The third category is the real strong ones. With the above two kinds of resources, coupled with talents, they can steadily become stronger through hard training, develop the power of the path to the extreme, and have both physical fitness and magic power. Just hearing this is related to A strong man's scalp will go numb if he fights against him.

"Most of the demons you meet are of the first or second kind. They were just born earlier than humans and later failed to learn well." The female warrior said frankly, "Although you work hard enough in magic, Enil, your physical fitness is very poor." Damn, I’m not telling you, if you are really dissatisfied with your desires one day, how can you push down the person you like with this little strength?”

Ernier's focus was subconsciously misplaced: "A melon that is forced is not sweet."

The female warrior was completely unaware: "Listen to my sister, if it's not sweet to twist once, then do it twice, three times, four times, five times, or five or six times a day, once every three to five times, and desire can turn into true love."

bump! Soul headbutt! Hearing these words of tiger and wolf, the saint hurriedly knocked the female warrior away.

"Shut up, now I want Enil to become stronger and get rid of her family's bloodline curse. You listen to me. I have a special method that can increase strength in a short time, but you have to pay the price later. The stronger the strength you get, the more power you get." The higher the price you have to pay, but this price can be manipulated. Just use you and the people you love to make a fuss and push the boat along." After the saint finished speaking, she added, "As a second best, there is another way, you. Become a witch."

"Ah?" Enil screamed.

If Feilin was nearby, he would definitely turn around in surprise, looking for a dark sword demon nearby.

"You are bound by your human identity. Change your race while you are still young." The Saint has also thought carefully about it. "Use a special ritual to transform into a witch. The younger you are, the higher the success rate. There is a price. It is yours." The body will not grow from now on.”

Ernier thought of Feili: "This, um... the words of a witch are a bit..."

The saint continued: "Or you can find a true ancestor and ask her to transform you into a blood demon. I think the latter has a greater chance of getting rid of the blood curse."


"Blood Demon, Lich, Chimera... You children are really naive, but there are a few smart people who can realize that the curse of this bloodline affects the soul, breaking seals, distorting cause and effect, and false deaths. So many children In the end, only these few were able to stand in front of me, and I felt somewhat disappointed.”

Count Abiles was writing in his diary. On a whim, he suddenly wanted to write something memorable. Regardless of success or failure, he might never see it again.

He was recording the death of each heir until he suddenly stopped writing when he came to the film.

"Why are there countless branches? Just one person's corpse is enough to describe it as a field full of corpses."

Chapter 168 Crusade against the Crooked Dragon

"I'm talking about Feilin. As an outsider, the number of times you have visited the Witch's Forest this month has already caught up with the total number of outsiders in the past year. Is there anything Feilin can't directly communicate with magic?"

"Ah... Feili must have a deep meaning in doing this."

In the Witch's Forest, Feilin came to report again and sent over the plan against Pandora as usual.

During this period, the film was focused on managing the image of Pandora. The first stage was to let more people know that Pandora's good intentions were active. With the publication of high-quality story collections, publicity has made some progress. Next, it is time to strengthen the power of these puppets. .

Disaster Pandora is a very terrifying existence. Now all the attempts to tie Pandora together are not enough to defeat her. Naturally, we have to be careful. The puppets can only bully some less powerful abyss fragments on a daily basis.

But just like this, Pandora was disgusted enough. Karan was like a box, and Pandora was like a rotten egg. She let the stench from the box spread to the outside, but she didn't know what method was used to remove the stench from the outside.

Feilin carelessly ran around the Witch's Forest just because he was used to it when he was Feili. Recently, he was often caught by the sword witch Surad, and he always felt a little embarrassed: "Speaking of which, why do I feel that you are targeting me?"

Surad always maintained a height of half a meter above the ground, carrying a heavy sword that was taller than himself. He looked quite majestic: "It is said that the Witch's Forest is a relatively private place for us, even if it is a visiting royal family. , I will also inform you in advance and take the high road. It's better for you. I haven't repeated the location where I caught you recently. Do you have plans for one of our witches? Are you worthy of Feili?"

Feilin actually hates people making fun of him and Feili, but Surad seems to have no ill intentions, and he is not angry: "This time I will go to Hecate. You also know the plan against Pandora, which spans space and time. For ultra-long-term operations, any advantageous method should be tried.”

Surad nodded and flew ahead to lead Feilin: "You are not simple either. I think Feili just gave you some suggestions, and you implemented these suggestions. Not only did you draw inferences from one example, but you also did it to the extreme. Even though I know the story of Pandora "This is a fictional story, but I'm still moved by you, this bastard. Please be careful and don't seduce our compatriots."

Feilin had a question mark: "No, what did I do?"

Surad pretended to be serious, but actually peeked at the film from time to time: "I really don't know how you can write a story like Hachiko, a loyal dog. The familiars are so loyal and lovely, how can you let their masters and servants meet such a pitiful ending? "

Feilin felt some of the joy of being a copycat. It turned out that it was quite fun to hand over the good works of his previous life to people in another world. Although he was a porter, he was regarded as the original author, which also gave him a sense of theft.

Do you want to adapt "I'm Not the God of Medicine"? Make Pandora's image fuller?

No, enough is enough, there are two desperate battles waiting for him this year.

Feilin gets a headache when he thinks of Pandora and Earl Tran. They will all appear in Kalan. What will he do then?


Meanwhile Karan.

A few days passed, and Pandora finally discovered that the number of disaster fragments she had spread outside was getting smaller and smaller.

Misfortunes never come singly. Recently, she has been entangled by something nasty again, and this one is even more dangerous.

At first, Pandora discovered that some of the disaster beasts she controlled were growing at abnormal speeds. By observing, it was not how much power these disaster beasts absorbed, but their own time that was accelerated and their growth exceeded expectations.

This was originally a good thing, but behind the good news, Pandora found herself being used as a gun. Someone interfered with her power of disaster and distorted time arbitrarily. This power even disrupted herself.

When she controlled the crooked dragon to cause massacre that day, it caused fluctuations in this power, and time was traced back with her as the center.

She is also a godhead. After being affected by this kind of influence, Pandora did research. After research, she found that there were some non-existent memories in her mind. This memory seemed to have happened in a fantasy in another world. She was talking to an unknown time. The Tu Shenge people engaged in a life and death battle. Both sides did not use their trump cards. The other party committed suicide after fighting for a while.

"Who is this? Who is this?" Pandora was depressed. The last witch who ruined her moon landing plan had not yet been found. Now she encountered a time traveler with difficult talents and completely mysterious abilities.

Then she was relieved again, isn't it the ability to manipulate time? Her path of disaster is to end everything, even the life of the planet can come to an end. For a godhead who only follows the path of time, let his time end in Karan.

"The devil in the story is the target of many heroes' attacks, and I like how they hate me but can't kill me." Pandora enjoys the process of torturing life.

Just like during the massacre of the city, most of the dead exhausted their energy in the gray mist and were eaten alive by monsters.

Pandora takes pleasure in seducing parents and children into killing each other, beguiling good people into corruption, and defeating conspirators' plans, but she won't be happy if she becomes someone else's pawn.

"It's time for the stars to fall."

Pandora thought to herself.

Since there were too many opponents and enemies, Pandora didn't know who to deal with for a while, but people from the outside world would not wait for her.

Feili recently learned the news about the Crooked Dragon's massacre of the city. After confirming the location of the Crooked Dragon, the Corps began to take action.

The main force of Karan's frontline army was temporarily unable to move. Humans and demons summoned creatures to each other to fight crickets every day. After fighting the crickets, they would fight on their own. The demons lost more and won less, and humans gained a slight advantage.

Then came the disgusting part. The natural and man-made disasters caused by Pandora were endless. It was not difficult for humans to defeat the demons, but it was several times more difficult to purify and recover the land. Now the gray fog spreads and fuel consumption is huge.

The frontline advance is difficult, and there are also supply problems in the rear. Just like the emergence of disasters like the Crooked Dragon, the frontline offensive is greatly delayed.

This is when Serena's mobile forces come into play. Special mercenary groups, adventurers and brave men have time and energy to deal with sudden dangers.

"Judging from the last information on the Crooked Dragon, the Crooked Dragon already has the ability to spread gray mist and has special fields. Our main force is the Great Witch, Frost Moon Dragon and two elves. The corps uses magic weapons to conduct long-range artillery fire. It cannot At close range, the soldiers prepared braziers and torches to guard against attacks from summons. In addition, considering the changes in Crooked Dragon's information, we also asked for help from nearby fortresses. "Morgana's mage seems to be the type to do what he does. They were very responsible for their jobs and did not fail to see the performance of the soldiers from remote countries. "This crooked dragon is elusive. Once it attacks, Lord Shuangyue Long must suppress it on the ground as much as possible. You must not let it escape. Two adults." After taking action, I will wait nearby to guard against sneak attacks by other powerful demons."

Feili was a little embarrassed. It wasn't that the mage's tactical arrangements were wrong. It was just that she was a little weak. She was not a true godhead, but she was not weak either.

After coming to Miriam and playing as Philly for a year, the power of deceit has undergone a completely new change. Not only is it involved in the dream world, but it also possesses the lie that created Bahamut. Now it has spread the hope of Pandora. Deception can He has accomplished so many magical things, and he can be protected by Qingyue at night. It is not a bad idea to interfere with the godhood with his heroic strength.

Come on, fight! Cross the crooked dragon in front of you and use it as a stepping stone on the road to becoming a god.

Chapter 169 No one will be kind to the devil

The demon clan is a huge branch. As the times evolve and their bloodlines merge, they gradually merge into "human beings".

Limited by the current era, there is a sadly thick barrier between demons and humans.

There are different races among the demons, among which the demons are a special existence. In the early years, they were all kinds of monsters, all kinds of strange and unshaped, just like the viruses on the planet. In some special periods, they gradually became human-like. The devil that people know today.

Even though they look similar to humans, their thoughts are completely different. Moreover, the blood of demons is dangerous. The offspring of intermarriage with other races have a high probability of reversion to their ancestors, which is almost uncontrollable. Today, the new generation of demons still follow the rules of the prehistoric era.

There are some innate obstacles in the character of demons. As thinking creatures, they also have emotions and fear. In order to seek a way to survive, most demons do things in a paranoid and extreme way, which leads to the current situation in Kalan.

"Don't they know? Kalan's current situation is completely manipulated by others. Pandora uses us as bait, and other demons hide behind us. If it succeeds, Kalan will be smashed to pieces. Mother, I want to take you out of Kalan. First, as a human, it is too dangerous for you to live here. Second, the demon's plan will not succeed. No matter what the outcome of the war is, this land is no longer suitable for survival."

In the center of Kalan, in a town ruled by demons, a young man of mixed demon blood sat by the bed, peeling fruit for a weak woman.

The woman looked blankly out of the window.

There are no humans in this town now, and it is inhabited by various demons.

"Mother, from my personal standpoint, I hope you can survive. I am also half human. Even if you are not strong enough, you are the only one in the world who will protect me. Please live."

This woman was originally the daughter of the lord. Because her family was infiltrated by her father, who was a demon, they got married without knowing it. When the disaster broke out in Kalan, her husband slaughtered the entire family at the banquet, and even she almost died.

In the end, it was this half-blood demon who protected her.

The lord's daughter slowly looked at the half-blood demon clan: "Levi, are you trying to use my human identity to protect you?"

The young man named Levi was silent at first, then cut the fruit into small pieces and handed it to his mother with a bamboo stick. He did not shy away from the question just now and nodded gently: "Yes, there are human armies all around, and it is difficult to get out. In addition, the gray fog spread by the disaster witch will kill us sooner or later if we continue to stay here. I have the blood of the demon in my body, and humans cannot tolerate it, but with your protection, I think I can escape the reckoning."

The lord's daughter closed her eyes: "All demons should die..."

Levi's emotions did not fluctuate: "I understand your feelings, but please allow me to defend myself, mother, I am your only child, please save me. Although I am Demon, but so far I have never hurt humans. Before my father slaughtered the family, I grew up with your education and always thought of myself as a human. In the end, I just want to survive. Only by escaping from Kalan can I have a chance of survival. "

The lord's daughter looked at him again: "Take you away? Then hurt other humans like your father?"

Levi shook his head: "Mother, I am pitiful. In the demon society, I am a hybrid with human blood. To humans, I am a demon with original sin, but from my personal standpoint, I just want to survive. Even now, when I talk to you, I am trying to win your sympathy. Only by awakening your maternal instinct can I provide shelter. To answer your question, I will not hurt people for no reason like my father did. If someone tries to kill me, I will not show mercy. "

The lord's daughter asked: "Why? Don't you hate humans?"

Levi said in a deep voice: "I don't understand, but my mother is a human, I don't know why I hate humans, and secondly, the demons exclude me because of my bloodline, and since I was a child, you, grandpa, and those family servants have been very good to me. Since I can't get recognition from the demons, there is naturally no reason to stay. "

The lord's daughter's eyes have another emotion: "What if I ask you to avenge me? My child?"

Levi sighed: "I can't do it, I don't have that power, and I don't want to be enemies with the demons. If this is the condition you put forward, then I will plan it seriously. "

The lord's daughter took the fruit: " You are so pitiful, my child... You really shouldn't have come to this world. I now have great hatred for you in my heart. "

Levi nodded: "You have been deceived and lost your family. Ethically, you should hate all demons."

The lord's daughter reached out and touched his head again: "Let's run away."

Levi held his mother's hand, his eyes sincere and firm: "As a mother, you are my proof of being a human. Recently, the man followed the witch's suggestion and is driving the crooked dragon to attack the rear of humans. As long as we contact the nearest human army, we will have a chance to escape. "

The crooked dragon has the magic reserve of the dragon race and the strength of the godhood. The only disadvantage is that it has no wisdom and will go berserk if it is not properly controlled. For this reason, the demons have suffered a lot.

Such a dangerous thing is neither suitable for captivity nor for decisive battle weapons. It is unwilling to give up and let humans destroy it easily. The demons want to let it play its residual heat, and Pandora also makes a lot of use of it. She transferred the crooked dragon several times so that it was not easily defeated.

But recently, Pandora shared her power of disaster with the crooked dragon, making it grow into a monster that spreads gray fog, and completely let the mad dog out of the cage to wreak havoc behind humans.

So far, it has achieved initial results.

In order to maximize the destruction, the demons are also cooperating with the crooked dragon to carry out more military operations, preparing to take advantage of the crooked dragon's attack to make more attacks.

However, multi-line operation is a technical job. If you play well, it is a multi-line battle, and if you play badly, it is sending troops on multiple lines. The individual strength of the demons is strong. Relying on their strange talents, two or three people can pose a threat to the human team. They disperse to infiltrate and kill humans.

Of course, they can achieve certain results, but humans are not made of clay.

A few days later, Serena and Chou Feili stood in the middle of a group of demon corpses. She gently wiped the sword and looked coldly at the demon with both arms cut off on the ground.

Serena has been accustomed to the cruelty of demons and has no sympathy for them: "You are the only one left. What will happen if you lose to humans? I believe you have expected it. Don't think about living. Do you want to consider dying more happily, or do you want to experience everything you have done to the Kalan people?"

Demons are extreme egoists. There may be individuals who consider the future of the race, but the demon in front of him is not.

"As long as I tell you, will you let my soul go?"

Fili came over dragging a group of transparent, twisted and kneaded demon souls. She used the power of transformation to imprison the souls of the demons she had just killed, merged them into one, burned them with the fire of red lotus, and controlled the degree to which the souls would not be annihilated, so that they would remain awake and bear the pain together.

Seeing this behavior, the demon felt that the witch in front of him was the real demon. He didn't want to become a weird thing, nor did he want to suffer eternal pain. It was the best choice to die and rest.

Fili raised her hand to guarantee: "I swear to the Wheel of Destiny, as long as you confess the whereabouts of other demons, I will let your soul go."

The demon saw indifference and disdain in Fili's eyes. They, the demons, would definitely die if they met such a big guy.

Just now, all the demons fell into hallucinations and could not resist. Now there are means to torture souls. It should not be difficult to get their secrets. In this case, it is better to take the initiative to confess in exchange for a calm death.

"Our ultimate goal is to manipulate the crooked dragon to attack the Antalen Fortress and pollute the largest granary of the Alliance Army."

"Okay, I get it."

Fili nodded gently, and the soul ball in her hand slowly approached the demon, who couldn't help showing fear.

"I'm telling the truth! We dispersed the attack, there is no tactic, just to divert the attention of humans, the goal is the Antalen Fortress, you swore to the Wheel of Fortune, you can't kill me, otherwise your path will be disturbed."

"Ah, this, I lied."

Isn't it normal for the False Witch to lie?

Chapter 170 Discussion with Hecate, and preparation for the Dragon War

Antalen Fortress, an important granary of the Restoration Army on the northern line of Kalan, connects the entire front line. The demon attempted to manipulate the crooked dragon to attack the fortress. With the blessing of the power of disaster, the crooked dragon can pollute the land even if it crashes into the fortress.

Fili knew that he couldn't let them succeed, and he, a master of double-line micro-manipulation, began to operate.

Fili took Selena to do what she could in Kalan. Since they were leading the troops to attack and suppress the demons, they had to organize defense every time they arrived at a place, so it was difficult for Fili to move.

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