take the opportunity to use his space sensing skills.

But this time the battle lasted longer than ever before. Obviously, Nikaidou Benimaru's strength would not make him defeated so easily.

Silently counting the time, Fang Bo murmured in surprise: "It's been seventeen minutes and it's not over yet."

As if sensing his urgency, not long after, the two wounded men arrived at the infirmary almost at the same time.

It seems that Kagura Chizuru is still the winner of this battle, but her condition has reached its limit, and now the two of them must receive treatment together.

"Poor Benimaru, he was eliminated in the first round without Kusanagi Kyo's help."

[Unarmed combat proficiency experience value +645]

[Your unarmed combat proficiency is upgraded to LV4]

In the blink of an eye, his hand-to-hand combat had reached level four.

Regardless of any skills, Fang Bo could kill the three previous ones by just slashing with a knife.

"This can be considered an improvement in strength."

After Benimaru left in despair, Fang Bo looked at Kagura Chizuru, who was already in a semi-conscious state.

He lifted the woman onto his shoulders and quickly left the infirmary under the watchful eyes of the staff.

He didn't want to waste experience points, and he was afraid that Kagura Chizuru would fall out immediately after waking up, so he could only take her to another place for treatment.

If she couldn't find anyone, she probably wouldn't come specifically to trouble her.

No matter what, I did help her this time.

[Basic space sensing experience value +661]

"Done." Fang Bo turned around and ran away without saying a word.

When Kagura Chizuru opened her eyes, he had already run away in a flash.

"." The woman sat up and looked into the distance with slightly complicated eyes.

As the holder of the Yata Mirror, how could she not be able to sense the other party's presence.

Kagura Chizuru was not as angry as he imagined. The woman just didn't understand why this guy did so many unreasonable things.

In the past few days, she had been practicing with her teammates, and she couldn't help but confide her doubts to them.

As a result, Yuri Sakazaki told her that the other party must be interested in you and wants to use this ingenious way to attract attention.

"Is this really the case?" Kagura Chizuru was a little confused.

With zero experience in love, she couldn't tell the truth from the lies in her words, so she could only try hard to think.

In the end, no useful conclusions could be drawn.

On the other side, the contestants for the third game are already in place.

Dragon Tiger Fist Team VS Jason Team, the battle is about to begin!

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