Chapter 137: Qingming: Remembered something forgotten.


With a muffled snort, Qingming gradually opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to be filled with a blank look, looking around in confusion, with a touch of different colors, as if thinking about something.


“Lord Qingming!”

Suzuka Gozen, Demon Dao Ji, White Wolf three style gods all broke into the door in an instant, and a large number of style gods outside the door were also very nervous, everyone was looking at the situation in the room, just now they all felt, the terrifying aura that burst out from Lord Qingming, that terrifying aura burst out instantly, as if to swallow everything, it was too frightening.

Qingming sat up slowly, rubbed his eyebrows slightly, and said gently;

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, just! With the awakening of the bloodline, something was slightly remembered, really! Sure enough, people! You still forget something very important. ”

A gentle smile emerged, Qingming’s smile was very gentle, just like Qingming said, people! As you get older, it seems that many things will gradually be forgotten, as if it is a memory that suddenly appears in your mind.

And with the emergence of these memories, I can be regarded as knowing something, although these memories are not much, too! These memories just tell Qingming who he really is, whether it is the Great Onmyoji Qingming, Hei Qingming, Otaku Qingming, and the current Black Carbon Qingming, they are actually all a person.

It’s just the reincarnation of a soul three, and with the beginning and re-start again and again, all this is like a dream, which appears in front of one’s own eyes. 21 Final!

Qingming also understood everything, rubbed his eyebrows slightly, and Qingming returned to a calm, gentle way;

“Alright! Nothing happens, go and rest. ”


“Lord Qingming!”

With Qingming’s words, the Shi Gods also gradually retreated, although they didn’t know what was going on, but! According to the current situation, it is obvious that there are some problems, in this case, it is better for them to obediently retreat.

Suzuka Gozen, as the only person left, looked at Qingming and thought slightly, “Qingming, have you recovered your memory?” ”

Qingming shook his head gently: “It’s just a part of the memory, not much, but!” I already know the results of the past, well! I also did not expect that the final result would be like this, everything began because of me, and it ended because of me! However, this is not bad. ”

A smile emerged, Qingming was very gentle, actually! Whether it was because I started myself, I don’t know, just say it, but! The end is indeed because of oneself, because of oneself, taking away everyone and bringing them all into one.

At this moment, Qingming knew what was going on with his system, what kind of system was this! This is purely because of the particularity brought by his own bloodline, or rather! This is everything that I absorb, and over time, it has gradually been revealed, everything is gradually restored, and I also understand that I can summon if I need energy.


Exhaling a cloudy breath slightly, Qingming stood up, walked towards the door step by step, and smiled: “Suzuka, are you willing to come with me?” ”

“Lord Qingming!”

Demon Dao Ji and White Wolf both wanted to stop talking, Qingming raised his hand to stop the words of the two women, and said gently: “No need to follow me, there are some things, I just want to talk to Suzuka, you go back to rest.” ”


Demon Dao Ji and White Wolf went back to rest, but the two women were with a feeling of confusion, Lord Qingming seemed to have some changes, and there seemed to be no changes, is there anything they can’t know? It’s a wonderful feeling! It is also very strange, which makes the two women have a strange feeling.

Qingming didn’t say anything more, after all! Inherited many memories, although these memories did not affect themselves, but this is their own memory after all, sometimes, actually! Even if you inherit all the memories, it is not necessarily a good thing, are you still you?

Qingming? Hei Qingming? Otaku Haruaki? Black carbon sunshine? In fact!

This is the fundamental reason, and Qingming is Qingming, he is very clear about how he should do it, the memory can be completely absorbed, do not let the memory affect himself, this is a very important thing, it turns out that Qingming did it, he gradually absorbed all the memories, all of them were absorbed, this is to let himself have no impact.

This is not a bad thing, a person only fully recovers, this is the most important thing, if you are lost yourself, then it is the most helpless thing!

Syllable! Syllable!

Qingming and Suzuka Gozen walked on the deck, gradually walked to the edge, looking at the Dragon Palace Kingdom in front of them, both of them stopped, quietly looking at everything in front of them, but also fell into a kind of silence, quietly looking at everything in front of them.


Qingming held a folding fan, slowly tapped his palm, and said with a smile: “Indeed!” I feel a lot of changes, those memories don’t affect me, I’m still me, but! It is undeniable that it is like experiencing it all over again, and the feeling is really dreamy and wonderful. ”


Suzuka Mizen’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he said very seriously: “Qingming, are you alright?” If there is a problem, it is better to deal with it a little, your state……..”

Obviously, in the eyes of Suzuka Gozen, Haruaki’s state seems to have a problem, indeed! This point is undeniable to say that a person’s memory is suddenly restored, even if the amnesia person recovers his memory again after ten or eight years of amnesia, he will fall into a state of confusion, because the memories at both ends cannot overlap, let alone Qingming now, but the re-superposition of four kinds of memories.


Haruaki looked at Suzuka Gozen and said with a smile;

“Suzuka, rest assured, I don’t have anything, it’s just a special feeling, with the recovery of memory such a change is not a strange thing, no matter who is like this, the problem of memory has always been the most mysterious problem, who can guarantee that you can perfectly control your memory?”

“It really is……..”

Suzuka Gozen looked at Qingming’s appearance, but shook his head and said, “It can be seen that you seem to be unaffected, but!” In fact, it is also affected by a part, that kind of mental maturity, now Qingming, you have become completely different! ”

Qingming smiled and said, “People always grow, especially after experiencing so much, if they still haven’t grown, then it’s the strangest thing!” But! Admittedly, isn’t this growth also a joy over time? ”

“Huh, hehe”

Suzuka Gozen smiled and said, “That’s true!” Such joy is true for anyone. ”

A smile appeared at the corner of the mouth, and the two looked at each other, a smile was very rich, Qingming stepped out step by step, the familiar gorgeous hunting clothes on the body emerged, stepping on boots, the blue and white hunting clothes are very beautiful, and the folding fan in the hand is also emitting beautiful light, gradually changing, the long white hair falls casually, not with a hat, but very quietly is dressed like this.

It seems to be exactly the same as the past, and it seems that since it is different from the past, the current Qingming, even if it gradually recovers the memory of the past, but it is only suppressed by the memory of the past, and it is not completely grasped by the memory of the past! If it is mastered by memory, then Qingming is not Qingming.


The folding fan slowly unfolded, Qingming smiled, and said very indifferently;

“Everything that used to be has changed dramatically, and now it is! Isn’t all the change happening in front of your eyes? This beautiful scroll! It’s involuntarily intoxicating, isn’t it? ”


Suzuka Gozen looked at Qingming’s elegance and indifference, but smiled and shook his head, really changed a lot, once Qingming was full of gentleness, and now Qingming is the same, gentleness has not changed 373, but that kind of indifference and elegance can not be brought casually, but gradually born with the precipitation of time.

This is the change that occurred after Qingming absorbed the memories that once belonged to him, is this change a bad thing? No! This is not a bad thing, whether it is Suzuka Gozen or Yagi Great Snake, they are all best Shiki gods who have experienced everything completely, and there is no death at all.

As a matter of fact!

Demon Dao Ji, White Wolf, Yingcao and so on! They don’t remember anything for a very simple reason, because they died, their death proves that they have lost all their memories, and they recovered again, only because Qingming helped them recover, which is the most fundamental reason, and other than that? Everything they had been had been lost, or rather, the most fundamental memory had been lost.

Just left the memories that should be remembered, but also gradually lost most of the memories, maybe these memories, over time, will gradually be recovered! And this memory is their memory.

As Qingming’s white fox bloodline continues to grow, their memories will slowly recover, and this memory is the most core fundamental, which is their memory.

The once hundred ghosts night walking, the strange Heiankyo has disappeared, and in its place is such a brand new world, then! The question is, how has everything changed in such a new world? In fact, it already goes without saying! Everything has changed.

Qingming brought everyone here, this will be a brand new beginning, maybe this world is the same powerful, maybe this world is the same danger, but no matter what, since you came here, then you will not retreat! At this point, Qingming also understood a lot, his arrival, his origin, the root of his own crossing, everything is truly understood.

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