Chapter 154: The CP Organization that Never Shot, Return!


Blood slowly dripped to the ground, and the entire battlefield except for the sound of blood dripping, as if no sound could be heard, everything became unusually silent, the entire Lochmadi soldiers, to be precise, the only remaining soldiers, they had already swallowed deeply saliva. Gollum ~~~ tick!

“Run away!”


With this heart-rending roar, and these soldiers can no longer bear such a result, they began to flee frantically, their king, their four generals, are already dead here, now they only feel endless fear, do not want to continue to bear such a takeover, they want to escape, only want to live, as long as they can live, then it is enough.

Brush! Brush!

Just the two slashes that swept in an instant, it was Daitake Maru and Demon Dao Ji, the two indifferent reaper lives, without any mercy from his subordinates at all, Kujira indifferently ordered: “Kill!” Not a single one left! ”



In response to Kujira’s crazy roar, all the Kraken in the entire Sea Country, their bodies have been stained red with blood, but they don’t care what happens next, these are meaningless things for them, all they want is to tear their opponents apart! All they want is to slaughter their opponents! That’s the only thing they want, and everything else? For them maniacs! It’s just meaningless!

Tear! Slash! Crazy!

They are all devouring the entire battlefield, and under the gaze of Qingming and Suzuka Gozen, the entire battlefield is gradually being swallowed, Haiming stroked his long beard slightly, and said: “Lord Qingming, Lord Suzuka Gozen, it seems that the people behind it have no idea of making a move, which does not seem to be a good thing!” ”

Qingming said calmly: “Since the other party does not plan to make a move, then don’t involve them, as long as Wano Country shows its strength 323 is enough, as for more to provoke?” This is something that cannot be done at all! ”


Haiming nodded slightly, he is a wise man who likes to plan, and as a wise man, Haiming likes to use his strength to defeat his opponent, but the same! What Haiming dislikes the most is that the power may be strong enough, but it is very crazy, this is the last thing Haiming likes, for Haiming, such a thing is a very bad thing.

Because of this, Haiming is simply unable to accept such a thing, and Lord Qingming is obviously not such a person, Lord Qingming is moderate, will consider everything, this is the most important, for Haiming, at this moment Haiming feels how good Lord Qingming is, this excellence is not a joke.

“Forget it!”

Suzuka Gozen also spoke: “The other party’s strength is very strong, and!” If it continues, then the delay is simply not worth the loss for us, and it is better to stop here, and this battle is enough to completely resound the reputation of the entire Wano Country. ”


Qingming chuckled gently and shook his head, and said gently: “Seriously! I have never been interested in this reputation, and the problem that Wano Country has everything it has now is not also because of fame, of course! It’s just a no-brainer, for me, it’s just something that doesn’t matter. ”

And in the discussion of Qingming, Suzuka Gozen, and Haiming, the battlefield has gradually come to an end, completely over, as if it is really over, so the curtain has really ended, and as the battlefield has completely ended, everything, everyone is quietly looking at everything in front of them, looking indifferent and calm enough.

Qingming held a folding fan, slowly swaying, quietly looking at everything in front of him, in his eyes, in addition to endless indifference and calmness, as if there was no fluctuation of any emotion, only a faint calm, only endless calm.

“It seems!”

“That’s the end of it.”

And with the complete end of the war, the corner of Qingming’s mouth hooked a smile, a faint smile, but also full of calm and indifference, Qingming gently shook his head, quietly looking into the distance, but seemed to be thinking about something, a moment later, has returned to calm.

This war!

At this point, in fact, it is already the end, or rather, this is the end, there is no need to continue to toss and turn, so far, all this is completely enough! That’s the right place, and in such a situation, everything is the most appropriate.

Brush! Brush!

Dayue Maru and Demon Dao Ji have already returned, both of them are smiling, and Dayue Maru said with a big grin: “Qingming, everything is taken care of, and it is still a good opponent!” It’s not good, but it’s barely good. ”

Demon Dao Ji said respectfully, “Lord Qingming, everything has been dealt with. ”


Qing Ming nodded gently: “Okay, now that everything is taken care of, we should also return home, the matter here has been dealt with, Yuan Lai Guang!” There’s nothing going on with the people, right? ”

Yuan Lai Guang nodded respectfully and said, “Young Master!” There are no problems and you can return to the flight. ”


With the voice of Genraiguang, Qingming also nodded calmly, but thought about something slightly, and then shook his head, did not say anything, and left, while Daiyue Maru said with a touch of boredom: “It really is!” These hidden guys, Young Master Ben thought they would make a move, but he didn’t expect it! Is that what happened? What a pitiful weak one! It turned out that there was no shot. ”

And Suzuka Gozen said with a smile: “Daitake Maru, if you feel dissatisfied, you can take the initiative to find trouble with them?” I don’t think Qingming should stop you! ”


Dayue Maru shook his head and said, “I’m not an idiot, how can I do such a thing, since the other party.” ”

“If you don’t make a move, then it’s over, this is a different path, and if you want to maintain balance, then don’t make enemies everywhere, not to mention, the current Wano Country is not so strong.”


Listening to Daitakemaru’s words, Suzuka Gozen chuckled and shook his head, but it was undeniable! Daitake Maru is indeed very good! There is really no doubt about this, and because of this, Suzuka Gozen just shook his head with a smile.

Many times, you think that Daitakemaru is just like a child, just! When Daitakemaru really understands all this, you will find that Daitakemaru is actually very good, and his analysis of everything is very clear, just to see if he wants to analyze it.

And Demon Dao Ji was very calm about all this, and at the moment when he passed by Yuan Lai Guang, he said calmly: “Thank you!” ”

Genraiguang smiled and shook his head, did not say anything more, he did not need this thanks, because, this is just his inheritance memory brought to himself, he and the demon sword Ji will not have more communication, even in memory, it is indeed a weapon created by himself, but now it is different.


“I’m even wondering, is it inheritance or rebirth?”

Yuan Lai Guang raised his head slightly, as if he was caught in a kind of thought, this is indeed the case, is it inheritance? Or is it! Is it rebirth? This is a thing to think about, Genraigura smiled and shook his head, did not continue to think about it so much, but gradually began to leave step by step, he only needs to grow step by step, more everything? There is no need to think and think at all!

Qingming looked into the distance with a smile, in a short time, the battlefield on this side has ended, Lochmadi was destroyed by himself, and the next thing is to return to the country of Wano, just! What is the current Wano Country? This is something that Haruaki is very concerned about, and of course he does not want any problems for Wano Country.

Syllable!… Syllable!

With the departure of the ghost ship, and from the depths of the island, a figure in a pitch black suit came out, their eyes were filled with endless calm, but also filled with indifferent indifference, the aura of these people was terrifying enough, and who they really were, in fact, it was self-evident.

CP Organization!

As an intelligence organization affiliated with the world government, if you simply think that these people are only as intelligence organizations, then it is not appropriate! On the contrary, the CP organization is not only an intelligence organization, but also has a large number of strong people, and these strong people are only hidden in the dark and rarely appear, but it does not mean that these people do not exist.

They are a sharp blade in the hands of the world government, compared to the navy, army, air force and other three services, they all have more or less their own ideas, but the CP organization is completely different, this is completely subordinate to their weapons, without any ideas, will only be controlled by the five old stars, as a weapon in the hands of the five old stars to use.

“Not ready to make a move?”

“Not an opponent!”

“The strength of the other party is very strong, and there is a big mistake in judging the strength of Wano Country, not to mention! Our purpose is not to deal with Wano Country, but to observe all this, and this is the most important thing. ”


Every member of the CP organization, their faces are without any emotional fluctuations, and this kind of person, their aura is the most terrifying, from here it can be seen that their strength is beyond doubt.

As a matter of fact!

The CPO who appeared in the original work, they are not the most powerful CP organization at all, the CP organization is a very deeply hidden organization, there are hidden people all over the world, which is like a huge network, which is gradually densely spread throughout the world, and what kind of impact will such a huge network bring, in fact, it is already self-evident?

Above this world, except for the country of Wano and the country of Elbaf, such a very small number of individual countries, for special reasons, it is simply infiltrating, perhaps! There is no airtight place in this world, especially for the CP organization, they can see everything clearly in this world, and this is the most terrifying thing!!!

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