Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 351 Request from the Revolutionary Army

The general's sight was so astonishing, he was noticed by the other party after his gaze stayed for just one second.

Looking over with a very unbeatable expression, Old Kizaru covered his mouth in an exaggerated manner: "It's so scary. These pirates with a bounty of over 100 million are so vicious."

Obviously, he recognized Fang Bo's appearance and knew that the man in front of him was the supernova with a bounty of over 100 million.

Of course, compared to the title of the newcomer in question, the name of Jerma's son-in-law should be louder, otherwise the general would not be provoked to take action in person.

Seeing Kizaru's mean look on his face, Fang Bo didn't want to be polite to him. He started to throw an information scan at him.

But he soon remembered that his equipment seemed to have been upgraded.

Looking at Zhan Taowan behind him, Fang Bo walked over without fear and said with a slight smile: "I didn't expect that the admiral would also come to my wedding. I don't know how much gift money I have prepared."

"Oh, do you need to prepare gifts to attend the wedding?" Kizaru looked puzzled. He even reached out and dug into his pocket. Naturally, there was nothing in it.

"Are you ready for Zhan Taomaru?" he asked hypocritically.

"Hmph, we don't have any gifts to give to the pirates."

Compared with the veteran Kizaru, Zhan Momomaru has a much hotter temper. If he hadn't taken into account the orders from above, he would have picked up an ax and hacked the bastard in front of him to death.

The problem is that this is useless. Even if the thug Jason is really hacked to death, the Golden Lion will immediately find a suitable groom.

In the final analysis, the root of the problem does not lie with this guy.

Staring at the young man in front of him, Kizaru's sunglasses reflected the white light slightly: "Young people, don't be too blind. Many things are different from what you imagine. Don't become someone else's pawn without knowing it."

After saying that, the navy left directly. Perhaps in their opinion, the groom officer did not deserve too much attention.

The real person in charge is the Golden Lion. We must figure out what the old guy wants to do.

Watching the admiral leave, Fang Bo couldn't help but recall the scene where the admiral kicked a supernova.

"I don't know if this guy is a second or fifth generation guy?"

With unknown doubts, Fang Bo turned around and returned to his residence.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Reiju, who had put on sexy pajamas and was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

The smooth and tight thighs slid down, and the number "6" on them was so clearly visible.

Perhaps hearing his footsteps, Reiju slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the man who was about to become her husband.

"You're back."


They came to the sofa on the other side and sat down. The two of them looked at each other in silence, not knowing how to get along with each other.

After a long time, it was Reijiu who broke the silence first: "Thank you very much for what happened two years ago."

"Nothing." Fang Bo shook his head, knowing that she was referring to Sanji's matter.

Strictly speaking, Sanji is his brother-in-law, but he doesn't know where he is now.

According to the plot correction in space, as long as Luffy goes to sea, sooner or later Sanji will be invited to board the ship.

Unless Fang Bo can completely change the other party's fate from the root.

It's just that he is not interested in Sanji now, because Fang Bo will try to pull chestnuts out of the fire in the next time.

In fact, there is no need for Kizaru to remind him, he knows better than anyone else that he is just a chess piece in the hands of the Golden Lion.

But the moment he took out the pacifist, things quietly changed. At least Gaji no longer regarded him simply as a marriage tool.

In this way, Fang Bo was given an opportunity to operate.

"Alas." Seeing the man bowing his head in silence, Reiju sighed in her heart, then stood up from the sofa and said, "Father asked me to tell you that Tezzolo has prepared a dinner tonight and invited us to attend."

Regardless of whether they are working on the surface or not, there are certain occasions where they must attend, so that at least they can explain things to the outside world.

Otherwise, when the World Government inquires, Gaji will have to come up with an excuse to get through.

"Okay, let me change my clothes first."

For some reason, Fang Bo always felt that this dinner would not be peaceful.

The naval admirals have all shown up, how can it be possible for the two forces to form an alliance safely?

It would be strange if the other party wasn't doing something secretly.

"At this time, the attitude of the Golden Emperor is very important."

After simply changing into black dresses, the two newlyweds went to the dinner party together.

Kingdom of Quran, the largest entertainment city in the city.

Lao Gao threw away the chips in his hand and stared at the dark-skinned woman in front of him with evil eyes.

With his fine control over the power of wind, Goenitz came to the casino like a fish in water and soon won a considerable harvest.

There are no monetary achievements in this world, so she just played around. Unexpectedly, she soon attracted the attention of casino officials.

A woman named Bakala appeared in front of her. According to the waiter's introduction, she seemed to be a close member of the Golden Emperor.

After a brief handshake, Goenitz continued his fun.

But she soon discovered that the chips on the table were dwindling rapidly.

By the time Lao Gao realized what she had done, the chips she had won had long been returned, and she still owed the casino millions of beli's in gambling money.

"What's going on?!" Goenitz was a little confused.

Many times, she obviously changed the points of the sieve, but there were always accidents that would interfere with the dealer in front of her.

For example, someone suddenly knocked on the table, the beautiful dealer sneezed, etc. In short, she lost completely due to many accidents.

"What a pity." The dark-skinned beauty came over and looked at her with a playful look, like looking at a little sheep that fell into a trap.

"Guest, do you want to continue gambling? Considering your distinguished status, I can make the decision to provide you with a credit loan of 30 million beli."

After hearing this, Goenitz carefully looked at the woman in front of him for the first time.

Even though the other party was wearing an evening dress and looked like a socialite, Lao Gao could actually feel the powerful aura in the woman's body.

This is a master who is not weak in strength.

Looking back carefully at all the previous events, it seems that the bad luck started from her arrival.

"Did you do anything secretly to me?" Goenitz opened the panel, but unfortunately he didn't notice anything wrong.

Of course she doesn't know that the black-skinned Bakala is actually a superhuman lucky fruit user. Anyone whose body is touched by her will have their own destiny changed.

No matter how strong Lao Gao's wind control ability is, Baccarat can make her lose everything in just a few rounds.

Not only in casinos, the effect of lucky fruits in battle cannot be underestimated.

Goenitz was completely unaware of this, and she thought the woman had used some method that she had not observed.

Driven by her competitive spirit, she immediately agreed to the loan application, determined to regain the lost face no matter what.

Just when Goenitz was about to sign the agreement, a short man wearing a white dress hat sat next to her.

"Hey, little girl, don't fall into this trap."

As he spoke, the man pointed to the venue. Gamblers who were forcibly taken away by security personnel could be seen in many places.

"If you don't pay the debt, you will be taken away by these guys. You don't have to care, but don't forget who is standing behind you."

These words instantly awakened Goenitz. She was so focused on competing with women that she completely forgot that she represented the Sky Pirates.

If we really lose, it will definitely not be settled by making a big fuss.

After taking a deep look at Baccarat, Lao Gao turned his head and expressed his gratitude to the short middle-aged man.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't mind, you can call me Mr. Reitz."

Seeing that the fat sheep in hand escaped from the trap, Black Bacara's face couldn't help but change slightly, and she quickly explained with a smile: "How could I do this? Mr. Reitz, you really love to joke."

Rez Max, a legendary gambler in the pirate world, basically always wins every time he gambles. He has never experienced the feeling of losing all his money at the poker table in his life.

It is said that Mr. Reitz's only failing was that he was divorced twice.

This proves that marriage is a gambling method with a lower winning rate than stock trading.

Rez casually threw out a few large chips to help her pay off her debt, and then smiled and extended an invitation: "That's the restaurant over there. I hope you don't mind having dinner with me."

Looking at the short man in front of her, Goenitz read something in his eyes, so she quickly accepted Reitz's invitation.

After coming to a secluded place and ensuring that no one else was around to disturb him, Rez confessed his true intention.

"Golden Lion is a complete lunatic. The price of his power is unbearable to anyone. I don't think you want to stay in such a pirate group."


Goenitz was noncommittal. She didn't care at all what the Golden Lion was like. All she and her teammates wanted were benefits.

As for the possible actions of the Golden Lion, no matter how ruthless they are, they will not reach the point of destroying the world.

Mr. Reitz did not know that the woman sitting in front of him had wanted to destroy the world more than once.

Perhaps sensing her indifference, Rez sighed and made a gesture, and soon a young man with wavy blond hair appeared.

"Can I sit here?"

If Fang Bo were here, he would be able to identify the blond young man at a glance.

Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, is regarded as a thorn in the flesh by the World Government.

I found Goenitz this time because I wanted to cooperate with her inside and outside to deal with the threat from the Sky Pirates together.

In fact, no matter whether it is the World Government or the Revolutionary Army, no one wants to see the comeback of the Golden Lion.

Just like Mr. Reitz said, Golden Lion Shiji is a complete madman, and he will not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of tens of millions of people for his own selfish desires.

In the original work, the Golden Lion gathered a large number of pirates and agreed to go to the East China Sea to kill all humans.

The reason is simple. He believes that weak humans are not worthy of living in the world, so he must personally get rid of Donghai, who is known as the weakest.

Such a brutal thug, not to mention the navy, even the revolutionary army cannot tolerate him.

After learning about the wedding, the Chief of General Staff of the Revolutionary Army immediately set off, and then there was a scene of helping Goenitz to rescue the siege.

As for their real purpose.

"I hope you can find a way to send the Golden Lion back to Xiongcheng University Prison."

Shi Ji cannot be killed because there is no guarantee who will get the Piaopiao Fruit after rebirth.

Instead of worrying about this, it is better to send the golden lion back to prison.

This is the ultimate purpose of the revolutionary army's trip.

Knowing the identity and intentions of the other party, Goenitz remained calm on the surface, but secretly opened the team communication to talk to Fang Bo.

[The task continues, there is no harm in this matter. 】

They have to deal with the Golden Lion sooner or later anyway, so it would be best if someone is willing to pay for their battle now.

If the Golden Lion is not brought to justice, how can Fang Bo exchange for the position of Shichibukai?

Without the blessing of Qiwukai's identity, how would he participate in the war on top in the future.

What's more, proof of legal robbery is far more useful than imagined.

Following his friend's suggestion, Goenitz immediately said that he and others would do their best.

[Number 17224 triggers a hidden mission and advances to City University Prison! 】

[Mission Introduction: The Revolutionary Army is well aware of the threat of the Golden Lion, so please send him back to Impel City Prison]

[Task requirement: Arrest the Golden Lion and bring him to justice]

[Tip: Maybe you can try to use external forces]

"Another hidden mission." Looking at the information shared by Lao Gao, Fang Bo immediately chose to accept the mission.

He really didn't expect that this wedding would attract all the revolutionary troops.

From Lao Gao's description, the person who came should be Saab.

"The chief of general staff has been dispatched. It seems that the threat of the Golden Lion cannot be underestimated."

"Tsk, Shiji, Shiji, why does everyone want you to die?"

In the banquet hall, Fang Boyou drank sips of wine. He had no time to enjoy the performances of the geishas, ​​but focused on the conversations of several big shots.

However, he acted indifferently, but he didn't know that someone had already targeted him.

When the song ended, the geishas came out one after another to add wine and food to the guests.

The big guys don't need these people, so Fang Bo, as the groom's official, becomes the focus of care.

Before he could refuse, the tallest and most beautiful geisha woman sat in his arms.

"Come, let me offer you a glass of wine." As she said that, she gently picked up the wine glass and looked at the man quietly with her tender eyes.

At first, Fang Bo only felt that this woman was very beautiful and had a very hot figure.

But when he took the wine glass and glanced down inadvertently, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

At the root of the woman's thigh, there is a lifelike spider tattoo.

Geisha tattoos are very common, but this beautiful woman in front of her is a little different.

Although the thoughts in his mind were spinning a thousand times, Shang Bo remained calm on the surface, and even put his palms on the woman's thighs openly.

After a few gentle rubs, there was only one thought swirling in his mind.

"It feels pretty good."

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