Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 259 Legend, Dragon Bone Ring!

After his health was restored, Fang Bo couldn't help but check the surroundings carefully.

He soon discovered that he was some distance away from the ruins of the base, presumably due to the impact of the cannon.

"Is there anyone else there?" Fang Bo's first reaction was to pick up the leak.

If you encounter a seriously injured enemy, it will be a great merit to help them escape.

"Let's go over there and have a look."

While walking, Fang Bo opened the treasure chests of the two reincarnations.

With the previous generous gift from Brother Master, he was looking forward to these two boxes with great anticipation.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 9188]

[You get 2566 plot points]

[You get the Dragon Bone Ring]

[You get the Goddess Stone]

This is another big plot point, and Fang Bo is very satisfied with how wealthy these reincarnations are.

"He is indeed a master of the second level of difficulty. I admire him."

Goddess Stone: A rare prop that can be given to female plot characters to greatly increase their favorability.

"What a good thing." Xiao Fang's eyes lit up.

For other reincarnations, this kind of prop is not as important as two bottles of blood-replenishing props.

But in his eyes, this beautiful stone was simply priceless.

Having it means that you can successfully approach a powerful female dramatist without any foreplay.

If used well, you may receive exponential returns.

Of course, it is not the best thing in the box. The last dragon bone ring is the really good equipment.

Name: Dragon Bone Ring

Level: Legend

Category: Ring

Durability: 40/40

Attribute enhancement: Physique +4, Strength +3

Conditions of use: Physique 15, Spirit 12

Equipment effects: Dragon Power, Dragon Fury

Origin: The Rising of the Shield Hero

Equipment evaluation: Cowardly people will not be able to look you in the eye.

Longwei (passive skill): Greatly enhances the pressure of momentum, and has a certain probability of inflicting a "broken liver and gallbladder" state on the enemy.

Dragon's Wrath (active skill): Killing will accumulate dragon souls for you. Each dragon soul will gain a final damage +5 effect, and a maximum of 10 dragon souls can be stored.

The additional 7 attributes are the main attributes he can use.

Well, as a five-attribute promoted Fang Bo, no matter which attribute is improved, his strength can be enhanced.

However, relatively speaking, spirit and strength will be more intuitively expressed in terms of lethality.

As for the two equipment special effects it carries, Longwei is not easy to judge. This passively triggered weakened state generally has no effect on experts.

At most, it looks like it's used to clean up miscellaneous fish.

In comparison, Dragon's Wrath is very good.

As long as you accumulate ten dragon souls, you can increase the final damage by 50 points in one go.

For reincarnations in the current difficulty level, a quarter of their health points can be deducted directly.

"I wonder if it can be superimposed on Tiancongyun."

As the skill with the highest damage at present, Kusanagi Sword's equipment special effect Tian Cong Yun is definitely a trump card in Fang Bo's hand.

In addition to high damage, its biggest feature is that it has an additional 30% critical hit rate, so it can often produce very terrifying output.

If you superimpose Dragon's Fury when triggering a critical strike, you might be able to seriously injure the top players in the King of Fighters world with one blow.

Life: 390/390 (+200)

Status: healthy

Strength: 34 (+15)

Constitution: 27 (+8)

Agility: 25 (+6)

Spirit: 36 (+17)

Perception: 23 (+4)

Equipment: Third Kazekage, Hometown I Can't Return to, Hill's Alchemy Ring, Dragon Bone Ring, Core Protection, Germa Detector Type IV, Chef Ding's Jie Niu Dao, Memory Armor "Imitate White"

"My attributes are becoming more and more reasonable." Fang Bo sighed with emotion.

He found that his strength was increasing rapidly. If he changed two more pieces of equipment, he might be able to surpass the highest spiritual attribute.

"It seems that I am destined to take the path of a sword mage."

Taking out the female magician's box, Fang Bo was thinking about another thing in his mind.

Now that he has begun to try close combat, the weapons are mainly swords, so should he systematically specialize in a certain genre?

Just slashing someone with a knife, the damage of 180 points is indeed a bit low, it is better to summon a random treasure and stab it a few times.

Now that you have decided to change your style and use Flying Thunder God to create a new combat system, you must work hard on armed combat.

If you can learn a few powerful sword skills, the damage caused may be completely different.

When he thought of swordsmanship, the first thing that came to his mind was the world of One Piece.

He can split mountains with one sword and divide the sea with one sword. This kind of explosive swordsmanship makes him yearn for it very much.

Of course, he would not go to the pirate world just to learn swordsmanship.

I will definitely go, but it’s not the best time yet.

In terms of strength, he is probably at the level of a supernova with a bounty of around 200 million.

He was able to navigate the first half of the Grand Line, but he was a complete novice in the new world.

With such strength, even if he went to the pirate world, it would be difficult to achieve much.

As for the way to improve his swordsmanship, he could buy training scrolls, or even pay some reincarnators who were proficient in this to demonstrate on the spot.

Once the memory armor is successfully imitated, you can practice it over and over again through the dream space.

“Are you worried that you won’t be able to buy things if you have money?”

[You are opening the killing chest number 8695]

[You get 1550 plot points]

[You obtain magic replenishing secret medicine x 3]

[You get the Thundercloud Storm Scroll]

Magic replenishing secret medicine: medicine, which restores 15 points of mental power after taking it.

Thundercloud Storm Scroll (one-time use): High-end atmospheric magic, which can release terrifying thunderstorm forbidden spells to strike the target for 10 seconds.

The girl didn't give him any equipment, but gave him two expendable props.

The secret medicine to replenish mental power is definitely Fang Bo's favorite supplement.

As for the one-time consumption scroll, it turned out to be a forbidden spell level thunder magic.

Just by looking at that description, you can tell how terrible the consequences of releasing it can be.

"Very good, we have another trump card that can turn the tables."

Plot points: 24045

Through the generous contributions of the two reincarnations, his plot points have once again skyrocketed.

The aura of wealth lingered around him, and Fang Bo even walked more briskly without realizing it.

Looking at the funds accumulated in his hands, his hatred for the orphanage seemed to fade away.

"Actually, they're not that bad." He couldn't bear to destroy the orphanage.

If these people are all dead, who can give him such rich plot points in the future.

Without the persistent pursuit of the orphanage, Fang Bo's strength would never be what it is now.

In order to express his gratitude, he wanted to quickly explore the ruins of the base to see if there was anyone who needed his help.

Unfortunately, when he arrived at the scene, he found that the place was already deserted.

Even if the Dou Qi perception is turned on to the maximum, no breath of life can be found.

"Aren't they all dead?" Fang Bo wondered.

After thinking for a few seconds, he took out his cell phone from his pocket.

I rummaged around and saw the news I wanted in the local news.

[Oh my God, aliens just landed on the earth. 】

[Shit, there are no aliens in the world. 】

[There are pictures and the truth. The police have begun to cordon off the area. 】

[Hey, I seem to have seen many fighters rushing over. 】

[Really, even the group of mercenaries from Team Fury are here. 】

[Ah, the two sides are fighting! 】

The sound nest's mothership crashed, and the fighters who had been waiting for it for a long time suddenly swarmed in.

Except for Kusanagi Kyo, Iori Yagami, and Goenitz, basically none of their relatives and friends were absent.

Benimaru, Daimon Goro, Yabuki Shingo and other plot powerhouses.

And the trio from Hell and more.

The remaining troops all have irresolvable hatred towards Yinchao.

For example, the Fury team came out in full force, and K9999 and other clones took revenge.

Of course, the intervention of the plot protagonist K' is indispensable.

With such a terrifying lineup, it felt like even the big snake might be killed on the spot if he revived.

But don’t forget, Sound Nest is an armed organization that dominates all over the world.

Now that the decisive battle has begun ahead of schedule, Igniz has not yet reached the point of betrayal, which means that he has a terrifying number of artificial human legions under his command.

Not to mention various clones, there will even be clones of certain BOSS-level characters.

Otherwise, the so-called world tasks would be too easy to complete.

Not counting the intervention of the orphanage, these guys will fight to the death to protect Igniz's safety.

When Fang Bo arrived at the scene, he shot away several black police officers blocking the road, and soon led the remaining ghost spiders to the battlefield.

The mothership fell on an inland lake, and its huge hull almost filled the entire lake.

With it as the center, there are traces of fighting everywhere within a radius of thirty kilometers.

A few fighters invaded the interior of the mothership, while more fought outside.

It can be seen that large numbers of Cyborg soldiers are pouring out of several entrances and exits above the mothership.

It also includes clones of plot powerhouses such as Kyo Kusanagi, Guliza Ryu, and Lukar.

These guys are very strong and basically have the level of first-class fighters.

In a one-on-one battle, guys like Dong Zhang and Andy may not necessarily be able to win.

"The situation is not optimistic." Fang Bo frowned and decided to stabilize the situation here first.

Once the fighters collapse and the enemy takes full advantage of their numbers, even if the three of them join forces, they will be overwhelmed by the crowd.

At this stage, the strong cannot yet completely ignore the number of people.

Eat a golden dish to replenish the lost attribute bonus.

Strength: 37 (+18)

Constitution: 30 (+11)

Agility: 28 (+9)

Spirit: 39 (+20)

Perception: 26 (+7)

At this time, Fang Bo could cause terrible damage even if he swung his sword to level A.

"Regather the Ghost Spiders, accumulate dragon souls, and gain a decisive advantage within half an hour."

Considering that he didn't have much mental power left, he began to fight around the bride.

The strong ones are left to those fighters, and ordinary clone soldiers are specially selected to start.

In just two minutes, sixteen ghost spiders hatched again.

[You activate the special effect Dragon's Fury, and the final damage of the next blow is increased by 50 points]

Ten dragon souls are constantly rotating around the blade, making the Chef Ding Jie Niu knife extremely colorful.

Dodging the soldiers' shots, Fang Bo stepped in front of the enemy and slashed down with the blade roaring.

[Your attack causes 115 points of slashing damage to the enemy]

Without "Gravity Slash" activated, just an ordinary slash can cause considerable damage.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Fang Bo smiled slightly and looked at the group of ghost spiders feasting behind him.

This is already the twelfth minute of his participation in the battle, and two big snake spiders have been successfully conceived.

It can be seen how fierce the battle here is.

He took out the Wind Shadow Puppet and used all the accumulated energy on Magnetic Release.

Fang Bo powerfully disarmed hundreds of clone soldiers.

Without the support of thermal weapons, these people in front of them are just snacks for the ghost spiders.

However, their number is less than one-fifth, and it will take a long time to win.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have much time to spend here now.

After holding on for another two minutes, when the second snake spider successfully evolved, Fang Bo knew that the situation here was basically stable.

As long as the battle continues step by step, the third and fourth giant snake spiders will successfully complete their evolution.

By then, no matter how many enemies there are, it will only be a dead end.

"I'll leave this to you." After saying that, Fang Bo was about to leave for the interior of the mothership.

There, a fiercer battle awaits him.

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