Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 271 The human puppet mutates, Guan Sheng Emperor!

[Successful learning of skills consumes 200 plot points. 】

Mental power rosary LV1: Consume 20 mental power to create a rosary that can last for 1 minute.

Such a short activity time is completely insufficient, and the skills consume a huge amount, and there is no way to get real-time replenishment in the plot world.

In order to ensure the puppet's continued combat capability, this skill must be continuously upgraded.

[Successfully upgraded skills, mental power beads LV1-LV2, consuming 400 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, mental power beads LV2-LV3, consuming 600 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, mental power beads LV3-LV4, consuming 800 plot points. 】

Mental power rosary LV4: Consume 20 mental power to create a rosary that can last for 120 minutes.

"You can fight intermittently for two hours." Fang Bo was silent for a moment, feeling that it was still somewhat insufficient.

He's either going to fight or on his way to a fight, which won't last long.

"There is no other way, then continue to upgrade."

[Successfully upgraded skills, mental power beads LV4-LV5, consuming 1000 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, mental power beads LV5-LV6, consuming 1200 plot points. 】

Mental power rosary LV6: Consume 20 mental power to create a rosary that can last for 480 minutes.

It can last for eight hours, which is enough to complete a story world battle.

There's nothing he can do if it's not enough. He still needs to retain plot points to strengthen other skills.

Plot points: 47097

After looking at the remaining points, Fang Bo waved his hand and directly learned all the prerequisite skills of the human puppet technique.

Prerequisites for learning: MAX basic puppet production, MAX puppet repair, and MAX machine parts learning.

Except for puppet repair, which he has learned, other skills need to be upgraded to the MAX level little by little.

7800+7800+6300=21900 plot points.

Plot points: 25197

In the blink of an eye, the plot points in his pocket began to shrink significantly, and now there are only a little over 20,000 points left.

Fortunately, the efforts were worth it, and Fang Bo finally learned the human puppet technique he had dreamed of.

From now on, he can create many powerful puppets. In the future, he may also be able to combine mechanical technology to create Seraphs.

[Consume 200 plot points, you have learned human puppet making LV1]

Human puppet production LV1: Increase the production success rate by 10%, 5% probability of upgrading the finished product, and 1% probability of causing mutation.

Such a small success rate was obviously not enough, so Fang Bo slightly improved his skills by a few levels.

[Successfully upgraded skills, human puppet production LV1-LV2, consuming 400 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, human puppet production LV2-LV3, consuming 600 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, human puppet production LV3-LV4, consuming 800 plot points. 】

Human puppet production LV4: Increase the production success rate by 25%, 8% probability of upgrading the finished product, and 2.5% probability of causing mutation.

Plot points remaining: 23197

"That's almost enough." For the time being, Fang Bo doesn't plan to continue investing in plot points.

Taking out the seal scroll containing the female cloud leader, he soaked the body in the special potion, and then left the room to purchase production items.

Technology alone is not enough, you must prepare appropriate materials for production.

By the time he finished purchasing, he had spent about three thousand plot points.

"Damn, this thing is too expensive." Fang Bo had a look of pain on his face.

However, considering the powerful effect of the Wind Shadow Puppet, he could only continue to make human puppets.

He doesn't seek transcendence, as long as he can exert half of the effect. In that case, it will be considered worthy of his hard work.

Taking out the body of the female warrior saint from the liquid, Fang Bo pulled out many transformation tools with an expressionless expression.

bloody dividing line

After an unknown amount of time, the transformation of the human puppet was finally completed.

When the head was embedded on it, the human puppet suddenly bloomed with a hazy halo.

[Trigger equipment grade mutation, please wait.]

"Ah?" Xiao Fang was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, during the first practical operation, the female Martial Saint triggered the equipment mutation very effectively.

The specific effect is not yet clear, as long as the legendary characteristics of "Martial Saint" are not lost.

At the beginning, Fang Bo was still a rookie who caused dozens of points of damage every time, but the female martial arts saint directly cut off nearly 200 points of explosion damage with one blow.

This scene left a very deep impression on him, so he was the first to think of her when making the puppet.

It just so happened that Yan Yue Qinglong was still in his hand, so he could completely recreate the female martial saint from back then.

"Human puppets still have drawbacks after all. It would be better if she could be transformed into a Seraph."

After experiencing the battle in the orphanage, Fang Bo's mind was now filled with those powerful Seraphs.

When he went shopping just now, he asked many people to inquire, but unfortunately no one could analyze the mystery of the three Seraph corpses.

"If you want to complete the research, you must use the help of plot forces."

Time passed quickly in silence, and Fang Bo, who had nothing to do, immersed himself in dreams and began to practice.

The art of Flying Thunder God has just been mastered, and the overall use is very rough. It can't even be transferred according to the coordinates of the mobile type.

Only through persistent practice can one improve the mastery of skills.

Leaving aside other aspects, at least the mental energy consumption of using skills must be reduced.

Now that he has changed his fighting style, his mental attributes have plummeted, and he cannot provide so many skills to squander.

There was no way to improve his attributes for the time being, so he could only think about how to save his mental energy.

"Each space jump consumes five points, and your mental power will be nearly exhausted after a few moves."

"No matter what, even if I spend plot points to extend the stay, I will reduce the consumption of Flying Thunder God."

[Equipment mutation is over! 】

By the time Fang Bo woke up from his sleep, it was already ten o'clock the next day.

Flying Thunder God has not been able to be upgraded, but the smoothness of use has been slightly improved.

It proves that he is on the right track in his studies.

Looking at the human puppet lying on the ground, Fang Bo took out the Yanyue Qinglong and equipped it.

"It's good, but the skirt is a little short."

After a brief evaluation, he inquired about the equipment attributes of the human puppet.

Name: Guan Shengdijun

Level: Myth

Category: Human puppet

Attack power: 25-30

Durability: 950/950

Energy value: 30

Attribute enhancement: Spirit +6, Perception +4

Body accessories: chakra core, eye of detection, nanmu body

Mechanism plug-in (1): Yanyue Qinglong

Equipment effects: Martial Saint (Legendary), Azure Dragon (Legendary), Mythical Solidity

Conditions of use: Spirit 40, Perception 35, Puppet Drama MAX

Place of Origin: Reincarnation Space

Equipment evaluation: The new puppet after the mutation has very terrifying frontal suppression power.

Martial Saint (Active Skill): Turn on the Martial Saint Hegemony, immune to binding, grappling, and grabbing effects, attack power +40%, and consumes 5 energy points per second.

Qinglong (passive skill): Attacking forcefully triggers a critical hit effect.

Mythical Solidity (Passive Skill): Adds an additional 300 durability points.

Looking at the two legendary effects of Emperor Guan Sheng, Fang Bo suddenly felt that the previous expenditure was very worthwhile.

The Martial Saint's characteristics live up to expectations. Rather than saying it is a hegemonic skill, Fang Bo prefers to call it "Kai Wushuang".

Qinglong can guarantee that the puppet's attack will definitely trigger a critical hit.

Attack power increase + 100% critical hit + unparalleled domination, the end result of being approached by the Martial Saint Emperor is basically death.

According to Fang Bo's estimation, it would do at least 100+ damage with any one strike.

If the combat skills possessed before birth are used, the damage will be explosively increased.

"It's just that the energy consumption is too high." Fang Bo had a headache.

The puppet's battery life is very strong, and it can continue to fight as long as the energy of the spiritual beads is sufficient.

However, if he loses the blessing of the "Martial Saint" ability, Yun Chang's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced in an instant.

To put it bluntly, it relies on others not being able to defeat it, so it rushes forward and exchanges blood with others at the risk of death.

Without the support provided by the Overlord Body, the human puppet's physical skills would ultimately be its weakness.

Plot points remaining: 20197

After looking at the remaining plot points, Fang Bo transformed the human puppet into a noble phantom and left the room.

Everything before is just inference. Whether it will work or not will be known after a walk around the ring.

In the training space, two figures stood facing each other.

Emperor Guan Sheng VS Yi Wo Zuo, the battle is about to begin!

Fang Bo will not intervene in this battle, because he wants to prove not only the puppet, but also the combat ability of the spiritual rosary.

See if the puppet can really stand alone.

The battle started soon. The third brother used the Dou Qi Luo Needle as usual, but he could not feel any breath of the enemy.

Unable to use his sensory expertise, Yi Wo Zuo's combat effectiveness plummeted by 30% in an instant.

Ignoring the enemy's counterattack, Yun Chang quickly ran towards the target.

Yanyue Qinglong is held in the palm of his hand, and the blade drags long scratches on the ground.

With sparks flying all the way, it rushed in front of the enemy and slashed with its sword.

Yiwozuo tried to resist, but unfortunately its opponent, like it, had not considered the issue of defense at all.

The final result was that the third brother's palm penetrated the puppet's shell, and Yanyue Qinglong slashed him hard.

[Guan Shengdijun's dragging sword slash causes 162 points of critical damage]

The damage of a regular level A can barely exceed 100, but Yun Chang's skills can still be used, which will increase the lethality a lot.


The golden arrogance suddenly rose, and the human puppet activated the special effect of "Martial Saint".

At the same time, Yiwozuo's ultimate move was already approaching.

Destruction and killing style!

A punch with devastating power was enough to repel the woman in front of him, but he never expected that his powerful and heavy attack could not shake her.

It felt like a feather falling lightly on my body.

Yun Chang activated the Martial Saint state, and a terrifying energy began to burst out from his side.

Even though she had been dead for a long time, her astonishing fighting spirit still lingered, making her look like the God of War coming to the world.

Guandi Baguayang style·Dou Shenyan cuts through!

With a slash from bottom to top, Yiwozuo was directly split in half without any resistance.

[Guan Sheng Emperor’s Dou Shen Rock slash caused 465 points of critical damage]

"Alas, poor Yi Wo Zuo." Fang Bo sighed hypocritically, and waved his hand to collect the human puppet into his treasure house.

The output of this thing is indeed explosive, a bit more terrifying than his Kusanagi sword.

Although they were all his own things, Fang Bo still felt like he was being compared to "her".

The strange desire to win increased again.

"As expected of a product after a mutation, this strength can almost dominate the first level of difficulty."

Well, he was already invincible at level 1, but now he just slightly expanded the range of invincibility.

Having personally experienced Arrancar sister's battle, Fang Bo's eyes were no longer limited to the "interests" in front of him.

How to dominate the second difficulty level is what he should consider now.

In addition to the increase in attributes, other aspects should also be improved as much as possible.

He stretched out a little tiredly. Although he had just woken up not long ago, the cultivation process could not replace sleep very well.

"Let's take a rest first." Fang Bo rolled back to his den.

The cost of producing the puppet is too high. He currently has few plot points left and cannot continue to bear the cost of the second human puppet.

Moreover, Emperor Guan Sheng only installed the basic configuration. If you want to improve the combat effectiveness of the human puppet, you must replace the accessories.

"Money, money, money, no matter how much money you have, it's never enough."

In his sleep, Fang Bo dreamed of winning the lottery, and he woke up smiling to himself.

Reluctantly getting up, he decided to see if he had any suitable swordsmanship skills.

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