Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 373: I will never lose my love, and my eyes will be ruined!

Qulan, the entrance to the sea paradise.

"It's really spectacular." Eddie stretched and patted the female companion wearing a cloak next to him with his hand.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, he couldn't help but smile evilly, and his palm began to slide downwards unconsciously.


A slap opened the man's palm, and the woman raised her fingers, with dots of fluorescent light gathering on them.

"No, I'm joking." Eddie's forehead was sweating and he hurriedly took two steps to the side.

He had experienced the impact of a woman's spiritual power many times. It was really painful, otherwise he would have pinched his butt to warm up to what he just said.

"." She glared at him with a warning look. There seemed to be something squirming behind the woman's back.

If you look closely, you can vaguely see some kind of black feathers.

Eddie, one of the reincarnations who entered the world of One Piece, is also one of the three members of the Sound Nest organization.

It's just that he didn't come from an orphanage, but joined the Sound Nest halfway, and he didn't know what Experimental Subject, No. 7, or anything like that was.

So unlike others, he was not that concerned about hunting down No. 7.

It was said that he was asked to guard the empty island, but the problem was that Eddie couldn't stand the loneliness at all.

No, I secretly brought people to Gulan Entertainment City to play.

"We must kill everyone tonight." The man looked very happy.

Except that this woman never let him take advantage of her, the rest of the things made him very satisfied.

While other reincarnations are on tenterhooks all day long, Eddie lives a happy life every day.

"This is the difference between the strong and the weak." Every time he thought of this, he felt very lucky to be able to join the Sound Nest.

Without the technology and hard work provided by Sound Nest, although he would not be struggling to survive, he would not have the heart to eat, drink and have fun in the plot world.

Of course, Eddie's trip was not entirely for pleasure. He also received an intelligence mission from CP0.

Some officers suspected that the Golden Emperor and Germa had secretly formed an alliance.

If this is the case, things will be in trouble.

Who is Ga Zhi?

As long as he has enough money and food, he can immediately summon 100,000 elite soldiers.

Just thinking about that scene, the CP0 commander felt his scalp numb.

It happened that he was coming here, so he assigned this camp task.

If we can grasp tangible evidence, we can find a way to arrest the Golden Emperor.

In this case, even those Tianlong people who support him can't say anything.

In this circle, everyone must abide by the rules of the game. Until the red line is touched, no one can do anything against the Golden Emperor.

Once certain clues are found, it is not difficult to figure out Tezzolo.

Precisely because he understood this, Eddie acted in no hurry at all.

I'm not a fool, I can't let anyone take advantage of me.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed, you must create a good opportunity.

Glancing at the girl next to him, Eddie knew that the success or failure of the mission depended on her alone.

How could he penetrate deep into the Quran if he couldn't draw the attention of the authorities.

"Let's go and inquire about the situation."

After arriving at the hotel and changing their clothes, the two took advantage of the dark night to head towards the Golden Emperor's palace.

In the palace, the Golden Emperor Tezoro was receiving an honored guest.

"We've been apart for three days, and I almost don't recognize you." Tezzolo took the initiative to pick up the wine glass, which was rare.

Ma Zai, who was once a golden lion and a bargaining chip for the two parties to form an alliance, has now become a big pirate capable of stirring up troubles.

He admired such people, just like himself when he started from scratch, even God dared to poke a hole out.

"Where is it?" Fang Bo had a false smile on his face, picked up the wine glass and touched it lightly with the man.

Both parties drank the wine in one gulp, and then he revealed the real purpose of coming here.

After explaining the Cross Guild's plan, I thought it would attract the Golden Emperor's interest, but to my surprise, this guy turned out to be unexpectedly calm.

Slowly putting down the wine glass, Tezzolo played with the emerald ring on his finger, his eyes filled with an inexplicable look.

"Now that I am protected by the Tianlong people, I can do whatever I want. If I am unhappy, I can point my finger at Sengoku's nose and scold him."

He leaned forward slightly, and his calm eyes suddenly became sharp and unstoppable: "Tell me, why do I do these things?"

Without following what the other party said, Fang Bo leaned on his chair and said calmly: "Your wealth accumulation is already amazing, but you still have to take risks to participate in the cooperation between Golden Lion and Germa."

His fingers tapped on the armrest of the chair, and he said no more, because smart people don't need to spell out everything.

"." This time, Tezzolo was silent for a long time, as if he was constantly weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

For ordinary people, such a big matter must be carefully considered, or at least try to seek opinions from all parties.

However, the Golden Emperor is a ruthless man who made his fortune from scratch, and he has never lacked corresponding decisiveness.

When he saw Tezzolo raise his head, Fang Bo knew that the matter was basically stable.

As expected, a smile soon appeared on Tezzolo's face: "Very good, I can promise you, but you need to do something for me."

"you say."

Now that he decided to cooperate, Tezzolo did not hesitate and stated his needs frankly.

"I need your help killing someone."

"Kill?" Fang Bo raised his eyebrows slightly strangely.

As far as the Golden Emperor's assets are concerned, except for the three powerful generals, there is no one he can't kill.

The dark emperor of the funeral industry specializes in assassinations.

In a word, as long as the money is enough, he dares to send people to ambush the three generals.

Of course, whether it can be done is another matter.

As his mind raced, Fang Bo seemed to have guessed something, but on the surface he continued to wait calmly.

"Yes, it's killing." Tezzolo let out a long sigh of relief, and his calm eyes were suddenly replaced by viciousness and hatred: "I have been looking for someone for so many years, but no matter how hard I try, I can't find him. The other party’s message.”

After a slight pause for a few seconds, he finally told the truth: "Because the other party is a Tianlong, no one dares to sell me relevant information."

They say money can communicate with gods, but what if the person you are dealing with is a god?

Just like Tezoro said, no matter how rich he is, he can't figure out the true identity of the Celestial Dragon.

Many, many years ago, when Tezzolo had just turned 16, he met a girl named "Stella" by chance.

Her singing voice was beautiful, and she was even more beautiful. Tezzolo, who had just begun to fall in love, immediately fell in love.

From then on, he never did bad things again, got rid of his gambling problem, and began to work crazily, forgetting sleep and food.

He wants to save enough money to redeem the girl.

No matter what happened to Stella, it didn't matter. Tezzolo knew that he was completely in love with this girl.

In the blink of an eye, three years later, 19-year-old Tezzolo finally saved enough money.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned, and a strange guy wearing a bubble mask appeared.

This is a Celestial Dragon, a legendary world noble, so naturally he cannot compete with him for financial resources.

Seeing his lover who was about to be taken away, the angry Tezoro wanted to deal with the Tianlong people. Unfortunately, he was just a wage earner, so how could he break through the guards.

In the end, not only did Stella become a slave, but he also failed to escape the murderous hand.

Tezzolo was captured and made a slave. Without permission, he could not even smile, let alone want to meet Stella.

One day when he was 21 years old, he heard the news of Stella's death, and Tezzolo's heart died with him that day.

From that day on, Tezzolo vowed to become the richest man in the world.

In addition, after escaping from the prison, he began to desperately search for the exact identity of the Celestial Dragon.

There was no way, he had never seen his enemy during his three years of slave life, and that noble fat pig might have forgotten him long ago.

Even so, Tezzolo must find the other party, even if it means losing all his family wealth.

For many years, this hatred has been kept in his heart and he dared not forget it for a moment, but Tezoro was unable to investigate the detailed information of a Celestial Dragon.

Because the relevant records are top secret, no one dares to disclose the specific whereabouts of the Tianlong people.

Years passed, and all he remembered was that the other party had an ugly green tip.

"You can't determine the target's identity just by looking at your hairstyle." Fang Bo said frankly about the difficulty: "It's impossible for someone to keep the same hairstyle for decades."

Tezzolo knows these things well, otherwise why would he ask an outsider for help.

As for why he confessed this matter, it might be because he saw something in the other person's eyes.

That kind of huge ambition like a landslide and a tsunami.

Even if the Shichibukai can't satisfy him, this guy must want a lot more than he does now.

Even the Impel Down City can be overturned. Someone with such skill may be able to help him.

"If you bring this person back to me, I will join the Cross Guild."

As soon as he finished speaking, Space released the hidden mission as promised.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, endless hatred! 】

[Mission Introduction: Find the Celestial Dragon who took Stella away]

[Task requirement: Catch him or kill him]

[Tip: If you can bring the person back, the task completion rate will be greatly improved]

Looking at the task prompt, Fang Bo smiled and took out a coin that exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

"It's not difficult to find the Celestial Dragons."

Holding the coin in his hand and playing with it, he said frankly: "You can find someone, but you have to lend me some strength."

When Tianlong people travel, they must be accompanied by a large number of bodyguards, and there may also be CP agents guarding them.

Considering the status of Qiwukai, Fang Bo cannot fall out with the World Government yet, so he must prepare a scapegoat.

Otherwise, if the world government continues to pursue it, it may involve a lot of problems.

Rather than taking risks, it is better to help people close the case as soon as possible.

Tezzolo, who was cunning and cunning, knew everything right and immediately said that he would definitely find a suitable target.

"Okay, then just wait for my news."

After saying that, Fang Bo was about to leave alone, but he was stopped by Tezzolo.

"There's no rush." ​​The Golden Emperor slowly stood up from the chair and regained his former overlord demeanor: "Before setting off, first clean up the little bugs outside."

As soon as he finished speaking, the house outside suddenly began to squirm.

Immediately afterwards, the wall made of gold suddenly came to life, turning into several golden pythons and rushing towards the peepers.

"Oops." Eddie's heart sank, but he didn't expect to be discovered by the enemy.

I wanted to take a sneak peek, but I heard shocking news.

The majestic Golden Emperor actually deliberately attacked the Tianlong people?

This is breaking news. If he can stop this attack, he will definitely receive a huge reward.

Moreover, Eddie is about to advance to the second level of difficulty, and he still doesn’t know where to find a suitable “sample” of Seraph.

If you can get the body of the Golden Emperor, you can make it into your own Seraph follower.

The idea was good, but before he could take action, he was discovered.

"Hurry up, don't let the fight fall in love." Eddie took out a cool black motorcycle from his arms.

The protagonist's mount from the world of "Final Fantasy: Advent of the Son" has pretty good power and is quite suitable for fast movement over short distances.

As soon as they got on the motorcycle, the girl in a cloak sat on the back. Then without hesitation, she half-turned around and pulled out the strange long bow in her hand.

An arrow whizzed away, a powerful armed domineering energy attached to it, and there seemed to be a faint purple halo.

This arrow was very powerful, and its target was a big-headed boy who suddenly emerged from the ground.

"Hehehe, your attack is useless." He raised his head and realized that the other person was not a boy at all, but a strange dwarf with a very big head.

As for the arrow he shot, it was indeed as he said. It strangely penetrated the body and seemed to be unable to cause any damage.

Mr. Tanaka is responsible for the security of the entertainment city. He is a traveler who has eaten the traveler fruit and can pass through all inanimate objects.

No matter how powerful the arrow was, it was impossible to cause any harm to him.

"I caught you." Mr. Tanaka rushed towards the woman and hugged her slender waist with both hands.

As a result, the next second, a finger clicked on his forehead.

Spiritual impact!

As if being attacked by a heavy hammer, Mr. Tanaka was instantly knocked out, but he also succeeded in delaying the escape time of the two.

When the man restarted the motorcycle, the golden bomb from Tezzolo was already approaching.

"Witch, use the spiritual barrier quickly!" Eddie's roar echoed through the streets.

As soon as he finished speaking, a lavender film enveloped the two of them.


The attack from the Golden Emperor exploded with a bang. The effect seemed pretty good, but it was not able to kill the eavesdropper.

The motorcycle sped away without seeming to be affected at all.

"It's interesting." With a soft murmur, a figure descended from the sky like an eagle.

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