Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 265 World mission, completed!

The person who appeared next to Igniz was the reincarnation Jason who had been hiding secretly before.

For the current battle situation, it doesn't seem to matter whether he appears or not. It is impossible to make a comeback against the wind by relying on personal strength alone.

However, Fang Bo's face was still very ugly because he recognized what the man was holding.

The perfect recovery potion, a super drug that can instantly restore life and mental strength to their peak.

It cannot be obtained by ordinary means. It can only be obtained after completing high-level tasks.

Fang Bo had never seen a few of them, but he didn't expect that this guy actually carried a bottle with him.

"Oops." His heart sank, knowing something bad was about to happen.

Focusing too much on the BOSS itself, it seems that the reincarnators are the group of people who are most likely to create accidents.

If this guy succeeds, they will face Igniz who has returned to his peak form.

"Damn it, if it's the worst case, just use up your energy." Fang Bo was angry in his heart and looked at the two people in Jing'an who were no longer able to fight anymore.

He had a fairy bean and a bottle of potion in his hand, which were enough for the two of them to return to their peak state.

No matter how powerful Igniz is, he can't defeat Yagami and Kusanagi Kyo at their peak.

With the blessing of anger, maybe the demonized Kusanagi Kyo can be singled out for him.

As if he understood his plan, Olson turned his palm and took out a bottle of perfect recovery potion.

"I also have this thing." Looking at K' on the ground, he couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "No matter what, the grudge with this guy will be settled today."


The two looked at each other before taking action.

Fang Bo and Jing'an have a good relationship, and Olson has a good friendship with K'.

To help them return to their peak, one is to fight against Igniz, and the other is to prevent problems on Goniz's side.

If the serpent is really resurrected, God knows what kind of mission will be triggered. The worst result will be a repeat of the 97 peak battle.

"The characters in the plot couldn't get the box, otherwise we would have made a lot of money today." Fang Bo sighed.

Facing an enemy of this level, he didn't even dare to step forward to harass him. If he wasn't careful, he might be killed instantly.

A single slash from True Zero can kill him with more than 200 drops of blood. If he accidentally hits Igniz's sure kill, even if he has the heart steel to recover, he will be instantly killed by the enemy.

From the beginning to the end, the two of them never asked for the BOSS's box. It was their biggest wish to successfully complete the world mission.

"You're here." Igniz struggled to reach out his hand, his face no longer as domineering as it once was.

All he wants now is to survive and kill these damn fighters.

But Igniz soon discovered that such a humble wish could not be realized.

A person appeared next to him, a blond woman full of dangerous aura.

The moment he saw the other person, Samsara Jason was like a mouse meeting a cat. His hand was slightly stiff when he handed out the medicine bottle.

"Is he the one who dares to covet the power of my lord?" Goenitz's eyes were full of disdain.

Is this guy lying on the ground trying to survive worthy of calling himself a god?

Since when did God become so worthless?

I saw a gust of wind blowing by. Igniz didn't even say a word, and his handsome head was cut off by the storm.

Blood was dripping down her palm, and she smiled and stared at the human head in her hand.

"It looks much more pleasing to the eye this way."

The sudden accident made the two reincarnations a little dumbfounded.

[You have greatly changed the destiny of the King of Fighters world]

[You get a destiny token]

It wasn't until the task completion prompt sounded that they finally realized that their goal had been successfully achieved.

After completing the world mission of the Sound Nest chapter, the orphanage can no longer draw on power from the story world.

Not to mention dominating the second difficulty world, next they need to consider how to deal with the pursuit of hostile forces.

Olson was so happy that he wanted to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Fang Bo behaved very calmly. Completing the task was expected, but now he just achieved the set goal.

Glancing at Goenitz who was deep in thought, he quietly checked the rewards from the world mission.

[World Quest: Blue God Plan (Completed)]

[Results are being calculated. Rewards are being generated]

[Based on your contribution, you can choose any three rewards from the following options! 】

[Option 1: 60 merit points (rare)]

[Option 2: Illustration of human cloning technology (rare)]

[Option 3: Sound Nest Battle Suit Blueprint (Rare)]

[Option 4: Chain Blade Tabard (Rare)]

[Option 5: 10 attribute points (rare)]

[Option 6: Gathering of Servants (rare)]

[Option 7: Forced Recruitment (Rare)]

60 merit points, a very good reward, but unfortunately it is not particularly important to Fang Bo at the moment.

At least it is far less important than the other items.

Illustration of Human Cloning Technology: Recording the final results of Sound Nest Biotechnology.

This is the magic weapon for the survival of the sound nest, which records all experimental data from the most basic cell cultivation to human cloning.

If he could fully understand this knowledge, Fang Bo could completely recreate the glory of the Sound Nest Organization.

The only problem is that there seems to be no similar research talent around him.

"Oh, it would be great if Orochimaru could be abducted." Fang Bo was a little whimsical.

This is a strategic weapon that can even become his trump card for dominating space in the future.

Even if there is no way to use it now, Fang Bo will never let go of this rare experimental information.

At worst, he would pay more attention to relevant talents in the future and see if he could recruit an outstanding scientific researcher.

Then the question becomes, how many people can be called outstanding scientists.

Dr. Ali, a scientist who specializes in mechanical inventions, seems to be in trouble.

Orochimaru is currently the most suitable candidate, but it may not be easy to complete his destiny.

Dr. Gero, the scientist of the Red Ribbon Legion, is the mastermind behind the android incident, but there is no need to think about such a terrifying guy for the time being.

The Vinsmoke family, an organization that also possesses the technology to transform humans, is also Fang Bo's most promising plot force at the moment.

Nirvana, a scientist in the world of Death, is absolutely capable of completing the research on the Sound Nest Organization, but it is difficult to bring him out of the Jingling Court.

The Rockets are capable enough, but I don’t know if they have a chance to go there and take a look.

"There's no rush anyway, you can't force this thing."

The next option is the Chain Blade Tabard, the only equipment in this reward.

Name: Chain Blade Tabard

Level: Myth

Category: Suits (clothes, pants)

Durability: 750/750

Attribute enhancement: Physique +5, Strength +3

Conditions of use: Constitution 35, Strength 30

Equipment effects: alloy fiber, chain blade, automatic attack

Place of Origin: King of Fighters 2000

Equipment evaluation: The most high-tech product of the Sound Nest Organization, it has a powerful injury-free effect.

Alloy Fiber (passive skill): Gain 35% weapon damage immunity and 15% energy damage immunity.

Skirt Blade (passive skill): A skirt blade with 30 attack points, which can attack enemies from a long distance.

Automatic attack (active skill): Consume 2 points of mental power to activate the automatic enemy-seeking skill of six chain blades.

This shirt is very similar to the real ZERO shirt, with slightly higher basic attributes and even a manual-free combat mode.

It's a pity that Fang Bo can't use it at all now, because there are better rewards waiting for him.

Option five: 10 attribute points.

He expressed that he was very excited, but he quickly gave up the reward.

Ten attributes. If you are lucky, three hidden missions are enough. There is no need to waste precious rewards on this.

Combat suit blueprint: records the final results of Sound Nest Energy Technology.

This is a product of energy technology, which can equip soldiers with high-tech combat equipment.

Combined with cloning technology, a terrifying army can definitely be created.

Without the following rewards, Fang Bo could have pocketed this drawing.

Gathering of Followers (Passive Title): Number of Followers +1

Quite simply, the number of followers increases from three to four.

It seems ordinary, but in fact Fang Bo plays a very important role, just enough to free up a seat to recruit scientists.

Without any hesitation, he confirmed his second reward.

Compulsory recruitment: Designate a plot character in this world to become a follower, and the favorability level must not be lower than the "intimacy" state.

Perhaps, this is the biggest reward of this world mission.

Subconsciously confirming his choice, Fang Bo couldn't help but look at the figure on the stage.

"It's God's will, Lao Gao." He smiled as if he was unscrupulous.

I also resurrected a big woolen snake. Let’s go to the reincarnation space with us.

If the option is not confirmed immediately, then Goenitz will become a follower, his strength will be suppressed by space, and he will no longer have the ability to wreak havoc in the world of The King of Fighters.

Even if you have to choose, at least wait until they kill the enemy in front of them.

"Jason, I never thought this would happen." Olson suddenly stepped forward and forced a fight with the enemy.

In this way, the other party will not be able to return to the space immediately.

Compared with the guy in front of him, Fang Bo was more curious about what his friend had gained.

His eyes gradually moved and finally landed on the brand new gloves.

"Hey, his weapons seem to be different."

Being able to switch weapons at this time means that it is a reward obtained from the world mission, and it must be powerful equipment ranked at the myth level.

Unknowingly, Olson was also equipped with dual mythical equipment.

Under Fang Bo's gaze, purple flames suddenly rose from his friend's palms.

At first, he thought it was Iori's Cang Yan, but he soon noticed the difference.

"Is this Chris's flame of fate?!"

Fang Bo was a little surprised and didn't understand why he chose such a reward until he saw the electric light attached to the skirt blade.

"Why did you use the moves of the Eight Masters!" Jason was also in disbelief.

That was the power they had been looking for for a long time, but they didn't expect that it would appear in a little white mouse today.

Fang Bo had the same question and threw an information perception conveniently.

[No. 13810 (Rebel)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit, strength]

[Characteristics: Blood of the Heavenly Gods (Legendary), Genetic Modification]

[Threat assessment: slightly inferior]

The blood of the old serpent disappeared and was replaced by a new characteristic.

Maybe this is the secret to his ability to use the power of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Not only fire and lightning, but also the power of the earth can be controlled.

During the fight, Olson unknowingly absorbed terrifying power from the earth.

Use Shining to get close to the enemy, and gently press the enemy's chest with one hand.

"Farewell and go to hell with your regrets."

Super special move: Roar the Earth!

The terrifying energy pillar penetrated the body, causing 280 points of terrifying damage.

This is the terror of Olsen's charged ultimate move, the same special move from the Seven Flails Society of the Dry Earth.

After mastering the blood of the heavenly gods, he naturally understood the power possessed by the Eight Masters.

As for how far he can understand it, it depends on how he develops it in the future.

"Help me!" Jason suddenly shouted loudly as he approached the critical moment.

After activating the world mission, he could not forcefully return to the space, so he could only ask for help based on common sense.

However, Olson did not give him any chance. The purple flame turned into a sharp blade and instantly pierced the opponent's chest.

The enemy who brought endless pain to the brothers died in Olson's hands.

"Ah!" Looking at Jason's body, he couldn't help but roar to the sky, his roar filled with indescribable pleasure.

At the same moment, a certain figure slowly appeared at the end of the corridor.

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