Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 304 Burn, my little universe!

At Siludi's invitation, the group successfully found the black dragon's lair.

In addition to the reincarnators, she also spent a lot of money to hire a powerful general from the alliance.

The jackal, one of the nine ghost gates in Hades, is the bomber who attacked Magnolia.

With him here, you will be more confident in dealing with the black dragon.

Looking at the cave in the distance, everyone moved forward cautiously.

A few kilometers away, one can still feel the terrifying pressure belonging to the Dragon King.

"A very powerful aura." Cassios said.

Even so, his eyes never wavered.

It is true that the black dragon Acnologia is very strong and is definitely the ceiling of strength in the Fairy Tail world, but in the eyes of Mohawk, it is just a slightly larger reptile at most.

Cassios, the disciple of Ophiuchus Silver Saint Sharna.

He once competed with Seiya for the Holy Cloth of Pegasus. It is very powerful and has the terrifying ability to split mountains and seas.

With Siludi's help, Cassios successfully gained recognition from the Holy Domain and is now a Bronze Saint of Canis Major.

In accordance with the mutual agreement, Cassios became the woman's follower. Although his attributes were completely reduced, he also had the possibility of climbing to a higher level.

Let me ask, who would want to be a little bronze at the bottom of his life?

Cassios' talent is not good enough, and he cannot even comprehend the small universe on his own, so he can only rely on this method to obtain power.

It is precisely because he has seen the vastness of the world that he understands that the black dragon Acnologia, who needs everyone to look up to him, may not even be qualified to look at the gate in the sanctuary.

You know, the movement and punching speed of ordinary bronze saints can reach the speed of sound.

The strong ones among them can throw hundreds of punches in one second, and their combat power and lifespan are far superior to ordinary humans.

A punch can tear the sky apart, a kick can shatter the earth. Even a low-level soldier without the protection of a constellation can destroy a human country alone.

If you are favored by Athena and enjoy the protection of the goddess, even bronze can explode with devastating lethality.

Cassios' strength may be slightly inferior. If his mentor were replaced, the Silver Saint Sharna of Ophiuchus would definitely be able to tear apart the dragon with ease.

The strength of the Silver Saint is usually several times or even dozens of times that of the Bronze Saint. With a snap of his fingers, he can cause mountains to collapse, earth to split, and seas to split.

Lizard Mesidi once caused the entire thousands-meter-high Mount Fuji to collapse with a single punch. Even so, it did not prevent him from being overthrown by the Five Little Strongmen.

Having seen what a true strong man is, Cassios would naturally not take the so-called Acnologia seriously.

Putting the dragon beast nemesis on his hand, the mohawk said in a deep voice: "It's time to start."

After brewing for a while, a terrifying aura that felt very small but was actually like a sea of ​​stars suddenly rose from his body.

Stimulated by this breath, an angry roar suddenly came from the cave.

The next second, the black dragon crashed through the rock wall, and everyone couldn't help but feel chilled by the might of the dragon.

Seeing this, Goenitz was ready to run away at any time.

Although Mohawk boasted loudly, he did not have the strength to conquer the black dragon alone.

Not to mention that the attributes of followers will be reduced, even in their heyday they may not be Acnologia's opponent.

Whenever the situation goes slightly wrong, Goenitz will leave here immediately.

As for the question of whether you can outrun, sometimes you just need to run faster than your companions.

"It's coming!" Cassios was ready to fight.

All the previous ones were just conjectures. He would have to experience it himself to know what the target's strength was.

"Celestial Beast, shoot it down for me."

The goddess beast standing quietly behind everyone heard the words and immediately bent her bow and arrow, and the arrow filled with sacred aura quickly shot out.

It accurately hit the black dragon's body, but failed to cause any effective damage to the target.

[Celestial Beast’s sacred arrows cause 287 points of penetrating damage]

[The special effect of Black Feather of Ending is activated, and the target gains a magic resistance bonus and a damage reduction effect]

[Holy arrows cause 0 points of penetrating damage]

"What a terrifying injury-free effect." Siludi suddenly felt a headache.

Ordering Celestial Beast to stop, she can only place her hope on Cassios' methods now.

"Burn, my little universe!" Cassios roared, and then suddenly rushed into the sky like a missile.

His speed was so fast that it was incompatible with his strong body.

Facing the dragon's roar, Cassios swung Canis Major's strongest fist.

The canine teeth are cracked!

The dragon beast nemesis turned into the sharp teeth of a hound and bit hard on the black dragon's body.

Roar! ! !

Accompanied by the roar of pain, this time Acnologia could no longer ignore the damage caused by the attacker.

[Your canine cracking air causes 1296 points of penetrating damage to the target]

[The special effect of Black Feather of Finality is activated, obtaining 30% damage reduction]

[The special effect of the black dragon's body is activated, and the rapid recovery effect is obtained]

[The effect of the title of Dragon King is activated, the final damage is -100 points]

[The canine teeth crack and cause 780 points of penetrating damage]

"Very good!" Siludi started to get excited.

Although the dragon-turned-enemies have more recovery effects, with Cassios' persistence, the black dragon can be completely defeated in the shortest time.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel.

Seeing that the enemy's attack was extremely ferocious, Acnologia simply restored his human body.

Giving up the terrifying destructive power in exchange for flexible dodge and shooting speed.

No matter how strong your attack is, you still have to be able to hit someone.

Seeing the man with long dark blue hair, Cassios' momentum couldn't help but stagnate slightly: "Not only is he powerful, his opponent also has rich combat experience."

The previous success was due to the Black Dragon King's support, and also because the enemy was too large to avoid the bite of a swift ant.

But things are different now. The black dragon has returned to its regular form, and its attributes in all aspects will be absolutely crushing.

Facing enemies of this level, as long as they are attacked, they will basically be killed instantly.

Thinking of this, Cassios couldn't help but turn his head and look at his followers.

The mission of hunting Acnologia is very important. To this end, Dark Wings specially sent a rare high-level item, the World Connector.

It can briefly open the barrier between the two worlds and borrow the power or props from the other world.

Because the space crack is too small, only small things can be temporarily teleported.

The thing Cassios chose was the Canis Major Bronze Saint Cloth that he left behind.

If you want to truly obtain it, you still need to go through the cruel test arranged by the Silver Saint, but it shouldn't be a problem to borrow it temporarily.

The holy clothes can increase the powerful damage-free effect, and can also bless his small universe.

Of course, defense is only one aspect. Cassios, who puts on the holy cloth again, can obtain an extremely powerful temporary characteristic. This is the key to defeating the black dragon.

Asylum of the Goddess of War (temporary feature): You have been recognized by Athena, and her small universe will help you (current bonus: 55% of all attributes)

Why can the Bronze Five be able to fight repeatedly after defeat?

A large part of the reason is because Athena has always supported them with her own small universe.

In fact, not only Seiya and others, but every Saint can be protected by Athena.

As long as you gain the approval of the goddess, you can be blessed by the power of that powerful small universe.

The higher the recognition, the more terrifying the bonuses obtained, which is enough for a bronze to survive being hit hard by the gods continuously.

Many reincarnations know this, but unfortunately everyone does not know how to win the favor of the goddess.

The current mainstream view is that only by completing more tasks assigned by the Sanctuary can we gain some trivial recognition.

If Fang Bo were here, he might have some different views. It's a pity that he doesn't know what's happening here at all.

I was still researching the Balam Alliance, but I didn't expect that someone would dare to trouble Acnologia.

"Success or failure depends on this!" Siludi kept an eye on both sides. Now she could only pray secretly for her followers.

But the moment she blinked, the humanoid black dragon suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes.

It's not that magic was used, but that the target's movement speed has already exceeded the sensory capture.

Except for Cassios, whose attributes have greatly increased, no one present can keep up with the movement of the black dragon.

Even this Bronze Saint can only barely grasp the opponent's movement route.

In just a moment of fighting, Cassios' internal organs were ripped out alive by his enemy.

Even if there is protection from the holy clothes, there is always exposed skin, and Black Dragon accurately grasped this.

"It's over." This was the first time Acnologia spoke.

It opens its mouth towards the opponent and spits out a blue-white energy blast.

In an instant, Cassios' figure was completely submerged.

The roar of the black dragon!

At this moment, perhaps death is his only ending.

Looking at the man who was drowned by the roar, Acnologia slowly turned his head and looked at the group of ants watching in the distance.

Just as he was about to take action to obliterate them all, the Black Dragon King was suddenly startled, and then looked towards the smoky pit.

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something, and his body started to tremble slightly.

In Acnologia's eyes, a woman holding a golden scepter seemed to appear in the smoke.

Those indifferent eyes seemed to penetrate thousands of time and space and accurately landed on this area.

Just by being looked at by her, Acnologia felt a tremor coming from his soul.

Not pure fear, but the kind of fear that stems from biological instinct, just like the feeling that ordinary horses feel when they see him flying by.

It has nothing to do with strength, it is completely a kind of crushing on the biological level.

"What exactly is she?"

Before he could get the answer, Cassios, who had long been considered dead, rushed out of the smoke.

He raised his palm and turned it into a knife and slashed hard. The black dragon who couldn't react had one of his arms cut off immediately.

The severe pain continued to stimulate his nerves, and Acnologia felt his own timidity.

It's just that he can't resist at all, the only thing he can do is to leave here as soon as possible.

Immortality ray!

He used the magic of time to form a large-area shock wave, temporarily forcing the man in front of him back, and then he began to fly away without saying a word.

When Cassios rushed up again, there was no trace of the black dragon around, and even the reincarnator who specialized in perception could not find any trace of him.

"Run, ran away?!"

"Captain, the black dragon has left the maximum sensing range"

"I know the special code."

Siludi's tone was full of impatience. She didn't expect that the majestic Dragon King would actually escape.

After looking at Cassios who fell to the ground exhausted, she did not go forward to ask, but walked over and picked up Acnologia's broken arm.

"Huh?" She soon discovered that this thing was actually a rare, mythical off-hand equipment.

It can be fused with the body to activate a special ability called Black Dragon King Mode.

The effect of the equipment is very outstanding, both the attribute bonus and the special effects are extremely powerful. Maybe it will still be a mythical equipment in the second difficulty world.

But this cannot make up for her loss. The world connector is much rarer than they imagined.

Looking back at the prostrate mohawk on the ground, Siludi's expression remained unchanged, but she couldn't help but curse the other person in her heart.

"No wonder you were defeated so many times. A loser like you shouldn't have become a Saint."

After calming down a little, Siludi decided to return to the base first.

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