Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 284 Battlefield firefighters start gaining experience

Pulling out the weapon from his waist, Fang Bo subconsciously scanned the other party's information.

【Joy Furbon (Sorcerer)】

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, constitution]

[Characteristics: Super Muscle Pie]

[Threat assessment: slightly inferior]

Super Muscle Pie: Strength +3, increased physical attack bonus.

"It seems that the strength is not bad."

Having said that, Fang Bo still has great experience in dealing with this kind of muscle knot.

With his fighting spirit sense turned on, he originally wanted to do a perfect close-range dodge, but he didn't expect that the opponent's agility was not low at all.

Seizing the gap where his body dived, he hit him with a powerful and heavy lower uppercut.

As a last resort, Fang Bo could only block by crossing the blade of the sword. After a brief stalemate, the two sides fought to no avail.

His attributes are superior, but the opponent's attributes are useful judgment bonuses, which makes him very advantageous in this kind of competition.

In the next few rounds of duel, Joey relied on his flexible movement to keep the distance between him and him.

Fang Bo's weapon advantage could not be used at all, and he could only barely swing two swords in the whole process.

He had no intention of using his Noble Phantasm, and wanted to take the opportunity to find out what was the factor that made him unfavorable in melee combat.

At first, he thought it was due to the experience gap between the two parties, but he quickly overturned this idea.

In a pure competition of skills, muscular man Joey is not as good as himself.

When he clearly occupied a favorable position, but his attack slipped past the enemy, Fang Bo suddenly came to his senses.

What I lack is not experience, but pace.

In the process of close combat, the use of footsteps is often more important than the work at hand. The enemy uses excellent movement to deal with him.

"I see, it seems that I have always neglected the use of steps."

Understanding this, Fang Bo did not continue to focus on the technical confrontation.

He suddenly activated the suspension acceleration, and his whole body crashed into the man's arms like a cannonball.

[The target is affected by the broken tendon state, and its movement speed is reduced by 80%, and the state lasts for 10 seconds. 】

The sudden change of moves prevented Joey from reacting in time. Just as he was about to distance himself, he found that his pace had slowed down.

After a moment of frustration, he failed to dodge the oncoming sword.

[Your slash causes 108 points of slashing damage to the target]

"Asshole." Joey roared angrily, and colored lights gathered in his hands, as if he wanted to use a bigger move.

But before he could take action, he saw the opponent's sword suddenly begin to lengthen, ignoring the distance between them, and penetrated his chest in one fell swoop.

[Your attack causes 124 points of piercing damage to the target]

Joey was lucky that he didn't hit a critical hit twice in a row, otherwise he would have been forced to lie on the ground at this moment.

Spitting out a mouthful of bloody spit, Joey roared: "Take the move."

Holy light!

Countless beams of light burst out from the palm of his hand, bombarding the opponent like raindrops.

This is a magic with holy attributes that can defeat any enemy with its continuous attacks.

The premise is that all its attacks must hit.

With such a blatant charge attack, Fang Bo naturally had already set up an energy shield to defend himself.

Along with a burst of smoke and dust, he himself was unharmed, while his opponent's chest was pierced by the Noble Phantasm again.

"Wait a minute." The muscular man waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "No fight, no fight, I admit defeat."

[You get 200 plot points as reward]

"Can everyone get 200 plot points?"

While Fang Bo was thinking, he walked up to the man who was a little unsteady.

Waving his hand to signal the other party not to be nervous, his smile was full of sunshine: "Don't move, I'll treat you."

"Do you also know healing magic?" The muscular man was a little curious.

Generally speaking, everyone specializes in one kind of magic, and few people are proficient in two different types of magic.

Not to mention, it is still a type of healing that is useless for combat.

Seeing the surprised look on the man's face, Fang Bo used the recovery technique and replied with a smile: "I dabble in a lot of things, and I know a little bit of everything."

Browsing through the skills and experiences he could absorb, he quickly found the target he needed.

[You obtain skill base step LV1]

[Basic footwork experience value +314]

[Upgrade your basic steps to LV2]

"Saved hundreds of plot points." The pleasure of having sex for free made him want to stop.

Perhaps out of gratitude for Fang Bo's noble character in treating his opponent, the muscular man couldn't help but tell him a secret quietly: "I just saw Wo Lian coming this way."

Hearing this, Xiao Fang's eyes suddenly brightened, and he patted the man on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.


William Rakau can use the magic of words to read his opponent's thoughts and then engage in targeted combat.

Of course, his physical strength is not very good, and he mostly acts as a guild liaison.

Finding Wo Lian is equivalent to picking up 200 plot points for free, as well as varying amounts of basic skill experience.

How could Fang Bo, who was obsessed with free prostitution, let go of such an opportunity.

"First fight with the weaklings. If you encounter a master, surrender and concentrate on treating the free prostitution experience." His wishful thinking clicked.

Following the muscular man's guidance, it didn't take long for him to find the sneaky Wo Lian.

The second personal battle is about to begin.

On the other side, Daeron soon began his own battle.

Her opponent is Salusuke, a member of the "Lane Engine" team and known as the fastest man in Fairy Tail.

He is proficient in magic and magic feet, which can help him fight with high-speed movement.

However, today he met Tianke's own opponent.

In five rounds of fighting, he was attacked seven times by the woman. If she hadn't been merciful, he would have been lying on the ground by now.

[You get 200 plot points as reward]

The battle ended easily, and the scarlet light in Darren's eyes gradually disappeared.

She is not a master like Fang Bo who can score tens of thousands of plot points in a game, so she attaches great importance to this guild civil war.

You can earn 200 in one battle, and if you act quickly, you can probably earn over 1,000 in no time.

I wanted to quickly deal with some rookies, but unfortunately things didn't work out as I wanted. In the second battle, Darren encountered a master.

Elfman Strauss, known as "Beast Arms" Elfman, the second among the three Mira siblings, a man who cries all day long.

He is able to absorb the souls of beasts for his own use, has extremely strong ability to withstand attacks, and has high physical and strength attributes, far beyond the range of the first-difficulty reincarnators.

When Darren threw a few explosive shurikens and the opponent easily took them down, she knew that ordinary methods were probably useless.

"What a reckless beast." She used an illusion to become a substitute to avoid the man's brutal collision. She came behind her and began to form seals with her hands quickly.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

The scorching wave submerged the opponent, but unfortunately such an attack could not do anything to the opponent.

Elfman, who is completely transformed into a beast king, has a frightening physical attribute of 70+, and it is said that he also has a characteristic called "rough skin and thick flesh".

Rough skin and thick flesh: You have a solid and durable body, with damage immunity +10% and health +150 points.

With a strong body and 10% damage-free effect, Elfman's strength is definitely not bad when he is serious, at least there is no way to defeat him so quickly.

"Oh, I feel like I'm going to lose money." Darren activated the kaleidoscope, and the white ribs completely enveloped her.

After a moment of brewing, the ribs transformed into a complete upper body of a skeleton.

Susanoo, first form!

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the next second the huge skeleton arm knocked the Beast King to the ground.

Before he could get up, the second attack landed on his body.

Then the third, the fourth, the fifth

Five consecutive heavy blows directly knocked Elfman deep into the ground, causing irreparable damage to the town streets.

"You still won't surrender?" Darren gritted his teeth and condensed the Susanoo Sword in the skeleton's hand.

This was her last blow. If her opponent didn't surrender, she would have no choice but to take drugs and continue fighting.

In that case, even if you get 200 plot points, you won't be able to earn back the drug money.

"Wait, wait, I give up." Elfman waved his hand, and a weak voice slowly sounded from the bottom of the pit.

[You get 200 plot points as reward]

In fact, he hasn't run out of gas yet, but he's just a man who doesn't want to continue fighting with his guild companions.

If you can't do it yourself, then ask the other party to save the petrified family members.

[Number 10821 triggers the side mission to remove petrification! 】

[Mission Introduction: Elfman asks you to save his family. This is the most sincere request from a man. 】

[Task requirement: Find a way to remove Mirajane and Lisanna from their petrified state. 】

[Hint: Maybe you can go find the Thunder Gods]

When he saw a mission coming up, Darren's spirit immediately perked up.

She seemed to remember that the person who cast the petrified state was a woman named Abby Green?

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me."

After saying that, Darren ate a piece of pastry, turned around and walked in the other direction.

She had to find the woman who used petrification magic before anyone else.

In the other corner of the city, Yaoyao was caught in a bitter fight.

".This person is so powerful." Xiao Douding turned into a royal sister, wielding a sledgehammer and constantly fighting with her opponents.

But in the face of endless weapons, her methods seemed to have little effect.

As a last resort, Yaoyao could only summon Kane, the black lion.

This summoned object has the strength of a first-class fighter. If it were replaced by the Fairy Tail world, it would at least have the fighting strength of the guild's chosen magician.

Although he is no match for the young man in front of him, he can still pose a considerable threat to him.

Yaoyao's opponent is none other than Gray Forpasta, one of the members of Fairy Tail's strongest team.

Users of ice modeling magic will become terrifying and powerful ice demon-slayer guides in the future.

It's just that at the moment, he doesn't have that strong fighting power, so the two sides are temporarily in a state of anxiety.

The combination of Yaoyao + Black Lion was unable to win, and Gray had no choice but to capture the summoned beast that moved at an alarming speed.

"We can't let him interfere with Big Brother's plan." Thinking of this, Yu Jie Yao took out a disposable scroll from her belly pocket.

The moment the scroll was activated, the originally bright sky suddenly began to thunder and lightning.

Before Gray could react, a series of lightning strikes completely overwhelmed him.


The thunder did not defeat Gray, but only consumed a lot of his magic power.

Even if he could win in the end, he would not be able to participate in the siege of Laxus.

From a certain perspective, Yaoyao did contribute to this hidden mission.

"Thank you very much. You are such a good person."

In the blink of an eye, Fang Bo received his third good guy card.

[Fairy Tail’s power reputation +30, current relationship is friendly]

Everyone else was fighting, but he was the only one saving people everywhere. Such a righteous act was seen by many caring people.

It can be seen from the high reputation he has obtained how rare it is to do these things.

[Upgrade your basic steps to LV3]

In the blink of an eye, his basic steps rose to level three, and he was only one step away from level four.

Plot points: 6207

After looking at the remaining plot points, Fang Bo estimated that the time was almost up, and he planned to set off for the battlefield on Laxus' side.

To become the champion, Laxus had several hurdles that he had to overcome in the past.

S-class magicians, Mystergang, Erza, and Mirajane.

There are also two dragon slayers who are slightly less powerful.

No matter how strong he is, he can't defeat these people one by one, so he must find a way to reduce some of the burden.

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