Only with Your Heart

A Stolen Promise - 6

On his way back to the room, Chizuru stopped his leg in the great hall of the castle.

Just in time for breakfast to begin, the abundant aroma of appetite is creeping from the dining room right next door. The servants were busier walking around than usual because they were ready to send Exia out.

"Good morning, Master Chizuru. Much better weather today!

One of the female cooks who noticed Thousand Cranes finally lowered her head as she wiped her dirty hands with an even dirtier front.

Following that, the rest of the knights, servants, etc. bring greetings and light conversations to Chizuru one after another.

Chizuru made sure to respond properly to each of them.

Never before have the inhabitants of this castle treated Chizuru lightly.

It would be thanks to Lucrov for his proper advice and for keeping his eyes open in the dark. Still, this morning, I felt the vibe was a little different… it felt like being accepted as one of them, not as a 'valued guest' until now, I guess?

"Everyone must be convinced that from now on Master Chizuru will be the mistress of this castle. That dress looks great on you, too."

Referring to a tailored dress to match Lucrov's flag, Alde smiled proudly.

"Well, I guess..."

Though I was only praised for my dress, I was happy to feel as if I had been called (just) my new mistress, and Chizuru dyed her cheeks.

Coming up.

From now on, Chizuru will really marry Luklov.

Though it was already in my mind from a year and a few months ago - indeed fourteen years ago for Ruklov - when I put it to present in reality, I was engulfed with an unspeakable excitement.

I'm sure it will be in the dining room soon, but Chizuru decided to wait for Luklov's return in his room.

It shouldn't be that long before he gets back, and sitting alone in the upper seat on the edge is another thing I miss. There should have been about an hour left before the loan woke up and started eating.

Loans when there is no match for battle are often morning sleepers as noblemen.

"Alde can go eat first. I'm going straight back to my room."

"Really? Better with my help..."

"Fine. You must be hungry early this morning, right? I hope you come after you eat."

To Chizuru, smiling brightly, Alde followed something like a sigh of relief and, after a gratuity, went into the dining room. After dropping off Alde's back, Chizuru takes an equally deep breath.

Finally, Exia arrived on her way home.

I guess we're going to start getting ready for dresses, ceremonial decorations and who to invite.

Because my husband, Ruklov, has the status of Duke of the Bend and is the Lord of One Castle... I didn't mean to have a very grand ceremony, but it shouldn't mean just two plain marriages at all. Of course I'd like to invite Lone or his wife. I want the residents of this castle to have fun...

Thousands of cranes were slowly walking down the cobblestone corridor with that thought in mind.

Is there a florist in Castle Town? I want to decorate the ceremony with lots of flowers and, if possible, white flowers. The dress is simple, but make it feel classy. Should the people of Castle Town be able to attend, as in the case of the Lone Welcome Feast...?

It was a habit when he was thinking about it, and Chizuru was walking in a nagging mood.

Suddenly, a large black shadow appeared in front of Chizuru's eyes as he tried to change direction in front of the stairs going up the upper floor, hitting him more and more. I turn back to the shock and look up in surprise. Then there was a young man who looked as surprised as a thousand cranes.

Bal, it is.

Ever since that feast night, I've never seen anything like it, him.

Even at mealtimes, whether you're deliberately shifting time or letting them carry you to your room, it doesn't follow to meet Chizuru face-to-face. I'm not sure if Ruklov ordered it behind him or if Bal himself chose to do so, but he was definitely avoiding Chizuru anyway.

The reason for this, though, is somewhat understandable.

I'm sorry, Lord Chizuru.

Bal had grabbed around his arms at once, preventing Chizuru from falling, but he hurried and quickly let go of his hand. It's as if you've mistakenly touched the fruits of forbidden.

Chizuru sighed with relief and looked up at Bal.

"I'm sorry about this one... Um, get upset"

And it also means that my future husband (Ruklov) will be making the stay of the youth unfettered. Though it was a hassle to put it clearly, Chizuru somehow hinted at such an apology.

Bal seemed to understand right away, stepping back from Chizuru and smiling honestly.

"It's not your fault. Never mind. This morning, I just thought you would have gone out with the Duke of Luklov, and I thought I'd put my face in the dining room in that gap."

Chizuru blushed and smiled.

After all, Luklov has been told not to face Chizuru. Keeping young people like Bal caged in their own rooms is also harsh.

"I'm sorry. That's not your fault, though"

Bal smiled and shook his head.

"You're just lucky they didn't kick you out of the castle. That's when I was ready to be hanged."

"Ku, neck......"

"Anyway, if the Duke finds out I'm by your side, he'll just be sorry. Are you alone? Any escorts or samurai?

Bal, who seemed sorry for his excellent body, looks around slightly.

Perhaps there is a possibility that the likes of the unknown sneak of a thousand cranes are keeping an eye on the castle. I'm not doing anything nasty, but I want to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

That would make Bal feel the same way.

"I'm just having a meal for the samurai now. I'm just going back to my room, so I think you can go to the dining room..."

Chizuru looked at the stairs and indicated that he was already leaving.

I'm sure, each other, it's best to decide there wasn't this coincidence. Bal scowled and smiled lonely.

"Now, excuse me..."

That's what I said, it was the moment Bal tried to walk away.

At first, I just felt a slight sign behind my back that I didn't know if there was or wasn't. It suddenly lit up and quickly tucked around his body like a disease, tightening up the upper body of a thousand cranes.


His mouth was blocked, and Chizuru leaked his reflexively creaking voice.

It was almost at the same time that he noticed that he had been restrained from behind by an inexperienced person and that he felt a dagger gripped by a hand that was later turned, slammed down his throat.

The blade of a sword as cold as ice is pressed against his throat.

There was no gap to disobey. Even if there were, it wasn't the kind of force Chizuru could fight.

"Don't make a scene. If I raise my voice, I will kill you... either alive or dead."

A squeaky, low voice is whispered into Chizuru's ear.

Chizuru was stiffened by fear and struck by so much agitation that sweat seemed to erupt from his entire body. What the hell. Who. Why...!

I stared at Bal with a glimmer of hope, but he opened his eyes and was stiff.

─ ─ I don't even have to check, Bal was obviously round hips. I'm sure he's been banned from carrying weapons since the feast night game. I know that such punishment is often inflicted on knights who cause confusion.


Besides, this raider was cautious.

"Same goes for the youngsters there... I'm not alone... just give it a word or a move. This woman's neck will be completely severed from her torso."

In Bal's eyes, I saw a fierce flame of anger burn.

His stern face is distorted and his forehead begins to stain with sweat. For warriors like Bal, dishonor would also be a good place, such as being attacked round the waist and being held hostage by a woman who couldn't get her hands or feet out.

Even if it wasn't, Chizuru should have been a headache seed for Bal. I was misunderstood where I did it with a little kindness, and I just bought the wrath of my castle master while I was staying, but now this.

Sad, Thousand Cranes knew there was no point in Bal fleeing here.

So wherever Chizuru's neck was cut off, it shouldn't have mattered to him... on the contrary, it could be refreshing to get revenge on Ruklov, who's been hitting irrational anger.

Chizuru caught tears gushing up and swallowed a whimper coming up his throat.

"Let's go."

The raider's creepy voice overheard Chizuru's ear.


Alive or dead.

Luklov will be back soon. Thousand cranes promised never to leave him again.

"Let it!

With a short fury, Bal tried to strike the raiders.

He is just a warrior who fought each other with Ruklov. Despite not having any weapons, he was caught in the hands of a raider who bravely erected a dagger.

Bal, the Raiders, and the three Chizuru fell to overlap the floor.


I heard a roar, and found Bal twisting and laying the raider's arm on the stone floor. Chizuru was dressed sandwiched by two men, unable to move no matter how hard he tried.

"Run away! Come on!"

Bal shouted out loud.

I was certain that he was risking his life (and) trying to get me away with a thousand cranes. Thousand cranes managed to escape from the planking between the two of them, desperately trying to escape by twisting their bodies, but the more they rose in confusion, the less they knew which direction to go.

The men's knees and elbows hit me hard from all over the place, and I was finally not losing my mind.

But I have to run.

I promised. He said he wasn't going anywhere.

Chizuru managed to get only half of his body out of the mess. My skirt turned up to my thick crotch, and the hair I had tied was broken and scattered all over the place. But I twisted myself even further, trying to escape.

Come on, come on, come on!

Even if I wanted to scream for help, I was finally breathing and couldn't speak up.

Luklov, Luklov, Luklov!

If he hears a thousand cranes screaming, he will surely turn everything in the world against his enemies. But he will rush. I won't run away no matter how unfavourable the battle is. I won't give up no matter how painful it is.

I can't betray such a man (one).

For the last push, Bal kicked Chizuru's back out with his leg. It was abusive, but there was no choice in the present situation, and thanks to it, Chizuru was freed from the confluence of the two men.

"Run! Don't bring it!

Abandoning his usual salutation, Bal shouted at Chizuru.

Once upon a time like this, if you can't leave your people, you might have refused to run away. But Chizuru learned. Even if there are still thousands of cranes left that can hardly be fought, it will only be a clump of feet.

All Chizuru can do is run away, and go get help... so we have to do everything we can to do that.

Before the thousand cranes that stood up and ran out, but the next shadow appeared.

Now he wasn't in the shape of a person.

A black cloth suddenly struck a thousand cranes from above, covering them. He gets his sight whispered and falls under the shock of someone jumping from the outside.

Chizuru tried to scream.

But it didn't sound like a voice, and I was attacked by the dull pain of being punched in the abdomen... the last time I heard Bal scream in the distance, I lost consciousness.

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