Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 263 The soul of the big snake appears

When Fang Bo and others arrived at the battlefield, they happened to see K9999 being pierced through the body by the chain blade.

"How come these guys are here faster than me?" He felt slightly strange.

But if you think about it carefully, this place belongs to Sound Nest. As an insider, you will naturally know how to get here as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, coming fast is not entirely a good thing.

While holding up K9999, which was unable to fight back, while defending Kula's attack with one hand, Igniz demonstrated his strength to the fullest.

"I'm so disappointed. Is this all you have?"

Hearing the man's words, Kusanagi Kyo couldn't help himself and launched an attack on the enemy together with his teammates.

The arrival of the strongest fist finally made Igniz's expression become more serious.

Due to the accidental death of the main body, no one except Fang Bo knows the true identity of Kusanagi Zero.

Including Igniz, everyone thought they had rescued the main body during the second raid.

No one would have thought that Fang Bo would deliberately engage in a civet cat-for-prince behavior, just to be able to complete one more hidden task.

"The Strongest Fist, I finally meet you officially." Igniz was so crazy that he didn't even take Kusanagi Kyo seriously.

After a few rounds of fighting, he successfully suppressed all the people on the opposite side.

There is no way, Kusanagi Kyo is already at the end of his strength at this moment.

Before coming here, he had already fought against bosses such as Nightmare Geese, Clone Zero, Gulicha Strength, and Seraph.

Facing so many masters, even if my body is made of iron, I can't stand it. It's amazing that I can persist until now.

In its heyday, Fang Bo estimated that Kusanagi Kyo himself could fight the enemy for 300 rounds.

Of course, the odds of winning should be slim. At this stage, no fighter can defeat Igniz one-on-one.

Not to mention, it is an enhanced BOSS that has been blessed by the technology of the orphanage.

【Igniz (false god)】

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: spirit, perception, constitution]

[Characteristics: green blood (legendary), deified body, power of light]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Deified body: You have stolen a trace of the serpent's power. With a divine body, you are more difficult to be harmed, and the damage reduction is +25%.

Power of Light: You have the power to control light.

"Not only the high-tech battle suit, but also the body has been modified?"

If the guess is correct, Igniz's green blood is likely to come from the serpent. He cooperated with the orphanage and used some method to successfully steal the power of the gods.

The strengthened divine body has up to 25% damage reduction. You must know that the battle suit of the Sound Nest series itself has similar abilities.

First, the clothes are weakened by one layer, and then the divine body is cut off by a quarter. In the end, half of the damage is left, which is good.

Otherwise, the ground could be filled with moving experience packs?

"The Chosen One is missing." Olson frowned slightly, suspecting that the other party had already started taking action.

After putting on the mythical-level jersey, his strength suddenly increased a lot. Now it was time to settle the score with the opponent.

"I know where that guy is, I'll go there first." With that said, Olson planned to pursue him alone.

As for Fang Bo, he has to stay here for treatment. Kusanagi Kyo alone is definitely no match. If he wants to win, everyone must work together.

After completing the treatment here, he will immediately rush over to join his friends.

"Bring the bride with you, she can take some of the pressure off of you."

As soon as he finished speaking, six giant snake spiders appeared behind him, as well as three killing spider guards who had not had time to evolve.

With the ghost mother Yin Ji accompanying him, Olsen can concentrate on dealing with the Chosen One.

Six big snake spiders, equivalent to six reincarnations with extreme two attributes, can definitely drink a pot of those guys in the orphanage.

Without the interference of others, the duel between Olsen and Constantine would be about 60-40.

No matter how powerful the talent is, it can't change the fact that that guy is a new reincarnation.

"Okay." Olson nodded, and then led a large group of ghost spiders away.

Retracting his gaze, Fang Bo looked at the battle over at Yagami Temple.

This guy's condition wasn't very good either. He had previously resisted the attacks of the three Seraphs and the Samsaras, resulting in a serious decline in physical strength.

Now he was fighting against the demon fox and the general one after another, and his condition had deteriorated visibly to the naked eye.

"It's best to free him first. Jing'an's combined efforts may give us a better chance of winning."

When he came to Kula's side, he first used the recovery technique to heal the little girl's injuries.

[Unarmed combat proficiency experience value +528]

"Hehe." She smiled silly and turned around to deal with Igniz, but Fang Bo pointed over there and said, "Why don't you go and deal with those two guys first."

"Oh." Little Kula was obedient, turned around and ran towards the battlefield on the Yagami side.

With her joining, I believe it won't take long to win.

After drinking a bottle of wound repair fluid, his health returned to the healthy line. Watching the blood volume slowly recover, Fang Bo quickly came to K's side.

The guy was seriously injured, and there was no way he could stand up without medical treatment.

Holding back the excruciating pain, he put his palm on K's shoulder.


[Unarmed combat proficiency experience value +649]

[Your unarmed combat proficiency is upgraded to LV8]

"Another 1,600 plot points were saved." Fang Bo showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

There's nothing I can do about it, it hurts too much, and absorbing so much pain in a short period of time is enough to drive a normal person crazy.

Fortunately, his nerves are strong and it only takes a little time to get over it successfully.

Rubbing his temples, which were beating like drums, Fang Bo sat down on the ground and began to relieve the nerve pain.

"Hey!" K9999 stood up tremblingly, stretched out his hand and waved this way: "Help me treat him again, I will kill that bastard myself."

Seeing that Kusanagi Kyo was in danger and Benimaru and others were knocked down by the enemy, Fang Bo could only smile bitterly and came to K9999's side.

This guy is proficient in various fighting skills, so he can choose sword skills again.

[Sword Mastery Experience Value +601]

[Your sword mastery has been upgraded to LV5]

A wave of severe pain surged into his heart, and Fang Bo sat down on the ground. He probably wouldn't be able to continue the treatment in a short time.

"I need to rest for a few minutes." He struggled to the back.

With the addition of two super masters, Kusanagi Kyo's crisis was immediately alleviated.

The three of them joined forces to attack and finally were able to fight on the same level as Igniz.

No matter how dissatisfied the Sound Nest BOSS was, he still couldn't defeat the three people in front of him.

"Very well, you succeeded in irritating me."

Intense light gathered in the palm of his hand, and then launched a beam attack covering a wide range.

Super special move·Blade of Holy Light!

Not only the trio in front of them, but also Yagami and Kula who were joining forces to fight against the enemy in the distance were attacked.

Igniz's performance in this wave is very strong. Of course, he also suffered a lot of damage. Now it depends on who can persist to the end.

On the other side, Olsen quickly found the Chosen One, Constantine.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and they start fighting as soon as they disagree.

Equipped with a mythical-level jersey, Olson's attributes have improved greatly, and he is fully capable of confronting the Chosen One with full firepower.

As for Jason, the presence of the bride is enough for him to drink.

Now that all the reincarnations were dead and injured, he felt like he was alone.

If the undead tyrant hadn't been strong enough, he might have died in the attack of the ghost spiders.

Seeing that something was wrong, Jason immediately shouted over there: "It's too late, start the finishing work immediately."

"Okay." Constantine nodded, using the power of nothingness to push back the powerful enemy in front of him.

When she completes the seal, she can easily kill this guy with one hand.

When they came to a beautifully shaped container, a purple cloud was slowly moving inside.

Next to him, lay an almost perfect male body. This was the highest achievement of the orphanage's experiments in recent years. He possessed three very powerful advanced talents.

Constantine has carved an immortal mark on it. As long as he perfectly absorbs the will of the serpent, he will later transfer his personal consciousness to this body.

It doesn't matter if the transfer fails, she still has backup means, but she has to take some bigger risks.

If possible, Constantine still prefers the body in front of her because those three characteristics fit her fighting style very well.

Slowly guiding the purple cloud, the orphanage's god-making plan has entered the final stage.

"Don't even think about it!" Luo Xinfu unleashed her ultimate move, Heart-Eating Marrow, but was wiped out by the woman's void power with her backhand.

Fortunately, the Orochi Spider was still so powerful, and took advantage of the enemy's pause to give her a hard blow.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?!" Constantine cursed secretly, wondering where No. 7 got these summons from.

Not to mention their extremely fast speed, their attack power was so terrifying that even she couldn't kill them in a short time.

Waving his hand to summon a series of energy fountains, the Chosen One began to use this method to buy himself time.

She really wanted to find something to complete the plan, but the thing was in Igniz's hands, and he refused to give it to them until a specific number of tasks were completed.

Olson understood this and chose this time to enter the world of The King of Fighters. Now both sides have reached a point of no return.

Success or failure depends on today!

Seeing the enemy start to take action, Olson no longer cared so much and immediately released the ultimate move he had just learned.

Bai Luo destroys the spirit!

The terrifying ion storm began to gather and almost instantly enveloped several enemies present.

It's just that his mental attributes are not high, so this kind of move can't play a decisive role. At most, it just interrupts the enemy's transfer operation.

Seeing that she was forced to stop her action, Olson immediately rushed to the Chosen One, and the skirt blade tore several wounds on her waist.

The attack speed was very fast, but unfortunately it was not enough to make the final decision. After reacting, Constantine directly released an indiscriminate attack.

By the time Olson appeared in embarrassment in the distance, the Chosen One had already caught the cloud in his hands.

"It's over. From now on, the reincarnation space will usher in its true master."

After saying that, the cloud representing the serpent's will slowly merged into the male's body.

Things had reached an irreversible point, but the next second, the perfect male body was suddenly torn into pieces of flesh and blood.

Before Constantine could react, her neck was strangled from behind.

Super special move: Crying in darkness!

The dignified Chosen One didn't even have the ability to fight back, and was instantly killed by the sudden attack.

The person who took action was none other than Stormy Gornitz, who had disappeared for a long time.

"." Because the situation was so sudden, Olson was stunned for a few seconds before he suddenly reacted.

Looking at the two pieces of meat on the ground, he trembled deeply at the woman's power.

"Where did this guy find help?" Olson was a little confused.

On the other side, Goenitz was holding the cloud in his hand, standing there in a daze with his expression flickering.

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