Chapter 198: Five Old Stars: Trouble! Can’t handle it!.

Valley of the Gods War!

In a flash!

Resounding all over the world, everyone in the world knows about it, after all! The major forces of this whole world have nothing to hide, they are like a group of madmen launched an attack, this terrifying force, as if to swallow everything, and because of this, under such circumstances, do you think these people will show mercy? No! Not at all.

These people not only have no mercy from their subordinates, but even have the terrifying power of their possessions, and this! is the fundamental core, because of this, there is no need for any subordinates to show mercy, under such a terrifying power, people do not need to hide at all, because it is meaningless, I just tell you openly, what kind of power Lao Tzu has! Defy? Come on! Start the war is the end! Because of this, even the five old stars know about this matter, but there is still a very helpless feeling! Because the other party is too strong, or even because the strength of the other party is so terrifying, it has formed a huge problem! The whole world is full of shock, but! Even if it is shocking, it is simply helpless, because, this matter, you can’t deal with it at all, the result! It goes without saying that when you can’t handle it all, there’s no doubt about it, because! Everything has become needless to say.

This is the ultimate fundamental result, you simply can’t deal with it all, and the result is in front of your eyes, this is the root cause, the root cause of everything in the end, this is something that does not need to be doubted.

Even the five old stars know the same.

Brubru answered the phone, and Stuci said very calmly: “My lord! This thing…”

“We know, this matter, you can’t handle it well, return to Happy Island, continue to be the underground emperor, bring us back intelligence, everything else, you don’t need to manage.”


Stuci looked at the hung up phone worm, a looming smile crossed the corner of his mouth, a wisp of blue smoke slowly spit out, he can say that he handed over all the treasures, everything he plundered, it can be said that he gave it away.


It’s not much, or even a trivial thing! And! It can be said that it is very special, this is the most fundamental core, you absolutely have to admit that whether you admit it or not, there is one thing that is most important, that is! When Stucsi tasted power, he was gradually corrupted by power, and the attraction brought by this right was really the most crazy.

Because of this, Stucsi gave away a lot of treasure, and it can be said that everything he got was sent back, but! Only the most critical self remained, and this was enough, and there was no need for more serious consideration, because the rest was already completely enough.

“Phew… ~”

A wisp of blue smoke spat out, Stucci’s smile was unusually rich, with a faint look, and said calmly: “All cuts are changing, in that case, don’t you say!” Some things can be changed? It’s really fun! Such a world is getting more and more interesting! ”


Now Stussi also has some special ideas, and these ideas are the most interesting ideas, after all! No one can withstand the temptation of rights, this is the biggest fundamental! The change brought about by such power is the most crazy.

Another wisp of blue smoke spat out, Stussy seemed to be thinking about something, she was thinking about these things, for Stussy! These may not be anything at all, but! Stucsey had some special ideas, and she was thinking about what to do next, while the ship gradually returned to Happy Island.

Syllable! Syllable!!

With the sound of footsteps, the five old stars gathered in the room again, everyone was calm or standing, or sitting came to the room, no one spoke, it seemed that they were all thinking about something, everyone had their own different ideas, for these people, this time the matter of the Valley of Gods was indeed more or less unacceptable. But!

That is to say, this is not something completely unacceptable, and everyone’s expression is so indifferent, that calm posture is the most important, although it is said that such a thing as the Valley of the Gods broke out, but! Since things have already broken out, it is pointless to think more, and the five old stars are all such people.

They can rule the world, naturally they have a completely different heart, they are five old stars, everyone is a different mentality, it can be said! They are very calm and calm, and they are very clear about all this, and because of this, if they can’t handle it all, then it is the strangest thing.

As time passed, the five old stars finally slowly spoke.

The long-haired five old stars said lightly: “This time the situation in the Valley of God, it is undeniable that it is indeed an unexpected thing, I never expected that they would dare to make a move against the Valley of God, and the speed of reaction is too slow, all the treasures of the Valley of God have been plundered!” ”

Valley of the Gods!

It is not just a gathering place for the Draco people, in the Valley of the Gods, there are many treasures and famous knives, materials, drawings, and devil fruits collected by the world government, all of which are gathered in the Valley of the Gods, it can be said! In addition to being a gathering of Draco, it is more of a place to collect, because of this! The defense of the Valley of Gods will be so serious, and it is very serious, and the actions of the original Locks Pirate Group have been expected, and there is no need to pay attention to it.

Just letting the navy dispose of it and weakening the navy’s strength, but this time there was indeed a slight problem, because of the carelessness of the moment, it was actually seized of the opportunity to directly attack the Valley of the Gods, and! Even if it is too late to react, even the world government has no way to continue to increase its staff, after all! In such a situation, if you continue to provide reinforcement support! Then the problem is very troublesome and huge.

Because of this, things are not so easy to deal with, if they are not handled well, there will be huge problems for the majesty of the world government, but the problem is! There are too many mature people this time, no matter who you shoot against.


It should be said that you have fallen into a dead end, you can’t shoot at anyone, these people have formed an offensive and defensive alliance such an identity, for them, they will not let down their vigilance, because of this, they have been prepared to prevent in all aspects from beginning to end.

This is something that is absolutely beyond doubt, so to speak! Now if the world government dares to take action against anyone, others will immediately feel that there is a problem, and they will immediately take action in all of them, in this case, then the result will be completely different, and if nothing else, the whole world will be completely chaotic.


This dumb owes you the world government to eat, if you don’t eat, you have to eat, this is a helpless thing, no one can stop it, you want to do something else? It’s all meaningless! The root of this point is the most important and the most important core.

“It’s really very troublesome!”

With a calm look, the blonde five old stars said lightly: “Because of this, this time, if you want to deal with it well, it is almost impossible to deal with it, it seems that this time the trouble, the world government also has to bear.” ”


The curly-haired five old stars agreed: “The balance of the world cannot be broken!” If the balance of the world is broken, then the situation will become completely chaotic, and at that time, the whole world will become completely different. ”


Everyone nodded at this statement, and it was, if it could! They don’t want to do such a thing at all, for a very simple reason! It is undeniable that the strength of the whole world is extremely strong, but the problem is this! No matter how powerful the world is, you have to understand one thing.

This world!

The world government does not have the power to rule the whole world, and if the world government really has the power to rule the world, then there is no need for such trouble, just rule directly, and there is no need to waste so much time, which is just a meaningless thing.

Because of this, now in the face of the entire world pattern, the world government cannot act rashly, in other words! As long as you make a move, the whole world will instantly enter the era of warring states hegemony, everyone does not care at all, this situation, their improvement has reached a limit, only into the era of warring states hegemony, they can get a greater promotion.


The five old stars definitely do not want to enter such an era, after all! If it really entered such a Warring States Period, then the world government would have completely changed! There is no doubt about this.

To put it bluntly, the whole world pattern is like this, like a dynamite keg, it is completely a little bit if you relax your vigilance a little, or do something out of the ordinary, then the price paid is undoubted.

This is the situation of the five old stars now, you can say it bluntly! The entire Five Old Stars are like this, for so many years, the Five Old Stars have never endured such a situation, even said! For the entire Five Old Stars, the current situation is the most troublesome thing.

They need to maintain balance, and the whole world is gradually exceeding their balance, even if the five old stars have tried their best to deal with it, the current situation is still gradually gaffe, and all this is because a new era of madness caused by Locks’ madness has arrived, if it is not handled well, then the price paid may completely swallow everything.

This is what the five old stars absolutely do not want to see! Also the biggest trouble!! Third!

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