Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 296 Kaleidoscope Eye Technique

Yin seal, untie it!

Feeling the pleasure pouring into his spirit, Fang Bo let out a long sigh of relief.

Erza from another world is very strong, no one can be her opponent in one-on-one situations.

Switching back and forth between several weapons, you may suffer a fatal blow if you are not careful.

In a battle situation of this level, Fang Bo's health does not have any advantage.

Even with the recovery effect of Heart Steel, he was on the verge of being instantly killed many times.

"In the final analysis, my agility attribute is not high enough. Even if I get close to the enemy, I can't have an absolute advantage."

Golden ripples rippled, and Noble Phantasms emerged in the sky one after another. The next thing the two sides competed with was consumption.

If the magic power is exhausted, everyone will have no choice but to retreat. If they want to win, they can only find opportunities to kill each other.

"Brother, let me help you." Xiao Douding took out a pair of energy guns and kept firing energy bullets at the woman opposite.

Although it cannot cause effective damage, she can still consume the enemy's power.

Taking this opportunity, Darren came over and said something in his teammates' ears.

"Are you sure?" Fang Bo frowned.

Obviously, the woman made a rather unreliable suggestion.

"Don't worry, I won't joke with my life."

Everyone has said so, so Fang Bo naturally won't question anything.

"Yao Yao, cover us."


Pressing the bamboo dragonfly on his head, Little Douding flew up unsteadily and continued to suppress the enemy with firepower from the air.

Erza, who was cornered, directly summoned the light gun she had used, and shot her down with an energy pulse.

Light particle gun·cluster!

Seeing the Noble Phantasm flying towards her, she waved the big gun with disdain, and easily knocked away all the weapons.

The next second, white light suddenly bloomed in front of him.

Using his teammates' Flying Thunder God technique, Darren came to the target.

The white skull wrapped around the body, and the extended arm suddenly fell towards her.

"How brave!"

Erza didn't expect that these guys would dare to come to her.

Do you really think she can't see the secret of teleportation magic?

"Using those weapons to move, it seems your magic is not very practical."

Rakshasa's gun!

Transforming into a brand new weapon, she easily blocked the full blow of the skeletal giant.

This is an absolute difference caused by the strength attribute. Susana's attributes in all aspects will also be affected by the reincarnation.

Including the upper limit of the attack power it can withstand.

Rakshasa's Spear·Dancing Solo!

The penetrating power of this weapon is extremely strong, and it successfully penetrated Susana's protection in one blow.

"Succeeded." Erza sneered, looking forward to the scene of stabbing the woman to death.

It was this bitch who deceived herself, otherwise how could her brothers have suffered heavy casualties.

Death alone is not enough. None of the enemies who came here today can leave alive.

The tip of the spear was about to hit, and it seemed that Dai Lun was about to die, but there was no trace of panic on her face.

The kaleidoscope in her right eye glowed with a faint light, and everything around her seemed to be gradually slowing down.

Eye Technique·Great God!

The tip of the spear thrust forward was slowing down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just a few centimeters apart, and it seems like it can penetrate the opponent with a little effort, but no matter how hard it is, it seems to be of no avail.

This is Darren's pupil technique. As long as she doesn't want to, no object can touch her body.

"What kind of magic is this?!" Erza looked in disbelief.

Immediately, she seemed to notice something, her heart tightened suddenly, and a thick layer of goosebumps appeared on her back.

She was so focused on the wrestling in front of her that she completely forgot that her enemy was a magician who could teleport.

A moment's hesitation may have very serious consequences.

"you lose."

Before the man's voice could be heard, the sword penetrated her back first.

Facing the extremely sharp Kusanagi sword, her armor seemed to have little protective effect.

[Your slash causes 102 points of slashing damage to the target]

It failed to cause a critical hit, and there was no blessing from skills. After deducting the opponent's damage-free effect, Fang Bo's flat A could still cause a hundred points of damage.

Of course, this damage alone is not enough to win. Erza also has the ability to fight back.

Holding the hilt of the sword tightly in his hand, Fang Bo gathered strength with his left hand on his waist and abdomen, and his spiritual power poured into it like running water.

The violent qi lock caused Erza to unconsciously tighten her legs, preparing for the man's violent impact from behind.

Imitate the Overlord Xianghou Fist!

The attack accurately hit the woman, and the strong tearing feeling brought by the energy made Erza feel like she was about to break.

[Your Overlord Xianghou Fist causes 236 points of energy damage to the target]

Affected by the attack, the woman's body was constantly spinning when she was knocked away.

Even so, Erza still did not fall to the ground, and she actually retained a trace of fighting strength.

Seeing this, Fang Bo, who was in a state of exhaustion, couldn't help but take a breath: "The effect of the equipment, or did I underestimate her health?"

In short, the battle is not over yet, and he doesn't even have the strength to use the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Dai Lun's situation is similar. The previous pupil technique drained her of all her mental energy, and now she is slumped on the ground with a solemn expression.

Both of them held medicine bottles in their hands, planning to take medicine and continue to drink as soon as the situation turned bad.

At the critical moment, Xiao Douding fell in front of the two of them, but her appearance was very different from before.

At this time, Yaoyao was wearing silver-white armor, and there was a smooth lens on the helmet for receiving energy, with a round milky white sphere inserted in the latter position.

The most striking thing is that there is a huge marble installed in the armor on her belly.

"Leave it to me next." Yaoyao, who transformed into a pinball man, officially appeared.

"Is there anything else that this girl doesn't have?" Fang Bo always felt that there were too many flaws and he couldn't even spit them out.

Ignoring the looks of others, Yaoyao acted very seriously. She was trying to increase the intensity of this attack.

In order to maximize the damage, she also poured in a bottle of unknown potion.

It wasn't until veins popped up on his forehead that he finally stopped accumulating energy for a long time.

"I can't always rely on big brother." She put on a posture to launch an attack, but she was the first to throw out a small crystal.

When it exploded in mid-air, four chains of light suddenly tied Erza up.

Sixty-three of the Dao of Binding: Binding with chains!

My sister Tina went to the God of Death again, so many related items suddenly appeared in her pocket.

Not only the Dao Binding, but also several crystals with broken Dao burned into them were not used.

Just like she said, just leave it to yourself.

"Fall down quickly."

Must-kill·Marble Shooting!

The energy marbles pierced the sky, accurately hitting Erza who had not yet broken free, and severely knocked the woman away nearly a hundred meters away.

Before she landed, she received a prompt from space.

[You get a plot treasure box (red)]

"Yeah, it worked."

Fang Bo naturally knew that the target was dead because he had received a notification that the hidden mission was completed.

[Hidden mission: Protect the fairies (completed)]

[Results are being calculated. Rewards are being generated]

[Based on your contribution, you can choose any two rewards from the following options! 】

[Option 1: You get 1000 plot points]

[Option 2: You get 6 merit points]

[Option 3: You get a cat whistle]

[Option 4: You get 4 attribute points (rare)]

[Option 5: You get the core blueprint of magic power (rare)]

Cat Whistle: A special prop that can summon a transcendent to assist in combat.

This is a prop-type summoned beast. It is very rare and generally has very good special effects.

Although it cannot be used directly in combat, it can help the user increase certain abilities.

If he chooses it, Fang Bo can also complete an achievement task.

[I have a cat: you have a Transcendent of Edras]

Regardless of whether the title obtained is good or bad, it can be used to upgrade other titles.

"Well, the problem is I don't have a choice."

The option of 4 points of attributes was confirmed, so that his initial accumulation was over.

As long as he is promoted to the second difficulty level, Fang Bo will immediately become a strong man with a mental attribute reaching the extreme value of 49 points.

With the many trump cards he has accumulated, he can at least be called a powerful force, not to mention invincible.

If only the extreme values ​​of the two attributes could be achieved.

Magic Power Core Blueprint: Records various methods of making energy cores.

The kitten's summoning whistle is indeed very good, but there is no comparison with this drawing.

The core it provides not only has high energy storage, but also provides some additional amplification effects.

For example, it can increase explosive power, attack strength, final damage value and other different effects.

It can be said that what Fang Bo currently lacks most are these little things.

Each of the puppets he owned were stronger than the last, but they lacked energy cores, causing them to fidget for a few seconds before going on the stage.

If it can be extended a little longer, Fang Bo's combat effectiveness will be improved a lot.

It's just that his ambition is a little inflated now, and a simple human puppet can no longer satisfy him. It would be more exciting if he could get two Seraphs to play with.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have an invitation ticket to One Piece World." Fang Bo rubbed his chin, thinking about whether he should go back to One Piece World for a tour.

Just because the orphanage can do it, doesn't mean he can't do it.

If one could master Seraph's technology, one could sublimate the human puppet to its original level.

"But I heard that this kind of artificial people must be accepted as followers, otherwise they cannot be brought into the plot world."

He already had Lao Gao and Luo Xinfu by his side, which gave him two unshakable followers.

Even if there is a "gathering of followers" effect, it can only recruit two more followers at most.

"In other words, I can create two Seraph bodyguards."

If you think about it carefully, an army of one man does not seem to be a fantasy.

There is no problem in going to the pirate world. The key is whether he has the qualifications to talk to the world government on an equal footing.

If you foolishly use technology to trade, the biggest result will be to be killed on the spot.

Unless Fang Bo can show strength that makes the world government fearful, or has an identity that allows them to cooperate with confidence.

"Does being a Shichibukai count as a legal status?"

Considering the importance of Dr. Vegapunk, it is estimated that the name of Shichibukai alone is not enough.

While thinking about it, Fang Bo was suddenly startled, then couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

Returning to the world of pirates is just an idea, so why bother with so many problems.

Vegapunk is not the only outstanding scientist. In that kind of high-tech world, any one you pick out at random is probably not inferior to him.

Slowly stood up from the ground, and picked up the lying little Douding: "Your armor is quite good."

"Right." After hearing the compliment from her elder brother, Yaoyao immediately cheered up and said that she actually likes to control vehicles or armors to fight.

Hearing what he said, Fang Bo had some ideas. Maybe he could throw Yaoyao into the world of mechas to experience.

Maybe there will be a Gundam pilot in the team in the future?

Watching the ghost spiders begin to clean up the battlefield, Fang Bo couldn't help but gently put the little girl in his hand on the ground.

"Come on, open the box first."

The alien version of Erza has extraordinary strength, so she was given a rare red box, and it is estimated that a lot of good things can be found in it.

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