Chapter 188: Wano Country’s former Onmyoji and Hundred Ghosts Night Walking.

With the churning of the waves, the figure of the goldfish Ji gradually emerged, but, compared to the past, the current goldfish Ji looks very gorgeous, the long blue hair flutters in the wind, the hand is a cane similar to coral and chains, wearing armor-like clothes, under the feet is a small boat, the boat is not big, but it is enough to let Goldfish Ji ride the waves alone.

Linghai Goldfish Ji!

This is sailing on the sea, and the goldfish Ji who has been transformed, the current goldfish Ji, has been transformed step by step, just like an ordinary SR-level style god, while getting the transformation, it will also undergo earth-shaking changes, and now the strength of the goldfish Ji is probably only the strength of the general level of the headquarters, but! If you really think so, it is a big mistake, and the current strength of Goldfish Ji will still undergo earth-shaking changes, increasing again and again, and transforming again and again.

This is Goldfish Ji! With the recognition of the Lord of Arakawa, Goldfish Ji, who became the next Arakawa Master, has infinite potential, and perhaps over time, she will transform again and again, even say! From goldfish to dragon, from dragon to real dragon, and all this is unknown, but what is certain now is that the potential of Goldfish Ji and everything is displayed in front of you, telling everyone about the growth of Goldfish Ji.


Goldfish Ji smiled, looking at everyone in front of her, Goldfish Ji is also growing in transformation, even if her growth is not perfect enough, but over time, Goldfish Ji will become more powerful.

“Goldfish Ji!”

“You’re back!”



Everyone was smiling, everyone was happy and full of joy looking at Goldfish Hime, they all welcomed Goldfish Hime’s return, no matter at any time, Goldfish Hime is part of Arakawa, and the most important part of Arakawa, this is true, no matter at any time, whether you like it or not, but this has proven it all.

Goldfish Ji!

It is always displayed in front of everyone’s eyes, and this beauty and liveliness has actually been proven.

Goldfish Ji is really growing, she is trying to grow up, let her growth be seen by everyone, this is what Goldfish Ji attaches the most importance to, she is transforming step by step, but also changing step by step, maybe! In the future, she will become the master of Arakawa, in a real sense, the master of Arakawa.


The most important thing is that no matter at any time, everyone respects and approves, they all recognize Goldfish Hime, and the entire Arakawa aquarium regards Goldfish Hime as the owner of Arakawa.

Goldfish Ji smiled, quietly looked at everyone in front of her, a smile emerged, all her efforts are worth it, for herself, they are their most important people, no matter everything else, no matter the difficulties and dangers, these are not the most important things for themselves.

For yourself, the most important thing is them! Everything about Arakawa is his own everything, and at this moment, Goldfish Ji seems to gradually understand what the big man is for and what he is guarding.

This feeling!

It’s like a mysterious feeling, but Goldfish Ji really understands all this.


A smile appeared, and Goldfish Ji nodded seriously.


“Wine swallowing boy.”

“Daitake Maru.”

“Goldfish Ji.”


Qingming squinted his eyes slightly, sure enough, when they were gradually summoned, even if they didn’t need to do anything themselves, in fact, over time, they would gradually go further, the battle between Daitake Maru and the Wine Swallowing Boy, the two of them both transformed, and Goldfish Ji didn’t need to say more, in the voyages and duties again and again, Goldfish Ji has gone further.

Name: Linghai Goldfish Ji Grade: SP【??? 】

Domineering: Overlord color domineering [Elementary] Armed color domineering [Elementary] See and smell domineering [Elementary]

“Sure enough.”

Qingming looked at the attribute panel of Goldfish Ji, that is, he found a difference, although it is said that awakening + breakthrough has disappeared, but Goldfish Ji and normal SP-level style gods, such as Demon Dao Ji, Snow Girl, Dayue Maru, and Wine Swallowing Boy are completely different, which is a completely different change.

Especially those three question marks, in fact, have proved the particularity of Goldfish Ji, Qingming squinted his eyes slightly, and secretly thought in his heart: “It seems that Goldfish Ji’s talent is really very outstanding!” In fact, it is quite curious, what will be the next progress of Goldfish Ji? ”


Qingming really thinks it’s quite interesting to Goldfish Ji, although he said! Goldfish Ji has now reached SP, and theoretically, it should have reached the extreme, but! This has reached the extreme, just theoretically, not that Goldfish Ji has really reached the extreme.

After all!

The situation of Goldfish Ji is very special, and! Qingming can feel that Goldfish Ji’s potential is very full, which makes Qingming feel very interesting, for a simple reason! For a long time, the style gods summoned by themselves, although many of them have strong potential and can be transformed into SP-level regicides.


For example, Demon Dao Ji and Jiuyue Boy are all powers that belong to themselves originally, but they were sealed for some reason, and now they have unlocked the seal again, or like the snow girl, Daitake Maru, they themselves have the possibility of progress.

And Goldfish Ji is very strange, the situation of Goldfish Ji makes people feel very strange, it seems to have endless potential, and even with the SP level of the god, Goldfish Ji is still being improved, which is a very interesting thing.

As a matter of fact!

Goldfish Ji’s current growth is already a little very fast, Lord Arakawa! It seems that everyone is calling him the Lord of Arakawa, but! This Lord of Arakawa is actually just a title, representing the title of the Lord of Arakawa, and as for the real name of Lord Arakawa? The name Xiaolang! It is the name of the real Lord of Arakawa.

It is the legend of a violent strong man who spread among the water tribe, who fought with Daitake Maru when he was a child, and the final result was no win, and the two also became close friends, after that, Xiao Lang became the owner of Arakawa, known as the Lord of Arakawa, and his original name was forgotten.

And now, Goldfish Ji is gradually inheriting the name of the Lord of Arakawa.

“So it is!”

With a look of emotion, Qingming whispered softly: “The Lord of Arakawa does not represent a simple name, but also represents the identity of the water tribe!” Goldfish Ji itself has infinite potential, and it is not surprising that under such blessings, it will become what it is now. ”

Qingming shook his head gently, he didn’t expect that it would be like this, but! This is the story of those weird, hundred ghosts walking at night! Because you never know what the result will be, or even what the result might be, it will all be completely beyond your imagination.

“Young master!”

At this moment, the black carbon twilight cicada walked quickly into the room and bowed slightly.

Qingming smiled and said, “Mother-in-law Twilight, what’s wrong?” ”

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada respectfully said;

“Young master! Old woman, I found some information, I think you will be more interested. ”


The two walked to the coffee table and sat down, the maid poured tea for the two, Qingming you nodded, the black carbon twilight cicada then said: “Young master, the old woman has been searching for many ancient classics in the process of searching for many ancient texts recently, and gradually found that in these ancient texts, some records of the past hundred ghosts and onmyoji in the country of Wano are recorded. ”

Qingming narrowed his eyes slightly, and different colors appeared in his eyes.


But anyone who knows a little about Wano Country will feel very strange, even outrageous, and the devil fruits of the phantom beast species in Wano Country are too many, even so much, to a very strange extent, because of this, Qingming has always been probing what is going on inside Wano Country.

Or rather!

In the very long history of Wano Country, what is hidden, and this is the most interesting thing, and it is also what Haruaki has been looking for very seriously.

The black carbon twilight cicada introduced seriously: “Young master! 1,700 years ago, Wano Country was just a remote village, but because of the eruption of a super volcano beneath the sea, the terrain of the current Wano Country was formed. ”


Qingming nodded at this, such a situation is not a strange thing, only the power of nature is the special terrain that will have long been the current Wano Country, and the founding of Wano Country is actually not something that can be solved in just two sentences.

This is a purely joking thing, the first thing that blocks the opening of the country of Wano is actually not that the people of the country of Wano do not open the country, but the terrain of the country of Wano, you don’t look at Qingming’s departure seems to be very simple, that is because of the ghost ship, you let ordinary people leave to try? The storm outside, or the huge waterfall, even the shallow port is not easy to leave, so to speak! The entire Wano Country, if you want to open the country, then the trouble you face is very huge, which is the most critical core, and because of this, this is also the fundamental reason why the country of Wano has not been able to truly open the country.


No one really thinks that Wano Country doesn’t want to open a country either, right? So many years! It’s not that Wano Country doesn’t want to open the country, even the five old stars call it a copper wall and an iron wall! From here, it can be seen that there are huge problems within Wano Country, and it really does not mean that simple words can be described in words, this thing is really not so simple, and because of this, the situation in Wano Country will be so special and will gradually fall into this special situation.

And this is the most fundamental reason, the situation in Wano Country is extremely special in nature, otherwise! It will not end up like this.

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