Chapter 181: Dragon Pulse Shakes, and Wano Country Changes.

“Wine Swallowing Boy?!”


As these two ghost kings just stepped into the big rivers and mountains, they heard familiar voices, and the ghost clans walked out of the big rivers and mountains, everyone was smiling with joy, and looking at so many ghost clans, the two people were also stunned, as if they didn’t understand what was going on.

The wine-swallowing boy asked in astonishment, “Why are you here?” ”

One of the ghosts said, “Lord Wine Swallow, this is Lord Qingming who asked us to wait here, saying that the great rivers and mountains will come soon, so we will wait here.” ”



The ghost clan all nodded, the number was no more, no less exactly 100 people, everyone was looking at the two ghost kings seriously, for them, they were not at a loss and confused.

Ghost Clan! Well!

In fact, the ghost race is a very self-reliant race, for the ghost race, they will leave anytime and anywhere they want, and the drunken swallowing boy will not stop it, because this is the ghost race! The character of the ghost race is like this, in this case, the ghost tribe grows step by step, and it is also slowly changing everything about itself, thus becoming the current ghost race, which is the ghost race.

Like the Heavenly Evil Ghost F4, they were born of a part of the ghost clan, and that part later died in battle outside, aren’t they a ghost clan? Ghost Clan, of course! And now, the Heavenly Evil Ghost F4 has also come to the big rivers and mountains, and as a ghost clan, they are naturally integrated into the big rivers and mountains.

It’s so simple, it’s also very simple, this is the character of the ghost clan, for the ghost clan, more consideration, it is a meaningless thing, they don’t like to think about so many meaningless things, this is the ghost clan! The ghost clan of the great rivers and mountains.


Seeing that all the ghost clans were here, and the wine-swallowing boy also let out a loud laugh, and said generously: “Little ones! It’s a banquet today! ”

“Oh roar!”

In response to the deafening roar of the wine-swallowing boy, to be precise! Every ghost clan is like a pirate, their personalities are very similar, in fact, you will find out if you think about it a little.

The ghost tribe likes to go out and take risks, find wine, find strong people to fight, and even more like banquets, and as everything is over, they will return to their hometown, just like the sea country, it is also very similar, the sea country is more like to travel, walk through one place after another, and see what is different in other places.

That’s how the two are described, maybe different! But it is the most appropriate description, very similar, and very identical



As night fell, on top of the banquet of the entire ghost clan, a barbecue was being prepared, and each of them was holding a wine glass and letting out a heroic laughter, each ghost clan was very heroic, and even more with a joyful smile.


The Wine Swallowing Boy and the Ibaraki Boy looked at each other, and a smile appeared in their eyes, for them, what they had lost was the most important, Dajiangshan! Everything above the mountains!

For these two ghost kings, it is the most important! Everything else? As a matter of fact! It’s not an important thing, everything doesn’t matter, and only these are the most important.

… The other side! The same is true!


Tick! Tick!

In the silence, the tears at the corners of Goldfish Ji’s eyes have dripped uncontrollably, looking at everything in front of her, she is really silent, especially looking at the monsters of the water tribe in front of her, these are the people of Arakawa, they are all their companions.

But at this moment, Goldfish Ji is standing on the waves, and she doesn’t dare to approach at all, she is afraid that all this is like an illusion, she really dare not approach! The former Arakawa was stained red with blood every day, but with the lord of Arakawa ruling Arakawa, Huangquan also returned to calm.

But when everything was opened, and Goldfish Hime once again saw that blood stained Arakawa, and the person who contaminated Arakawa was his companion, which was a little unacceptable result for Goldfish Hime, for Goldfish Hime, these were too desperate and too sad for herself, and it was under such a result.

Goldfish Ji came to the end and came to this world, looking at everything in front of her! At this moment, Goldfish Ji really felt it, what kind of feeling was the feeling of loss and regain.

“Goldfish Ji?!”

“Goldfish Ji!”

“Goldfish Ji!”

The aquarium found Goldfish Ji, they looked at Goldfish Ji, and suddenly began to shout, everyone was with an innocent smile, everyone was looking at Goldfish Ji happily, and Goldfish Ji had a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Hesong followed Goldfish Ji and asked cautiously;

“Teacher! We are…..”

Goldfish Ji smiled and said, “Let’s go!” Go and see, this is our hometown, no matter what time it will not change, this is our eternal hometown! ”

“I see, Sensei!”

He Song nodded abruptly, indicating that he already knew that this was his home, for Hesong, he didn’t care about everything he had been, his mother lived peacefully, and for Hesong, of course, the follower teacher was more important, because the follower teacher, he would become stronger.

The master and apprentice duo returned to Arakawa River, and all the water tribes were greeted up, and everyone was happy;

“Goldfish Ji! Where did you run? Oh, yes! Oh, yes! It’s finally back! ”

“Let’s worry about dying!”


Everyone’s gentleness, everyone’s innocence, without any other color, are all real care, and the more so, the more it makes Goldfish Ji seem to be unable to control her tears are about to flow, so many years, so long ago, for Goldfish Ji, this is her most important thing!

At this moment, Goldfish Ji seemed to clearly understand that once the big man had said to himself that everything was actually meaningless, only the peace and tranquility in front of him was the most important, and the young Goldfish Ji did not particularly understand these things, nor was he particularly clear, and today!

After experiencing a lot of everything, Goldfish Ji really understood what this sentence meant! Oh, yes! Everything is actually meaningless, those are the clouds of the past.

What really matters is this peace and quiet in front of you, which is what you should always protect, and you need to protect all the time, just like once the Lord of Arakawa took off his armor, put on a heavy coat, and gave up his killing, representing his maturity.

And the same is true of Goldfish Ji at this moment, she gave up her innocence, but she also understood what she should protect, but! Because of this, Goldfish Ji has to work harder to become stronger and go step by step, which is the most important thing!


“I’m back!”

Goldfish Ji smiled, and the whole person’s smile was very rich, yes! I came back, everything that was once is no longer important, no matter what, I have come back again, so does everything still matter?


For Goldfish Ji, everything that has happened is no longer important, but it is extremely important, and you have to remember all this, absolutely! Absolute! Don’t make any changes, for yourself, all this is just the beginning, and because of this, you can’t relax, because everything is displayed in front of your eyes, these are everything in front of your eyes.

Everyone smiled when they looked at Goldfish Ji, everyone was very happy, and everyone was smiling happily.

The whole Arakawa is brightly lit and has a beautiful smile, and everyone is very happy.


There are not many devil fruits left in Qingming’s hand, and now there are 90 devil fruits left, Arakawa and Oeyama have consumed a total of 40 devil fruits, and in addition, he has slightly drawn cards three times, although it is as always like the bad luck of his cards, it is still dark.


Qingming was very satisfied, because it was 200 water tribes and 100 ghost tribes, and it was most appropriate for them to return to their original place like this, after all, if they were not angry at all, it was not a good thing.


Qingming said with a smile and gentlely;

“I don’t know if Ji Tun and Goldfish Ji are satisfied with this gift, but! Even if I am not satisfied, then I have no way to do it, it really makes people feel a headache! ”

Although it is said so, but a smile is very rich, Qingming walking in the country of Wano at night, the whole Wano country looks very beautiful, the beauty of ancient style, for Qingming is so full of attraction, Qingming is a person who likes antiquity.

For these!

This is the most attractive thing for Qingming, Qingming has always been such a person, he likes everything in such ancient style, but 1.5 quietly enjoys all this, no matter at any time, it will not change.


A smile emerged, Qingming shook his head gently, did not continue to say anything, did not need to say more, next back to Heiankyo, it is time for him to rest, after all, it is more or less a busy day!


At this moment, the entire Wano Country seemed to be shaking.


Qingming’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, vaguely perceiving that something was wrong, stepping out, the figure instantly returned to the palace of Heianjing, and with Qingming’s return, the gods of the demon sword Ji, Hana Bird Roll, White Wolf, and the bride of the network, the ghost girl Momiji, etc., all came to the palace quickly.

“Lord Qingming!”

They didn’t know what was going on, but they felt that the shock this time was really spreading to the entire Wano Country, which was very nervous.

Qingming raised his head calmly, feeling what the situation was, very quickly! He calmly shook his head and said, “The dragon pulse vibrates!” For Wano Country, this is not a bad thing, but a good thing, there is no need to be so nervous, there is nothing. 66。 ”


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