Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 279 Am I afraid of strong wind and waves? (Happy New Year)

Hearing Dai Lun's reminder, Fang Bo suddenly turned his head and stared at Little Douding riding the black lion.

Staring at the panicked expression on the other person's face, he slowly placed his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"I ask you questions, do you understand?"

"Yeah." Yaoyao nodded desperately, looking like she was frightened.

Fang Bo couldn't distinguish between true and false, so he could only use this stupid method to screen.

"Tell me, where did we first meet?"

Hearing this, Yaoyao immediately raised her little hand and replied: "It's the trade fair in Konoha Village. Big brother even bought my skills."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Bo suddenly turned around and drew his sword. The terrifying blade impact continuously tore the earth apart, and he was in front of the enemy in the blink of an eye.

"Are you so sure?" A sly smile appeared on the corner of Darren's mouth, and he summoned the white Susana in the shocked eyes of the two people.

His ribs blocked his Evil Light Slash, and the condensed skeleton arm suddenly fell towards the two of them.

"What the hell kind of ability is this?!" Fang Bo quickly dodged to one side, his face showing a slightly dignified look.

Even if he can disguise his appearance, why can he even use Darren's kaleidoscope ability?

His intuition told him that the attacker must be a very formidable enemy.

As the opponent used his abilities, the scanned information of "Daerun" finally changed.


[Attack tendency: strong]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit]

【characteristic:? ? ? 】

[Threat assessment: slightly inferior]

"It's indeed fake."

Considering that Miss Ninja's life or death was unknown, he immediately decided to take action with all his strength and try to end the battle as quickly as possible.

As wisps of ominous aura filled the air, Fang Bo suddenly entered nightmare mode, and his whole body was enveloped in strange energy fluctuations.

The power of the dragon soul is added, and the Tiancongyun effect is activated!

So what about Susanoo, it is still far from reaching the level of perfection.

As long as his attributes don't exceed too much, with the power he currently possesses, he can kill everything with one sword.

Nightmare Evil Light Slash!

The blue-white flame slash instantly shattered the ribs and hit "Daeron" firmly on the chest.

[Your Evil Light Slash causes 612 points of critical damage to the enemy]

Even without using the legendary title, with the blessing of the power of nightmare, Fang Bo's full sword was still unparalleled in power and instantly destroyed the ninja phantom in front of him.

Regardless of the blessing of external powers such as titles and potions, this is already the strongest attack he can unleash.

The damage coefficient of Evil Light Slash itself is too low, and the added mental limit can only be maintained to about eight points.

If you want to increase the power of your attacks, you must switch to stronger sword skills. For example, the red-haired "Divine Evasion" is very good.

Even so, this sword attack consumed a full eighteen points of his mental power. Counting the previous tentative shots, more than twenty points of mental power were gone before he knew it.

If it weren't for the blessing of the Yin Seal and Nightmare State, a single sword attack would have caused Fang Bo's mental power to drop below ten points and enter a state of mental weakness.

Strong becomes stronger, but it cannot become a regular means of combat.

"Follow me and don't leave my sight."

Seeing the disappearing phantom, Fang Bo immediately activated the suspension acceleration and rushed to the place where the two of them had previously explored together.

Seeing this, Yaoyao quickly ordered Hei Shi to follow her eldest brother. She didn't want to disappear inexplicably.

When she arrived at the place where her teammates disappeared, she immediately took out her magnifying glass and began to look for traces of the ninja sister.

"Here." Xiao Douding pointed to a certain place.

After careful inspection, Fang Bo quickly noticed traces of a similar formation.

"I see, first use the formation to trap her, and then use the phantom to attack us?"

Fang Bo came to the side and sat down cross-legged. He quickly formed a seal with his hands, put his index finger and middle finger together, and stabbed hard into the void in front of him.

Seal Formation·Resolution!

A wave of transparent ripples continued, and the enemy's formation was quickly destroyed by him.

Darren appeared with a gloomy face, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two of them were okay.

Looking around, she frowned and asked, "Where's that shadow bastard? Did you kill him?"


Seeing that her elder brother was deep in thought, Yaoyao hurriedly recounted what had just happened.

Hearing that the other party actually knew how to use Susanoo, Dai Lun's face became even uglier, and his surging killing intent was almost uncontrollable.

Patting the woman's shoulder, Fang Bo motioned to Xiao Douding to take out her toy airplane.

"Let's go back and hand in the mission first."


Don't think about things you don't understand. The enemy will come to you again sooner or later.

As long as he dares to reveal his true identity, no matter who Fang Bo is, he is sure to kill him with the sword.

With a mysterious smile on his lips, he boarded the small red plane that gradually grew in size.

"If you are too arrogant, you will get killed."

As the helicopter faded away, a shadowy figure slowly emerged from the darkness.

Looking at the small black dot in the sky, it couldn't help but murmur softly: "No wonder it succeeded in killing the gods. This newcomer's attack power is really scary."

Taking out something similar to a tablet, Sombra was trying to establish communication with others.

It was too focused and didn't notice that there seemed to be a golden light flashing under the soil beside its feet.


Martial Saint Hegemony, open!

By the time the black shadow noticed something was wrong, the Yanyue Sword had already wielded violent power and slashed it away.

[Guan Sheng Emperor’s Dou Shen Rock slash caused 448 points of critical damage]

The puppet was unyielding and caught up with the target in the air with a single jump.

The black shadow tried to fight back, but unfortunately the shock wave it released couldn't shake the opponent at all.

"High-level hegemonic body?!" It was too shocked and could not help but be slashed by Yanyue Qinglong again.

The galloping dragon-shaped sword energy directly tore the black shadow's body into two halves.

If it hadn't been for a death-avoidance card on his body, he might have ended up here today.

"Too careless."

Despite wasting a precious prop, Sombra didn't seem to show any frustration.

While the protective effect had not faded, it raised its hand to condense two phantoms with strong physiques.

Its battle is about knowing yourself and the enemy. This time it is just to say hello, and the next meeting will be a real fight to the death.

Finally, I took a look at the puppet entangled in the phantom. Its figure gradually became transparent, and finally disappeared completely from the plot world.

Fairy Tail Guild, bar.

After closing the space battle report, Fang Bo ordered a glass of relatively well-known spirits.

The identity of the enemy is unknown, and his strength is unknown. The only thing that can be known is that he is coming towards him.

At first, his first reaction was the orphanage, but after tasting it carefully, he felt that something was wrong.

"It's not good to have too many enemies." He smiled and drank the wine in the glass.

He said it was bad, but looking at him he didn't seem to think there was anything wrong.

If there were no enemies, where would we get so many plot points?

It is difficult to accumulate tens of thousands of rewards in a plot world just by accumulating hidden tasks.

So the moment he knew about the existence of Wings of Darkness, Fang Bo felt uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

The enemy has such a big name, so it makes sense to have 18,000 plot points in his pocket, right?

As of now, of his three major active skills, only Shikigami Summoning has been upgraded to MAX, and it is very likely that it will disappear completely in this world.

If you relearn a new skill, you still need to continue to upgrade it.

“I feel like no amount of money is enough.”

[Side mission, tracking down the thieves group (completed)]

[You get 200 plot points]

[Your basic space sensing level +1]

Or humanizing the space will always enhance the abilities he needs most.

Even if each movement requires four points of mental power, the consumption of Flying Thunder God is still too much.

The improvement of spatial sensing will help speed up his daily personal practice.

Of course, in fact, the progress will not be too great. This thing still needs to rely on accumulated research over time.

As powerful as the Fourth Hokage, it would take many years for the Flying Thunder God to complete his qualitative transformation.

"The intermission period in the space is too short, so we must make full use of the time in the plot world."

After waiting silently for a long time, it was finally his turn to carve the guild seal.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Fang Bo slowly raised his arm: "Just print it on my shoulder."

"Okay." Mira walked over with a smile and gently carved a golden fairy pattern on his shoulder.

【You successfully joined Fairy Tail! 】

[Faction reputation is turned on, and the current relationship is friendly! 】

[The camp store is open! 】

[Faction mission starts! 】

[Guild Mage: You have joined a guild (completed)]

[You are awarded the title "Guild Mage\

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