Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 368 Magellan, the most terrifying obstacle!

Impel Down City, the entrance to the Ice Hell.

"Thank you very much." It was Ivankov, the Demon King, who appeared in front of the jailer with a huge head on his head.

After a lot of hard work, Goenitz finally found the mission target.

He wanted to pat the woman on the shoulder to express his gratitude, but he gave up the plan after thinking about it for a moment.

When Ivankov first met, he learned the identity of the other party's revolutionary army and was so excited that he wanted to hug him.

As a result, there were five bloody scars on his chest. After that, he became completely honest and never dared to flirt with this dangerous woman again.

It wasn't until he left the ice and snow hell that Ivankov took the time to say thank you, but his eyes were frequently scanning the other two travelers.

Former Deputy Director Ame no Shiru, a butcher in the absolute sense, killing people just for the fun of it.

Along the way, almost all the enemies he encountered would die in his hands, and his murderousness was unprecedented in his life.

The other person, the legendary pirate Redfield, was a character who only appeared in stories in the past.

This guy's terror is even worse than that of Shiliu. No matter where he is, creatures like vampires will cause people to feel instinctive disgust.

In order to restore the physical condition of his youth, Redfield kept trying to absorb human blood, making him look several years younger than when he first entered the human-monster kingdom.

Occasionally looking back several times, Ivankov could always notice that this guy was looking at him secretly, as if he was appreciating a delicious pastry.

He has always enjoyed the feeling of scaring others, but he never thought that he would be frightened by a look.

"It's so unpalatable." Wiping the corners of his mouth gracefully, Redfield said softly: "I need more strong blood, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will be able to kill him."

The rejuvenation of his physical state is just an external manifestation of his enhancement of body functions.

Every time he becomes a year younger, it means that Redfield's strength has increased several times.

At first, he gave the impression that he was an old man, but now that he looks at it again, this legendary pirate is at least as powerful as Ame no Shiru.

You know, Redfield's appearance is still in his forties, which means there is still huge room for growth.

If he continues to absorb blood, God knows what kind of combat power he will eventually show.

It can be said that these three guys in front of them are all dangerous people. Even Ivankov dare not jump around casually.

When everyone left the ice and snow hell, they found that the ground in front of them was already covered with corpses.

"It seems that those idiots have broken through the scorching hell." Ame Zhiliu looked a little unhappy with a cigar in his mouth.

Since everyone's heads were taken away, doesn't it mean that he will kill many fewer people?

Looking ahead with disgust, Redfield sighed and continued walking forward, not bothering to suck the blood of this group of trash.

His current strength has reached a bottleneck. If he wants to continue to gain strength, he must suck the blood of those strong ones.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the demon king next to him again, with a kind smile on his lips.

Ivankov possesses a superhuman hormone fruit that can control the body's body temperature, pigments, growth, and emotions.

This fruit can be transformed from the inside of the body, greatly enhancing the physical activity, so it is very suitable to be the target of Redfield's absorption.

"." Ivankov moved quietly and soon came to the woman's side, using this to remind this guy that I was on the same side as her.

The jailbreak army has penetrated the fourth floor area and is currently wreaking havoc in the third floor.

With the strength of these big pirates, it is easy to deal with mere jailers. They are afraid that the most terrifying monster will appear here.

The director of Impel Down, the poisonous Magellan with extraordinary strength.


A shrill scream caused several people to stop and look at the corner of the passage ahead.

"The troublesome guy is here." Ame Zhiliu took a puff of his cigar and slowly pulled out the weapon at his waist.

As a former colleague, no one knows the horror of poisonous people better than him.

Outsiders are saying that his strength is on par with Magellan, which is true, but only if this guy doesn't use his fruit ability to fight him.

If the power of the Poison Fruit is activated, it is unknown whether the group can escape.

After waiting for a moment, I saw the devil-like figure around the corner.

Perhaps because he had seen too many jailers die, Magellan was so angry that he raised his hand and struck out a terrifying poisonous dragon without any nonsense.

Seeing this, everyone, including Redfield, subconsciously wanted to dodge aside.

Only Goenitz raised his palm and released a black storm full of destructive aura.

The two attacks were locked in a stalemate in mid-air, but they finally avoided the fate of being wiped out by others.

The power of venom lies in its sputtering properties. Even if one avoids a frontal collision, it does not mean that everyone can avoid the risk safely.

So what if you are powerful?

Judging from the judgment of on-the-spot combat, these people are not as good as Gonitz who has thousands of years of experience.

The roar of the gods!

The black magic circle emerged, and Lao Gao tried his best to finally eliminate the poisonous dragon in front of him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Redfield and Shiliu rushed forward instantly, killing the enemy on the left and right together.

In this world, not many people can calmly face the attack of two people, not even this terrifying director.

I thought that Magellan would retreat temporarily, but I never thought that Magellan would not waver at all, and he would infect his opponent with poison even if he fought hard with two swords.

Ame no Shiru didn't understand his determination, so he was injured by the venom when the sword stabbed the opponent.

But Redfield was different. He read his opponent's heart in advance and successfully avoided it one second before the two sides were about to come into contact.

In the end, only Yuzhiliu fell to the ground with a livid face, looking like he was seriously poisoned.

Such a powerful man was knocked down by Magellan in a single encounter, which shows how terrifying the director is.

Ignoring the people in front of him, Magellan looked down at his former colleagues with disappointment in his eyes: "I never thought that you would sink to this level."

"Mike is the person who admires you the most. Did you ever feel shaken when you slashed him with your sword?"

Yu Zhiliu remained silent, her pupils seemed to flicker slightly, and it was obvious that her words were not completely ineffective.

It's a pity that Magellan failed to notice this scene.

After confirming his status, the poisonous man slowly raised his head and scanned everyone one by one with dangerous eyes.

"Sinners, accept the punishment."

Poison gas bomb!

Gas bubbles were spit out from the mouth in an almost endless amount, and soon filled the entire passage.

"Be careful." Redfield reminded with a serious face: "Once they explode, they will release gas containing strong toxins."

After hearing this, Goenitz immediately changed his tactics and began to use strong winds to prevent the gas bubbles from approaching.

Bang bang bang bang!

Bubbles exploded one after another, and the highly toxic gas began to spread crazily around.

Gugao Zhihong staggered slightly, and his expression suddenly changed.

He didn't expect that the terrifying poison could ignore the strong wind and could actually hit him even though he was so far away.

In fact, not only him, but also Goenitz was not spared.

[You are affected by poisonous gas and receive 5 points of poison damage every second]

There is no specific duration shown. As long as you are within the range of the poisonous gas, you will continue to lose blood.

With Gonitz's little health, she would die inside within a minute.

After eating a piece of fragrant pastry that restored life, she and Redfield began to retreat quickly, at least to get out of the scope of the poisonous gas.

As for Yuzhiliu on the ground, he can only ask for his own blessings.

After finally escaping from the danger zone, Goenitz immediately opened his mouth and began to swallow big mouthfuls of air.

Under Redfield's gaze, all the injuries on her body disappeared unknowingly.

"Interesting ability." The great pirate raised his arm gracefully and lightly made a cut on his wrist.

Soon, a stream of purple blood began to drip continuously, and a sweet smell even filled the air.

Using this method, he also eliminated the influence of toxins, but currently, neither of them had any good methods to defeat the enemy.

Facing such a poisonous person, attacking at close range is a very stupid behavior. Even if you really want to fight, it is best to attack from a medium and long distance.

"Get away!"

A rich voice suddenly sounded from behind.

The next second, a long knife passed between the two of them, roaring towards Magellan in the distance.

One hundred times the knife!

In just a split second, the original long sword instantly transformed into a huge ship-cutting sword.

The hundred-meter-long blade whizzed away, causing Magellan's expression to change slightly.

"You actually let him go."

There is no shortage of lunatics in the pirate world, and the man in front of me is obviously one of them.

Even the Golden Lion has to start from the East China Sea. It would be better for him. His first goal after escaping from prison is to bombard the Navy Headquarters.

What's more outrageous is that this guy still has a high probability of succeeding.

The man who took action was none other than the notorious world-destroyer, Bundy Waldo.


Violent vibrations were heard, and the poisonous and useless Magellan suddenly caught the long knife with domineering force.

But this isn't the end yet, Waldo's attack feast has just begun.

He took out two flintlock guns, raised his hand and fired more than a dozen round bullets.

One hundred times the gun!

It was obviously a small solid bullet, but with the blessing of his ability, it instantly turned into a powerful cannonball.

As strong as Magellan, he can only crush them one by one with his domineering fists.

Soon, the shells caused a violent explosion, and the director, who had been so powerful before, was immediately disgraced.

"This is unreasonable!" Magellan was angry, and he vowed to kill these people in front of him.

A large amount of venom began to emerge from his body. This was a bright red poison that was essentially different from the chronic purple poison used previously.

Red toxin is a powerful poison, and those who are infected will die in minutes.

Obviously, Magellan, who had been unable to attack for a long time, no longer planned to show mercy.

Poison Giant Soldier·Judgement of Hell!

The bright red poisonous giant appeared, and even the solid rocks under its feet could not withstand the erosion of the poison.

You can tell just by looking at it that if you were hit by it, you would definitely be dead.

"You guys stay away." Waldo stood up and stared at the giant creature in front of him, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

To others, Magellan's poisonous man was already very powerful, but in his eyes it was useless at all.

Unzip the pocket on your back and take out a normal-sized cannonball.

This was the ammunition he took from the jailer. He originally wanted to blow up the Gate of Justice, but he didn't expect to use it here.

Bullets like glass beads can become the size of cannonballs after being amplified by the Momo Fruit.

So when a real cannonball is taken out, what kind of power can it unleash?

Goenitz expressed her expectation for this, but she still had to rescue the unlucky guy smoothly.

Gently twitching his fingers, the breeze lifted Yuzhiliu's body and brought him to his feet.

This scene was all seen by Magellan, but he was no longer interested in paying attention to Shiliu's situation.

Knowing the power of Momo Fruit, he knew that the next blow would be earth-shattering, and he had to concentrate on dealing with it.

"Take the move!" Throw the cannonball hard, and in the blink of an eye it expands to a point that even the prison can't bear.

One hundred times the gun!

"Oops." Goenitz's face changed drastically, realizing that he still underestimated the inmate's ability.

If this thing explodes, even a few of them will be implicated.

Divine grace!

Increases the physical attributes by 20% and slightly increases the upper limit of health.

The next second, an extremely terrifying explosion suddenly flooded the entire floor.

Soon after, a piece of news spread across the sea.

The prisoners in Impel Down rioted collectively and severely injured Director Magellan. They then used strong winds to support the warship and completed the prison escape from the air.

Many well-known pirates have escaped, and the sea will usher in an unprecedented new wave.

Soon after, the Revolutionary Army issued a statement saying that it would take responsibility for the operation and expressed the navy's condemnation of the extreme torture of prisoners.

【I `m coming out. 】

After receiving the summons from Goenitz, Fang Bo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay."

In the past few days, he has been exchanging experiences with Gaji.

Seraph is a high-end technological extension of Pacifist. Currently, Gaji can't even handle the basic model of Pacifist, let alone analyze the secrets possessed by Seraph.

Fortunately, there was a corpse to support him, which finally gave him a certain research direction.

"If there is no other information, I will be sure to conquer it within five years." These were Gaji's original words.

If you can get the complete treatment of the Pacifist, you can advance the time significantly.

Thinking of this, Fang Bo couldn't help but look through his hidden mission.

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