Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 257 The end of the rival team, the two ghost kings were captured!

Over there, Kusanagi Kyo was still fighting to the death with two powerful enemies.

Having withstood several big moves in a row, his current condition was a bit poor, and the transition between offense and defense was much slower than at the beginning.

Seeing this, the sinister Geese immediately adopted psychological tactics: "Kusanagi, I can forgive you if you admit defeat, as long as you don't hinder our great cause."

Winning Lukar over, Clone Zero gave him the power he wanted.

Winning over Gith, Clone Zero provides him with the power he craves most.

I have to admit that this man is very good at grasping people's hearts, otherwise he would not be able to hide the humiliation and bear the burden to this day.

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with him, and Kusanagi Kyo has no intention of giving up and making peace.

"Your trick will never succeed." After saying that, the hot flames swept across the two people.

Taking a few steps back, Keith said in a very regretful tone: "Mr. Zero, it seems that he is unwilling to accept our proposal."

"I know, then kill him."

The two heroes looked at each other and then prepared to kill the seriously injured boxing king.

Unexpectedly, when the flame barrier dissipated, Kusanagi Kyo, who was on the verge of death just now, was instantly resurrected with full health.

"Kill me?" The hot red flames compressed crazily and suddenly erupted when they reached their limit.

"I'll kill you first."

MAX super sure kill·Thousands and twenty-seven moves·Dumugao!

With Fang Bo's healing skills, the Strongest Fist was successfully resurrected with full health, and then it was his turn to fight back against the enemy.

On the other side, Lukar kept attacking the opponent like a madman.

As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose, and Goenitz inevitably fell into the trap.

The special move: genocide and cutting!

The kick was like a blade, successfully tearing a wound on the woman's body.

"Hahahaha." Lukar laughed crazily, and he tasted the wonderful taste of revenge.

Today, I must tear her into pieces with my own hands, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of the hatred of having her eyes gouged out twice.

Before Gonitz landed, he directly grabbed the woman with one hand, preparing to use the full-power Gate of Heaven to end the battle completely.

At this moment, a familiar red laser appeared in front of his eyes.

That was a move from his Despair Prosthetic Eye. He didn't expect it to hit him today.

As the red laser penetrated his chest, Lukar's body was forcefully pushed seven meters away.

After rolling on the ground several times in embarrassment, the man looked up and spat out a large mouthful of bright red blood.

"You, you bastard!"

Goenitz slowly stood up from the ground, stroking the dust on his body, looking at the enemy with the same arrogant and disdainful eyes.

The night wind surged, causing Lukar's body to become riddled with holes in an instant.

"Damn it." Knowing that the situation was not good, he turned around and wanted to return to the liquid tank to replenish his condition.

As long as the body repair is completed, he is confident to kill this guy himself in the next game.

Using terrifyingly powerful ultimate moves continuously, Lukar predicted that his opponent might not be able to hold on for long.

"Even if I grind you, I will grind you to death here today."


A sudden burst of fire attracted the attention of those around him.

The device filled with nutrient solution had a huge gap opened by the sudden appearance of the figure.

In Lukar's desperate eyes, the nutrient solution was flowing out rapidly, which meant that he had lost the last chance to repair his body.

In anger, he ignored the threats behind him and rushed towards the figure resolutely.

It's just that he forgot what the consequences would be if he ignored Goenitz's threat.

"How brave." The woman's eyes were blazing, and a violent wind suddenly surged around her.

When facing herself, this guy actually dared to attack other people. This behavior was undoubtedly a form of contempt for her.

Driven by anger, Goenitz directly unleashed the bloodiest and most violent super-kill.

The eight true girls·Reality overcomes!

If Iori's move is to use blue flames to burn, then Goenitz's Eight Maidens are to completely tear the enemy's body apart.

With the blessing of the wind blade, her palms were as terrifying as magical weapons.

By the time the series of attacks ended, Lukar, who had been so powerful before, had been brutally cut into pieces.

"What a pity." Fang Bo shook his head and called a second-level ghost spider in the distance, preparing to let it eat the corpse and evolve into a giant snake spider.

As a result, the bride arrived first, staring at the piece of minced meat on the ground with bright eyes.

"Let me eat it, maybe it can help me complete my evolution."

Shikigami has said so, so Fang Bo will naturally not refuse.

Watching the big spider head begin to eat, he walked to Gonitz's side and placed his palms on the woman's smooth and delicate shoulders.

"Come, let me help you treat it."

After saying that, he couldn't help but cast the recovery technique.

[The recovery skill was used successfully. You consumed 110 health points and successfully restored Gonnitz's 287 health points. 】

He treated two people in a row and successfully raised his unarmed combat proficiency to level 6.

There was no way, neither of them were proficient in sword skills, so they had no choice but to continue to improve their ability to fight with bare hands.

"Mind your own business." Rolling her eyes slightly, the woman turned to look at Kusanagi Kyo, who was fighting fiercely with the two of them.

Seeing this, Fang Bo quickly ordered: "Go and defeat that guy, be sure not to hurt his life."

Only Clone Zero has control of the Zero Cannon. If he dies, we will not be able to threaten the fortress in space.

Attack directly?

Stop making trouble, without Igniz's betrayal and separation, they would not be able to get in front of him even if they are exhausted.

The biggest possibility is that it will be blown to pieces by a cannon on the way.

Things have progressed to this point, and Fang Bo must not give up the world mission he has obtained.

"Okay." Goenitz knew the priorities, so she pounced directly in the direction of Clone Zero.

Without a strong enemy, Kusanagi Kyo can easily deal with the nightmare Geese.

On the other side, the bride finally finished eating.

[Destiny Mission: Flesh and Blood Ascension! 】

[Mission Introduction: Devour more powerful men to sublimate the flesh and blood of the bride]

[Task requirements: Hunt 2/9 Ghost King and Great Demon]

[Special Tip: Missions can be completed in multiple plot worlds]

The task that had not been started for a long time has taken a step forward, and Fang Bo said that he was still very happy.

He just didn't expect that Omega Lucal would be included in the ranks of the "Ghost King".

"That's right. He has been dead for a long time. Using the blood of the big snake to forcefully resurrect him is not like a ghost king."

"So to say."

Looking at Nightmare Geese who was gradually falling behind, Fang Bo thought to himself, you will probably be counted among the ghost kings.

In fact, ghost king is a very general term. Many of these people with evil transformation can actually become the targets of shikigami to fulfill their destiny.

The ghost mother Yin Ji is very strong, but she has not fully grown up yet.

It was originally enough for the first difficulty world, but Fang Bo's strength grew too fast, and now she is almost reduced to a miscellaneous processor.

However, the importance of Shikigami is still self-evident. Without so many ghost spiders opening the way, how could Fang Bo dare to fight against the Yinchao troops many times.

There are so many enemy soldiers, they can't kill him or they can exhaust him to death.

If flesh and blood can be upgraded, it is estimated that the attributes and skills of the new bride will be greatly changed. It is reasonable to add several different types of fourth and fifth level troops, right?

Seeing the attributes of the Serpent Spider, you can know how terrifying it would be if there were fifth-level soldiers.

Maybe, there will be a day when you can rely on the ghost spiders to completely overturn the plot world.

Not far ahead, Kusanagi Kyo, who had been frustrated for a long time, finally found an opportunity.

"I let you run away last time. This time you come and taste my most powerful secret."

Seeing the young man's familiar starting move, Nightmare Gis immediately panicked, and he summoned all his strength to unleash a fighting spirit burst.

However, this kind of power is no longer taken seriously by Kusanagi Kyo. Before the demonization effect is over, the next mystery will directly determine the winner.

"Take the move!" Endless flames erupted, almost instantly opening a hole in the enemy's fighting spirit vortex.

MAX2 super special move·The secret of the final battle·No style!

The three divine skills once again reappeared in the world, and Kusanagi Kyo, wrapped in flames, was as unstoppable as the God of War.

Even Clone Zero, who was fighting with Goenitz, couldn't help but glance over there.

That invincible figure seemed to gradually overlap with a guy who claimed to be a god.

"What a scary guy."


With the final burst of flames, Nightmare Geese was forcibly punched through the heart by Wu Shi.

Seeing this, Luo Xinfu rushed over and swallowed the body in a few mouthfuls regardless of the scalding temperature.

[Task requirements: Hunt 3/9 ghost king and big demon]

"Very good." Fang Bo laughed happily, and began to wonder who else could meet her devouring conditions.

Maybe the Chosen One can?

He couldn't help but turn his gaze and looked at the figure who was besieging Yagami Temple.

After thinking about it for a while, I still feel that the world mission is more important. Nothing is as important as gaining control of the Zero Cannon right now.

Just as he was about to let Kusanagi Kyo participate in the siege and experience the pleasure the enemy had just felt, a figure flew up from the sky.

The person who came was none other than the Seraph holding a long sword.

[S-Big Dog (Beta Seraph)]

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength, spirit]

[Characteristics: Body of Steel, Great Demon Bloodline (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Among the several Seraphs who have appeared one after another, he is the most special.

In terms of characteristics, what he has is not green blood, but the blood of a great demon whose specific function is unknown.

Intuition told Fang Bo that perhaps this person was the most terrifying being among the Seraphs.

"Don't be careless."

"I know."

After saying that, Kusanagi Kyo took the initiative to greet the enemy.

Seeing the two of them fighting together, Fang Bo looked into the distance and found that one of Guli Zhali's arms had been chopped off.

If nothing else, the perpetrator is the big dog in front of him.

"What a stupid name." Fang Bo decided to harass those reincarnators.

Attacking the enemy and rescuing them is also a very useful tactic on the battlefield.

Is it possible that those guys can still fight to the death without calling for support?

This is basically impossible.

Reincarnators are not so sacrificial for themselves and others, and no benefit of any kind can be compared with life.

"You have to move quickly, Gulicha won't be able to hold on for long."

Once this person is defeated, Kusanagi Kyo, who has already fallen into a state of exhaustion, will be forced to fight one against two.

Facing the siege of the two Seraphs, his end was not much better than the other one.

Thinking of this, golden ripples suddenly appeared around him.

Fang Bo, who decided to take action with all his strength, immediately activated his nightmare form, and the Yin seal on his forehead began to replenish his mental power in reverse.

In the blink of an eye, the Noble Phantasms fell like meteors among the enemies.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 78 points of damage to the target]

A wave of covering blows, only the Thunder God's Sword hit one unlucky guy.

"Damn it." The male reincarnation cursed angrily, turned around and glared at the guy who dared to attack him.

It didn't matter what he saw, the other party actually disappeared from his sight.

Either he was invisible, or he used some kind of movement skill, or he disappeared in an instant.

"Are you looking for me?" The man's voice sounded in his ears.

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