Chapter 135: 400 Devil Fruits? Draw cards! Card draw!.

The chaos of the Red Earth Continent, this news naturally spread in a short time, the whole world already knew the news, and Qingming, even if it was located on Fishman Island, also knew the news, not to mention, the relationship between Qingming and Xia Qi was good.

Any news, Xia Qi will be the first to inform Qingming, which is also to make Qingming not interested in these obviously uninterested, but he can always get first-hand information, if there is anything wrong with it? Well, probably the only bad thing is that it costs money, right?


Qingming hung up the phone worm, shook the folding fan, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said interestingly;

“The Red Earth Continent was attacked, and there was a huge chaos, a large amount of gold and silver treasures, and the loss of the devil fruit, which is actually quite interesting! On this sea, there are people who can do this and leave safely, you know, the strong people on the red earth continent are very terrifying~”

From the mouth of Captain Locks and Mother-in-law Twilight, Qingming learned a lot of information, and the natural result of this information is that there are terrifying monsters hidden on the Red Earth Continent, and this sentence is definitely not a joke, there are really hidden monsters! Maybe many people don’t know, but Qingming is very clear about what kind of monster is the owner of the Red Earth Continent “hmm~”

“Lord Qingming!”

The white wolf stood on Qingming’s side, and said softly;

“Although I don’t know if this is possible, but! Why do I always feel that such actions seem to be the work of Yagi Great Snake-sama? It feels very familiar! ”


Qingming’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, although said! The white wolf just has an idea, but the problem is that the probability of this idea can be said to be very high! Moreover, the most outrageous thing is that considering the character of the Yagi Great Snake, it seems that it is not impossible to do such a thing.


Qingming shook the folding fan slightly, but fell into a kind of silence, how to say! This is really hard to say, this is really good feelings! Suzuka Gozen, Yagi Great Snake This is really one by one has done big things, one sheltered Fishman Island, and the other went directly to the Red Earth Continent to have fun?

Qingming knew that the situation of the Yagi Great Snake must not have been exposed, otherwise, it could not be like this, just! This situation is indeed too outrageous, it simply makes people have a strange feeling, is it so?

But ah!

After thinking about it carefully, Qingming had to admit that the Yagi Great Snake is really such a character, which is simply undeniable, thinking of this, Qingming also shook his head helplessly and said: “White wolf, just like you said, there is a high probability that this matter is what the Baqi Great Snake did, but!” It is also a harmless thing, no matter who does it, it actually does not matter. ”

“This matter, the world government can’t find out, and! The end result is a period of turmoil. ”

Qingming is very calm, because he knows very well that whether this matter is a Yagi Great Snake or not, there is actually a fundamental reason, since the other party can do this, then it has actually been proven! The other party is ready for everything and wants to find the other person? Impossible thing! As long as it is not found on the Red Earth Continent, then it is absolutely impossible to find the other party next, and it is impossible for such an idiot to act.

At this moment, a wisp of darkness emerged, and the Yagi Great Snake came out of the darkness very calmly, and said lightly: “Qingming, just like what the little white wolf said, this thing is indeed what I did.” ”

Qingming looked at the Yagi serpent that suddenly appeared, but there was nothing strange, the ability of the Yagi serpent is very special, he is an evil god, and what he masters is the power of darkness, and in the darkness can swim casually, and Qingming’s surroundings are full of darkness, the Yagi serpent looms, it can come at any time.


Qingming looked at the Yagi Great Snake and smiled, “Seriously, for you you are the main messenger of this matter!” I guessed it slightly, but what I didn’t expect was that you would go to the Red Earth Continent so quickly, how do you feel, how does it feel to be on the Red Earth Continent? ”

The Yagi Great Snake smiled and shook his head: “It’s very interesting, there is a terrifying force on the Red Earth Continent, and that power is not so much a person, but actually a god, it’s just!” That person’s feelings are gradually disappearing, that person is becoming a perfect machine, a machine that can control everything, very interesting things. ”

Qingming said interestingly: “The ruler of the world government, Im! No one knows exactly how powerful that person’s power is, but! One thing is certain, it is indeed very terrifying, right! Besides, what about the power of the five old stars? ”

The Yagi Great Snake thought slightly: “The power of the five old stars is very strong, and each of them almost has the power just like Captain Locks you said, such a power is already comparable to the ghost king, and it is the power of the top ghost king!” ”

Not bad!

Captain Locks’ strength is placed among the ghost kings, that also needs to be the strength of the top ghost kings, the wine swallowing boy, the big tengu, the tamamoe front and the Suzuka Gozen who awakened the dragon bloodline and held the kaiyuan shell halberd, probably all of them are such strength, ordinary big monsters do not have this strength at all.

Of course, these things are not absolute, but! Because of this, from here, it can be seen how terrifying the power of the world government is, the unfathomable Im and the powerful five old stars, counting down the navy, army, air force and CP organization, as well as a large number of special troops, it can be seen from here.

This behemoth, which has ruled the world for 800 years, is really the terrifying power of the owner, and such a terrifying power is not a joke, but a solid display in front of the eyes, making people feel the power of unlimited fear, because of this! But if you dare to underestimate this terrifying power, then you need to pay the price! Maybe it’s going to be unimaginable.

After the Yagi Great Snake takes a step further, it may be able to break through to the level that surpasses Captain Locks, in other words, it can reach a level comparable to that Im, but! The SP of an evil god like the Yagi Great Snake is not at all improved through the Devil Fruit, but it takes time! Or a change in itself.

“That’s right!”

“This time in the Red Earth Continent, I got a lot of devil fruits, I guess you will be more interested.”

Saying that, the Yagi Great Snake waved his hand, and a large number of devil fruits had already fallen from the darkness, and Qingming and the white wolf both raised their eyebrows, and they were la-la! This large amount of devil fruit fell directly to the ground, making both of them slightly stunned.

It’s too big in terms of quantity!


“Huh, hehe”

Qingming chuckled and shook his head, “Seriously! Only by truly understanding will it be clear how many devil fruits are stored in these big forces, or what a terrifying amount of devil fruits this is. ”

A total of 200 devil fruits were obtained from Fishman Island, and now the number of devil fruits brought back by the Yagi Great Snake is also very large, almost more than 200 devil fruits, which is a very expensive devil fruit in the black market. But!

Don’t forget that the devil fruits collected on the Red Earth Continent must be very precious devil fruits, but! Qingming doesn’t care, and the Yagi Great Snake doesn’t care either, the fate of these devil fruits is a result, draw cards! Draw cards! It will only be used to draw cards, at this stage, the style gods in Qingming’s hands have been raised to an extreme, and further? Then you need to draw cards to get promoted, if it was once, Qingming still needs to be calculated, now?

Hehehe~~~ Don’t joke with Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu is so rich, just watch! To put it bluntly, now that the wealth in Qingming’s hands has reached an astonishing level, the owner of such terrifying wealth naturally does not need to accumulate.

And! Again, what Qingming believes in most is that if there is money or to spend it, if it is kept in his hands, then money is a meaningless thing at all, or rather! That’s useless stuff.

What’s more!

As a Qing Ming who always draws miracles and is directly non-chief, this matter is still quite an embarrassing thing, Qing Ming thought a little, and then said: “Next, you can try it.” ”

Yagi Big Snake said casually: “This is your business, then!” Bye. ”

The figure of the Yagi Great Snake fell, and it was already accompanied by the darkness gradually disappearing without a trace, and with the disappearance of the figure, his figure disappeared in an instant, this is the character of the Yagi Great Snake, he was not interested in all this at all, and when it was time to leave, he naturally left.

“It’s really…”

Qingming chuckled gently and shook his head, this is the character of the Yagi Great Snake, as long as you get used to it, it is habitual, all along, the Yagi Great Snake is like this, he is an evil god! In his opinion, he is the supreme evil god, and as an evil god, how can he be more mixed with ordinary people or monsters?

Of course!

This is just a statement, with Qingming’s understanding of the Yagi Great Snake, to put it bluntly, this is a dead arrogant, and is not good at contact with people, well! To put it simply, the Yagi Snake always seems to fool this, fool that, in fact, the Yagi Snake is a social terror, for many people’s contact, it will only show a picture of me being a bad person, but the specific situation?

That can only be said! But anyone who knows a little about the Yagi Great Snake will know what kind of character the Yagi Great Snake is, but it’s a pity! From beginning to end, there are very few people who can understand the Yagi Great Snake, at least, except for Qing Ming, no one can understand the Yagi Great Snake, and everyone is far away from this evil god, full of fear.

After all!

This is a terrifying evil god, who dares to contact such an evil god so deeply? This is also a normal thing.

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