Chapter 165: Shikijin Ibaraki Boy!!!。

The naval succession ceremony came to an end.


Those who should leave also left separately, and Qingming looked at Gion and smiled: “Gion, are you planning to say something?” If not, it’s not a good thing for you to follow me all the way to your rear admiral! ”


Gion’s expression was silent, she looked deeply at Qingming, back then, she lost very miserably in the hands of this man, not only that! The later naval branch was also frozen by this man, and everyone died, and now what? This man has become an important big man in this world, even if he wants to do something, he can’t do it at all.


Gentle chuckle and shook his head, Qingming didn’t say anything, for this child, mocking her or laughing at her is not necessary at all, he knows very well that Gion just can’t cross the hurdle in his heart!


From here, it can be seen why the navy is known as the most righteous army in the world, because many of them really have such a strong belief, they have been prepared for everything from the beginning, there is no slackening at all, and in this case, they naturally become different.

Qingming shook his head gently, turned his head, looked at the crane who came not far away, and said with a smile: “Senior General Baihe, you better take this major general of your family back, if you continue to follow me, it doesn’t seem to be a good thing.” ”



Tsuru came over and said with a smile, “This matter has indeed filled in some trouble for Mr. Qingming, but!” Mr. Qingming, it’s better for you to be a little careful, although this is not a big duty with our navy, but! If you leave the headquarters of the Navy, there will be an accident, and it is not a good thing for our Navy. ”


Squinting his eyes slightly, Qingming knew what the crane meant when he said it, and smiled: “General Baihe, then, thank you for your warning.” ”

Turning around, Qingming boarded the ghost ship, and as the ghost ship sailed, it gradually went into the distance, while the crane looked at the departing ghost ship, and it was a calm way;

“Gion, I know you’re not satisfied, but you should know very well that this man’s status is completely different from what he once was, completely changed.”

“I know!”

Gion nodded, but she looked deeply at the departing Qingming, but she said dissatisfiedly: “I know that his identity is completely different from what he once was, but because of this!” I’m annoyed, why? This man, in the end, just because of his identity became different, everything that used to be was over here? ”

Gion couldn’t help but clench her fists, she was really full of anger, but there was no way to do it, because this man’s identity and status were really completely different from what he used to be, now he is the king of Wano Country, and he is also a famous big man in this world, and he is a powerful person, and such a person.

Do you want a comparison? What a comparison! Because of that!

Gion is full of despair, Qingming’s status has been improved, and in the end? The people on their own side of the navy have to suffer such pain, and everything is going to end here? This is simply unacceptable!

Tsuru shook his head gently: “Gion, everything will not end like this, you have to remember this, no matter at any time, the navy is fighting for justice, and those who give everything will never be forgotten, and the strength of Wano Country is very strong, but this is not the end, on the contrary, everything is just beginning.” ”


“That’s right!”

Listening to the voice behind him, Gion also turned his head in astonishment, Karp walked over step by step, wrapped his hands around his chest, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “Now we really don’t have any way to deal with this guy Qingming, but!” It doesn’t mean that the future will not be able to deal with Qingming, but Lao Tzu wants to see, what is the future result? ”


An indifferent smile emerged, obviously! Karp also did not forget everything back then, since you did it, then even if you no longer choose revenge now, then in the future, you also want revenge, the naval branch, so many naval lives died at your hands, just because yours has become different, all this is the end?

No way!

This is absolutely impossible, and because of this, all this will definitely not end like this, if it just ends like this, it is the most desperate thing, and all navies are unacceptable.

Zefa said proudly: “The future of the navy is in our hands, not in the hands of these guys, remember!” Gion, what we need to do is to make the navy stronger, to maintain justice in this world, and to make all those who have been stained with the blood of the navy pay the price. ”


Sengoku also nodded calmly and said, “But!” Until then, you have to learn to calm down and remember that anger does not solve any problem, no matter at any time, your anger will only be caught by others, and in the end, you will only be consumed by anger, which is meaningless. ”


Gion listened to the words of all the seniors, and the whole person nodded seriously, while everyone smiled and nodded, but! They’re not casually comforting, or joking, they’re really thinking like that.

For them, everything in the past is not something that is so easy to forget, can it be said that because the current Wano Country is strong, it is necessary to completely change all this? Stop it! Everything that used to be is not so easy to forget.

What’s more!

For them, the Warring States is such a person, the Warring States never forget the revenge for the pirates, the future four emperors, the naval headquarters, the king of the seven martial seas to maintain a balance, but in fact? The Warring States are not hesitating to break the balance but also to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates, and it can be seen from here that the Warring States definitely have different ideas.

They are in the navy, the balance is only temporary, and for the navy, what they want most is to dispose of these children.

It’s just a pity!

Pirates are not something their navy can dispose of at all, because the person who most wants to let pirates exist is the world government! The world government does not want the pirates to disappear, let alone the navy to grow stronger, and the game between the navy and the pirates, which has lasted for so many years, will only continue over time, not end.

….. The ghost ship was in the voyage, and Genraiguang, as the person who followed this time, raised his eyebrows and said, “Young Master, the navy seems to have a very great hostility towards you!” ”

Qingming smiled and said, “Well, it’s not a strange thing, after all, when I destroyed the naval branch and froze the entire naval branch, it is normal that they will have hatred, but they can’t take action against me.” ”

··· Ask for flowers…


Genraigura nodded seriously, although he couldn’t believe the credibility of those big people, but he still agreed with the navy, they couldn’t make a move, after all, Qingming’s identity and status were too special, if he shot casually, then there would be a huge problem, this point! It’s definitely something to pay attention to.

Qingming unfolded the folding fan, shook the folding fan slightly, and said with a smile: “However, compared to these people, if nothing else, someone seems to want to do something to us when we return home!” ”


With his eyebrows furrowed, although Yuan Laiguang was very annoyed, he also nodded and said, “Young Master, these are completely in our predictions, and the possibility that they want to make a move against us is not a strange thing. ”

Qingming’s fox eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled: “Yes!” This is the case a lot of times, and this is not a strange thing. ”

“Young master!”

As if thinking of something, Minamoto suddenly said, “During the two days that you attended the ceremony in the navy, Lord Suzuka Gozen asked the beaver to send a devil fruit to you, and it is said that there is a familiar power on this devil fruit, so you can watch it. ”


“The power of familiarity…”

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Qingming was thinking about something. Well!

Suzuka Gozen and Daitake Maru still went to sea, of course, they are more of the sea country to go out to play, this is also a normal thing, Haruaki did not stop it, and the power of Wano Country is also enough, with the suppression of the three general-level powerhouses of Beimihu, Takiyashahime, and Yagi pseudo, there will be no problems at all.


Since it was the devil fruit that Suzuka Gozen asked the beaver to send over, and it had a familiar feeling, if nothing else…


The corners of Qingming’s mouth hooked, and he said interestingly: “If nothing else, this devil fruit should be the devil fruit of a powerful ghost king!” ”

Looking at the devil fruit taken out by Yuan Laiguang, Qingming hooked a smile at the corner of his mouth, after all, if it was an ordinary devil fruit, Suzuka Gozen did not need to send it over, and this special devil fruit, naturally there was no need to say anything!

Qingming looked at this devil fruit, on it, he also felt a wisp of familiar feeling, the essence of that power is the same feeling, if it was placed in the past, he could not feel it at all, but now with the passage of time, he is also growing.

The spiritual power is also being rapidly improved, naturally! A lot of everything, even if it is different, I can also see a lot of things that I couldn’t see at all.


Qingming’s smile was very rich: “It’s really a familiar breath, Yuan Lai Guang, presumably, you also feel that familiar feeling in it, right?” ”


“Young master!”

Yuan Lai Guang nodded slightly, his expression was not too good-looking, but also filled with endless indifference, although everything that had been before was in the past, but! If you let Genraiguang and the ghost clan of Dajiang Mountain have any good faces? That’s simply impossible.

The two of Genraigu and the Ghost Clan of Dajiangshan can be regarded as real old enemies, and the old enemies who have been there for so many years, not to mention the Ibaraki boy!

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