Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 273 Asura Evil Light Slash

I didn't find a suitable swordsmanship skill, but I learned a passive from the world of pirates.

As for the effect, I just tried it, and it seems to be okay. At least his flat slash can fly more than two meters away.

There is no increase in power, it simply increases the attack range and distance.

Only if you can learn long-range attack sword skills, such as Kurosaki Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshō, can you truly exert its effectiveness.

Speaking of Crescent Moon, he suddenly thought of an old acquaintance.

If you don't find the right skills, you may be able to use your imitation ability to copy them. At most, the learning process will be a little more complicated.

I contacted the other party through communication, and after receiving a positive answer, I waited patiently.

With nothing to do, he simply opened the unlucky guy's box to see if it would replenish the cost of purchasing his skills.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 13968]

[You get 1650 plot points]

[You get the goddess necklace]

[You get the precious crystal carved dragon]

"Not bad." Fang Bo's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that the Samsara, who was not very powerful, could be so rich.

For a player of this caliber, nearly two thousand plot points is already a huge sum of money.

It basically made up for his consumption of purchasing skills, and by the way, it also contributed a very good rare jewelry to him.

Name: Goddess Necklace

Grade: Extraordinary

Category: Necklace

Durability: 60/60

Attribute enhancement: Spirit +2, Perception +1

Conditions of use: Spirit 18, Perception 12

Equipment effect: charming

Place of Origin: Sword Art Online

Equipment evaluation: It can make you more popular.

Charming (passive skill): Initial favorability of plot characters +30.

This thing can be used by Lao Gao to increase her charm and make it easier to communicate with other plot characters.

Fang Bo himself doesn't need it, he has never been a likable guy.

As long as you can accurately grasp the core needs of the "target", even if people hate him to the core, they can still be used by him to some extent.

"I can't bear to leave the three giants. Without their existence, where would I be to suck blood anytime and anywhere?"

Maybe this is the fundamental reason.

The existence of the giant three brothers is equivalent to a first aid kit that can restore 300 drops of blood every time it is used.

The key is that they can be reused, and most people will not give up such good things.

Precious crystal carved dragon: a valuable item that can be given to plot characters to increase their favorability.

He had no use for keeping this thing, so he simply gave it to Gonitz.

When the Fairy Tail world begins, Fang Bo wants to send a woman to complete a task, and then he can use this crystal carved dragon.

Seeing that the invited guests had not yet arrived, he couldn't help but open the skill menu and decided to upgrade the shikigami summons that had been accompanying him for a long time to the full level first.

If nothing unexpected happens, the bride's destiny mission can be completed in the next world.

When the time comes, she will become a follower, and the shikigami summoning skills will disappear along with her.

If you don't get the two skill entries now, there will be no chance in the future, and the strength of the ghost mother Yinji will definitely be affected.

"Anyway, I'm not short of these 18,000 plot points."

Just do it, Fang Bo immediately started to upgrade the shikigami summons.

[Successfully upgraded skills, Shikigami summons LV6-LV7, consuming 1400 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, Shikigami summons LV7-LV8, consuming 1600 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, Shikigami summons LV8-LV9, consuming 1800 plot points. 】

Level 9 effect: full of vitality and blood, all ghost spider units +100 health points.

The bonus of one hundred points of health is quite a lot, and for many low-level ghost spiders, it is equivalent to a direct doubling.

With a rich blood volume, survivability will naturally be greatly improved.

If you can live longer, it means you have a greater chance of evolving into a higher-level weapon.

"Very good. My plot points were not wasted." Fang Bo was very satisfied with the ninth-level skill entry.

With a good beginning, the final entry should be even better.

Another large amount of plot points were spent, and the shikigami summoning skill was quickly upgraded to the full level.

LevelMAX effect: Save money on food and clothing, greatly reducing the flesh and blood requirements for evolution.

The reduced demand means that the evolution speed of ghost spiders will be greatly accelerated.

The sooner you take advantage of the violent troop flow, the sooner you can get benefits from it, which is self-evidently helpful to the overall mission.

Name: Shikigami Summon (Netwives)


Grade: B

Effect: Spend 80 plot points to summon the SSR Shikigami Bride, which lasts for 360 minutes and has a cooldown of 2 hours.

Conditions of use: Perception 14, Spirit 8

Learning conditions: Spirit 15

Place of Origin: Onmyoji

Skill evaluation: The mother of ghosts was born from the flesh and blood of the ghost king.

Level 3 effect: Tough spider silk, enhances the toughness of the spider silk, and has high resistance to fire and slashing.

Level 6 effect: Poison sac, toxins can corrode cells and inhibit the target's life recovery.

Level 9 effect: full of vitality and blood, all ghost spider units +100 health points.

LevelMAX effect: Save money on food and clothing, greatly reducing the flesh and blood requirements for evolution.

Plot points remaining: 7647

"It seems like I have become poor again." Fang Bo sighed, slowly getting used to the days of spending money like water.

After some strengthening, the strength of the ghost spiders has been greatly improved. Even if the attribute points are limited, his combat effectiveness is still steadily improving.

When the new bride is transformed into a follower, a new skill bar will become available, and maybe he can learn a new ability.

[No. 11206 requests to enter your private space]

"Finally here." Fang Bo agreed to the other party's request to enter.

Soon, a familiar figure walked in outside the door.

The person who came was none other than a teammate in the space battlefield, Yodel, the top reincarnator with ghost sword skills.

"long time no see."

"Yes, it seems you have gained a lot."

Yoder smiled slightly, his eyes revealing a hint of unstoppable curiosity.

If he remembered correctly, this guy should be a mid-range spellcaster, using powerful attack frequency to cause damage.

Now he actually has to learn melee skills, which only shows that the opponent gained a lot from the last plot world.

After applying for a temporary battle platform, Yoder nodded and said, "Let's go, let's hurry up."

"Okay." Fang Bo nodded and walked in together.

The man's inheritance as a ghost swordsman has a lot of powerful swordsmanship. Learning one or two of them is enough for Fang Bo to use.

Generally speaking, the attack power of swordsmanship is determined by strength attribute + weapon attack + skill damage coefficient, but some skills have the effect of mental attributes.

For example, the Evil Light Slash and Crescent Slash performed by Yoder require a certain amount of mental power to be activated.

He cut out a crescent moon with a diameter of more than two meters with one knife, and watched it rush towards the ice barrier in the distance.

It wasn't until the crescent moon dissipated that Yodel slowly spoke: "I have been studying this move for a long time. It currently requires about 3 points of mental power and causes about 100 points of damage."

3 points of mental power can cause 100 points of damage. To be honest, the effect is very good. Unfortunately, in Fang Bo's eyes, it can only be regarded as average.

The attack is average, the impact range is average, and the flying distance is pitiful.

If he hadn't learned the sword master's ultimate intention, this thing would have been useless to Fang Bo.

Fortunately, there is no need to consume the skill bar. If you learn new sword skills in the future, you can integrate them into it. The development prospects are pretty good.

"Is it okay?" Yoder put away his lightsaber and focused his eyes on the ice barrier in front of him.

The defense of this thing is not low. It seems to be able to defend against certain ranged attacks, which virtually increases the fault tolerance rate.

"This guy's strength has become stronger again." Yoder said with emotion.

Of course he knew why the other party called him over. The other party had the ability to imitate and copy, and could make a complete copy of Evil Light Slash.

In this regard, Yoder said there was nothing worth paying attention to.

Compared with the value of a man, a little help is nothing. If there is an opportunity to cooperate in the future, everything can be earned back.

"Thank you." Fang Bo expressed his gratitude to this unfamiliar friend, but couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He originally wanted to pay for it, but it turned out that they didn't want to accept the plot point at all.

In Yoder's words, there is no need to use money to measure everything between friends.

Until he turned around and left, the ghost swordsman didn't accept anything from him.

"I hope you ask for some money." Fang Bo stretched, knowing that he owed a favor.

In any case, Evil Light Slash is his signature skill, and if Fang Bo copied it, he would have to pay a debt of gratitude.

"Forget it, let's not think about this for now."

Taking out the newly acquired skill scroll, Fang Bo chose to learn.

[Consumption of 120 plot points, you successfully learned the sword master's ultimate intention (passive skill)]

After looking at the skill description, Fang Bo started a series of upgrade actions.

[Successfully upgraded skills, Jianhao Jiyi LV1-LV2, consuming 240 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, Jianhao Jiyi LV2-LV3, consuming 360 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, Jianhao Jiyi LV3-LV4, consuming 480 plot points. 】

After reaching the seventh level, Fang Bo stopped moving with unfinished content.

Swordsman Jiyi LV7 (passive skill): +70% slashing enlargement, +70% slashing flying distance.

"That's almost enough."

If Yodel learns the sword master's ultimate intention, then the diameter of the evil light slash he performs can be expanded to nearly four meters, and the flying distance can reach at least ten meters away.

Even in the world of pirates, such performance is enough to be called a sword hero.

Plot points remaining: 4287

There are still four thousand plot points left, which is very rich for other people's wallets, but he no longer dares to continue spending.

The plot points are somewhat lacking, and the merit points are not yet dared to be used. At present, the only thing that can continue to be upgraded is the title.

Taking into account the action goals of the Fairy Tail world, Fang Bo decided to slightly upgrade the rare title of Demon Slayer World by a few levels.

But after seeing Goenitz's legendary title, Fang Bo always felt that he could give it a try.

Using his authority to activate the title fusion function, he placed the two rare titles he owned into it.

Ghost Moon Terminator (rare title) LV1: You are the terminator of Ghost Moon. No evil ghost can escape your punishment. The damage to ghost creatures is +30%, and the critical hit rate is +20%.

Spider Pillar (rare title): Damage to ghost creatures +20%, summoned objects gain 10% health bonus.

Both of these items are related to ghost creatures, so the new title after the fusion should be similar.

Depending on the names put in, the approximate finished product after fusion will be shown below.

There is no fusion failure, but the effect after success is not guaranteed.

"I don't need it anyway, so I might as well give it a try."

After trying for a long time, Fang Bo found that the title of "Gold Medal Fighter" best met the criteria.

Gold Medal Fighter: Enhance the Demon Slayer's reputation accumulation and reduce the initial price of purchased items.

Combining the three together, there is a high probability that a powerful title can be created.

After confirming that the fusion had begun, Fang Bo waited patiently.

There are many "ghost king" enemies in the Fairy Tail world, and I believe that the fused titles will have great effects.

Maybe from now on, he can become a professional ghost king killer.

After waiting quietly for a moment, as the space prompt sounded, Fang Bo's face instantly bloomed with a bright smile.

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