Chapter 168: The Ghost Soldier Department led by Minamoto Laiguang!

How powerful is Wano Country?

In fact!

For all the people above this sea, they are not clear, no one knows, how powerful Wano Country is, everyone has only one concept of Wano Country, and even say, they only know about Wano Country, Wano Country is very strong, but how powerful is it?

No one knows at all, not only them, in essence, even the people of Wano Country rarely know how powerful Wano Country really is, this is the horror of Wano Country, because no one will always know, and the power of Wano Country is amazing.


Adam said lightly with a sarcastic smile: “Black carbon Qingming!” Let me see, how exactly you died this time! ”

Blah blah

With the ghost ship galloping above the sea, and the sea breeze blowing slowly, Qingming was located on the deck under the night, with a smile, squinting his eyes slightly, and said softly: “Killing intent, or rather, terrifying murderous aura!” ”


The boy held the wine jar but slowly stood up, the corners of his mouth opened, and a terrifying killing intent emerged: “It’s really a terrifying killing intent!” However, such killing intent is the most interesting thing, I really want to see what the opponent’s strength is like! ”

“If it’s too weak, it’s too boring!”

“Huh, hehe”

A terrifying killing intent appeared in the eyes of the Ibaraki boy, and his aura became more and more terrifying, Qingming just smiled and shook his head, and did not say anything, because there was no need for it.

Syllable! Syllable!

Yuan Lai Guang on the side walked over step by step, calmly looked at the sea in front of him, and said softly: “Young master!” The other party seems to have been impatient and is already planning to make a move. ”


Qingming nodded and said, “It’s about the same, after all, it’s been patience for most of the day, if we continue to be patient, it will be a very strange thing, and we don’t plan to delay the time.” ”

According to the speed of the ghost ship, this half a day is enough to rush directly back to Wano Country from the naval headquarters, this is the terrifying speed of the ghost ship, but the problem is! Qingming is like sightseeing for most of the day, which has proved the problem.

It’s just a pity!

Some people don’t care if Qingming is playing in the mountains and waters, for them, what they want is as long as Qingming is still there, they want to slaughter Qingming, they want to kill Qingming.


The folding fan unfolded, Qingming shook the folding fan, quietly looking into the distance, quietly waiting, the other party has come, then, as the owner, if you don’t let the other party know, what is the result? That doesn’t seem like a good thing!


A smile emerged, Qingming just watched all this quietly with a smile on his face, for what might happen next? It’s not nervous at all, everything can come and go slowly.

“..” I…”


Yuan Lai Guang remained calm, and a terrifying killing intent appeared in the eyes of the Ibaraki boy, the three daughters of the demon sword Ji, the flower bird roll, and the snow girl were all looming, they just quietly looked at everything in the distance, their expressions were very calm, for Qingming, all this was just a faint whisper, everything, it was just a meaningless thing.

“Here it is!”

Looking at the black dots that gradually appeared in the distance, ships have emerged, and a smile appeared at the corner of Qingming’s mouth, the opponent has finally come, otherwise, he has gradually become impatient to wait, after all! Keep waiting, it’s just too boring.

“Hahaha ^».”

On the battlefield in the distance, a large number of figures emerged, they were like a group of madmen, looking at everything in front of them fiercely, with only terrifying killing intent in their eyes, their eyes flashing with a hideous and crazy look, only endless battle intent waiting.

Their figures are all dressed in heavy armor and armed with sharp weapons, these people! Obviously, they are not pirates, although it is impossible to see what their identities are, but their identities are definitely not pirates.

The leader is as vicious as the devil, and he can’t see what kind of person he is, but he is sure! The other party’s hideous posture is really like a demon, for these hideous devils, no! It should be said that they are a bunch of devils.

There was a terrifying killing intent all over their bodies, and a crimson light flashed in their eyes, no matter how they looked at it, it seemed certain that they didn’t look like people at all, but like a group of terrifying devils.

Such a gesture is the most terrifying, and for these terrifying devils, their horror and horror are the most frightening.


“Wano Country!”

“Black Carbon Qingming!”


Pouting disdainfully, the leader was filled with sarcasm: “It’s just a guy who awakened because of some opportunities!” Just such a guy, want to dispose of it? But it’s a breeze, brothers, all ready for Lao Tzu! ”


In response to the man in the lead, there was a terrifying roar, right! His name is the devil! Using the devil’s name to directly represent his difference already represents his difference, but also represents his horror.

The huge fleet came straight to the ghost ship, and under the condition that the ghost ship deliberately slowed down, it naturally came at a gallop. Blah blah

“Genraiguang, next, let me see, the true strength of the Ghost Army.”


“Young master!”

Yuan Lai Guang bowed slightly, and since a different light appeared in his eyes, the power he inherited was not much, at least even his own strength was not strong, but! Although the strength of Yuan Lai Guang himself has not fully grown, there is one thing that is completely different!

That is the control of the power of the Ghost Soldier Department, as the most outstanding weapon created by the Genji clan or Genraitsu, has a very amazing power, which is a power that ordinary people simply cannot understand, and even feels very strange, and such a power can be perfectly controlled for Minamoto Laiguang.


Ibaraki boy just snorted lightly, but this time there was no mockery or other meaning, because! Only if you have really experienced it is clear, and the strength of the Ghost Soldier Department is definitely not weak.

For this point, Ibaraki boy is also very clear, once upon a time, under the leadership of Genraitsu, the ghost army fought with the ghost clan of Dajiangshan, and the power displayed was extremely strong, this power, but very terrifying.

That’s why that’s the most fun thing! The boy is very curious to see what the strength of the other party is, and it is precisely because of understanding that he knows how powerful the power of the ghost army is!


The long knife at his waist slowly unsheathed, the breath of Yuan Lai Light was amazing enough, and in his eyes, a completely different light gradually emerged, and his killing intent was gradually bursting out, followed by a terrifying aura.


Yuan Lai Guang said lightly, “It’s started!” ”



Under Qingming, there were a total of 6,700 ghost troops, and in an instant, all of them appeared, and! The ghost army department actually floated in mid-air, yes, it was floating in mid-air, quietly watching everything in front of them.


Qingming is also interested, can the Ghost Soldier Department fly? I don’t know! Because the true power of the Ghost Soldier Department has never been exerted, after all! To put it bluntly, the Ghost Soldier Department is a weapon created, and if you want to perfectly exert the power of the weapon, then the best way is to create the weapon, in addition, no matter who wants to perfectly exert the power of the weapon, it is actually not an easy thing.

Anyone, want to do this? In fact, it is all very difficult things, Qingming at least can’t do this, and Genraiguang, as the creator of weapons, naturally knows what kind of power weapons have.


As Yuan Lai Guang slowly gave the order, the huge Ghost Soldier Department immediately attacked, the pitch black was like a torrent, and the most important thing was that the armor on the Ghost Soldier Department had changed, as if the hidden power of the Ghost Soldier Department had been activated.


Jumping up, Genrai Guang stepped on the shoulder of a ghost soldier department and went straight into the distance.

Qingming looked at this scene, and actually felt that these ghost soldiers seemed to be tall, seeing this, he couldn’t help but shake his head, did not continue to think more, but quietly looked at everything in front of him, soon! As time passed, the ghost army and the devil-like troops in front of them had already collided.


“Kind of interesting!”

The man’s eyes named the devil had already emerged with a terrifying killing intent, he held a knife in one hand, the killing intent in his eyes seemed to be a demon bursting out, and whispered: “Little ones! To prepare for war, I would like to see what kind of power the other side is in these things. ”


With the deafening roar, a crimson light also appeared in the eyes of these people, just like a group of terrifying demons, terrifying! Terrible! Madness and proof, and such a scene is emerging in front of your eyes, and the war is about to be triggered!

Ghost Troop Department! Devil Troops! Maybe!

Both of them have no loud names in this world, but in terms of strength, it is a completely different thing, and the power of both is very terrifying, and even the troops that can be called the apex of the world.

Right now!

Under the leadership of Yuan Lai Guang and the devil, they have gone straight to each other, and this is the special preparation prepared by Adam, as one of the most elite troops in the Adam Kingdom, Yan Dang has absolute confidence in the devil army, just as Qing Ming has absolute confidence in the ghost army led by Yuan Lai Guang.

Trust in yourself.

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