Chapter 144: The City of the Sunwheel where Time Stands Still.

Rumbling with the rabbit bowl as the core, in an instant, a brilliant city has emerged, the beautiful apex is like the vast sun, the brilliant light, people involuntarily squint their eyes, it is too beautiful, this brilliant city, people are so addicted to it.

The City of the Wheel of the Sun!

With the advent of the Castle of the Wheel of the Sun, the central city of the Rabbit Bowl has been covered! Well! It should be said that the current rabbit bowl is no longer a rabbit bowl, but the city of the sunwheel, the whole city emerged, and a special light also emerged from the body of the humble mihu, gradually imprinted on the city of the sunwheel.


A smile appeared at the corner of Qingming’s mouth, sure enough! As if he had guessed, with the summoning of the City of the Sunwheel, the impact on Bemihu was completely different, and Bemihu’s control level at this moment was increasing wildly, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%.

One breath directly increased to 50%, and the follow-up will grow steadily over time, this is the improvement brought by the city of the sun wheel for the humble might, the overall improvement is a completely different feeling, this feeling is the most beautiful, looking at this scene, a smile appeared at the corner of Qingming’s mouth.

How powerful was the heyday of the humble voice? In the heyday of Humble Mihu, it was definitely no less than the strength of any complete demon king, it can be said! The strength of the two sides is absolutely not much different, in other words, the heyday of the humble voice was a monster like Captain Locks.

And the current 50% of the power is also the same that makes Bei Mihu reach the level of a general, that’s right! The level of the general of the headquarters, that monster is so terrifying, only 50% of the power, has reached this level, this is the most terrifying power in just two years, Wano Country! It can be said that 593 has undergone earth-shaking changes, Yagi Orochi, Suzuka Gozen, Daitake Maru, Beiyamo, Yagi Pseudo, Demon Daohime, Hanatori Roll, Takiyashahime, and Kamei.

Nine generals, counting Qingming, including Tiger, who has not yet grown, basically in the next three or five years, without counting the Shi God, there will be 11 general-level powerhouses who have the possession of Wano Country.

It’s just that!

Qingming never felt how powerful or worthy of attention this was, undeniably speaking! There are so many general-level powerhouses, naturally there is no doubt, but this is only a part! Truly all the power? That’s something that doesn’t need to be doubted at all!

Qing Ming stood with his hands in his hands, quietly looking at everything in front of him, his expression was very calm, in addition to calm, there was only a touch of endless gentleness in his eyes, everything seemed to be different, but everything seemed to be like this, and it had not changed.


A faint chuckle emerged, and Qingming said softly: “Mother-in-law Twilight, the capital of flowers has become Heianjing, and the rabbit bowl has transformed into the city of the sun, and next!” The whole Wano Country, I will make the Wano Country completely different, and I will also sublimate the entire Wano Country! ”

There is a sharp light flashing in the eyes, Qingming is full of confidence, and it is full of pride, since everything is in front of you, then! This is the opportunity to give yourself, if so, how can you give up? Step by step! Let the entire Wano Country sublimate!



With a very joyful smile, the black carbon twilight cicada said with emotion: “The old woman is full of faith in the young master, no matter at any time, the young master you will definitely be promoted, no matter at any time!” Less Lord your promotion is not comparable to them at all! ”


With a smile, Qingming nodded gently, everything is just everything in front of you, the future, has stepped on your feet, and you have come to this world with that strange world, then! Just let yourself see.

“Lord Qingming!”

Takiyashahime looked at the humble voice floating in mid-air step by step, but said softly, “She really looks like the former Himihu-sama!” It should be said that she is like the most perfect Lord Humble Humble, who has not experienced any pain, has not experienced everything, such perfection, such inheritance of everything, Lord Qingming! You must not abandon Lord Humble Hum, otherwise! I think Lord Humi will collapse! ”

Qingming looked at Takiyashahime and said gently, “I will never abandon anyone, no matter who it is, I will never abandon anyone!” ”

Buzzing at this moment, with the sound, Bei Mi Huo fell from mid-air, slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Qingming, a smile appeared, and said gently: “Lord Qingming!” ”

Qingming nodded with a smile on his face and said, “Humble Mihu, what do you think?” Feeling a lot better now? ”


Bei Mihu nodded and said very seriously: “Lord Qingming, the feeling has changed a lot under the bottom, as if!” With the emergence of the City of the Wheel of the Sun, the inheritance has also changed dramatically, but! No matter what, this is enough, and it will better help Lord Qingming your…”


Bei Mihu looked at Takiyashahime standing aside, but fell into a kind of silence, as if he didn’t know what to say, but fell into a strange state, actually! It’s not that Bei Mihu doesn’t know what to say, but!

That special feeling, Black Carbon Beimihu inherited all the memories of the city lord of the Sunwheel City, Beimihu, and inherited all the inheritance of the other party, naturally you can say that Beimihu is Beimihu, you can also say that it is not, so how to call it is your business, this is an indifferent thing, and there is no need to be too serious and entangled.


In the inheritance of Beimihu, or in other memories, there are mixed feelings for Takiyashahime, which is a real very complex feeling, under such feelings, the result is naturally no need to say more, and now that we meet again, everything seems to be different.

“Lord Humble Call!”

A smile appeared at the corner of Takiyashahime’s mouth, and she looked seriously at the Bemi-hu in front of her, and Himi-hu finally showed a smile and said gently: “Cha-hime, you’re back!” ”


The conversation between the two seems to make everything return to the past, everything is so simple, a smile of Qingming emerges, all this is the best result.

“This is the city of the Nikkei!”

“We’re going to live here in the future!”


“Let’s go!”


All the people of the Rabbit Bowl, or the people of the Nikkei Castle, have entered the Nikkei City, and the Nikkei City is very huge, huge enough to accommodate millions of people, such a huge degree, maybe it is strange, can the Nikkei City really accommodate these people? But the facts! That’s it, the entire city of the sun wheel is very terrifying, and the space inside is folded, which is why it can be done.

If said!

Compared to the huge antiquity of Heian-kyo, then the city of Nikkei is a huge and incomparable city, and in this huge and incomparable city, the space is very tediously folded, almost the entire original area of the rabbit bowl is included in it, and everything in everyone is located in it, farming! Life! Even the original alpine flowing water is included in it.

This is the current city of the Wheel of the Sun.


Qingming just stepped into the City of the Nikkei and felt it, and said softly: “The time of the entire Nikkei City is very special, or rather!” Time has changed drastically throughout the city of the Nikkei, where time can be controlled. ”

Bei Mihu shook his head and said, “Lord Qingming, no, the City of the Wheel of the Sun can fix time in this day’s time, and all people can be fixed here, but!” This is not the most special place of the Nikkei Castle, the real power of the Nikkei Castle does not need to fix everything on this day, but to speed up or slow down time, which is the real power of the Nikkei Castle. ”

With the explanation of Bei Mihu, and everyone gradually knows how special the power of the owner of the city of the sun wheel is, the time of the entire city of the sun wheel can continue to accelerate, and it can also be slowed down, this slowdown does not mean that your movements are slowing down!

Rather, say!

This time of day is still a day conceptually, but in essence, it slows down into a month’s time, in other words! The time of this day of your cultivation is equivalent to a leap of cultivation, your body has indeed been improved for a month, but your lifespan is still only consumed for one day, this is the terrifying power of the City of the Sunwheel.

Of course, what the current Nikkei City can do is still very rare, and it requires the gradual and complete recovery of the Beimihu, that is what can be done.


Bei Mihu shook his head softly and said, “Young master! Even if you stop time, even if you repeat the cycle of time, but! Don’t slow down like that, for many people, it’s something that is simply unbearable, that kind of pain, which can’t be described in words2. ”

Qingming nodded slightly, but he was thinking in his heart, isn’t this like the use of the Spirit Time House? The effect of the Spirit Time House is similar to that of the Nikkei Castle, of course! There may be a difference in essence.

It’s just that!

This is not an important thing, even to say, do not need to care, for this world, this ability is already very buggy, if it is…..

Just as Qingming was pondering, Bei Mihu said softly, “Similarly, you can also control a small range in a certain position, but!” This kind of control is very terrifying for the consumption of spiritual power, even in the original charms of the City of the Sunwheel! Controlling above the runes is not an easy task. ”


It’s just that!

It is not effective in a short time, and with the passage of time in the future, you can really see a large number of effects, of course! The cultivation of monsters is meaningless, but it is very important to use it for military training.

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