Oops, I became the witch's stand-in

Author: Yubaihu


Feilin's life was not very good after time travel, but luckily he had magic that was good at deceiving people.

In order not to be bullied, Feilin decided to find a great witch as his backer.

Feilin used magic to create a fictional double of the great witch.

The good news is that he successfully convinced the world of the existence of the Great Witch, and his disguise was a great success.

The bad news is that people are beginning to think that "Filin" is the stand-in for the big witch.

Volume 1: Witch Chapter

Chapter 001 Magic, Youth

Before traveling through time, I longed for the magnificent and majestic days in another world.

After traveling through time, I have to admit that my original idea was a bit arrogant.

Feilin has been here for sixteen years and has almost given up the habit of getting up to look for his mobile phone. Instead, he picks up the bell next to his pillow and rings it gently.

The memory he brought when he was reincarnated allowed him to enjoy a "genius" childhood, but as time went by, his lack of magical talent gradually made him disappear from the public.

Now he could only fantasize about all kinds of gorgeous magic, watching the maid bring the basin from outside, and then wash up.

The maid stood respectfully aside, silently handed over the towel, and said slowly while serving: "Master Felin, the count hopes that you will go to the garden immediately after washing, and invites you to enjoy breakfast together."

Feilin had a headache. His old father was not only mercenary, but also insatiable. He was like a traditional old aristocrat in movies and TV shows. He always said he focused on family interests, but in fact he was an exquisite person. Egoist.

This old father did not live up to Feilin's expectations. After discovering that Feilin's magic talent had limited room for growth, he decisively stopped all investments. Except for year-end celebrations, he rarely took the initiative to find his son.

Like a mobile game player, he searches for SSR among his many children and then invests resources in cultivating them.

So Feilin's reaction was also very cold. After listening to what the maid conveyed, he just washed up silently, and then asked: "Besides me, is there anyone else?"

The maid looked respectful on the surface: "This is a private meeting. Isn't it natural for the Earl to talk to the child?"

Feilin knew the actual situation well: "Oh? Indeed."

This family lacks the so-called human touch, and even the biological mother is emotionally weak. Because of their longevity and strength, family members have naturally developed a set of rules for respecting the inferior and the inferior in different ways, and ordering the elder and the younger.

The troublesome thing is that because everything is based on magical talent, in this family you can't do anything except become a mage.

Careers are locked, and you can't even do business. Becoming a professional other than a mage is considered embarrassing, so you are not allowed to go out and show your face.

It's rare that under such circumstances, the old father would think of himself as a "half-baked person".

After putting on her shirt, waistcoat and adjusting the cuffs, the maid took a long coat with a single layer shawl from the hanger. Well, even if she was just having breakfast, she had to wear a formal suit and maintain an unnecessary demeanor.

This family has a strange problem. To sum it up simply, it is a bit of a middle school disease. They must pay attention to dress and etiquette at all times. They are more obsessed with appearance than the traditional aristocrats outside. Among them, those with serious illness have already lost their heads and blood. Flow hair can no longer be messed up.

Walking out of the main house and heading to the garden where breakfast is served, there are gorgeous buildings and manicured grass and trees all the way. The power and wealth of this family are among the best in the world, and it is difficult to compete with them.

It took about ten minutes. After Feilin went out, his attendants led the way and found the garden half-guided and half-monitored.

What surprised Feilin was that the old father, who was extremely arrogant and often worried about whether he would come or not, actually arrived early today. One look at the teacup showed that he had been waiting for a while.

Seeing Feilin's appearance, the count's old father took out his pocket watch, and then nodded gently: "At least you are not useless. At least you have some concept of time, which is very good. A regular sleep rhythm can keep the magic power in the body running well, and observing time can keep the magic power. Use its due power. Although it has no talent, it is not corrupted, my child.”

Feilin's heart skipped a beat. It was rare for this man to put on his father's airs. No matter what happened, he would give him a lesson before talking about it. In his mind, this state was considered "lowering". Under normal circumstances, he would neither care about himself nor care about himself. He will criticize himself harshly, but ignore it.

"I just follow my family's motto. Even if I don't have outstanding talents, I will not slack off."

"Okay, let's enjoy breakfast first. I have something to discuss with you later."

discuss? As far as the children are concerned, the old father does not have the word "discussion" in his dictionary. The so-called "discussion" is actually announcing it to you after making a decision, and its function is only to make him feel that it is a discussion.

The servants brought the meal, and the two of them ate quietly. After the meal, the old count's father picked up the tea cup and took a sip, but Feilin felt stressed because he felt that today might be bad.

The earl asked: "Remember that your talent is 'falsehood', right?"

Deceit, seemingly limited to the ability to mask aura and create illusions, is considered incompetent by this family and is ridiculed as a street magic trick.

"That's right." Feilin couldn't help but feel upset, because when the earl first learned that his talent was 'fraud', his eyes were full of disappointment, and then turned to contempt.

Of course, double standards are a basic skill for nobles: "There is no weak magic in this world, only weak wizards. Even the "falsehood" with no combat power can play its due value, so I want you to set off immediately to sneak into the neighboring country Miriam."

Filin asked: "What to do?"

The Earl didn't care whether he would be in danger: "You have to investigate the gathering of witches and find out their purpose. It would be better if you can steal the spellbook of the big witch, although I don't think you can do that."

Filin bowed his head and accepted the order like a subordinate: "Yes, Earl."

The Earl picked up the teacup as if saying goodbye: "You have to stay in Miriam, monitor every move of that rural country, collect local magic information, how they deal with star beasts, how to fight, how to deal with star cores, no Whether it is a witch or other organizations, you can't let go of any clues. The family will give you an allowance based on the intelligence you provide every month. You have to create value for the family, Feilin. "

Felin was relieved. This was actually an exile, just kicking him out: "I will do my best. So when I arrive in Miriam, should I organize my own intelligence network or contact the person in charge there?"

The Earl waved his hand, the light on his fingertips flickered slightly, and took out a letter. He was already impatient, as if being able to speak patiently was a great favor: "You can find a hotel on the most prosperous street in Miriam's capital. The owner is Ma Wen, an excellent intelligence officer in the family. He will teach you what to do, and you can go."

Felin bowed lightly, then left the garden, feeling a little excited.

Perhaps in the eyes of the family, he was exiled to a remote small country. Not only did he lose the generous living resources, but he also lost the growth space of a mage. He was destined to work for the family for life and then do nothing.

What disgusted him even more was that the guy in front of him, who could only be called his father in blood, had created a special imprint in order to control his offspring, controlling the freedom and even life and death of the children, so Filin could not decisively leave this crazy place.

He had endured until today, and he had to find a way to deceive the eyes of this family, tease this arrogant earl, break free from the shackles and get rid of the birdcage.

And now, the opportunity has finally come.

For Filin, it was really thankful to be able to walk out of this cold and violent mansion. Hearing this news, he was already celebrating in his heart.

Then he began to think about the order given by the earl. Because it was a magic family, these arrogant guys would still attach importance to the magic knowledge outside in their hearts even if they did not admit it verbally. They collected spell books and data documents all year round in order to be ahead and sit firmly in the top position of this country.

In addition, it is specialized for combat, collecting more techniques to deal with monsters, which is the star beast mentioned just now.

The beast of the falling star is what people call these monsters in the sky. The son of the current version of this world is worth as valuable as Tang Monk in another world.

About two hundred years ago, a meteor fell into a human city and turned into a terrible monster to destroy it. Some people said it was a punishment from God, some people said it was a punishment from heaven. Even God could do nothing about the existence of the star beast, and the creatures on earth had no choice but to take up arms and fight.

Unlike the monsters in the past, ordinary people were too powerless in front of the star beast. The monster that thousands of troops could not defeat could be killed by heroes alone, so the worship of personal force in this era was pushed to the peak.

After killing the star beast, the material of its corpse was the biggest reward. It could be used to refine magic potions, make weapons, and advance the path. The appearance of the star beast was both a disaster and an opportunity.

This was also the reason why Filin was excluded. His talent was "false deception" and his offensiveness was weak. It was difficult to make up for it by learning other magic. It seemed a bit out of place in the current era of "big ships and big guns".

However, Filin never thought that his ability was weak. After years of training and adjustment, his "falsehood" was a specialization for people. He never won against star beasts, but he never lost in deceiving people. Even now, the old father of the earl regarded him as a defective product with weak magic power. However, even if he did not deliberately disguise himself, his family would not change their opinion of him.

Everything was to leave this family. Even if the relationship could not be completely severed, it would be no problem to let the fish jump and the birds fly in the sea from today.

At noon, under the witness of the sun, Filin sat in the carriage to leave. No one came to see him off, and he was also very satisfied.

At this time, a pigeon slowly landed on the window of the carriage, gently pecked the wooden frame, and then turned into a letter and fell into Filin's hand.

"Dear Sirs:

It's been a long time since we last met. How are you these days?

The sun in the deep winter finally emits a strong and dazzling brilliance. From today on, the severe cold will no longer cover you. My dear brother, I wonder if you feel at ease from the bottom of your heart at this moment... and joy?

I said: I also want freedom.

From the time I was born until now, I have just tried my best to survive. It seems that I have dedicated everything in my life to my family since I came to this world.

But you are different. You are smarter than any of us and now you have successfully escaped from this cage.

I sincerely hope that you can find the life you want. When we meet next time, I hope we can conclude the most solid covenant.

-The only little sister who knows your secret."

Chapter 002 The dead and alive superior

Soon, Feilin found that his new job was a bit tricky.

The tricky reason was not that the boss he had never met would make things difficult for him, but that his boss, Ma Wen, the contact person, general manager, and intelligence officer of the intelligence base in the capital of Miriam, was dead.

Filin had just arrived at the destination and found out the location of the base. He heard that a murder had occurred on the most prosperous street in Miriam's capital. After asking carefully, it turned out that the deceased was Mr. Ma Wen, and the time was exactly two days ago.

This news was a bit sudden, but it was true. After hearing it, Filin thought that someone with the same name and surname had died, but fate did not play a joke on him. His superior was gone inexplicably.

It is said that Mr. Ma Wen, who had experienced many battles, was found dead in the stable behind the inn. His death was extremely tragic. At the same time, several employees of the inn were also dead and injured. The injured had amnesia and were half crazy. Because the cause of death was strange, it was considered a supernatural event. The inn temporarily became a haunted house and was closed. Ma Wen was not married in name and had been alone until now, so the property was reclaimed by the king.

This resulted in Filin having no place to stay now.

Feilin personally went to the inn of the base and saw adventurers coming in and out. It was said that they were looking for the wanted ghosts. There was also a priest performing a purification ritual at the door. It was confirmed that the base was really destroyed.

"You died at this critical moment. Mr. Ma Wen, whom I have never met, you can't just die like this."

Feilin immediately decided to conceal the matter. Reporting Ma Wen's death would bring extra work. Maybe all the new work would be on his head, and even worse, the family would parachute in a new boss.

Time was urgent, so he immediately disguised himself as a newly-started but wealthy landlord's child, and asked around about the murder case with the appearance of a curious baby. It was confirmed that Ma Wen's death was indeed sudden and without any warning. I am afraid that even he himself did not know what happened, and outsiders were even more confused.

After confirming this, Feilin decided to take a gamble.

He first secretly approached the survivors to confirm the identity of the surviving employees and whether they were Ma Wen's subordinates. Then he asked if there was any grudge among them and whether it was a retaliation against the family by other forces.

The former is easy to say, the survivors were easily found, but the mental state is not enough to mention what happened that night. As for the latter, no one knows whether the murderer is a person, let alone the motive. So before finding out the truth, Filin decided to carry out the disguised identity to the end.

Regarding Ma Wen, Filin asked a little before leaving the family, and only knew that he was demoted here as an intelligence officer because of a mistake. He has not made any achievements in so many years, and his presence is very low. He has changed from a vigorous new magician in the family to a person who spends his days drinking.

If the Earl knew that Ma Wen was dead when arranging the task, with his personality, he would only sneer at him with disdain, and then ask Filin to investigate and retaliate against the murderer. He would not take this matter to heart, nor would he care whether Filin succeeded. Of course, if Filin failed, he would inevitably be punished.

Considering the above, Ma Wen cannot die. At least from the perspective of the family, Ma Wen must be intact and alive.

After much inquiry and observation, Filin learned that Mr. Ma Wen died suddenly, and his death was somewhat hasty. Under such a hasty situation, his residence and relics were temporarily preserved quite intact. The local sheriff's brain circuit and perfunctory degree also made Filin feel a little incredible.

Since the case is still under investigation, the sheriff only blocked the crime scene on the surface, but there were almost no guards at night. It seemed that he thought that there was nothing valuable in Ma Wen's residence, so he didn't care. So when Filin sneaked in in the middle of the night, he encountered almost no obstacles. If there was an obstacle, the closed windows of the hotel were more difficult than the sheriff sleeping at the door.

The murder scene was also open to adventurers and the church. The stables at the first scene had been messed up by several waves of people, and other rooms had been searched back and forth several times. I really don’t know if these people are detectives who come to investigate the case, or accomplices who come to help the murderer destroy clues.

However, this hotel itself is of a certain scale, with three floors. After it became a haunted house, people who knew about it were terrified. The original guests naturally ran away, and almost all the rooms were messed up. Now the room was dim and looked even more gloomy and terrifying. Filin couldn't help but sigh that the place where someone had just died was different.

Normally, the murder had happened a few days ago. Ma Wen was a stranger in the local area and had no one to rely on. The sheriff should have collected his personal belongings for investigation, and Filin didn't expect to find anything useful.

Successfully sneaking into Ma Wen's room was just for the purpose of searching since he was here. As a result, it didn't take much effort to find letters in the desk drawer. These letters were roughly letters from far away, but they were actually secret letters from the family.

The content of the secret letter was not complicated. It looked like daily chats, but in fact there were several specific code words in it, which translated into work-related reports. I don't know if these letters were ignored or no one cared about them, and they were still intact in their original places.

Among these letters, Filin pulled out several discarded letters, which seemed to be written by Ma Wen. They were discarded because of the wrong code. They might not be valuable to others, but Filin could understand Ma Wen's language habits from them.

One of the unfinished letters caught Filin's attention. It was recently. He complained about the investigation task arranged by the family. He said that the local witch society was too rude, dangerous and chaotic. He didn't want to get close to those crazy women. Then there was nothing else. This letter would never be completed.

It can be seen that Ma Wen was frustrated. Filin gently put these letters into his arms and went back. After returning, he began to imitate Ma Wen's notes to write letters to the family.

After thinking it over, Feilin told the family in Ma Wen's tone: The movements of the witch society are very secretive, and it is very difficult to investigate. It will take more time.

Because he was not familiar with the actual situation, Feilin paid attention to being concise when writing letters, trying to say less and make fewer mistakes, and sent a letter back to see the family's reaction.

As a result, the family's reaction arc was a bit long. Feilin's intuitive feeling was that this letter fell into the sea. It was two weeks later when he received a reply again, but the content of the reply surprised Feilin a little.

Usually, the family's attitude towards Ma Wen is mostly "Oh, I know", or when applying for funds, it is "next time for sure".

But after Feilin euphemistically expressed the difficulty of investigating witches, the family's reply letter had detailed instructions: In recent years, a large number of witches have been found to appear frequently in the Kingdom of Miriam. The Miriam royal family has also expressed support for the witches and provided financial support. The witches are suspected of creating new magic for star beasts. Even if it is just a rumor, you must investigate which witches have cooperated with the Miriam royal family. This will be the focus of your future work. Now I order you to make achievements within two months, whether it is bribery or buying, and develop downlines among local witches as soon as possible.

There is no code, even though the magic makes the secret letter burn after reading, it is not 100% safe, but you can also see the family's attitude.

They are still as despicable as ever. The family's contempt chain is like a pyramid, from top to bottom, radiating from the center to the periphery.

This group of arrogant middle school magicians in the family fought bravely when facing the beast of the falling star. To put it nicely, they were brave, to put it mildly, they were reckless, to put it bluntly... there is no word "escape" in their dictionary. The actual behavior makes people suspect that they actually have no dictionary in their brains, and the final result also shows that they have no brains at all.

This group of people is not suitable for intelligence. What if they give a death order for such a thing?

However, as the saying goes, you can sit back and relax if you throw your own pot to your subordinates. The family only needs to wait for the results of the intelligence director of the Miriam Kingdom. If Ma Wen and his people don't get the news by the time, it means that Ma Wen and his people are incompetent. What does it matter to the intelligence director thousands of miles away?

Regarding this result, Feilin complained about it but was relieved in his heart. It didn't matter what requirements the family's reply letter put forward. What mattered was that the reply itself was mediocre. The other side really knew nothing about Ma Wen's actual situation.

After much deliberation, Feilin started writing the second reply two weeks later: We have successfully bribed a witch recently. She came here after hearing about the preferential treatment of witches in the Kingdom of Miriam. She was penniless and destitute when she came here. After she came, she was not needed by the royal family, so she felt resentful. We helped her and she is now living in the hotel. She is grateful to us. Taking advantage of this, she is willing to help us approach the local witches. In order to ensure that her identity will not be exposed, all the information she has obtained will be relayed to Master Feilin, who will then use magic to transmit it back to the family. Similarly, when the headquarters needs information about the witches, they can also send the letter directly to Master Feilin, who will be responsible for the single-line contact with the witches.

The intelligence director of the family showed a satisfied smile when he received the reply. In his opinion, the smooth progress of the intelligence work was all due to his urging. The slow progress of the intelligence work before was entirely due to the fact that the people on Ma Wen’s side did not work. For this group of lazy people, it is necessary to issue a death order and set a time limit.

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, Ma Wen's arrangement is reasonable. It seems natural and reasonable to let the young and handsome Feilin approach the witch. Thinking of this, he waved his hand and wrote a letter to Feilin directly, preparing to arrange a new target.

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