Chapter 114: Suzuka Gozen’s dialogue with Yagi Great Snake, building a ghost ship!.

Qingming returned to Heian-kyo, while Suzuka Gozen took the Seven People Gorge to patrol the entire Suzuka Mountain, and now Suzuka Mountain is free of any pollution, and the four Mijin Trees also exude wisps of spiritual power, nourishing the entire Suzuka Mountain, so that Suzuka Mountain continues to develop and grow.


Suddenly, Suzuka Gozen stopped, and San asked softly, “Suzuka-mae-sama, is something going on?” ”

Suzuka Gozen shook his head calmly and said: “You guys retreat first, this matter has nothing to do with you, the rest of the matter, I will deal with it myself, you just woke up, recover your body well, restore your strength.” ”


The Seven People Gorge retreated, and the beaver also felt something, and also retreated, and as the seven people left, Suzuka Gozen said lightly: “Yagi Great Snake, do you have something to find me?” ”

Although said! After so many changes, everything that used to be seems to be completely different! But the entire Suzuka Mountain is polluted purely because of the Yagi Great Snake, not only abducted Suzuka Gozen, but also mentally controlled Haiming, it can be said that everything is guided by the Yagi Great Snake, even if it has changed drastically now, but Suzuka Gozen still does not like the Yagi Great Snake.


With this soft laughter, the figure of the Yagi big snake gradually emerged, along with the darkness, he walked out step by step, looking into the distance with a smile on the corner of his mouth, with a smile, and said interestingly: “Suzuka Mountain has been resurrected, I really didn’t expect that the speed of Suzuka Mountain resurrection is very fast!” ”

Suzuka Gozen’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, “So, Yagi Great Snake, are you planning to say something like this?” ”

Yagi Big Snake shook his head and said with a slightly funny smile: “I feel it in this world, this is a very large world of 213, and in this world, there are a lot of powers, and such power is very interesting, I want to explore this world more and more!” ”

Suzuka Gozen said casually: “If you want to explore, then go and explore, this matter seems to have nothing to do with me.” ”

Yagi Orochi smiled and said nothing, not surprised by Suzuka Gozen’s attitude, how to say it! Although it is said that with the coming to this world, everything that used to be has become the smoke of the past, but as a former big boss, the situation of the Yagi big snake is also very special, he as the final big boss, even if he comes to this world, he is still a very high status, Qingming does not have any restrictions on the Yagi big snake, but a picture, how you like to play is how to play.

This is not a bad thing for Yagi Great Snake, but! Yagi Snake knows that although he likes to play how to play, he can’t touch it internally! In other words, everything in Wano Country cannot be touched by yourself, otherwise! Qingming will never allow it.

Not bad!

Qingming will never allow this, for Qingming, every god is like his own relatives, children, if something bad happens inside, then according to Qingming’s character, there will definitely be no hesitation.

Don’t look at Haruaki for Yagi Great Snake, Suzuka Gozen, Demon Daoji, Snow Lady all the style gods are very indulgent, as if they don’t care what everyone is doing, but that’s because of Qingming’s gentleness, not because Haruaki really can’t control them.

Their souls are all held in the palm of their hands by Qingming, in other words! As long as Qingming has a thought, he can directly kill them, this is the terrifying power that Qingming has, and this power is also the power recognized by all the hundred ghosts, which is also the root of them can come to this world again, because of this! They made a choice, and naturally they would not do such a thing.

“So it says…”

Suzuka Gozen looked at the Yagi big snake, there is no annoyance, the past is the past, although looking at the Yagi big snake is not pleasant, but the past things are over, it is meaningless to continue to pursue, then Liangshan party, you can’t expect Yang Zhi to drink some wine and Wu Yong to die, right?

The past is the past, and because of this, Suzuka Gozen said casually: “Yagi Great Snake, what are you going to do?” Since you want to see this sea, then go and see it, it seems that you don’t need to say anything to me. ”


Yagi Great Snake smiled and said, “That’s why! I just think it’s funny! This world is too big, and once I found that we have always been reluctant to go to the outside world to understand, and over time, it seems that we can only stay here forever, and I also want to go outside to see, but before that, I still have to prepare the gift for Qingming, two years have passed, and it is almost pregnant. ”


Suzuka Gozen knew what kind of gift the Yagi Great Snake was preparing, and shook his head: “A gift that took thousands of years to conceive, in this world, can it be conceived in just two years?” ”

Yagi Great Snake nodded and said, “Yes!” In just two years, everything in this world has changed dramatically, but! It’s just a gift, Suzuka Gozen, you can go out to sea to see, after all! If you want to revive the entire Suzuka Mountain faster, you still need more Devil Fruit. ”

“That’s why you consumed so many Devil Fruits?”

Suzuka Gozen also appeared a look of ridicule, in the past two years, the Yagi Great Snake has collected a lot of devil fruits, but they are all invested in the gift to Qingming, although this gift is not weak, and it is very powerful, but it is more embarrassing that it is here, things are not such a thing!


Yagi Great Snake smiled and said, “Well! Didn’t the appearance of that child also help us leave? Otherwise! That child was not born, and Wano Country could not leave, and Qingming recognized this country very much. ”

“Really, if there is a problem with our departure, it will not be a good thing.”

Suzuka Gozen was too lazy to continue to say something, but continued: “Don’t worry! I know what you mean, I will collect more devil fruits to help Qingming grow in the shortest time, you are very headache, some things, it is better to say it directly. ”


Looking at the departing Suzuka Gozen, a smile appeared at the corner of the Yagi Great Snake’s mouth, and he whispered softly: “How can you say some words!” After so many years, some things are very shameful! ”

Squinting slightly, Yagi Big Snake felt the sea breeze, but left with a smile, undeniably said! Whether it is the Yagi Great Snake or Suzuka Gozen, they have actually changed a lot, and every demon king unknowingly has already clear at the core.

They did not call Qingming Lord Qingming, the reason is very simple, in their hearts, Qingming is more like their own relatives, their own brother’s identity, although it will not be shown in ordinary times, but at critical times, there will definitely be no problems.

“What a weird guy…..”


The corners of Suzuka Gozen’s mouth hooked, quietly looking in the direction of Heiankyo, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “Qingming!” You really have a huge charm! No matter who is anyone, they will be attracted to you and will willingly give up everything they once had, such a charm is really different! ”


“I won’t say anything about such things.”

Suzuka Gozen smiled and shook her head, not continuing to say anything, but next, if she started to get busy, after all! The creation of the ghost ship does not take much time, it requires a huge demon power, and Suzuka Gozen, as the grand ghost king, naturally has enough demon power for the owner.


The Beaver and the Seven Gorge both walked over quickly, and all seven of them looked at Suzuka Gozen seriously.

Suzuka Gozen said calmly, “Bring a part of the Mikami Wood with you!” We take the Mishinki as the core to build a ghost ship, go, you all know the method of taking it, it will not hurt the Mishinki. ”


The Beaver and Shichirenkyo began to act separately, while Suzuka Gozen stood under the most central and largest Mijin Tree and said quietly, “Daitake Maru!” Hurry up, this is a new sea, and in this sea, you can see a very beautiful view, here, we are all here, everyone is quietly waiting for your arrival. ”


A smile appeared, and Suzuka Gozen pulled out the shadow, suddenly streaked from the bottom up, and the next moment! A huge tree was actually separated from the Imperial God Wood, but a scene appeared, and the separated Imperial God Wood did not change at all, as if! It’s just like this huge piece of wood is not part of the Migami Wood.

In fact, this is a part of the Mishinki, but after the Mishinki I don’t know how many years of gestation, one of the parts that was born is already an old part, which can be used to make ghost ships, and other than that! The four Imperial Sacred Trees can all be used to make ghost ships.

Suzuka Gozen continued to get busy, and Beaver, Nanatokyo and the others also began to deal with all this.



In a chaotic country, the figure of the Yagi Great Snake emerged from the darkness, the corners of his mouth hooked, and whispered softly: “Go on!” Go ahead! It won’t take long, and soon, that gift will be born. ”

“Don’t let me down!”

With the faint voice of the Yagi Great Snake, a roaring roar emerged, filled with resentful souls one after another, they were flying wildly, and they were under the control of the Yagi Great Snake, resentment! Hatred! All the negative forces are being swallowed by them, and this is the sign of their imminent birth, and the smile at the corner of the mouth of the Yagi Great Snake is getting richer and richer.

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