Only with Your Heart

A Stolen Promise - 2

At the end of his breakfast, Ruklov had to leave for the castle chores.

Even in the rain, the training of the knights is often not rested. The battle does not take place only on sunny days. He told me that if there was going to be a lot of fighting, it would be because the wind, rain and snow had nothing to do with it.

Once Chizuru was going back to his room with Alde and washed his face back before going to take care of the children. The little ones, including Noah, have especially often connected me to Chizuru, and this routine is already becoming a part of my life. Live, I might say.

While Chizuru was washing his face in a water bucket, Alde was fixing the bed and thoroughly disposing of the laundry that had become dirty as an example.

"But Master Chizuru, you have to tailor your wedding costume quickly. There was something lovely in the cloth that was bought with Master Ruklov on the night of the feast."

"Ugh, yeah......"

Of course, Alde already knows that Lucrov called Chizuru his fiancée and that Lucrov famously wanted to get the wedding done before winter deepened. The rumors of the servants were transmitted faster than I imagined.

Thousand Cranes himself, I don't think we actually have to be in such a hurry to get married, but I don't mind tomorrow if Luklov says he wants to. It's just true, it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and I really want to have as many wedding dresses as I can properly prepare.

When he lifted his head from the barrel and wiped his face with a cloth, Chizuru snapped at Alde.

"Do you know how long it takes to finish a wedding dress?

Alde stopped working hands and was counting the days as he looked up to the universe somewhere.

"That's right... for mobilizing all the empty needles in your hands... Depending on the decorations, I wonder if you want ten days to make something worthy of the Duke's bride."

"You don't have to be so luxurious. If you're not ashamed to stand next to Lucrov, so."

"You have to call a tailor first and think about the drawings. Because if you can do that, all you have to do is sew. I think you should talk to Mr. Ruklov about the arrangements around here."

"Oh well."

Again, like modern times, it doesn't seem like you can go into a store and pick something you can meet.

I have a position on Ruklov, and maybe I'll be busy when I start getting ready in earnest. For now, wait for the rain to stop, and when Lady Exia returns and the castle settles down, think about it all.

Chizuru thought so.

A gray rain cloud is covering the sky from end to end (oh), and a large rain grain hiccups wet the earth and spreads muddy mud on the ground.

Near lunch there was little sign that the weather would recover, and Chizuru looked out through the window with deep disappointment.

"Chizzle. Well, what's up? Let's play ball -"

Noah pulled the hem of the dress, and Chizuru returned it to me all the time.

Glittering water-colored eyes stare at Chizuru wonderfully. If you look around, the kids who couldn't get out because of the rain were just running around in a noisy way. Chizuru made a smile as she scolded herself that she should not, that she should not.

"I'm sorry. Looks like he was a little depressed. You want to play ball?


"Well, there you are. Anyone else want to play ball?

When Chizuru raised his voice toward the whole room, a child the same age as Noah and a little younger approached him happy to name two. The ball at heart is a little snobbery-shaped thing that isn't a complete sphere, and it doesn't jump much, but the kid still starts playing with Chizuru in a fun way.

Chizuru also had so much fun playing with the kids that he forgot his worries about Lady Exia.

Speaking of which, Chizuru remembered that I used to dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher. It was a dream I gave up when I decided not to go to college, but what kind of star tour, now I do something similar in my beloved man's castle.

Besides, you're going to marry him soon.

It is not easy to survive fate, sometimes even losing hope, but in the end, this is how dreams can be fulfilled in ways that were not even expected. Strange stuff.

I hope the rest stays the same and even Exia returns...

But before lunch, as he was walking down the corridor in the castle with Alde, who had come to pick him up, Chizuru was to face another unhappy reality.

Exia stood alone on a dim wall without a squire.

Before Chizuru noticed her, Exia stared at Chizuru as she stared. Even Thousand Cranes, not particularly sharp, could tell right away that they were ambushed, not coincidentally... such an obvious gaze of provocation had been directed.

Still, Exia said as she advanced slightly into the middle of the aisle, shaking

"Oh, hello. It's a coincidence to see you here."

I told you so.

I wonder why. Chizuru was not the type of person who hated or maligned others so quickly. But only this Exia can feel strangely nasty from the start. Thousands of cranes answered as politely as possible because they still weren't willing to start fighting through their noses.

"Yeah, that's a coincidence. I'm going to the dining room, how about you join me?

Exia hunched her nose.

"I need to talk to you before I do. It would be nice to have your maid removed."

Exia, who squeaks with her jaw and points to Alde, was arrogant itself. Alde also looked uncomfortable, but just in his position, he awaits Chizuru's reaction without disputing it.

- Hang on, Chizuru. If I marry Ruklov, I'll be the mistress of this castle. Don't disturb me.

Yes, I told myself, and Chizuru managed to stretch his spine to keep it dignified.

"Okay. Alde, go to the cafeteria first. Because I walk with Lady Exia."

"But Dear Chizuru..."

"It's okay. Can you tell Ruklov I might be a little late?

Thousand Cranes intended to take up a smile that would reassure Alde as much as possible, but seeing her uneasy look, she didn't seem to be very successful. Still, she can't seem to argue with the guest in front of her, and hesitates, "Yes, excuse me," she bows her head and leaves for a small run.

After that, Chizuru and Exia were left in a dim, unpopular (one-sided) corridor because of the rain.

I didn't feel sorry for it already. But I can't break it here.

When Chizuru looked to Exia, he began the conversation in the firmest tone possible. "What is the story? You weren't supposed to face each other in the dining room, even if you didn't bother to place like this, were you?

Before answering, Exia glances around the whole body of Chizuru uncomfortably and arms herself in front of her chest.

"I heard rumors from a servant."

A laugh like a victory was in Exia's cold watery eyes. "The Duke of Ruklov has always called you a 'guest', hasn't he? That's when I suddenly made a public statement this morning that I was your fiancée. Not as if it were an excuse to avoid my marriage proposal?

If words could stab people, that's exactly what this Exia dialogue was about. The pain that makes me want to raise my voice when I accidentally ache relentlessly pierces my chest.

But... she doesn't know anything.

The history between Ruklov and Chizuru, as well as the depth of their thoughts.

Don't let words of such provocation fool you...... Chizuru held both hands for a long time and endured.

"It may look that way, but it's all a coincidence"

Chizuru said yes, resolutely, but Exia doesn't butt in. All I did was flip my jaw more and more provocatively.

"I know exactly what you want to assume. Few women would ever dream of being the wife of a man like Mr. Ruklov and being called the Duchess."

"What do you mean?

"I hear you don't even have an identity like this. It's a little unusual, so I don't think it's a good idea to be married to the Duke, although he might like it now."

If this is who you're dealing with for a mediocre look, it could have been a little easier to stay calm. But the woman in front of me was a waking blonde, blue-eyed beauty, the only daughter of the Count's family, and her hair and dress were perfectly organized, unlike the Chizuru, who had just taken care of her child.

Anger and shame made me feel like the blood in my body was about to boil.

Still, Chizuru still managed to stay on his feet and unequivocally affirmed.

"That's not for you, it's for Lucrov to decide"

"I'm just advising you as the same woman. I'm sure Mr. Ruklov is only using you as a temporary escape… I'm really going to get married at last, but I'll regret it later."

And Exia whispered in a snuggly voice as she moved her face softly closer to Chizuru's ear.

"Hey, I'm a broad hearted woman... I don't mind if my husband has one or two mistresses. My wife will give me her seat, and you will be able to live as a mistress. I don't know what Lady Ruklov has explained to you, but he's had a relationship with me once in the past. Remember that."

Thousands of cranes accidentally opened their mouths pompously, but the words of objection did not appear immediately. Exia furthermore keeps whispering that it's best for peace in the territory or whatever her identity is.

Exhia's words slowly ran through the whole body of the thousand cranes as if they were some sort of poison, paralyzing the nerves. I had an unpleasant tinnitus and my head shakes like it was in anemia.

Exia smiled satisfactorily, leaving a grumpy thousand cranes on the spot to turn around.

Chizuru stood on the spot and listened as Exhia's sharp shoe sounded in the dim stone corridor and kept moving away.

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