Chapter 122: In the encounter with the Whitebeard Pirates, Suzuka Gozen destroyed CP9.


For this pirate island, in fact, with the end of the Locks Pirates, it seems that it is no longer so cared about by the world, but! This island has a completely different status in the heart of the pirates, and every pirate who comes to the new world almost wants to enter Hachinos, just like the respect for Rogue Town for Roger, the same! All along, the various pirate groups have also been competing for who the owner of Hachinos is.


Because the difference in strength between them is not large, there is almost no victory or defeat.

“Lord Qingming!”


The white wolf walked quickly, and Qingming nodded and said, “I already feel it, the breath of the other party, that familiar breath!” Whitebeard, Edward Newgate! The Moby Dick! ”

And with the voice of the white wolf, Qingming looked at the gradual emergence in the distance, like a whale-like pirate ship, with a very calm look in his eyes, the Moby Dick, this is a whale-like pirate ship, it is the pirate ship of the white-bearded pirate group, and it is also one of the symbols of the whole world for the white-bearded pirate group.


With this heroic laughter came, and the owner of the voice was Edward Newgate, this person known as Whitebeard on the sea, the corners of his mouth opened, with a hideous look, holding Cong Yunche, looking at Qingming proudly, and said: “This ship, Lao Tzu is still curious!” What kind of ship is it, I didn’t expect it, it turned out to be Qingming boy, you guy’s pirate ship. ”

“21 huh?!”

“Pirate ship?”

Qingming smiled and shook his head: “Whitebeard, I’m not a pirate now, this ship!” You can call it a ghost ship, call it a pirate ship, which is really not appropriate. ”

“Not going to be a pirate anymore?”

Edward’s sharp eyes stared at Qingming, and Qingming was smiling from beginning to end, indeed! For himself, there is no need to be a pirate, or rather, he is no longer a pirate, all along, even the navy has not aggravated his bounty order, in fact, this has proved everything, in the eyes of the navy, Qingming is no longer as a pirate, and! The status that Wano Country now brings above the sea is really not a good thing if it is to find trouble.


The corners of Edward’s mouth opened and said, “Qingming boy, I want to be a pirate!” It’s so easy there, since it’s a pirate, then it’s a pirate for life! It’s so easy to wash that identity out there. ”


Qingming nodded approvingly: “Indeed, as long as it is a pirate, then almost a pirate for life, but ah!” For me, this is indeed a harmless thing, is it a pirate, as long as no one dares to continue to say such a thing is enough, for this sea, I am the king of Wano Country, who will say that I am a pirate? ”

Edward said interestingly: “Qingming boy, you seem to hate the identity of pirates very much?” ”

Qingming shook his head and said, “It’s not that I hate the identity of pirates!” How to say it, there are just some gaps, pirates on this sea, many things are more troublesome, especially for the next development of Wano Country, this matter is also quite troublesome. ”


Edward’s expression was calm, although he did not speak, but his eyes were sharp enough, obviously, Edward also knew what was going on, this matter! It’s just a no-brainer.


Pirates on this sea, indeed do not have a big status, this is undoubted, no matter at any time, you have to admit this matter, pirates for the sea above the major is still smooth, is just mud legs, will not be put in the eyes at all.

“Forget it!”

Edward shook his head and said casually: “Lao Tzu is too lazy to pay attention to you little devil, but!” Qingming boy, aren’t you planning to go to war today? ”

Qingming smiled and shook his head, “I’m not interested!” For you to make a move, the benefits are not high, not to mention, the people I brought out this time have no way to destroy your white-bearded pirate group, even if you do it, hurting the enemy by a thousand and self-damage by nine hundred, it is really meaningless for me. ”

Qingming looked at Mitsuki Ota and Izang who were quietly looking at him, but their expressions were very calm, they were no longer his opponents for a long time, as for Mitsuki Mita himself? Find a way to dispose of it, as long as the bloodline of the Guangyue clan is disposed of, this is enough, as for everything else? In fact, it’s just meaningless!

It is undeniable that the man Mitsuki Ota is very strong, but for Qingming, it is a meaningless thing at all, he does not have any good feelings for this man, similarly, as long as he gives himself a chance, he will not be polite.

If said!

Mitsuki Mita has always been with the Whitebeard Pirates, so it is almost difficult to find for himself, but if this guy Mitsuki Ota chooses to attack the country of Wano by himself one day?

So I’m sorry, Qingming is not a merciful person, since you are here! Then it must be to let you white knives in, red knives out, this is the only result, don’t think that Wano Country is a casual place, now the entire Wano Country is covered by the enchantment of Heian-kyo, any outsider entering Wano Country will have a warning.

In the end, Qingming and Mitsuki Ota both withdrew their gazes, and the two sides were safe and sound, although they met by chance, they had no idea of starting a war, even if! The identities of the two are not exaggerated even to say that they are enemies.

The ghost ship and the Moby Dick gradually sailed towards the distance, the speed was not fast, but it was gradually heading towards the distance, and the goal, naturally, was self-evident, and it was also Hachinos!!!


A mouthful of blood spat out directly, the man opened his eyes in a daze, he looked around weakly, but suddenly sat up, but the next moment, the severe pain made him lie on the ground again, and a large amount of blood overflowed on the whole person’s body.

Fan looked at this crimson fish man, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “It’s really amazing physical fitness, such a physique.” ”

“Even as a monster, it is very terrifying, such a serious injury, the recovery speed is so fast.”


Yun also nodded in agreement, this powerful physical fitness is also a very outrageous thing, even among the monsters is also a very shocking thing, of course, although it is really sighing, but the look of the Seven People Gorge is very sharp, they can also feel the amazing strength of this man, such a man, even if he is injured, he still can’t underestimate.


Another mouthful of blood spat out, and the man slowly opened his eyes, although he couldn’t move at all, he said softly: “Everyone! Thank you for your salvation, but you are human, I…”



And the fish man is looking deeply at everything around him, just because of excessive blood loss, he has gradually lost consciousness, and when he really recovers, looking at the seven people gorge around him is also stunned, this is not a human at all!



The beaver half squatted on the ground and asked the fish-people in front of him, and the fish-people nodded and said: “My name is Fisher Tiger, I am an explorer of the fish-people, and I have always been looking for exploration on the sea, wanting to see if there is a possibility of peaceful coexistence between humans and fish-people.” ”


Su said disdainfully, “Are you an idiot?” Wrong! Are you mermaid people idiots? How could you come up with such an idea? Do you know that human beings are simply impossible to accept other races, of course, the human beings ruled by Lord Qingming are different, but! Those ordinary human beings are a bunch of waste, garbage! Food! Using strength to make them feel fear is the most important thing. ”

Tiger shook his head pityingly and said, “Alas! Of course, I also know that this is the best way, but alas! The Fishman Clan does not have any cultivation methods at all, even the high-level three-color domineering is without any learning methods, Fishman Karate! Fishman judo! Although they are all methods of cultivation of the Fish-Human Clan, but…..”

Tiger silently shook his head, in the original work, Tiger’s physical fitness is powerful and terrifying, and he can even be used as a king 580 Seven Martial Seas, but what about Tiger? Faced with a major general as a result, he was killed? This is simply not a horizontal thing, although it is a future lieutenant general.

This also proves that Tiger really has no cultivation methods, and Shenping also got a part of the cultivation methods from the navy after becoming the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, which is a rapid improvement in strength.


Tiger shook his head and said, “Everyone, you better leave quickly!” Just put me directly into the sea, it was the people of the CP organization who hunted me down, their power is very terrifying, not comparable to you! ”

“CP organization?”

The beaver asked strangely, “How did you provoke the CP organization?” ”

Tiger said with a bitter smile: “Because of the Draco, the other party took a fancy to me and wanted to capture me as a slave, and in the face of the order of the Draco, it was natural!” The CP organization was dispatched, I escaped all the way, and it was basically abolished. ”

In fact!

Why Tiger died of excessive blood loss was purely because when he was a slave, Tiger’s body had a huge dark wound, otherwise! According to Tiger’s terrifying physical fitness, too much blood loss? It’s just like nonsense! That was almost impossible, and because of this, if Tiger continued, he would only become a slave to the Draco and eventually what should have happened.


The beaver tilted his head and said slightly helplessly: “If you kill the Draco people, will it make Lord Qingming embarrassed?” ”

Sang pondered: “Theoretically, Lord Qingming will not necessarily be embarrassed, but according to our situation, it should be defined as a pirate, is that so?” ”

Everyone was thinking about this problem, and at this moment, a ship had already sailed quickly, and said indifferently: “Hand over the fish-people, otherwise!” You’re all dead here!” ”

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