Filin has made some exceptions recently, especially since he is quite handsome.

"Uh... I have something serious to do." Filin pointed to the cart in his hand, "I am here to deliver books, free of charge..."

"Is it Fili's order?"

"Of course, this is very important."


"Because the stories in the book are true."


Filin further explained: "The things in the story collection may have been artistically processed, but the general content is authentic. Now we have to help Pandora's good thoughts overcome her evil thoughts."

As an experienced witch, Surad certainly knows that Pandora is a scourge, but she lacks financial resources and strength to target this evil black witch. Now seeing the opportunity, she immediately has the idea of ​​helping the scene.

"Are you collecting faith? No, it's just a similar method." As an insider, Surad found it hard to believe the existence of Pandora, the Witch of Hope, but she chose to believe the decision of the three witches, "Anyway, let all the witches read this book?"

Filin clapped his hands: "Yes, now the story collection will be distributed to the witches first, and then sold at a low price in Miriam. Later, the bards in the city will be hired to sing in the streets and alleys, tavern squares, and then spread the story across the country so that everyone knows Pandora's past. In the end, there is only one purpose. When someone encounters abyss fragments and is harmed by gray fog, praying to Pandora will attract the rescue of Pandora, the Witch of Hope."

Filin named this tactic "The wool comes from the cow, and the pig pays the bill."

If Marian were to do it, Marian would have to be tense at all times, squatting next to the phone, ready to answer the call for help at any time, and find danger coming, which would tire her to death sooner or later.

san yi er ba yi si yi san jiu

But it is different to bind the object of knowing by calling to Pandora. Pandora, the witch of hope, was made by Fili with fragments of the abyss. Under the distortion of deception, calling the name of Pandora of disaster is equivalent to calling the name of Pandora of hope.

Outside the territory of Kalan, the number of abyss fragments is small and the strength is low. Since it is the main venue of the story of Pandora, the deception clone with power blessing can easily fight against it. Pandora herself may not be able to perceive the specific situation, and even if she perceives it, it is out of reach.

In the territory of Kalan, the abyss fragments are originally the power of Pandora's disaster. People who are in danger scream and call Pandora hard. Pandora herself will take a look at the situation and will not care too much. She is originally a person to be killed, but this alone can harass Pandora.

On Fili's side, continue to look for abyss fragments, capture them, and then add the power of the power of change to improve them and make them into deception puppets.

There is still a difference between puppets and clones.

For the time being, Fili only created a false clone of Pandora. Fili will personally play this Pandora when necessary, in case of emergency.

As for puppets, they simply and roughly execute instructions. Fili will let the puppets scatter everywhere. After the false power is formed, they can implement the advent rules set by Fili.

As Fili spread the story collection, the Witch Forest became a book club, and then ordinary people began to hear the story of Pandora. Fili's magic power began to deplete faster, and then entered a state of patient adjustment.

This time, Fili discovered that people who have read the story collection will have a trace of connection with her false power in the dark. This connection was not felt in the previous Bahamut incident, which shows that she has made a lot of progress in her path.

Grasping these mysterious inductions, Fili traced the source and entered the other party's dream when the other party was sleeping at night. It seems that the power of false power is stronger due to the protection of Qingyue.

Due to the long distance and weak connection, Fili's ability to interfere with these dreams is limited. After a little thought, Fili let the Witch of Hope Pandora appear in the other party's dream as a passerby.

Witches often have lucid dreams, and ordinary people also encounter lucid dreams. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Fili further strengthens the impression of Pandora in the dream for readers.

"When you encounter fragments of the abyss and are shrouded in gray fog, call my name and I will appear."

Whenever the dream owner finds the dream, Fili will let this Pandora become an NPC to repeat a sentence. When this idea becomes a rule, the subsequent readers will naturally be affected by Pandora when they come into contact with the power of deception.

For those dreamers, Pandora's incarnation is closer to thinking about it during the day and dreaming about it at night. It is normal to see a good story during the day and dream about it at night, and the dream arranged by Fili is a coincidence.

Most dreamers may not be able to find Pandora as a background board.

In this way, Fili can feel the change of the incarnation of the Witch of Hope Pandora every day, and the consciousness that recognizes Pandora's existence has gradually increased from single digits to hundreds and then to thousands.

The lie of the Witch of Hope Pandora is being accepted, but it will take time.

At present, the identity of the Witch of Hope Pandora is still with Fili.

On Kalan's side, creating the Witch of Hope Pandora is a very dangerous thing. Fili wants to make Pandora famous in this place, but he can't let the real Pandora find out. It's almost like playing with fire, which is equivalent to holding a firecracker in your hand, and pinching the fuse with your hand at the moment of lighting it.

Before the antivirus software of the Witch of Hope Pandora was launched, Fili would occasionally play her a little.

"Anyway, when the troops around us encounter fragments of the abyss, call for 'Pandora the Witch of Hope'." Feili announced the news.

Evelint and the Water Witch were okay, and Serena and Yuelan were able to accept it, but the captain of the Yingjie Mage, Cassiram, was sweating profusely, and he was so sweaty at the time.

Kasiram just wants to live: "It's too dangerous to call that name in this area."

"Pandora the Witch of Hope~Pandora the Witch of Hope—here, that's it." Seeing the excitement, the Water Miko didn't take it too seriously and called out repeatedly in front of everyone.

As a result, of course the real Pandora could not be heard, only the false Pandora fell from the sky.

"This is a false clone we created with the power of Pandora's origin. Within the scope of my domain's influence, calling her name will not be detected now." Feili learned a lesson after being chased by Pandora. , began to distort the origin of the name. At least calling Pandora by her side was calling this deceitful clone.

At the same time, Feili also controlled and hoped that Pandora would nod: "Yes, from now on I will protect our regiment. When the soldiers encounter the abyss fragments, as long as they call my name, I will come instantly."

Feili added to the fire: "This is the safest method I adopted after communicating with many powerful people in the Kalan area. Besides, you have to have confidence in us. Even if Pandora is really attracted, will she dare to cross the front line and reach the rear? ?How many eyes are watching here now."

Kasiram thought for a moment: "That's true. Although she is powerful, her existence has been targeted. She can only plan behind the scenes and dare not walk in the sun."

In fact, it is still possible for Pandora to curse some people to death alone. Feili was waiting for an opportunity to fully explode. When the outside world began to call Pandora's name, but Karan was everywhere asking for Pandora's rescue, Feili really wanted to see this disaster witch. What expression would it be.

The victim asked the murderer for help, and the murderer was probably full of questions.

"So, it's time for our corps to take action." Feili asked the question to Serena.

Because it is a corps headed by a transcendent, it is not very strong. Taking all things into consideration, it is better for Serena to give up filling the meat grinder on the front line and temporarily serve as a guard for the guerrilla corps and the logistics corps.

It’s just a small number of people, so there’s no need to work too hard. Of course, the focus is still on guerrilla warfare.

Serena will take active action when nearby lords send out a signal for help, or when they attack monsters like the Piper.

"Ever since Felin defeated Demon General Anastasia, the Kallan Army moved forward to regain the lost ground, and our regiment's activity area has been around here." Serena was still a little scared, "After that battle, the most disturbing thing was The one who is palpitating is the Dragon of Distortion. A sage asked the dragon clan for help before, but unfortunately both dragons were defeated. This time..."


What a coincidence, when talking about the giant dragon, several people in the room sensed a powerful magic force approaching from the sky. They sensed it more carefully and found that it was the Frost Moon Dragon. This time, it was Carol who gave him gold to refine into many works of art. In exchange Air freight service.

Yes, this dragon didn't care whether the gold stored in it was natural gold. He even agreed with Carol's offer of exchanging refined gold coins for the natural gold coins in his dragon's lair at a ratio of three to one.

Refined gold is also a strange product. It is physically no different from ordinary gold. Ordinary people cannot detect the difference. It just lacks the mystery of natural gold in mysticism.

Anyway, the dragon's gold is only used for storage and not consumption, and he doesn't care at all.

"I am Evana, the Frost Moon Dragon. It seems like this is the second time I am running errands for you, the dust kid." The Frost Moon Dragon was carrying a lot of baggage on its back, and was slowly falling from the sky with a huge container in its claws.

The dragon's flight does not rely solely on its wings. Half of its engines are driven by magic power, so its transportation capacity is amazing.

Serena began to direct the soldiers to unload the goods. Seeing the abundant supplies, the morale of the regiment rose rapidly.

Feili came to Frosty Moon Dragon and said, "Evina, you are still the same as before, talking old-fashioned and showing off your qualifications."

Avina is still waiting to go back to Rolling Gold Mountain: "Humph, the things have been delivered, I should go back."

Feili hurriedly stopped Evana: "Wait a minute, are you interested in making extra money?"

Avina raised her dragon head high and thought for a moment: "Karan is a very dangerous place. My companion has died, and I have no obligation to stay... Therefore, I have to pay more."

Feili observed the strength of Frost Moon Dragon. According to standards, she was a standard godhead with the power of a giant dragon demon. She had been beaten by Bahamut and could not be said to be weak.

"There is a distorted dragon near Karan. Two demons sacrificed the evil products they summoned. As far as I know, the dragon is majestic and cannot be insulted. Are you interested in crusading against the guy who ruined your reputation like this? "


The nature of dragons is still very arrogant. They think that flying dragons with low spirituality are mentally retarded, and they even expel dragon beasts and other existences from dragon membership. They are not even willing to admit that dragon people have dragon blood, and think that dragon people should be merged obediently. Human beings, because of their arrogance, also consciously clean up some evil things that look like dragons.

Even if a demon god who looks like a dragon passes by, their giant dragon will take a bite anyway.

"Okay, let's fight together. Let's take one ton of gold." Evana raised her paw, and a ton of gold in her hands was just for fun. "I will stay nearby for a few days. You can determine the target as soon as possible. You come and pick people, and we will fight together."

Fili hugged her arms: "You have to work harder this time. Don't be completely suppressed like the last time you fought Bahamut."

Evina snorted. During the desperate battle with Bahamut, she had to admit that the strange dragon was powerful, but it was a star beast. If you can't beat the star beast, can you beat the crooked dragon?

After the negotiation, Fili suddenly mentioned Pandora: "By the way, Evina, have you heard the story of Pandora, the Witch of Hope?"



In the center of Kalan, under an unknown abyss, the lava is churning and the air is full of sulfur. Normal creatures can't survive here at all, but a figure is floating in the center of the lava lake.

Pandora, the Witch of Disaster, her body is wrapped in a sphere surrounded by black mist. This darkness gathers into liquid and continuously flows into the magma below.


At this moment, she closed her eyes and frowned slightly, feeling many distant whispers. Many people were chanting her name without scruples. There were many people, with a large number, a wide range, a long distance, and vague intentions.

Indistinctly, she heard the word "hope", and gradually formed a clear induction, and a lot of pity, regret, touching and praise emotions gathered.

"Is it sick?" Pandora's first reaction was that the cult she spread was causing trouble.

Not long ago, a witch named Meidiya worked for her and organized a cult. There are many cult organizations like Meidiya that have changed their skin. Pandora has established such organizations and used people's fear to establish faith, just to mess with humans.

There are still many negative emotions contributed by cult organizations in various places, which have realized the automatic transformation of abyss fragments and are self-sufficient. In the plan, it will gradually spread throughout the world, making the planet restless.

But now, the sudden surge of positive and negative emotions has neutralized, and the two forces have offset each other. Although the number is not large, it is very strange.

She is the bark of the shadow tree of the Pandora people. Who in the industry doesn't know how terrifying she is? How can she have a good reputation for truth, goodness and beauty?

"Is there someone planning a propaganda war to distort history? To eliminate human fear of me? Humph, digging your own grave."

Pandora initially guessed that this was the case. There must be someone outside targeting the fragments of the abyss, and he is a master.

Do you want to cut off human fear of me? Pandora silently spread the field of disaster and contacted those consciousnesses who called her name. Although they were too far away to curse, it was still okay to affect their nightmares.

"Struggle in nightmares!"

So, many people who have read Pandora's story collection began to watch the two Pandoras fighting in their dreams.

Chapter 165 The more the lies are described, the more angry the witch is

Pandora suffered from inertial thinking. She has a relatively clear self-awareness. Because of insufficient intelligence, she feels that the outside world has distorted herself and subconsciously thinks that the enemy is targeting her.

Just after opening the channel between the planet and the moon, someone immediately reported that she violated the rules and destroyed the world.

Now she is spreading the fragments of the abyss. Before she can get out of Kalan and become bigger and stronger, someone comes to snipe at the community she has worked so hard to start.

Thinking of this, a nasty witch popped up in Pandora's mind. She didn't know who it was, because Pandora didn't see the other party clearly in the end. Instead, this witch found the passage on the moon surface, and called her name and mocked her carelessly, and finally let her run away.

"Thinking about it, I think it might be her! Hateful, hateful, and abominable!! Her escape is the biggest stain in my life!!! I will catch her and cut her bones into 139 pieces--!"

Every time she thought of this, Pandora would be so angry that she couldn't sleep. You can imagine how angry she was.

At this time, Feilin and Feili sneezed at the same time.

Pandora didn't expect that she would let the person who blessed her have a nightmare and become a boomerang, which would become a bullet that shot her heart in the future.

The character of "Hope Pandora" needs a lot of magic to feed. Feili used deception to induce the outside world's recognition to provide magic to the deception puppets. This would have taken some time to accumulate, but now, people who just had a little impression of Pandora have started to have nightmares!

Feilin was afraid that people didn't know the threat of Pandora. Now Pandora took the initiative to show her and do evil in dreams.

Because nightmares have the power of disaster, the dreamers feel it very clearly. The evil Pandora left a deep impression on them, but then Hope Pandora appeared, and the two Pans quarreled in the dream, making the plot correspond to the book.

So only one day later, Pandora woke up from meditation, and the effect of the disaster power feedback was not ideal. She suspected that the thoughts of this generation of human beings were not healthy. No one was afraid of her?

"What's the matter? Why did the nightmare warning not only not weaken these effects, but increase them?"

Indeed, the abyss fragments were spread through the power of disaster, making Kalan shrouded in fear. People could not leave the flames at night, feared the darkness, and lost hope in their hearts. But what is the situation outside Kalan?

She suspected that the plan to fight against the fragments of the abyss was a coalition of several theocratic countries. The secular countries did not have such organization. These people affected by the nightmare were all elites. Not only were they not afraid, but they were more determined to fight against her. This made her angry and a little proud. After all, how many people in this world can make the gods of all countries feel like they are facing a great enemy? So Pandora began to calculate with the non-existent enemy as the target, intending to continue to attack the world on the spiritual level and create more terrifying monsters.

But she never expected that someone in this world would write several books in ten days, and they were all excellent scripts, which created a non-existent image for her.

This is not because of the profound literary skills of Feilin, but simply because of the ability of the plagiarist to carry the text, coupled with the polishing and supplement of the two great witches, which perfectly fits people's imagination of witches.

Because of the publicity of the Witch Forest, everyone gradually knew that it was a weapon used to deal with Pandora. The powerful witches spontaneously provided blessings for the false puppets, and ordinary people, after reading the novels produced by the witches, knew about the fragments of the abyss and knew that they could pray to Pandora for help when they encountered danger.

As a result, the residents of Miriam began to behave strangely. Some families frequently went in and out of the nearby temples to ask for some amulets on their bodies, intending to store the faith objects of several gods on their bodies when necessary.

There are true gods in this world. Faith is not something that can be obtained at the last minute. Otherwise, how can we be worthy of others' hard work?

But the merchant didn't care. As luck would have it, a merchant was trying to take a shortcut and was shrouded in gray fog. He met a monster from the abyss fragment. The monster was not strong, but he had no guards around him. When he was chased to a dead end, he could only take out a handful of amulets from his collar and pray one by one. Of course, he was not in the service area of ​​the gods, and there was no response to his prayers.

The ferocious monster forced the merchant into a tree hole, which was just a delay in death. He could already feel the stench coming from the mouth of the monster close at hand.

"Pandora, the witch of hope, please save me!"

Finally, the puppet specialized for the abyss fragment responded to the voice of the prayer.

The abyss monster was about to bite the merchant's throat. The ferocious expression suddenly froze, and then he let out a strange cry and was dragged out of the tree hole by his tail.

There was a terrible collision outside the tree hole, trees broke, rocks cracked, and when the merchant recovered from the fear, the beating outside had not ended, and the sound waves were higher and higher, approaching the merchant's position from time to time.

At the beginning, every time there was a vibration, the merchant subconsciously put his hands in front of him, but after a few consecutive fake moves, the merchant was sure that the monster could no longer hurt him, and then he realized that his bet was right.

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