Chapter 249 KO-Perfect!

In the corridor, Fang Bo didn't even bother to wear a mask, and was preoccupied with waiting for the contestants on the stage to be shot down.

Seeing the delay in the fight between the two sides, he made trumpet-shaped hands with his hands and shouted to the stage: "Fight quickly, don't do it to the mother-in-law."

Seeing this, Ralph couldn't help but glare.

However, considering this guy's status as a "doctor", he thought about it and swallowed the curse words on his lips.

You will have to rely on others to heal yourself later, and it will be bad if the atmosphere becomes too stiff.

As for the other side, Kula, who finally got a chance to play, was trying hard to wave his little hand towards him.

As the employer of the hidden mission, Fang Bo gave the girl a passionate response: "Come on, don't be defeated by those idiots."

Everyone in the angry team: "."

Ignoring the interference outside the venue, the two people on the stage started fighting fiercely.

Ralph is very powerful, and his Cosmic Phantom is even listed as an "irresistible" ultimate move by Fang Polo.

However, how would a first-rate master give him time to accumulate strength, let alone the fact that Kula is still the master among masters.

When the endless ice spread, the originally flat arena suddenly turned into an open-air skating rink.

Ralph Company was unable to stand firm in battle, so how could he use his heavy artillery to bombard the opponent.

On the other hand, Kula condensed the skates on her shoes and performed a beautiful free figure skating for the audience.

Relying on the continuous freezing spray, there was no doubt that he won the first victory.

Giving a thumbs up to the girl, Fang Bo took the poor human-shaped ice pimple from the staff.

After a brief inspection, he immediately shook his head and said: "The injury is too serious, prepare for craniotomy."


Looking at the bright scalpel, Ralph was really scared, and the tough guy's eyes were full of begging for mercy.

[Basic sword skill experience value +580]

[Your basic sword skills have been upgraded to LV9]

His injuries have been treated, but the frozen state requires a long period of sunlight to resolve.

So Fang Bo had someone throw him out to bask in the sun.

"Yes, just throw it where the audience can see it most easily."

"Reason? Places with many people have strong yang energy and are more suitable for quick recovery."

As soon as the treatment was completed here, Clark was carried down over there. The reason for his failure was almost exactly the same as that of his teammates.

Looking at the scars all over his body, it seems that the injury must be more serious.

[Basic sword skill experience value +620]

"Come here, throw him over too."

The family had to be neat and tidy, so how could Ralph be allowed to bear the attention of the audience alone.

[Ralph’s favorability towards you is -30, and the current relationship has become cold. 】

[Clark’s favorability towards you is -20, and the current relationship has become cold. 】

"Two men with small bellies." Fang Boy said.

As the last contestant to compete, Liana said she was under a lot of pressure.

She wanted to prove Team Nu's strength, but was afraid of ending up in the same fate.

Looking at the two companions being pointed at by the audience, she couldn't help but shudder subconsciously.

Although he had the intention to retreat, his father's teachings always lingered in his ears.

"I will definitely go all out to attack." Liana put on a classic fighting posture.

However, the gap in hard power cannot be easily overcome by relying on momentum and determination.

Maybe Liana could go berserk, but unfortunately she no longer has that power, so the final result can be foreseen.

In the second game, the Sound Nest team won without a fight.

By the time the woman was lifted down, Fang Bo had replenished her health and raised his hand to repair all her injuries.

[Basic sword skill experience value +550]

[Your basic sword skills are upgraded to LV10]

"Saved another 1,000 plot points." He even hummed a tune happily.

He was only given 500 for winning a game, but he saved 1000 by casually performing a treatment.

After a few games, the plot points saved alone are more than many reincarnations can complete the plot world in one go.

As for the woman's worry, it was actually completely unnecessary. Fang Bo had no particular dislike for her.

Unless he could kill the violent box, he would normally be too lazy to care about what happened before.

"I'm so tired." He stretched hard, and then silently returned to his player's seat.

The next match is between the female fighter team and the new rival team.

Before the game, both sides said they refused to receive his treatment.

Some people didn't understand the situation before, but now they know the reason why Mai Shiranui disappeared. As good friends, they will not get too close to him at all.

Among the latter, two of them were directly killed by him once. Who dared to appear in front of Fang Bo while seriously injured.

Without the joy of free prostitution, he looked a little listless.

Goenitz next to him glanced at him lightly, his heart full of doubts but it was difficult to ask questions.

She always felt that her new friend was acting strangely.

It seems to be random, but in fact it seems to be following some strange rules.

Hiding their doubts in their hearts, everyone focused their attention on the field.

"Hey, that guy seems to be missing." Fang Bo poked Lao Gao next to him with his finger.

The guy he was talking about was naturally the unlucky Lukar.

I originally wanted to give it a try, but when I went out I met Goenitz who was in full condition.

He was lucky to be able to save his life, as a night's rest would not restore his injuries.

Therefore, this battle actually only involves three people, and the new nemesis team has no so-called reinforcements.

The first battle began soon. Yuri Sakazaki walked into the ring with confidence, and her opponent was the returning nightmare Geese.

In just seventeen seconds, she was knocked off the ring by Gale Fist.

The gap in combat power between the two sides is too great.

In the second battle, Todo Kasumi appeared, but unfortunately lost in less than half a minute.

The strength of Nightmare Gith shocked the world. He seemed to be a messenger returning from hell, spreading the aura of fear wantonly.

It seemed that only Kagura Chizuru was capable of fighting him.

[Geece Howard (Evil Legend)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, spirit, physique]

[Characteristics: Standing tall, nightmare power (legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

After checking the opponent's information again, Fang Bo knew that Kagura Chizuru had little hope of winning in this game.

Unless she is willing to use the power of the artifact Yata Mirror.

But as the guardian of the Orochi Seal, she would never use the power accumulated by the artifact under normal circumstances.

Because of this, her defeat was doomed.

"Idiot." Goenitz smiled slightly and sneered unceremoniously: "You clearly have the means to win, but you are restrained by some boring dogma. This is a common problem among humans."

This sentence not only scolded the woman, but also scolded the two men next to her.

Iori Yagami didn't care, Kusanagi Kyo really wanted to say something for his friend.

But seeing Fang Bo's eyes, he still swallowed the words on his lips.

"I will seek justice for Chizuru." This is the promise from Kusanagi Kyo.

On the field, Kagura Chizuru's situation was in critical condition, and she looked very much like her previous fight with the violent Yagami.

Apart from using the speed of containment, there is no better way.

Soon after, the enemy caught a flaw in her and used a ranged move, Fighting Storm, to end the game.

Looking at the seriously injured woman, Fang Bo felt really itchy. Unfortunately, she would no longer accept his treatment.

"So much experience was wasted." Fang Bo, who had lost more than a thousand plot points, looked listless.

However, his hardship did not last long, and soon it was their turn for the ruthless team to appear.

The fourth game, K' team VS ruthless team, this is also the most eye-catching game of this round.

In order to clear the name of the Celestial Clan, and to secretly compete with Kusanagi Kyo, Goenitz decided to become a supporting member of this effort.

As for Fang Bo, of course he chose to appear first. After all, he still had an achievement task waiting to be completed.

"If it doesn't work, just call someone." Lao Gao specifically asked before leaving, because she knew that if this guy lost, it would be impossible for others to call her to help.

"Okay." Fang Bo nodded. He didn't know this.

Why does he have to play?

Just because he knew that the other bastards would not call for help even if they died.

Without a chance to appear, there is naturally no way to get plot point rewards.

"Five hundred per game, which is equivalent to completing a main mission."

When he arrived on the field, he saw a supporting character wearing a pirate eyepatch and green tights.

Ramon is a professional wrestler. 80% of his fighting skills are in the category of grappling, and he has almost no long-range attack methods.

If you want to complete an injury-free victory, defeating Ramon is the best choice.

【Ramon (wrestler)】

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, speed]

[Characteristics: Amazing wrist strength, master of grappling]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Amazing wrist strength: Innate wrist strength is amazing, strength judgment +10%.

Grappling master: You are proficient in grappling and grappling, reducing the enemy's chance of breaking free.

"Hey kid, are you ready for some pain?" Ramon is cunning and seems to be using words to interfere before the fight.

Unfortunately, Fang Bo didn't like him at all.

Before the game even started, ten golden ripples appeared all around.

Except for the Silver Frost Tower Shield, he summoned all other Noble Phantasms at once.

The treasure house continues to bloom around him, forming a very cool light and shadow effect, which can be known from the exclamations of the surrounding audience.

Faced with this kind of rubbish, it would be better to resolve the battle as soon as possible. Fang Bo seriously doubted that this guy might not be as strong as Mai Shiranui.

When the referee announced the start, Element Breaker was the first to rush out.

Ramon was very disdainful of such a direct attack.

With nimble movements, he easily dodged it.

The next second, the golden blood moon battle ax struck down in the air, and the sharp aura approaching made the man's color change slightly.

Fortunately, Ramon is still a qualified fighter after all, and he managed to dodge at the most critical moment.

The Blood Moon battle ax struck the ring, causing the solid stone bricks to shatter and splashing a light dust.

Immediately afterwards, a scream suddenly sounded, and Ramon's abdomen was penetrated by a spear. The perpetrator was Shadow Moon Fork, who could attack invisibly.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 47 points of damage to the enemy]

The trauma to his body caused Ramon to move a little slowly. He barely managed to dodge the sword, but he could not escape the anode lock.

Two seconds of confinement is enough to determine the winner of this battle.

The golden Kusanagi sword landed first, causing horrific critical damage to the enemy.

Yanyue Qinglong fell second, and then saw the Thunder God's Sword piercing Ramon's chest.

"Wait, wait a minute, I give up." Ramon gave in very quickly.

He didn't even think of calling for backup to attack.

Because it will take some time before he appears, he may die under the enemy's attack before then.

"Very good, I like guys who know current affairs." Fang Bo stopped what he was doing and waited for the man who was dripping with blood.

【KO-Perfect! : Win a victory without taking any damage (completed)]

[You get the title "Take Advantage\

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