Chapter 193: The Heroes Go to the Feast!.


It’s about to start, and this banquet is completely different for this sea, this banquet is jointly organized by the four superpowers and the three dark emperors, in this case, what do you think the result will be?

In fact!

This is already a self-evident thing, after all! Such a banquet, for anyone, if they can participate in it, then it represents status, and because of this, if you do not participate, then the shame is actually yourself, everyone else went, you did not participate? Obedient! Why is this not your shame? In fact, this is the fundamental reason.

After all! For this sea, whether it is a pirate, or someone, face! It is always the most important, if you lose this face, then! What is your final roots? In fact! There is no doubt about it. On this sea, if you lose face, just like Lingling, on the matter of Cake Island, the face is swept away, then the impact is actually full of chains, it can be said that it is very troublesome, and even the results brought by poor handling will be an extremely headache, but you have to admit that this is an undoubted thing! With the churning of the waves, a ship is slowly sailing on the sea, and the owner of the ship is the flower, the king of the superpower located in the West Sea, at this moment she crosses her legs, with an elegant smile at the corner of her mouth, the whole person’s expression is full of elegance and propriety, that smile is so rich.


Holding the cigarette pole, the flower spat out a wisp of green smoke, and said slowly: “The banquet is finally about to begin, and there…..”

Thinking of the situation somewhere, the flower also shook its head, and it is undeniable to say! Where the problem is indeed very much to consider, but! This is a very good opportunity, and if it is successful, the benefits are the greatest.



Red pepper and bell pepper, both of them looked at the flowers seriously, and said solemnly: “Miss!” You still have to be careful, otherwise! Any accidents are a bad thing. ”

Hua Hua smiled and said, “Two uncles, rest assured, on top of this banquet, no one will do such a thing, after all!” The price to be paid for such an act, I believe, no one can bear, is absolutely undoubted. ”


The two also nodded, although they said so, they still couldn’t let their guard down. The reason is very simple!

It is undeniable that this banquet is too grand, even the navy is actually not comparable, and because of this, this is the most important thing, you have to be very clear, the strength of the other party is very strong! And! All aspects are extremely strong, since this is the case, everyone is very clear, if you dare to make trouble on top of this banquet, then! What exactly is the price to pay.

In fact!

This is already a self-evident thing, and one thing you must admit is that in such a banquet, if you do such a troublesome thing, then the price to pay is the most terrible, even said! Whoever it is, pay attention! No matter who exists above this sea, no one can pay this price, this is absolutely undoubted.

That’s why you have to admit it, but let your guard down! Then what the result is is unquestionable.


Spit out a wisp of blue smoke slightly, and the flower whispered softly: “And!” This is a very good opportunity to see what the power of Wano Country really is, and even more so! Above this sea, what will happen next. ”

The flowers see a lot clearly, she is very clear, this sea has undergone a very big change, this change, has long been not so simple as before, because of this, the flower is even more unusually clear, everything has changed, and everything that has changed is the essence of everything.

In other words!

Now the world is on the cusp! If you take care of everything, then naturally there is no doubt, after all, even a pig, as long as you stand on the cusp, then you can get huge benefits.


One thing you have to understand more is that if you are really standing on the cusp, then! If your own strength is not enough, under such a terrifying wind, then the price you need to pay may be fatal, and it will be enough to destroy everything in an instant, which is something that absolutely does not need to be doubted, and the terrifying wind will have the power to destroy everything! Maybe just in an instant, the terrifying wind will fall, and everything will be completely destroyed.

Because of that! On the cusp of this, you not only have to get all the strength, but also put in all the effort, otherwise! Maybe just in an instant, you will be completely devoured.

And this!

is the most terrifying thing, the flower knows this very well, with the death of the Locks Pirates, with the rise of Wano Country, in fact, the pattern of the entire world is changing, if you can’t understand it yourself! Then you will be eliminated in this new era, completely abandoned, and at that time, everything will be completely different.


Exhaling a cloudy breath slightly, the flowers quietly wait for everything, and everything will continue to appear in the next time.

Adam stood on the deck, his expression was very calm, and said softly: “Teacher! How do you think people from the outside world will know me? Or rather! Will they really think I’m a grumpy maniac? This identity also seems to be good. ”

This is the moment!

This wise side of Adam is fundamentally different from what it once was, this is the true side of Adam, once! Everything that Adam showed was just a strange display, and for Adam, all this was a meaningless thing at all, or rather! All this is something that does not need to be put in the eyes at all, after all! What used to be is gone.

And this is all something that you have shown, whether you believe it or not! But that’s what I showed, believe it or not what’s the difference? And no! Because it’s not an important thing!


As this faint elegant voice came, a man’s voice came, smiling: “Your Majesty!” Do you think these things really matter? Or rather! Whatever other people’s thoughts are, it’s not really important, at the very least, it’s enough for you to show what you want to show, and as for everything else, isn’t it harmless? ”


Hearing this, Adam also nodded and said, “That’s true, whether they believe it or not, but!” That’s what I show, as long as time goes on, they have to believe it or not! ”

Smart people in this world, there are always only a few, and even if there are many smart people, no matter how much you warn, if the people below feel that it doesn’t matter, then they will still slacken, sometimes this is the case, maybe just a momentary slack, but! The result of this momentary slack is that everything can already be changed.

This is the most fundamental and terrible reason! It can be said that the whole world is like this, and it is absolutely impossible to be careless, otherwise! Even if it is only for a moment, then the price you need to pay will be very terrifying, because such a fundamental is actually self-evident, isn’t it?

Because of that!

It doesn’t matter how Adam sees himself in the world, it doesn’t matter anymore, because! It doesn’t matter, believe it! Don’t believe it! These are all harmless things, and whether you believe it or not, you always have a price to pay.



“Just like you said, the next world will become very interesting, although it is said to clean up the troubles within the kingdom of Adam, but! The pattern of the new world will usher in huge changes next! ”

What appeared in Adam’s eyes was a very sharp light, and it was undeniable that Adam knew very well what was next! is a very important thing, if it is not handled well: everything is a very important thing to deal with.


Listening to Adam’s words, the man smiled and nodded, “Your Majesty!” Just like you said! Since all this is the case, isn’t it a very simple thing to deal with? ”


This man with long silver hair is the strongest man in the Adam Kingdom, and the strongest in the entire Adam Kingdom, and such a strong man, what is the strength? In fact, it is already a self-evident thing! Such strength, representing the fundamental, in fact, does not need any nonsense at all, which can already prove that he is strong!

Because of this, this man, as Adam’s teacher, knew many things that no one else knew, and because he knew this, Lucifer also knew that what Adam had shown was enough.

“Huh, hehe”

Adam chuckled, “No matter what! Everything that follows is incredibly fun! Let me see, what will happen to the rest of the world? ”

A smile emerged, Adam’s smile was getting richer and richer, some things were really getting more and more interesting, and the world was becoming more and more interesting. It’s so much fun!

Looking at the smiling Adam, and Lucifer also squinted slightly and looked into the distance, he is also a monster of the older generation, of course, he knows very well that this era is changing drastically!

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