Chapter 128: The Sea Country Monster with Great Strength!.

Under the night!

Fishman Island prepared a grand banquet, and after the banquet, Suzuka Gozen declined the invitation of the other party, and returned to the ghost ship, returning to the ghost ship with the devil fruit that had been brought back, too! Brought back a large amount of gold and silver treasures through the storage charm, seriously, Fishman Island is really rich, there are countless rare treasures on the entire Fishman Island, and this huge treasure is the most fundamental core!

Fishman Island is rich! Money is reflected here, whether it is a rare treasure in the deep sea, or a treasure of a pirate shipwreck, but a Bailey? That thing is really very rare in Fishman Island, and Fishman Island Bailey is very rare.


As soon as he stepped on the ghost ship, Suzuka Gozen saw Tiger kneeling respectfully on the ground in the way of a taxi, while Suzuka Gozen was calm;

“Tiger, the shelter of Fishman Island is because they provide the price that should be paid, there is no need to say anything at all!”

Finish talking.

Suzuka Gozen and Tiger just passed by, although the figures of the two people passed by like this, but tears dripped from the corners of Tiger’s eyes, some words were said very easily, but where is it so easy! Or rather, some things are like this, but it just looks like this!



A drop of tears fell from the corner of Tiger’s eyes, but his expression was gradually solemn, and a sharp light appeared in the eyes of the whole person, he knew that he could not let down his vigilance, he had to be more serious and work harder, only in this way could he report the qualifications of Lord Suzuka Gozen, otherwise, everything would be meaningless.

Plainly! The protection of Suzuka Gozen is beyond doubt, but! Don’t forget, what if Suzuka Gozen directly robs it? In fact, this is also an undoubted thing! After all, the power of the sea country is still more terrifying than the Silver Axe Pirates, and you Fishman Island still wants to hand over all the wealth, which is the only result, because of this, Suzuka Gozen can not care, she treats Tiger as a family.


Tiger can’t be so faceless, he has to respect Suzuka Gozen-sama even more, otherwise! Is it like a faceless trash? Stop it! This is something that is absolutely not allowed! At the very least, Tiger didn’t allow himself to be so faceless.


Yun, Xu, and Fan a few of them came over and said with a big grin: “Tiger, you don’t need to be so nervous, you can exercise harder to improve yourself in the future!” Otherwise, that’s the real sorry Suzuka-sama! ”


Quietly nodded, Tiger’s expression was very serious, he knew very well what he should do, for these things, Suzuka Gozen did not particularly care, she had this absolute confidence, no matter at any time, the person she chose, would she do such a shameful thing? Impossible thing!

……. Ghost ship! Well, in fact, how to say, the ghost ship is a very special life form, there is a hidden space inside, and these spaces are hidden, and what can eventually be displayed will be more huge, in other words, the number of people that the ghost ship can accommodate is very terrifying, as long as the space is expanded to be huge enough, the more it can be accommodated inside.

And the ghost ship of Suzuka Gozen, at least to accommodate tens of thousands of people is not a problem at all, this is still because Suzuka Gozen did not continue to expand, otherwise, it can definitely accommodate more, this is undoubtedly a thing, this is very important!

Of course, Suzuka Gomae’s expression was also very calm, she entered the study of the ghost ship, looked at the beaver who had been waiting here for a long time, and said lightly: “Beaver.” ”

The beaver smiled and said, “Suzuka-sama!” This time the harvest is indeed good, the money is nothing, but 1 this time for the income of the devil fruit, I did not expect that 30 devil fruits, Fishman Island does have a lot of wealth. ”


Suzuka Gozen sat down and nodded: “Indeed, this matter, I really never thought of it, the final result will be like this, but!” It is a matter of course that Fishman Island will be handed over to us. ”

Suzuka Gozen’s belief in all this is taken for granted, or rather, for youkai, this is the most important law, you give me the shelter that should be given to me, and I am the shelter you, this is what you should do, and this faint voice, there is no need to say more, everything is in front of you.


The beaver pondered, “Suzuka-sama, are we handing over the devil fruit directly to Lord Haruaki?” Or do you use it yourself now? ”

Suzuka Gozen’s calm way;

“Use it yourself, the strength of the sea country is still too weak, such strength is simply a meaningless thing, this sea is not safe!” If it is only such a force, then the result will be very troublesome. ”


The beaver nodded, in fact, this is so, the strength of the sea country, for the time being! Still too weak, or rather! If the strength of the sea country wants to increase, then it needs to be improved again and again, otherwise, just like this, it is a meaningless thing at all!

Sea Country! In fact, their youkai will not really die at all, and even if they do, their souls will be sheltered by Migami and returned to Mount Suzuka, which is why the monsters of Mount Suzuka are simply fearless to fight, they are not afraid of death at all, because no matter what, they will not really die.


It is still very important for the growth of strength, just like Suzuka Gozen is thinking about it at this moment.

And Suzuka Gozen waved his big hand, and a shadow of the Scorpion appeared, directly swallowing all 30 devil fruits, and in an instant, infinite power had emerged, and Suzuka Gozen was thinking about the use of these 30 devil fruits! Although there are only six people, each person’s level is an R-level style god, and an R-level style god, what kind of strength is it about to improve? As long as the R-level style god is cultivated to the apex, it basically has the strength of the major general level, and the strength of the major general of the headquarters is almost one level worse than the strength of the lieutenant general of the headquarters.


It is this level but it is the gap between heaven and earth, you let the lieutenant general of the headquarters go to the facts, especially the top lieutenant general of the headquarters, do you see if he hangs the major general of the headquarters? Even if it is a top major general of the main department! The gap brought by this level is too big to be compared.


Each of them is an R-level style god, and only 1 devil fruit is needed to awaken, and as for the breakthrough, it saves money, and the breakthrough only needs 2.5 devil fruits, so it is said that a style god needs 3.5 devil fruits to break through, and a total of six people only need 21 to instantly raise them directly to the limit.

Almost without hesitation! Suzuka Gozen directly blessed the 21 devil fruits on the body of the Seven People Gorge, and the powerful power instantly spread on the body of the Seven People Gorge.



The Seven People Gorge above the deck can feel that their demon power is recovering rapidly, and in a short period of time, their strength has been raised to a special level, and they have quickly recovered to their peak.

Su thought a little and said, “It seems! It is Suzuka-sama who provides us with energy. ”



Fan and Yun both nodded seriously, they did not expect that it would be so, and in addition, feeling such a huge energy, a smile appeared at the corner of everyone’s mouth, casually covered by the mask and could not be seen at all.

It’s just that!

For them Seven Gorge, they are too weak, they don’t even have one-tenth of their former strength, they have completely become a burden-like identity, which they simply can’t accept, so they are working hard, they want to become stronger, and now! They completely felt it, and their strength was restored.



The Seven People Gorge nodded, and then left, and the rest of the things will be discussed later! Now they only need to work harder, and Suzuka Gozen on the other side naturally feels that the strength of the Seven People Gorge has recovered.

Suzuka Gozen said with a little thought: “The strength of the Seven People Gorge has recovered, and now there are still 9 devil fruit energy left, I don’t know!” How many Devil Fruits are needed to continue to restore the Kraken of the Sea Country. ”

As Suzuka Gozen continued to pour a lot of energy into it, and this time the speed of improvement was extremely fast, the Kraken of the Sea Country only had 500 people in terms of numbers, and the number of this 500 people did not need to be said at all, Suzuka Gozen only consumed 5 devil fruits. Well!

You heard it right, just consuming 5 devil fruits, they have completely raised their strength to the previous limit, in fact, from here it has been seen that there is a huge gap between the powerful big monsters and these cannon fodder-level monsters, Suzuka Gozen just needs to consume 5 devil fruits just to awaken, and these cannon fodder level youkai, to this level, only need 5 devil fruits, and this is a full 500 amount.


Suzuka Gozen looked at this scene, also nodded, and then said: “Overall, it’s not bad!” There are 4 Devil Fruits left. ”

The beaver pondered, “Suzuka-sama, we should also set sail, the matter of Fishman Island has come to an end, then next, we should also leave Ken.” ”

Suzuka Gozen shook his head and said: “In the next part of Fishman Island, we will rest for a while, a special place like Fishman Island is occupied by people, and next, we will face the fierce and indiscriminate onslaught of major forces, and only by holding on, then we can truly make Fishman Island in peace, since we promised Tiger, and!” Chose to shelter Fishman Island, then this is what we should do. ”


Listening to Suzuka Gozen’s words, the beaver nodded seriously, indicating that he was clear, this is the Demon King, agreed! Definitely will do it to the extreme!

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