Chapter 158: The Great Snake Who Devoured Everything.



“Oh roar!”

The roar of the pirates is endless, and these guys have crazy gazes flashing in their eyes, they are the real group of madmen, after all! Although the people who attacked Wano Country are pirates, they are essentially people sent by the dark kings one by one!

Only these guys are different, those of them who attack Fishman Island are a group of madmen in the true sense of the word, a group of horrors, terrible! He has completely lost his mind, like a demon-like madman, so it is meaningless for you to say something about these guys.

“Big brother!”

“Fishman Island definitely belongs to us!”

A pirate is full of excitement, in their opinion, Fishman Island already belongs to them, which is really fantastic, it is simply exciting! Does such excitement need to be undoubted?


“Isn’t that something to take for granted?”

The pirate carrying a big knife, his eyes flashed with a terrifying light, as if he was a demon, and the corners of his mouth were cracked viciously;

“Lao Tzu won’t be polite next! Let Lao Tzu see what the strength of these guys is, Lao Tzu will use their heads to open the knife! ”


Licked the corners of his mouth deeply, and in this man’s eyes, there was only an endless crazy look, and there was no mercy on his subordinates at all, or rather! In other words, they are a group of crazy people, do you expect mercy from their men?

Stop it!

They just want to swallow Fishman Island, once upon a time, Fishman Island was a place where fish and dragons were mixed, and in this place, the strength of Fishman Island naturally did not need to be said, want to set foot on Fishman Island and make trouble on Fishman Island?

Seriously! That’s impossible, the reason is very simple, so many big people are located on Fishman Island, if you deal with it a little, then it’s actually nothing, but if you make a big fuss? Hehehe, then for these ichthyosaurs and dragons, killing you is like pinching an ant to death.

Because of this.

Although Fishman Island has always looked chaotic, it really hasn’t reached that level, but now it’s a completely different thing, because Fishman Island has changed dramatically, yes! The whole Fishman Island has changed.

Now it is Wano Country that shelters Fishman Island, and only one Wano Country? But it’s not that prestigious! What’s more, naturally there are many people who come to find trouble, these children, but those people have been slightly transferred in secret, they are very well-behaved to this world.


Isn’t that a very interesting thing? In this case, the next thing became very interesting, these guys started ruthlessly, rushed directly to Fishman Island, is to directly deal with Fishman Island and bring Fishman Island under control.

And for others, they just watch the excitement, since you and the country have sheltered Fishman Island, then! You have to come up with the skills you should have, but don’t die too miserably, otherwise, it will be too much of a headache, if it is really so simple to be killed! That’s just too embarrassing!

Because of that!

These guys, one by one, are purely like watching the excitement, looking at Wano Country, the huge price they will face next, for them, this is the best thing! Quietly watch the death of Wano Country!

After the destruction of Wano Country, they will continue to get everything they want, and it will be easier than before, because after Fishman Island has found hope, but the end result is despair, is there anything to say?

In fact, there is no need to say more! Because of this, it will all be very interesting, and everyone will be waiting to watch!



Looking at these crazy pirates in front of him, and Kanjuro and Black Carbon Cicada Maru are very calm viewers, their eyes are full of indifference, Kanjuro said even more calmly: “It’s just a bunch of garbage, these pirates want to dispose of it, it’s not a difficult thing, even, it’s very easy~”

Black Carbon Cicada Pill thought slightly, nodded and said, “Indeed!” For these pirates, it is not a difficult thing to dispose of, it’s just that! For these people, it is not easy to completely dispose of them. ”

Kanjuro nodded and said, “This! It’s undeniable, but… The future situation can still be handled slowly, but! The current Fishman Island must show terrifying power, otherwise, for these guys, they will just feel that Fishman Island is very easy to deal with. ”


Black Carbon Cicada Pill nodded. Seriously!

For these pirates, not right! It should be said that these pirates are really too weak and weak for the ghost soldier group! The weak ones are just like a bunch of garbage, just such a guy, for the ghost soldier group, it is simply easy to dispose of it, it is not surprising, powerful pirates cannot make a move, and those who understand behind their backs will not come here, and those who will really come here are just a group of idiots.

Because of this, for the people of the ghost soldier group, want to get rid of these pirates? It’s too easy! It is even an exaggeration to call it a breeze, just think about it! Then it can be easily disposed of, just! There is a problem, although the strength of these pirates is said to be weak, there are countless people watching behind them.

If these pirates can’t be easily disposed of, then for them, does it mean that they also have the opportunity to do something to Fishman Island? Because of that! This is the most important point, and it is necessary to deal with all this with thunderous means, otherwise, it will give them an illusion.

By that time!

is the real trouble, because of the endless trouble, at that time, want to deal with it, although it will not be particularly difficult, but it will indeed be very troublesome, after all! Only a thousand days to be a thief, then there is a thousand days to prevent thieves!

Because of this, this is the most troublesome and troublesome thing, after all! If it is not handled well, the next thing you will face is a group of crazy guys coming to the door to find trouble, and for these guys, it will naturally make people feel headaches.


There is absolutely no doubt that Kanjuro could not allow such a thing to happen, or even say! Just like this time, why didn’t the people behind the scenes directly attack Wano Country? Of course, it is indeed a shot, but this kind of change is different.

Why not just shoot directly at the entire Wano Country? The reason is very simple! The entire Wano Country is very well prepared, so you can say it bluntly! There are huge precautions within Wano Country, and these precautions are the most difficult things to deal with, and if you don’t handle them well, the problems you face will be the most troublesome and very difficult things to deal with.

Because of this, the best way is to weaken the reputation of Wano Country in the world, whether it is the capture of the Black Carbon clan or the attack on Fishman Island, as long as your reputation stinks, then everything is not a very simple thing? Theoretically! It is true that this is the easiest thing, but sometimes, it is really not as simple as it is!

This is the biggest problem in the whole Wano Country, if it is not handled well! Then in the future Wano Country, if there is a problem with the entire reputation, everything will be trouble.

“This thing!”

Kanjuro said very calmly;

“Just leave it to Yagi Great Snake-sama to deal with! Yagi Great Snake-sama will take care of all this! ”


Black Carbon Cicada Pill naturally agrees with this.


This is the moment!

The Yagi big snake is walking lightly on the road, in addition to calm, there is no emotional fluctuation in his eyes, and with the darkness emerging, it disappears in an instant, condescendingly and quietly watching everything that happens below, as if quietly watching the performance of a group of clowns.

“It’s really boring!”

With a smile on the corner of the mouth of the Yagi Great Snake, he said lightly: “It’s just a conquest between a group of weak people, it really makes people feel too boring, but!” Since it is what Qingming wants to do, it is better to end here. ”

The Yagi Great Snake opened one hand, and an invisible power emerged in an instant, it was a terrifying darkness, and the power of darkness seemed to have covered everything, from top to bottom, and gradually spread.

On the battlefield below the rumble, the originally calm battlefield suddenly began to shake, in an instant! The entire Fishman Island seems to be churning, countless darkness is swarming out, and with the darkness emerges is a huge snake head, each snake head seems to be thousands of meters long, the condescending huge snake head, seems to swallow everything.


The terrifying Yagi Great Snake let out a crazy roar, and as the Yagi Great Snake emerged, the ghost soldier group had already been prepared, and instantly retreated back, giving way to these crazy pirates immediately.

And in this instant, the terrifying darkness fell madly, and everything in front of him was directly swallowed, all this! It happened too quickly, like a remnant image one after another, swallowing everything in an instant, this scene made everyone who was observing be filled with a look of disbelief, this force was too terrifying.

And when the monstrous darkness swallowed everything, all the pirates had completely become bones, all the flesh and blood had disappeared without a trace, and the curtain had come to an end on this war, under the power of this Yagi serpent that devoured everything.

And this model!

It was also seen by everyone, and followed by endless silence, which was too terrifying power.

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