Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 326 Demon Sword Girl? You can't be a demon

"Oops." Siludi's heart tightened, knowing that Mostimon was about to escape control.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful Ultimate Digimon was still no match for that demon.

What is the origin of the other party?

"The strongest demon with a human body is either the protagonist of Destiny or the villain of Destiny."

"Oh, I made things simple."

Ignoring the man rushing toward her, Siludi took out the prepared space scroll.

She lost this battle, but it didn't matter. With the powerful foundation of the Wings of Darkness, it wouldn't take long for her to completely turn over.

Maybe, even more powerful Digimon can be captured.

After taking a deep look at the other party, she activated the space scroll in her hand.

This thing can teleport her to a location several kilometers away. As long as she can successfully escape from combat, she can apply for a forced return to the reincarnation space.

"Fortune Master, I will remember you." He showed a strange smile to the other party, and then the woman's figure disappeared from the place.

"Run away?" Fang Bo came to the place where she disappeared, closed his eyes and felt it carefully, and soon successfully locked the opponent based on the remaining space fluctuations.

The Yin seal was unsealed, and the Noble Phantasm was shot out like an arrow from a string. In the blink of an eye, he covered a distance of several hundred meters.

"I'll go after the enemy, and I'll leave the battle here to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Bo disappeared in front of everyone.

"Okay." With a faint response, a raging wind suddenly blew between the heaven and the earth.

With his blond hair fluttering in the wind, Goenitz stood brightly in the void, looking indifferently at the severely injured Mostimon who fell to the ground below.

She felt the presence of divinity again.

Maybe the divinity is not very strong, but it can satisfy her hunting conditions.

With his whole body wrapped in a black whirlwind, Goenitz descended from the sky, aiming directly at the Digimon that had just gotten up from the ground.

Seeing this, the two teammates immediately rushed forward together.

Although they don’t know the specific situation, they will definitely try their best to support whatever their teammates want to do.

In its heyday, it didn't dare to take action, but now that Mostimon has been crippled by END, it can take the opportunity to kill this damn Digimon.

"Yao Yao, spiritual connection."


After receiving the mental power sent by Xiao Douding, Dai Lun instantly released the second stage Susan.

The majestic appearance made Goenitz couldn't help but look at him with side eyes.

"It seems that her gains are not small."

On the other side, Siludi sitting in the jungle is waiting for the countdown to end.

If you want to apply for forced return, you need to wait for the end of the combat time, which means you must remain in a non-combat state for one minute.

In another ten seconds, she will be able to apply for forced return.

Reaching out to push aside an orange, Hiludi's mind couldn't help but recall the message she had received earlier.

Before entering the story world, Dark Wings had received summons from other organizations.

It was a wanted order issued across difficulty levels, and the price offered was very high, enough to make most reincarnations excited.

Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that the wanted targets are those people.

Offering a high price for a reward is tantamount to admitting one's own incompetence.

Being able to force Sound Nest to that point shows what kind of strength those guys have.

"No wonder you keep ruining my plans. I really underestimate you."

Throwing the orange peel aside casually, she was ready to apply for forced return.

At this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly came to her, as if she was being targeted by some kind of wild beast.

She subconsciously activated her defensive skills, and then seven or eight golden rays of light hit her.


The magic rain cover shattered, and a golden dagger stabbed into Siludi's abdomen.

[You were attacked by number 14552, causing 108 points of piercing damage. 】

Reentering combat status meant that she could no longer apply for forced return.

Feeling the severe pain in her waist and abdomen, Siludi summoned another servant of hers without thinking.

It was a girl holding a long sword, and her whole body exuded a strong demonic aura. It was obvious that she was a great demon at the level of a ghost king.

As soon as she appeared next to the reincarnation, she slashed at her summoner with her sword without saying a word.

This move seems absurd, but it is actually to save the owner who is in a life and death crisis.

Because just a few tenths of a second ago, Fang Bo, who had entered the nightmare form, suddenly appeared in front of her, and the Kusanagi sword almost killed the woman.

It's a pity that the move was wrong after all. I didn't expect this girl's shikigami reaction to be so fast.

No, the speed of her attacks is the most terrifying. Even if a normal person can react to the Flying Thunder God, they cannot easily block his slashes.

"It's interesting." His blood-covered eyes stared at the other person quietly, and he habitually threw a skill to detect.

[Demon Sword Girl (Sword Dance and War Style)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, perception, strength]

[Characteristics: Shensou, Youfeng, War Dance (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Shensuo: Quickly detect the enemy, and you can see the enemy's next move in an instant.

You Feng: There is a 20% probability of causing 40% of its own attack's additional damage.

It can be seen that Yaodaoji's eyes are very clear, proving that she is not a shikigami controlled by black gears.

In other words, she is Siludi's natal shikigami, otherwise she would not be upgraded to the SP level.

Sure enough, Siludi, whose life was saved, hurriedly took two steps back and said to the Shikigami in a panic: "Be careful, this guy is very fast."

"I know."

Demon Sword Girl nodded, placed the Demon Sword in front of her, and then glanced at the gradually disappearing golden treasure.

Her intuition told her that she must be careful about this thing's surprise attack.

"You stay away."

After saying that, Demon Sword Girl was about to take action, but suddenly a burst of golden light burst out in the sky.

Emperor Guan Sheng came with a big sword in hand, and the Wu Sheng Hegemony gave her extremely powerful impact.

The sword slashed down in the air, forcing Demon Sword Girl to kneel on one knee. However, the opponent quickly adjusted his condition and used the advantage of strength attribute to swing the large sword open, and then stabbed the enemy's chest with the tip of the sword.

The lethality of this sword is very strong, but the hegemonic effect can ignore the negative status.

In other words, it is not affected at all.

Under Demon Sword Girl's shocked gaze, Emperor Guan Sheng struck down with his sword, tearing a terrifying and fatal wound on her chest.

[Guan Sheng Emperor’s Dou Shen Rock slash caused 436 points of critical damage]

The puppet raised its feet and wanted to pursue it, but the golden light covering its body suddenly disappeared, and its momentum plummeted instantly.

Taking this opportunity, Yaodao Ji endured the severe pain and launched a counterattack.

The ominous blade coated the demon knife with a thick layer of blood, which bloomed on the puppet's chest like the shadow of a butterfly passing through a flower.

In the end, he directly cut it in half, avenging the hatred he had just accumulated.

However, just defeating a Guan Sheng Emperor was not enough. The appearance of Feng Ying Puppet once again put Yao Dao Ji into crisis.

She was not a jackal, and she did not have the ability to break up Sandote Shigure with one blow, so she could only rely on swinging the sword again and again.

The demonic sword swept through large areas of clouds and mist, forming a terrifyingly powerful sword light around her that could not penetrate even the finest sand and iron.

Of course, Demon Sword Girl has no way to help the summoner.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Siludi took out a golden scroll from the mark. It looked like it was something she had bought from the bottom of the box.

The top masters from such a big force are also reincarnators who specialize in summoning routes. They must be equipped with powerful enough consumable items in their hands.

No matter how many summoned beasts there are, there must be blind spots that cannot be taken into account. As a former summoner, Fang Bo knows this very well.

Therefore, he had no intention of giving the enemy a fighting chance.

The Dragon's Wrath effect was activated, Tian Congyun's flames filled the sword, and in the blink of an eye he was more than twenty meters in the air.

The Kusanagi sword slashed horizontally, and Flame Getsuga immediately rushed towards the enemy.

Nightmare Evil Light Slash!

"Damn it." Siludi cursed secretly, but she didn't expect that the enemy wouldn't even give her time to activate the scroll.

As a last resort, she could only activate the protective shield again, hoping to withstand the enemy's violent slashes.

Even if it doesn't work, it can at least offset a large part of the damage.

As long as she doesn't die, she has a chance to make a comeback.

Siludi's idea was wonderful, but it was a pity that she underestimated her opponent's explosive power.

By activating the nightmare form, Fang Bo's mental attributes return to more than 40 points, and both Dragon Soul and Tian Congyun can increase his attack damage.

As a person who took the summoning route, she was doomed from the moment she tried to resist.


The slash instantly shattered the protective shield, then drew a bloody scar on the woman's body, and cut off her arm holding the scroll.

[Your Nightmare Evil Light Slash causes 245 points of critical damage to the enemy]

Even with the defensive measures, she was almost killed by the enemy with one blow.

If she hadn't taken the medicine just now, Siludi would have hated this a long time ago, instead of just breaking her arm.

It has to be said that the woman's choices were actually good, and her reaction to battle was already good enough. The only thing she did wrong was to underestimate her opponent.

"." She covered her broken arm with a painful expression. She wanted to take out something new from the mark, but the golden ripples above her stopped her.

If she makes the slightest move, she will end up with a thousand swords piercing her heart.

Looking up at the expressionless man, Siludi slowly said: "Friend, didn't we agree to conquer Hades together? Why did you unilaterally tear up the contract?"

Without any intention of answering the other party, Fang Bo slowly raised his arm and let the sword cut a bloody mark on her neck.

The smart woman understood what he meant instantly.

"Okay, tell me how many plot points can buy my life."

Maybe she guessed something, she suddenly smiled and said: "Don't worry about the props, I won't give them to you, otherwise you will eventually kill me to get plot points."

"No matter what you want to do, I have to remind you that if you kill me, Dark Wings will definitely cause trouble for you."

As long as she is willing to investigate the news about the appearance of the ruthless team, she will not be able to hide it. As long as she dies, the forces behind her will definitely cause trouble for her.

Her original intention was to scare the other person, but she didn't expect that he didn't show anything strange from beginning to end.

The silent eyes put a lot of psychological pressure on her.

She stopped Yaodaoji who wanted to rush over to rescue her. She knew that the shikigami had no time to save herself.

Life or death is now all in the hands of men.

This feeling was very uncomfortable, and it made Siludi feel like her dignity had been trampled on.

But she didn't dare to show any trace of hatred, because it would definitely trigger the man's murderous intention.

I don't know how much time passed, but when the sweat beads on her forehead began to drip one by one, the man in front of her finally spoke.

"If I let you go back, can you promise not to cause trouble to us?"

The sword flashed suddenly, tearing a wound in the woman's heart

[Your slash causes 246 points of critical damage to the target]

[The damage exceeds the critical value and the target dies! 】

[You get the killing chest numbered 10288]

Even if she is allowed to leave, Darkwing will still cause trouble for itself.

In this case, why not just kill her directly. If you want to cause trouble for him then, just come.

"Without your pursuit, how could I get rich overnight?"

When he opened the woman's treasure chest, he became more determined to confront the Wings of Darkness.

"Summoners are rich."

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 10288]

[You get 7411 plot points]

[You get the Succubus Bracers]

[You get a broken Digimon machine]

Counting the plot points given by Siludi, his savings are gradually approaching the 30,000 mark.

Plot points: 27774.

"It's a pity that the other reincarnations were instantly killed by the Fairy Law, otherwise the gains this time would have been even greater."

While sighing, Fang Bo looked at the newly acquired wristbands.

Name: Succubus Bracers

Level: Epic

Category: Wristband

Durability: 60/60

Attribute enhancement: Spirit +3, Physique +2

Conditions of use: Strength 15, Spirit 15

Equipment effect: fatal attraction

Place of Origin: Say Good Night in Demon King's Castle

Equipment evaluation: Be careful, never try to arouse the interest of a strong person!

Fatal Attraction (Passive Skill): You have a near-fatal attraction to the opposite sex. The target around you must make a mental judgment every minute. Failure to do so will result in the state of "Confusion".

".This thing doesn't suit me very well." Fang Bo didn't like this piece of equipment very much.

Attraction is a thing that can get twice the result with half the effort if you use it well. If you don't use it well, it may lead to unpredictable consequences.

When he does things, he always pokes at the other person's pain points. It doesn't matter at all whether others like him or not.

"Forget it, leave it for the bride to use."

"If I go to some special plot world in the future, maybe I can borrow it and use it."

Broken Digimon Machine: It is connected to a broken digital world, maybe you can go there and explore it.

Looking at the small thing in his hand, Fang Bo doubted that it could open the main world run by Dark Wings.

There's no use for him keeping it, maybe show it to someone else on the team to take a look at.

What if someone is interested in the world of Digimon?


A red pillar of fire rose into the sky, and before Fang Bo could turn his head to check, a reminder that the mission was completed came to his ears.

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