Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 292 The traveler from another world


The small red plane took off at high speed, approaching the rift between the two worlds amidst lightning and thunder.

The short pilot was sitting in the cab, so nervous that his palms were sweating, and he didn't even notice that his helmet was on crookedly.

"Brother, can you give me a message to my sister?"

"Stop talking nonsense and focus on flying the plane."


With tears in her eyes, Yaoyao screamed and rushed towards the crack in the void in front of her.

"Are you really sure this will work?" Darren's forehead was sweating and he couldn't help but glance at the man next to him.

"Probably." Fang Bo looked at her expressionlessly, his eyes full of determination to die.

This scene made the female president even more nervous.

Edras is another parallel world different from the main world.

There are characters in the two worlds who have the same appearance and name, but completely different personalities and identities.

For example, the famous Fairy Tail is a notorious dark guild in Edras.

As for the rulers of this world, they are a special race called Exhit (Transcendents), that is, Habi and Xia Lulu’s group of kittens with wings.

This group of kittens in Edras are called angels. They generally believe that they are better than humans and prohibit ordinary people from using or learning magic.

As long as you possess magic, it will be regarded as a crime by the king's army here, because the source of magic in this world is mainly stored in the earth, and will gradually deplete over time.

That's why Edras plotted the magic of another world, and the Transcendent came, and Lisanna's disappearance had a lot to do with it.

By the time Fang Bo came to his senses, Shuke's small plane had landed staggeringly on the ground.

"Is everyone okay?" Fang Bo opened the hatch and stepped on Edras' land.

There was nothing wrong with Miss Ninja, but she felt that she was quite critical of Xiao Douding's driving skills.

As for poor Yaoyao, she was stroking her little plane with great distress at the moment.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, only one-third of the durability is left."

After calling out a few times, she found that no one paid attention to her, so she angrily put the small plane into the mark.

"Hey, why do you feel a little hot?" Yaoyao fanned herself with her palm, wanting to take out her bamboo dragonfly.

In addition to flying on her head, this thing can also become her exclusive fan.

The slightly dizzy little Douding didn't notice the space prompt that just came, and thought that his feeling of heat came from the weather.

On the other hand, Dai Lun, who was on the sidelines, was most sensitive to changes in energy, and soon discovered the news that he had ignored.

[You obtain the "Magic Barren" state]

Magic Bareness: Mental power recovery is reduced by 800%, and the lethality of elemental attacks is greatly reduced.

"I see, this is the curse of Edras."

Under normal circumstances, a little mental power can be recovered every ten minutes. If Fang Bo wants to recover all his mental energy and fill up the Yin Seal, it will take a full nine and a half hours.

Affected by the barrenness of magic power, this time will be extended to 76 hours, which means it will take three full days to recover.

This would have a huge impact on the battle, to the point where they would not dare to use their mental power to fight at all.

Because of this, Fang Bo had no intention of staying here any longer and would leave on his own after receiving the mission target.

As for his two teammates, they are very interested in wandering around here more, maybe they can find some hidden tasks.

"Let's go without further ado."

He took out his cool motorcycle, threw Little Doudin into the back seat, turned the accelerator and the car rushed out in an instant.

Seeing this, Darren calmly took out an electric skateboard.

When she caught up, she immediately attracted the curious eyes of two people, one large and one small.

"This thing can't be."

Before Fang Bo could ask, a woman's proud voice came to his ears.

"Young man, why don't you take a nap?"


When Xiao Douding, who was full of excitement, waved his palms, the two of them instantly increased their power and rushed forward like two arrows.

In the end, Fang Bo's motorcycle naturally won the victory. The acceleration of the flame jet almost threw Yaoyao away, which shows how terrifying the motorcycle's instant acceleration is.

But in the first half, Darren's electric skateboard didn't lag behind at all.

"This is very scientific."

After half a day of driving, the nearest city was already in sight.

Just ask for directions and I believe you will soon be able to get information about the Fairy Tail Guild.

"Even if they become the Dark Guild, these guys are still not easy to worry about."

After arriving in the town and briefly appreciating the local customs, the ruthless team found a regular guild in the city.

Using unique illusion interrogation, Darren quickly obtained information about the Dark Guild.

"It's easy." In order to avoid trouble, she just knocked the person unconscious without taking the opportunity to kill the poor guy.

Regardless of Edras's lack of magic power, the actual combat effectiveness is no worse than that of the original world.

With no magic power to squander, these people invented something called a "magic tool", which is actually a magic prop that can be used repeatedly.

This kind of thing is relatively rare, and most of it is in the hands of well-known "magic warriors".

Combined with his own martial arts talent, the strength that the plot master can display is actually not bad at all.

Fang Bo, who understood this, naturally had to act carefully. Unless there was a very necessary reason, he could not arouse the hostility of King Edras' army.

They just come to whatever they are afraid of. Not long after they left the town, Fang Bo and others were pursued by regular demon warriors.

"Did that guy find someone?" Dai Lun's eyes darkened slightly, regretting that he didn't just kill him directly.

"It seems not." Fang Bo shook his head, knowing that even the Royal Army would not be able to move so fast.

Judging from that posture, the other party was indeed chasing them, but the reason may have nothing to do with the previous torture.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Bo almost figured out the key.

"Maybe our whereabouts were exposed, and the movement across the world attracted the kingdom's attention."

Understanding this, it is not difficult to explain the movements of the Royal Army.

Maybe, the two sides have been rushing to each other before, otherwise how could they meet each other so quickly.

Taking a moment to look back, a woman holding a spear came into view.

"Oh, what a bad luck." Fang Bo smiled bitterly.

As soon as he arrived in another world, he unexpectedly encountered a formidable and powerful enemy.

【Erza Netwalka (Fairy Hunting)】

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, agility, perception]

[Characteristics: Gun Warrior, Magic Tool Master (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Gun Warrior: You are a battle-hardened warrior, and the hit rate of gun-type weapons is modified by 20%.

"do not run!"

Erza from another world raised her spear, and then unleashed an extremely fast and violent blow.

Sonic gun!

Its speed was so fast that there was no way to dodge it. In less than a breath, it crossed hundreds of meters and arrived in front of you.

With Fang Bo's skill, there is basically no possibility of evasion. Fortunately, he has trustworthy teammates around him.

"Don't even think about it!"

A white skeleton arm emerged, blocking the fatal blow just in time.

Although it is fast, it cannot escape the motion capture of kaleidoscope.

"So tough." Darren frowned, knowing that the woman's strength was probably no worse than the S-class mage in this guild.

The chance of winning in frontal resistance is not high, let alone that they lead so many king's troops.

"Oh, I can only run away." She gave Xiao Douding a look.

Yaoyao nodded to express her understanding, then put her hand into her belly pocket and kept digging.

Soon, several more alchemy grenades appeared in her hand.

"Come out, Kane."

Jumping on the back of the black lion, Yaoyao used its flexible movement to continuously throw round grenades at the king's army from all directions.

For a moment, the pursuing troops were knocked upside down by the bomb blast by her alone.

When the knights rushed out of the smoke, the remaining number was only one-fifth of the previous number.

"Hey." Yaoyao sped up to catch up, and there were no grenades in her pocket.

But it doesn't matter, Big Brother's ace puppets are all in place already.

The Wind Shadow Puppet floated in the air, its magnetic escape ability was activated, and in the blink of an eye, it released an extremely wide ocean of sand and iron.

It might not be able to deal with Erza from another world, but it shouldn't be a problem to deal with other pursuers.

Emperor Guan Sheng activated the Martial Saint Hegemony and rushed directly towards the strongest person regardless of the situation.

Faced with this kind of hard knot that cannot be broken, no matter who sees it, it will be a headache, and this general of the King's Army is no exception.

Despite some minor injuries, it took Erza about thirty seconds to successfully blow up the puppet. Unfortunately, there was no sign of those people in front of her.

"Damn it!" She slammed the ground hard and vowed to track down the whereabouts of the other party.

"I swear I won't be a human unless I kill you."

On the other side, Fang Bo and others, who had escaped, met a guest.

Someone they were actually quite familiar with.

"Hey, you guys." Lucy, dressed as a little girl, came close on a motorcycle and kept looking at the ruthless team with aggressive eyes.

After more than ten seconds, she sneered disdainfully: "I didn't even catch a guy like you. You're just a loser who relies on your looks for some fairy hunting."

"The change in this character's character is quite big." Darren complained in his heart.

In her mind, Lucy is just a busty woman who sells meat, and basically cannot play a big role in the Fairy Tail Guild.

Unexpectedly, in another world, he would dare to speak rudely to himself.

If it weren't for the consumption of mental energy, Darren would have transformed into a Susan arm and swatted her away.

Patting his companion on the shoulder, Fang Bo smiled and took over the conversation: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I wonder if you are interested in getting to know him."

"You want to pick me up?" Lucy looked at him warily. After hesitating for a moment, she nodded reluctantly: "Okay, at least you are much better than that loser who cries all day long."

".I think you have misunderstood."

After struggling to explain for a long time, Lucy reluctantly accepted the cruel fact that the man didn't want to flirt with him.

"Hmph, you blind thing, come with me."

Regardless of those messy misunderstandings, at least she agreed with the man's proposal.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Maybe there is a chance for the two sides to cooperate sincerely and see if they can trick that bastard girl back again.

If we can kill the other party, the guild's life will be easier in the future.

"Kill Erza?" Fang Bo's eyes lit up and he began to think about the feasibility of this matter.

Based on personal combat power alone, there may be strong men within Fairy Tail who can kill her. If not one, a few more will be enough.

The problem is that he is the regular commander-in-chief of the Royal Army, and he has an army of over a thousand magic warriors under his command.

If there was a head-on battle, several Fairy Tails would probably die, because their supplies would be exhausted first.

Unless an opportunity to be alone could be created, Fang Bo would be sure to kill Erza from another world.

"If it succeeds, it will at least be a red-level box."

Considering the benefits, Fang Bo gritted his teeth and decided to do it.

There is no reason why we should be restrained here if we can't do things in the main world.

Maybe, he can also take the opportunity to complete a few achievement tasks.

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