Chapter 146: Peace and Quiet in the Land of Wano.


The folding fan unfolded, Qingming slowly shook the folding fan in his hand, and with a smile, he said softly: “Mother-in-law Twilight, it seems that there is something hidden from me!” However, it is also harmless, presumably it is not a big deal, on top of important things, Twilight Cicada Mother-in-law will not joke. ”

“Lord Qingming!”

A delicate and charming voice came from his ears, Qingming looked at the ghost girl Momiji coming step by step, Qingming said gently: “Momiji, how do you feel in Wano Country?” Is it still a habit? ”


The ghost girl Hongye knelt down and said joyfully, “Lord Qingming!” No matter at any time, it is a great joy, as long as the concubine is in a place where you are enough! What’s more, Heian-kyo has not changed at all compared to what it used to be.”

Qingming nodded and said, “As long as there is no change.” ”


The ghost girl Hongye nodded gently, she looked at the man in front of her obsessively, this is her important man! This is his most important Lord Qingming, no matter at any time is so gentle, no matter at any time, Lord Qingming always makes people feel so gentle and warm.

…… Brush! Brush!

The demon knife Ji turned into an afterimage and went straight to the opponent, the sharp cold light burst out instantly, the tai knife in his hand emitted a crimson light, and the eyes of the whole person flashed with crimson killing intent, as if it was an afterimage, and instantly fell the tai knife in his hand.


One fell, a loud shout came out of the mouth of the demon sword Ji, and in the face of the fierce onslaught of the demon sword ji, and Takiyashahime was very indifferent, the offensive in his hand was very gentle, it seemed to mean to overcome the rigidity with softness, but if you look closely, you will find that in fact, this is a gentle offensive! It was not that kind of very tyrannical offensive at all, and such an offensive had already blocked the attack of the demon sword Ji.

Cracking sound! Clank Bell!

The fierce battle of the second daughter is becoming more and more intense, in terms of pure demonic energy, the demonic energy of the second daughter is definitely comparable, is Suzuka Chahime a monster? Be! To be precise, once the entire city of the Nikkei was actually no longer human, but had become a monster, especially the people who felt the repetition of time in the Nikkei City were powerful monsters, because, even if an ordinary person experienced such a reincarnation day after day, and after countless times, he was no longer a normal person.

Just like Takiyashahime, since she can know what happened back then, naturally! She is no longer a normal human being, but has transformed into a big youkai, because humans can never find it, and the yousword ji is Fu Fu Shen.

The battle between the two women is very fierce, Demon Dao Ji is Fu Fu Shen, and all the skills are honed in pure battle! Takiyashahime, on the other hand, was raised as a general, and in such a situation, there is no need to doubt how good Takiyashahime is in all aspects.

Two women come and go, one is relying on the killing of learning on the battlefield, and the other is systematic learning, I can’t say which is good and which is bad! But the two women really can’t tell the winner or the loser but are purely indistinguishable, basically the same.


Bei Mihu, White Wolf, and Yingcao were all quietly watching the battle in front of them, everyone was a careful observer, and Yingcao asked curiously: “Lord White Wolf!” Who will win, Yokai-sama or Takiyasha-sama? ”


At this time, Bei Mihu slowly said: “The difference in the strength of Demon Dao Ji and Takiyasha Ji is not large, the two women are almost equal strength, and under such strength, it is not an easy thing to divide the victory and defeat, because of this, their most results, but a draw, as for which wins and which loses?” ”

“This is almost impossible, the skills and use of demon power of Demon Dao Ji are honed between the battlefield and life and death, it is the most suitable for Demon Dao Ji and the most suitable for fighting, and the skills and use of demon power of Cha Ji have been systematically learned, and it is impossible to distinguish victory and defeat.”

Bei Mihu can be said to see very clearly, because as time goes by, as the inheritance increases, Bei Mi Hu naturally understands more and more, just like all this at this moment, he can see a lot of understanding.

Sure enough! Syllable!

As the voice of the humble voice fell, the figures of the two women suddenly separated, it was indeed a victory or defeat, the two women looked at each other, both put away their weapons, and it was over, it was pointless to continue to fight, at least, it was meaningless for a short time, and if it was a real life and death fight, it was simply impossible, and they could not fight for life and death, they were companions.

“Lord Demon Dao Ji!”


Yingcao waved her dandelion and called to the two women, while Demon Dao Ji shook her head and said calmly: “Cha Ji, do you feel about the fight just now?” ”

Takiyashahime said very calmly, “Demon Dao Ji, your heart is very dazed, or rather! This is not the confusion in your heart, but the confusion that you blessed yourself, you know all this, but you are unwilling to open your heart. ”


Demon Dao Ji let out a helpless sigh and said softly;

“Chahime, just like you said, for me, it is true! This dazedness is very obvious dazedness, and I also know my own dazedness, but”


Demon Daoji sighed again, but there were some things that he couldn’t change at all, and Takiyashahime frowned slightly: “Demon Daoji!” Your heart is too complicated, as the original pure weapon of war, because you have a normal feeling, so you become more and more complicated, and you just become too complicated. ”

Demon Dao Ji naturally knows what Takiyashahime means, people without feelings, when she has feelings, his feelings will be extremely complicated, and Demon Dao Ji is like this, she feels that her strength is not enough, but she is unwilling to find everything she once had, this is the character of Demon Dao Ji, the problem caused by her complex personality.


Because of this, Demon Dao Ji has always been unable to change because of the words of outsiders, because this is the problem of Demon Dao Ji herself, she can only change if she understands herself, no matter what outsiders say, it is actually meaningless?



Yodahime shook her head calmly, she didn’t know what she should say, while Takiyashahime said calmly, “Dazed!” Confused! Actually, this is not a bad thing, for anyone, it is a good thing, but! Demon Dao Ji, you have to understand your heart, since you don’t know how you should be, then it’s good to tell yourself with your own heart, let yourself know what your future is, it’s not a bad thing. ”

“Anyone can put their heart on a person, so that everything will appear, just like me, I put my heart on Lord Qingming and Lord Humiya, everything else is meaningless to me…”


Demon Dao Ji fell into a kind of contemplation, and for a while, a terrifying power came out of Demon Dao Ji’s body, but this power dissipated again, but! Those who are familiar with it know that the Demon Dao Ji has gradually changed, and this change is enough.

Syllable! Syllable!

Yagi pseudo stood on the mountain peak quietly looking at the distant sunlight, narrowing his eyes slightly, and behind Yagi pseudo, the new woman said softly: “Pseudo-adult!” ”

Yagi nodded faintly and said very calmly: “New wife, how do you feel after going out this time?” ”


“That’s good!”

The two women just chatted softly, or rather! Now Wano Country is in a kind of peace and quiet, everyone is very warm, everyone is quietly chatting like this, this feeling is indeed a very comfortable thing.



The Heavenly Evil Ghost F4 is laughing madly with wine bottles, and the surrounding gods fall one by one, although they said that their final fight was not to fight the bride, but this does not mean that they are very weak! Quite the opposite! They are not weak in the slightest.

This is the moment!

Heavenly Evil Ghost F4, Lantern Fire, Broom God, Tubi, Lantern Monk, Red Tongue, Tomb Robber Ghost, Parasitic Soul, Tang Paper Umbrella Demon.

A total of twelve N-level Shiki gods were gathered together in Heianjing, and they didn’t have any dissatisfaction, they were just hip-hopping and fighting, which felt very good!

Tang Paper Umbrella Demon chuckled, “It really is!” You guys! ”



Midori came over and directly hugged the Tang Paper Umbrella Demon and laughed and was about to drink with the Tang Paper Umbrella Demon, and the Tang Paper Umbrella Demon was helpless! In the end, the wine was drunk, and it was very much, and each Shijin was drunk and gradually drunk to death.

“It’s really…”

Qingming smiled and shook his head, looking at the gradually falling night, while the ghost girl Hongye was lying on her lap, a smile emerged, gently 4.4 gently stroked the long hair of the ghost girl Hongye, gently raised her head, and muttered: “This kind of life is really very peaceful and quiet, for me, this is the most suitable life for me!” ”


“It’s a pity!”

Qingming shook his head again and said casually;

“No one can stay away, maybe! When you have the power to shock the whole world, then you can really stay out of it! Until then, no one can really give up on all this, what a shame! ”

No matter who is like this, even if they want to enjoy such a peaceful life, there is no way! In other words, there is no way for anyone, no one can really enjoy such peace, the reason is very simple, this is a chaotic world, and in such a chaotic world, anyone! Or rather: no one can truly enjoy peace and quiet at all.

You’re not going to shoot at anyone else, but there will be people who are going to shoot at you, and that’s it! It’s always the truth, and it’s the most important thing, because it’s something you can never change.

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