Chapter 175: Naval Action! The sea is in turmoil!.

Adam, Flower, Rexay, Odin, Tom, Jerry!

The departure of big people one by one, and what really happened under the night, does the Navy not know? No! Of course, the navy is very clear, but even if it is clear, it is difficult to say a word, the navy represents the justice of the world, and they maintain the peace of this world.


Some have a completely different result for the Navy, in other words! That is something that cannot be described in words, the identity and status of these people is very special, even the justice represented by the navy, for them, it is impossible to do anything, this is these monsters at the apex of this world! Their power has reached a terrifying extreme, and under such power, what do you think the result will be?


Hu stood in the port, feeling the sea breeze slowly blowing, and Gion fell into silence, she quietly looked into the distance, a terrifying aura appeared in her eyes, she was really very dissatisfied, or rather! She was really dissatisfied with the result.

It’s just that!

Gion is a smart person, and she knows that this is not something she can decide, but something very important.

“Black Carbon Qingming!”

Gion said with serious eyes;

“This time, the matter will definitely not end here! You remember, there will always be a day! I will make you pay, that’s the price of being a navy, you remembered it for me! ”


Clenching a fist with one hand, there is only endless firmness in Gion’s eyes, which is something that absolutely cannot stop here, and if it ends like this, this is something that Gion will never accept.


She has grown up as a navy since she was a child, and every day she grows up in the navy, and because of this, Gion has always been trying to become a qualified navy, although this path is very difficult, but according to the appearance of the navy, Gion will grow step by step.


Exhaling a deep breath, Gion firmly firmed her heart, she already had her own firmness, even if it was a failure in the future, it would be harmless.


Tsuru looked at Gion in the distance, shook his head helplessly and said, “For this kid in Gion, this result is really not a good thing!” ”


Sengoku stood beside the crane and said softly: “For Gion, this matter may not be a good thing, but it is definitely not a bad thing, you also know, Gion’s talent and qualifications are excellent, but!” Gion has always been unable to understand many things, and she needs to really understand. ”


Tsuru also nodded, just like what the Warring States said, everything is in front of you, and what such a result is, in fact, is already an undoubted thing, you firm your heart is the most important.

Gion! Plus!

They are the future of the Navy, while! If they are at a loss, it is not a good thing for their growth, and when a person’s heart is at a loss, then he cannot continue to improve, which is absolutely undoubted. But no matter what, one thing is more certain, you always have to remember that! No matter at any time, people need to grow step by step, no matter at any time, if you want to change all this directly? It’s pure nonsense!

Gion! Plus!

As the future, if they fall into a daze, then they are wasted, but! But they did not fall into this confusion, Gion is very firm, she wants to take revenge on everything she has been, this is a firm heart, and Jiaji wants to follow Gion, which is also a firm belief.

Because of this, this is the most important thing, everyone has a very important and firm New Year, and no matter at any time, this is not a bad thing, as long as your beliefs are firm enough, isn’t it a good thing?

“Let’s go!”

“We have our jobs, too.”


Sengoku and Tsuru looked at each other, and the two also returned to the naval headquarters, and the white coat with the word justice draped behind them already represented everything and represented their status as the elite of the navy.

And because of this, they, as the elite of the headquarters of the Navy, this is something that does not need to be doubted at all! Since they can get to this step step by step, then they have proved everything, and no matter how it is, they must really continue to walk, as the pillar of the navy!


“Old man!”

Zefa sat down directly, calmly buckled his nose, and said casually: “Old man, do you have anything to do?” Naval Academy, my side has just taken over, but I have a very busy job! ”

It is worth mentioning! Although said!

Zefa has already inherited the admiral of the headquarters of the navy, but! Zefa did have a lot of things, his own wife, were all attacked by pirates, that is, Zefa was once a pirate who did not kill as a general who did not kill.


These people were disposed of by the cranes accompanying them, which made Zefa really feel that a cold sweat was coming out, so! Zefa has also changed, starting is not mercy to his subordinates, let alone any intention of showing mercy to his subordinates, and in such a situation, what is the result? In fact, it is already self-evident!

Zefa’s strength is there, in this case, the killing brought by Zefa is very terrifying, it can be said that Zefa really has no mercy from his subordinates.

And now!

Sora made Zefa a little self-cultivation, so he became the chief instructor of the Naval Academy, and he was also responsible for teaching recruits, after all! Teach this thing, in addition to Zefa, Sengoku and Karp? Really not good at it!

Don’t think that being a teacher is really easy, some students are indeed very good, just like Zhuge Liang, his teacher is famous because of him! But! You have to understand that such a wizard, even if it is a different teacher, is still no problem. But!

Teacher! Teacher!

The most important thing is not just such a little, but more important fundamental, that is, the teacher’s teaching ability, Zefa can teach a brigadier general to become a major general, and the limit of this brigadier general is obviously a major general, this is Zefa’s ability, and it is also the root of Zefa as the chief instructor, this is really not what anyone can do, even say! Basically, eighty or ninety percent of people are simply unable to do it.

This is the most important fundamental, and the most important core, because of this! You have to admit that you have to deal with it all at all times, otherwise! All of this is a fundamentally meaningless thing. After all!

If you don’t have any ability to teach instead, isn’t that misleading?


Listening to Zefa’s inquiry, Sora is calm;

“Take it easy, no matter how you say it, you are also a senior general of the Navy headquarters, isn’t it very normal that there is some work that you need to deal with?”

··· Ask for flowers…


Zefa pouted, and at this time, the door was also pushed open again, and the three people of Sengoku, Karp, and Tsuru also walked in, and with the current five general-level powerhouses of the naval headquarters gathered here, this strength was amazing enough.

Everyone is standing here proudly, their eyes are full of domineering looks, and they are full of calmness, this is the power of the new generation of the navy, and the next navy will only become stronger and stronger, empty has enough self-confidence, absolutely will not let the navy have any problems, this is empty confidence!


Whether Sora was confident or not, he still shook his head and said, “Sengoku, Zefa, Karp, and Tsuru, you all know it too!” Next, you’re going to start getting busy for a while! The navy has just taken shape, so far, the most important thing is to go further! ”

“Or rather!”

“You need to let the world know that the power of the navy tells the world that justice is still not gone!”

With the destruction of the Locks Pirates, the entire sea seems to be crazy, almost everyone is full of madness, everyone seems to want to become a pirate, to become a pirate in that King’s Landing.

This is a very important fundamental, for the Locks Pirates, for a very large number of people, because of this! The navy has been weakened, and the whole world needs to know what the majesty of the navy really looks like.

Right now!

The navy is already standing here, the new three admirals of the navy headquarters and the heroic vice admiral, these are enough, it’s time to start acting, let the whole world know that the navy has never been a dry eater!


The corners of Karp’s mouth opened and said confidently: “Old man, it turns out that this is such a thing!” Of course, no problem, Lao Tzu has long been ready, next, let Lao Tzu change the world, let everyone know Lao Tzu’s strength! ”


Karp laughed with a big laugh, but he had absolute confidence, and he joked, he would not show mercy to his subordinates. Justice!

With the order of the air given, the navy also began to act. Sengoku, Karp, Zefa, Tsuru.

The four admiral-level powerhouses of the navy began to dispatch at the same time, and the goal was also very simple! For them, they are going to deal with this pirate of the four seas and the great voyage, as for the new world? Seriously! The pirates of the new world are not an easy thing to deal with well.

Of course!

These are no longer important things for the navy, since the new world is not handled well, then give up the new world and directly set your sights on the four seas and the great shipping route, but to see if these pirates have enough strength.

And with the actions of the Navy, the entire sea has been turned upside down, which is absolutely beyond doubt, the situation of the entire sea has become very special and chaotic, there is no way! Originally, with the weakening of the navy, although it still dealt with these things.

But there are also a lot of problems within the Navy, but now with the succession, then everything is different, the new Admiral! And a large number of naval elites have begun to pour out of the nest to deal with these pirates.

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