Chapter 156: Return! Dumplings before and after!.



The roar is still ringing, but the meaning is useless, such an attack has been going on for days, and the result? From beginning to end, it just doesn’t make any sense! For this sea, or for this battlefield, such an act is just a meaningless thing.


“There is simply no way to go further!”


Everyone’s faces are not good-looking, they really never imagined that the situation in Wano Country is so difficult to handle, although they are pirates in name, but if they really think of them as pirates, then they are real idiots! But everyone who has a little brain is very clear that these people, fundamentally, can never be pirates, and even their essence has huge problems.

Otherwise, if it were a pirate, it would have long been famous above this sea, as for waiting until today? Apparently! This is simply impossible! But because of this, the current situation is very complicated, because you don’t know how to deal with the next situation.



“If we continue to delay, then the other side will return, my side has reached intelligence, the battlefield on the other side has come to an end, if we continue to delay, then there is no point on our side at all.”

The biggest headache for everyone is this matter, the country of mercenaries has been disposed of in a short time, and the strength of the other party is still terrifying enough, what if your side continues to delay? In fact, the result is beyond doubt!

If your side continues to delay, the trouble will be very huge, and even if you are not careful, you don’t even know how you died, if it really comes to that extent, it will be a very troublesome thing, because of this, this matter must definitely be dealt with, but the problem is!

Now although they say that they all know what is going on, they also really have a headache, no way! Stuck here, it is impossible to go further, this is the situation, want to go further? Then the price to be paid is very huge, but if the stalemate continues here, then the situation does not need to be said.

“What a headache!”


Everyone feels that the headache is not excessive, if it continues, then it will take time, experience, money, and all kinds of troubles, and at that time, it will really be a headache.


He shook his head helplessly, and one of them thought a little: “Now, the situation on our side is still okay, the trouble is that it is impossible to break through, of course!” Continue to send out the information of Wano Country, no matter what, now the intelligence of Wano Country has made people feel troublesome, and it is impossible to continue to waste time here. ”


With the order of one of them, everyone also began to get busy, no matter what, they could not retreat, because they were soldiers, since they had accepted the order! Then they can only continue, but they cannot retreat, otherwise, everything will become extremely troublesome for them.

As soldiers, they openly retreat, or disobey orders, then they really need to pay a huge price, and such a price, no matter at any time, they cannot bear, this is absolutely undoubted.

And as they continue to storm, the side of Wano Country is very calm, attacking? Then attack well, anyway, we play defense, besides! Playing defense in an advantageous situation is simply easy to get home, if you continue to look for trouble, then you don’t even need to be polite, it’s just easy, it’s too simple.

In such a situation, it is the easiest thing, which is true for the entire Wano Country, and the current Wano Country is not very ruthless, or in other words, it does not choose to take the initiative, that is, passive defense.

“Huh, hehe”

Listening to the report of the ghost soldier group, the black carbon twilight cicada smiled slightly: “They are already eager!” It seems that the limit has been reached, and they already know the victory on the young master’s side, or rather, what they need to guard against is when the young master will return. ”


At this moment, the black carbon twilight cicada, this is a long sigh of relief, it is too tired, at least, for the black carbon twilight cicada is really so, for the black carbon twilight cicada, this is too nervous and tired, do not dare to have any carelessness, but as long as it is the slightest carelessness, then it will pay a huge price, and in this case, the black carbon twilight cicada has not relaxed its vigilance at all.

Because of this, the Black Carbon Twilight Cicada has always been very busy, just worried about any accidents with the young master of his family, just ask! The final result is calmed down, the young master did not have any accidents, this is the best thing, if the young master of his own family really has an accident, it is the most unacceptable thing!

No matter how! All of this, there is no problem, everything can be said to be under control, and such a result is naturally the best result, as long as there is no problem, everything is undoubtedly clear.

With a faint smile, the black carbon twilight cicada is also quietly waiting for the next result to come, no matter how to describe it, it seems! Things have become very simple, and if this continues, it will be easy to maintain stability in the entire Wano Country.


Bei Mihu smiled and said, “Lord Twilight, you don’t need to be nervous!” Everything is under control, it seems! Although the other party also knows that the situation is about to become more and more troublesome, but! They have no way to resist at all, they can only passively bear such results, in this case, then everything is much simpler. ”


Black Carbon Twilight Cicada nodded slightly: “As long as this is the case, then naturally, everything has become simple, and the follow-up processing is just a breeze, okay!” These things, for the time being, do not need to be nervous, just deal with it a little bit, let others deal with it, and the rest of the things can wait for the return of the young master. ”


Bei Mihu bowed slightly, naturally accepting the task, indicating that he was clear, with Bei Mihu’s retreat, while the black carbon twilight cicada frowned slightly, thinking slightly in his heart: “No matter what!” The next situation is considered a relatively dangerous thing, and it is necessary to deal with many problems more carefully, otherwise, it is indeed very troublesome. ”

The Black Carbon Twilight Cicada has never let down its vigilance from beginning to end, or at any time! For the Black Carbon Twilight Cicada, she is a very intelligent person, and because she is a smart person, Black Carbon Twilight Cicada knows very well that she can’t let down her vigilance, otherwise it will be the biggest problem for the entire Wano Country…

The young master trusted himself and handed over the country of Wano to himself, then! If there is any problem because of your carelessness, it is absolutely unacceptable.

“Young master!”


“As soon as this trouble passes, then everything will be very simple, though! The situation in Wano Country has become easier and easier to handle, and the next thing that is most troublesome is the matter from afar. ”

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada thought about many questions very seriously, without any relaxation of her vigilance, she knew very well that the next thing was the most troublesome and difficult thing to deal with, after all! When this time the trouble is over, then! It seems that the country of Wano is getting easier and easier to deal with internally, but externally, more and more people will be eyeing the country of Wano country.

After all!

For them, the development speed of Wano Country is too fast, to the point where they are not willing to accept it at all.


Thinking about these many questions, the black carbon twilight cicada gently exhaled a cloudy breath, shook its head slightly, and said with a slight smile: “However!” All this, as long as there is a young master, seems to be a very simple thing, not any problem at all, everything can be easily dealt with, but! In addition, there are some things that need to be dealt with the most. ”

The heart of the black carbon twilight cicada is really thinking a lot, not only external problems, but also internal problems in Wano Country, all of which need to be considered very seriously, and even more need to be very seriously considered! These problems, from beginning to end, cannot let down their vigilance, Wano Country! Now it has just been unfolded before the eyes of the world, and there are already so many problems, and in such a situation, careless! What will be the cost?

In fact!

This is already a self-evident thing, at this time, there can be no great righteousness, otherwise! The price you need to pay will make people feel endlessly frightened, and Wano Country is developing step by step, although 2.0 has a rich foundation, but these foundations also need time to grow and develop, which takes time, because of this.

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada knows very well, everything that follows! is the most important, can not let down vigilance, let alone relax, but to seriously go step by step, all this is extremely important things.


“Young master!”


“The next return is the most important thing!”

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada shook her head slightly, she knew very well that everything brought by the return of the young master of her family was the most important, as long as the young master of her family returned, she could completely change the current situation, and just when Black Carbon Twilight Cicada was thinking about these things.

Haruaki has indeed returned, and it is returning at a very fast speed, the problem of Wano Country, can not continue to delay, Haruaki is absolutely not allowed, Wano Country can not have any problems, otherwise if you continue to waste time, then! What will be the cost to pay, and what will be the large number of problems? It already speaks for itself!

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